NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports today released the first gameplay trailer for NBA Live 14, which features snippets of gameplay action.

What do you think about the trailer?

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 581 Sundown @ 10/20/13 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack

Maaaannnnnn......I have ****ing seen it all now. We've officially hit rock bottom of this discussion. My man gonna give everybody on the team but Wang credit for the good parts of his holy grail of basketball games and somehow single out just Mike for all the bad that was in the game at the same time. Earth today.

I hope my man Mike is reading this **** and having himself a nice big smile with his heels kicked back looking at his stack of 2K11, 2K12, 2K13, 2K14 CG and 2K14 NG sitting next to his stack of Live 10, errr moving on, ummm okay, ehhh nevermind.
Apparently he smiled, kicked his heels back, quietly lit a victory cigar and clicked "Like".
# 582 Cold_Fries @ 10/20/13 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by Earl1963
Y'all keep complaining that it looks like Live 10, but no complaints that 2k14 looks like 2k10. Whatever, I prefer Live.
Bruh, are you forreal? I think u may have mistaken current gen 2k as being next gen.
# 583 Cold_Fries @ 10/20/13 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown
Remember all that talk about the other game not being good because it'll be a port or because their team is distracted by current-gen?

Remember the talk about how Live would be epic because EA is solely focused on next gen and how next-gen tech makes game development easy and games look magically fantastic?

Remember that?

Strange which one ended up looking next gen, and which one doesn't at all.
Couldn't have said it better.. Some of the ppl on here are making reasonable observations about what's good and what needs to be worked on... And then you have others just speaking nonsense "next gen 2k looks like 2k10" .. Man are u kidding me? Yes I'm a fan of 2k and all but only because they've made great games in the past.. If another company comes along and make a better, simulation of basketball (or any sport for that matter) that is where my money will be spent! As simple as that. I won't defend a messed up product by any company.
# 584 Kashanova @ 10/20/13 09:08 AM
Some trailers build up hype. This trailer definitely killed it.
# 585 La Verite @ 10/20/13 09:44 AM
Can't deny the dribbling tho. Live gives more control and less automation ie 2k.
# 586 nextlevelshhhh @ 10/20/13 10:59 AM
At the end of the day we need to wait and see the actual gameplay to fully judge both games.

However, based on that trailer it's sad to see that live still hasn't dramatically improved in its 4 year absents. I can't see myself going to the store and putting down a full $65 payment for this just to have a "different" experience then 2K. When clearly 2K might be the better product.

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# 587 nick_sr @ 10/20/13 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by noshun
your arguments are so flawed. since you have reading comprehension issues. I wrote:

Im still waiting for you to point out where I called you a homer. Point it out.. I'll wait. Homerism promotes stagnation, which is a play on your flawed hates pollutes the mind rhetoric. clearly you are slow to catch on. Its obvious you felt what i said, & took it to heart. Thats on you.

You dont know what to hate and dang sure dont list it for devs to see so, really how can you say people hate the trailer.. Were all clearly basketball fans so we point out what we dont like and like hoping these things get fixed. you have trouble doing so.

then you make up bs to supports your points.. congrats you bought 2k games before unfortunately this is the live forums, so why do you bring up that game in this forum?.. get a blank piece of paper and write "2k games i bought at the top" of the paper, on the left side list those games, and then place some gold stars next to those games. at the bottom of the page write "I'm proud of myself" and then go hang that paper on your fridge somewhere and pat yourself on the back. kudos to you Nick.. truely.

Sirs does this apply to the 1 year change in control from Live 10 to Elite as well? Or the next change Live devs were going to implement from Elite to Live 13 also? what about Lives 13 control changes to whats now in Live 14.. thats 1 year too, correct me if im wrong.

Wait... isnt this a hypocritical statement? thats a 1 year change in controls, which you said was bad in the other statement i quoted and now its flip flopped for this one.. which is it? you said it doent feel good to you, nothing wrong with that..

who said it was a crime to Like live? No one has a problem with that here.. atleast I dont.. feel free to like it, knock yourself out... throw a parade.

did you ever stop to think we're basketball fans, regardless of Live or 2k.. people disliked aspects of the trailer and pointed them out. or are they supposed to go into the other forum, and say they dislike Live trailer. Or are we supposed to talk about Live in the Live forum? Are you catching on, or shall I space the words out so you can understand them a little better ?

Man you cant like/dislike anything without these staunch Live Defender Force guys patrolling, and when they dont have a rebutall or act like filet they pull a Kanye on Taylor Swift..

I hope these defenders buy 5 copies of the game each, becuase if this game sells less than Live 10, it could be a 1 and done. EA spent so much money since Elite 11, basically their basketball games are a moneydump...

lol, you're a funny guy. again, I don't care if ppl like or dislike the trailer, I take issue with ppl who assume the game is going to suck.
# 588 iverson_2k @ 10/20/13 12:26 PM
I don't expect to be buying an EA sports game this generation. I'll consider UFC only because it looks like a TRUE NEXT-GEN game and has great physics. That E3 reveal was amazing and they still have till May to release it. I haven't played madden since 05 b/c it has been garbage ever since. I won't start playing football games till 2K gets the license back.
# 589 seanhazz1 @ 10/20/13 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by La Verite
Can't deny the dribbling tho. Live gives more control and less automation ie 2k.
This has been always the case. I am getting both, because the guys I like to play with are getting both.

