NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports today released the first gameplay trailer for NBA Live 14, which features snippets of gameplay action.

What do you think about the trailer?

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 641 King_B_Mack @ 10/21/13 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by iverson_2k
Knowing EA we will have to wait till Friday to get any new trailers or updates. EA make this game 19.99 like NFL 2K5 was and you definitely take some market share away from 2K. Only problem is making up the development costs when you sell the game for a 1/3 of the price.
EA would never do that. They're too afraid of karma coming back around on them and the NBA conspiring with 2K for an exclusive license if they undercut that drastically.
# 642 yungflo @ 10/21/13 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by iverson_2k
Knowing EA we will have to wait till Friday to get any new trailers or updates. EA make this game 19.99 like NFL 2K5 was and you definitely take some market share away from 2K. Only problem is making up the development costs when you sell the game for a 1/3 of the price.
I forgot where I read this, but the nba requires all disc based games to be 59.99 MSRP. That's why nba live 13 was to be network only game s they could reduce the price. When NBA Jam was released on disc and they added more features to make it 59.99
# 643 justiss282 @ 10/22/13 12:02 AM
My first thoughts were why is everyone so skinny and wearing short shorts?
# 644 Behindshadows @ 10/22/13 03:10 AM
In the correct thread now....

So let's compare the Graphics in the Trailer to Live 10 Graphics and see why we complain....

Steve Nash

Derrick Rose

Carmelo Anthony

# 645 jreezy18 @ 10/22/13 04:38 AM
I heard next-gen games were going to be $70 dollars. If that is going to be the price of games going forward, this game shouldn't be one of them. This is PS3/360 quality.
# 646 yungflo @ 10/22/13 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by jreezy18
I heard next-gen games were going to be $70 dollars. If that is going to be the price of games going forward, this game shouldn't be one of them. This is PS3/360 quality.
false. its remaining 60
# 647 RayRay34 @ 10/22/13 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by GisherJohn24
Let me ask you all this, if this game is fun and plays like Live 10 at all would you consider it? For me, just give me classic Live gameplay, and solid online, I think I'd be satisfied.
I would but its going to need something extra that appeals to me to pull me in. Either FIBA like Live 10 or classic teams. Otherwise I'll just pick Live 10 back up for 5 bucks.... because it basically looks like the same game
# 648 stlpimpmonsta @ 10/22/13 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
In the correct thread now....

So let's compare the Graphics in the Trailer to Live 10 Graphics and see why we complain....

Steve Nash

Derrick Rose

Carmelo Anthony

umm while the game doesnt look that great it looks waaaay better than this. Damn i forgot these people bathed in vegetable oil in Live.
# 649 GisherJohn24 @ 10/22/13 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by justiss282
My first thoughts were why is everyone so skinny and wearing short shorts?
Being skinny is a Live trademark . Shorts look fine
# 650 RayDog253 @ 10/22/13 02:39 PM
Is this Live 14 replicated in real life? Haha. 😉


He got them handles with all the ice skating lol.
# 651 King_B_Mack @ 10/22/13 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by RayDog253
Is this Live 14 replicated in real life? Haha. 😉


He got them handles with all the ice skating lol.
He holding the hell out of that turbo button though. He gon tire himself out just from dribbling.
# 652 23 @ 10/22/13 03:17 PM
Looks like a fool out there, the defender is just taking a break watching him because he aint going nowhere with that trash.
# 653 RayDog253 @ 10/22/13 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
He holding the hell out of that turbo button though. He gon tire himself out just from dribbling.
Hahaha.... Lol. Bounce tek though.

And sorry for going O T but this is just too funny.
# 654 Gosens6 @ 10/22/13 03:49 PM
Hahaha damn i'm dying from that Vine. Is this the guy EA hired for Mo-Cap?
# 655 yungflo @ 10/22/13 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by RayDog253
Is this Live 14 replicated in real life? Haha. 😉


He got them handles with all the ice skating lol.
real time physics
# 656 GisherJohn24 @ 10/23/13 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by royounggoku
Not a good thing
Opinion. I never minded. I thought Live 10 looked amazing at the time
# 657 GisherJohn24 @ 10/23/13 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by royounggoku
So like were you disappointed when you saw how realistic the vids looked at E3?
Nash looks bad. , no doubt. But I haven't seen enough gameplay to say the rest of the game is bad. Graphics are good enough for what I've seen. Now I just want competent gameplay
# 658 Arizito Sports @ 10/24/13 01:41 AM
I'm glad to see the MSG logo back at the Garden..
# 659 Boilerbuzz @ 10/26/13 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by GisherJohn24
Nash looks bad. , no doubt. But I haven't seen enough gameplay to say the rest of the game is bad. Graphics are good enough for what I've seen. Now I just want competent gameplay
I think he's just asking for consistency. If the graphics look good, they matter. If they look bad, they don't matter. That's seems to be the theme. Which is it?

Or, maybe I'm the one misinterpreting things.

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