Live's players have always controlled better than 2K's players. Some say its too "arcady", but you won't see Dwight Howard, Lebron, or any other 'signature skilled' players leaping from 15-20 feet away to block you at the rim, when you're faster PG is already there on a fast break, like I see now in 2K (try it in game). There is no "gimmick" to help you stick to your opponent on defense in LIVE. Real basketball is positioning and execution. Signature skills broke 2k online (who needs an over the top 4th quarter trait) to the point you won't see weaker teams player a lot online.

I am tired of it (2K) only looking better than LIVE at this point. Thats the only comparison the detractors have at this point, and they are running with it like they work for 2K. Their (2K's) online servers have always sucked, online leagues constantly freezing, locking players out, deleting themselves, and a host of other network issues that are recurring, and thats when the server is up.

They gave us a shiny bone with a half a$$ed FIBA (Live 10 had 24 teams vs. 16 for 2K)not done properly and regressing the idea (Think FIBA with the level of FIFA support), current gen gameplay always felt sluggish unless you play at warp speed, the correct rosters are never right for online play, their"introduction" of ball physics this year is sloppy, and reminds me of Madden locomotion last year with players bouncing off each other after the play was dead,.... and every player model is a superhero (Nerlens Noel with muscles like LeBron). People obviously keep forgetting that flavor of Kool-aid or just have been conditioned to prefer it.

If it LIVE performs in the least like current gen, NCAA football, Madden, or FIFA (they all use locomotion engine) then 2K should be wary. They are relying on the masses who gravitated and drank the Kool-aid during LIVE's absence, and liked the pretty colors and uniforms and sneakers.

I'm sure that Live/2K battle is going to be in full effect after this season, and 2k will be forced to change...for the better and not just graphically or introducing things that should be standard years ago, as "new". All of these features were in LIVE 10, not including daily roster up****** (Synergy Sports), "MYPLAYER" type leagues. Competition in software development always brings out the best in each competitor. I'm sure 2k will always look nice, and attract the masses of superhero fans.

I'm mad at LIVE too for standing us up too many times, but this time, I'm actually going to hold a 'Competition' and decide from there. Mike
Wang went to 2k and took his 'ideas' with him to 2K so now you see 2K doing some LIVE stuff.

I can't wait to hear Steve Kerr and Marv Albert again, if they are in!

Lastly, 'we're talking about trailers, not promised 5-on-5 game-play , not 5-on-5 gameplay, but trailers, not 5-on 5 game-play that we all want, but trailers....'
# 590 Sundown @ 10/20/13 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by seanhazz1
I can't wait to hear Steve Kerr and Marv Albert again, if they are in!
Psst. Steve Kerr works for 2K now. And he's fantastic. I've always thought so even when he was at Live.

I also think its silly to judge brands on who had what feature first. I'm not buying a brand. I'm buying a product and I'll buy and play the best product possible. If Live is better overall in the aspects important to me, then that's the product I'll choose. It's not drinking kool-aid to evaluate and enjoy 2k for its merits, flaws and all.

That makes a lot more sense to me than self-identifying with a brand and waiting vainly on promises and hopes alone personally. :P It's also a lot more fun.
# 591 Sundown @ 10/20/13 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
lol, you're a funny guy. again, I don't care if ppl like or dislike the trailer, I take issue with ppl who assume the game is going to suck.
Do you assume the game is going to be good?

The whole *point* of the trailer is to convince them the game will be good. Why can't they use their own judgement to conclude otherwise?
# 592 verbalhologram @ 10/20/13 04:34 PM
Just out of interest have they announced who the commentary team are this year? Im not sure if this has been talked about yet?
# 593 nick_sr @ 10/20/13 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by verbalhologram
Just out of interest have they announced who the commentary team are this year? Im not sure if this has been talked about yet?
most likey breen and van gundy. they did they had a special surprise tho lol. wouldn't mind the option to pick tirico and brown.
# 594 nick_sr @ 10/20/13 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by royounggoku
Why? Isn't that their opinion? You can't be saying that you don't think they deserve the right to that opinion.

Remember hate pollutes the mind.
never said that tho. not going to get into this back and forth with you guys. not a female
# 595 23 @ 10/20/13 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
lol, you're a funny guy. again, I don't care if ppl like or dislike the trailer, I take issue with ppl who assume the game is going to suck.

This is hilarious considering the Devs compared this year's game to the Cleveland Cavs and how an ea executive said it's not ready for prime time competition.

There are no assumptions considering that plus what we've seen so far.

I know you don't care but you're seriously not helping the point you're trying to make. .

Galaxy Note 2
# 596 nick_sr @ 10/20/13 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by seanhazz1
This has been always the case. I am getting both, because the guys I like to play with are getting both.

Live's players have always controlled better than 2K's players. Some say its too "arcady", but you won't see Dwight Howard, Lebron, or any other 'signature skilled' players leaping from 15-20 feet away to block you at the rim, when you're faster PG is already there on a fast break, like I see now in 2K (try it in game). There is no "gimmick" to help you stick to your opponent on defense in LIVE. Real basketball is positioning and execution. Signature skills broke 2k online (who needs an over the top 4th quarter trait) to the point you won't see weaker teams player a lot online.

I am tired of it (2K) only looking better than LIVE at this point. Thats the only comparison the detractors have at this point, and they are running with it like they work for 2K. Their (2K's) online servers have always sucked, online leagues constantly freezing, locking players out, deleting themselves, and a host of other network issues that are recurring, and thats when the server is up.

They gave us a shiny bone with a half a$$ed FIBA (Live 10 had 24 teams vs. 16 for 2K)not done properly and regressing the idea (Think FIBA with the level of FIFA support), current gen gameplay always felt sluggish unless you play at warp speed, the correct rosters are never right for online play, their"introduction" of ball physics this year is sloppy, and reminds me of Madden locomotion last year with players bouncing off each other after the play was dead,.... and every player model is a superhero (Nerlens Noel with muscles like LeBron). People obviously keep forgetting that flavor of Kool-aid or just have been conditioned to prefer it.

If it LIVE performs in the least like current gen, NCAA football, Madden, or FIFA (they all use locomotion engine) then 2K should be wary. They are relying on the masses who gravitated and drank the Kool-aid during LIVE's absence, and liked the pretty colors and uniforms and sneakers.

I'm sure that Live/2K battle is going to be in full effect after this season, and 2k will be forced to change...for the better and not just graphically or introducing things that should be standard years ago, as "new". All of these features were in LIVE 10, not including daily roster up****** (Synergy Sports), "MYPLAYER" type leagues. Competition in software development always brings out the best in each competitor. I'm sure 2k will always look nice, and attract the masses of superhero fans.

I'm mad at LIVE too for standing us up too many times, but this time, I'm actually going to hold a 'Competition' and decide from there. Mike
Wang went to 2k and took his 'ideas' with him to 2K so now you see 2K doing some LIVE stuff.

I can't wait to hear Steve Kerr and Marv Albert again, if they are in!

Lastly, 'we're talking about trailers, not promised 5-on-5 game-play , not 5-on-5 gameplay, but trailers, not 5-on 5 game-play that we all want, but trailers....'
much respect for this post. pretty sure some ppl will attack you for it tho
# 597 23 @ 10/20/13 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
much respect for this post. pretty sure some ppl will attack you for it tho

Its time for your trolling to stop. You are repeating the same thing over and again and it's without warrant.

This is a warning to you. If you can't handle a different opinion especially when I see tons of posts explaining why people feel the way they do... maybe you shouldn't respond to them.

Continually calling people haters and attackers as a response is trolling and it needs to stop.

Galaxy Note 2
# 598 worstsportsgamer1977 @ 10/20/13 07:06 PM
graphically i did not have a problem with this trailer. now if you want to compare it to the 2k trailer(which most of us did). its not even close to the intensity of the trailer. now with that said. i dont like that there just putting out this trailer like they have been making basketball games year after year. all i wanted to see was a small demonstration of the game in play. side view 5 on 5 basketball. i would have been happy with 1 v 1 for that matter.

it may be early in this battle for basketball supremacy, but if i were waiting to make a pre order on the next hoops game, there is no way in the world i am going to pick live over the 2k trailer. even if i never played either game series. they need to get live gameplay footage out soon.

like i keep saying, does EA have faith in this product?
# 599 TheHypeMachine6 @ 10/20/13 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by royounggoku
Because despite how much people like to preach about being biased and and not respecting others opinions on here what it really comes down to is that people don't like the game that they do and it makes them feel bad so they start throwing tantrums about the "current state of OS being unfair to Live fans".

Do me a favor and look at the like/dislike bar on that NBA Live trailer. Is all of Youtube biased too?

I watched the Live trailer on YouTube and also noticed the total dislike for the trailer, something so one sided has to be a concern to EA Sports that the game hasn't been received by the sports gaming community, although they had to know the critics/doubters were waiting for them.
# 600 TheHypeMachine6 @ 10/20/13 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by worstsportsgamer1977
graphically i did not have a problem with this trailer. now if you want to compare it to the 2k trailer(which most of us did). its not even close to the intensity of the trailer. now with that said. i dont like that there just putting out this trailer like they have been making basketball games year after year. all i wanted to see was a small demonstration of the game in play. side view 5 on 5 basketball. i would have been happy with 1 v 1 for that matter.

it may be early in this battle for basketball supremacy, but if i were waiting to make a pre order on the next hoops game, there is no way in the world i am going to pick live over the 2k trailer. even if i never played either game series. they need to get live gameplay footage out soon.

like i keep saying, does EA have faith in this product?
EA has to back this product, it's their big comeback into NBA basketball genre, and I like you just wanted to see a demo of Live 14, that might not have been scrutinised quite as bad as the trailer did

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