NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports today released the first gameplay trailer for NBA Live 14, which features snippets of gameplay action.

What do you think about the trailer?

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 601 23 @ 10/20/13 09:47 PM
Just fyi I doubt there will be a demo guys

Galaxy Note 2
# 602 King_B_Mack @ 10/20/13 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Just fyi I doubt there will be a demo guys

Galaxy Note 2
They won't make one, no. Aren't you supposed to be able to demo every game though before you buy them? Like some kind of free trial or something with the new systems?
# 603 Championships @ 10/20/13 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Just fyi I doubt there will be a demo guys

Galaxy Note 2
Release date isn't too far away from launch, downloading the demo would be a waste of space.
# 604 King_B_Mack @ 10/20/13 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Championships
Release date isn't too far away from launch, downloading the demo would be a waste of space.
If you want to test the game before you buy it I would say that's inaccurate statement.
# 605 23 @ 10/20/13 10:40 PM
No I think it was said somewhere back that there wouldnt be a demo

Im not sure either game will have one...this one especially coming out late too
# 606 King_B_Mack @ 10/20/13 10:59 PM
No, no 23, not that I mean.

What I meant, was I thought one of the features for the next gen systems or at least the PS4 for sure is that they said you can demo every game on the system for a period of time. So 2K and EA wouldn't have to actually make a demo version for the game. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong or not remembering right lol.
# 607 23 @ 10/20/13 11:01 PM
Yeah I know... i think this has something to do with it being launch games or something. I wish I could find what im talking about, but I could be wrong.
# 608 TheHypeMachine6 @ 10/20/13 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Just fyi I doubt there will be a demo guys

Galaxy Note 2
sorry my previous post was not completely clear, I was hoping instead of a trailer we might have got some 5 on 5 gameplay similar to Ronnie & LD2K for 2K14, even just someone running around in the halfcourt, shooting jumpers, showing us some dribbling moves, share with us EA what you have been working on for 2 years, IMO that would have set a more positive outlook for the next month before the game is released
# 609 23 @ 10/21/13 12:06 AM
I understand, makes sense.
# 610 wisdom @ 10/21/13 12:49 AM
look like live 10 oh my god ~So they spend three years to make this crab? for what?
# 611 whoahello @ 10/21/13 02:21 AM
At least all the kids can now go back to Live.
# 612 Guard-ian @ 10/21/13 05:29 AM
Enough hating on this game (trailer)... We don't know yet how it will be from a gameplay (simulation) standpoint (hopefully it will surprise all of us).

I don't think it is easy to be as disgusting as 2k14 in online ranked and myteam games, so... wait and see mode for me.

I will have both games and I am not sure which one I will play the more online...

Cheers! ;-)
# 613 seanhazz1 @ 10/21/13 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by iverson_2k
If you look at the 2K14 trailer it has over 9,300 likes and ONLY 180 dislikes. I REPEAT only 180 dislikes of the 450,000 people who viewed it. 2K please find some money under the couch and get the licence to the NCAA and NFL & NFLPA. EA has no idea what they are doing. "EA SPORTS, It's in the GRAVE" LOL
So by simple math (9300/450,000= 2%) even the 2K14 trailer 'viewers' are tired of the same ol shiznit, since only 2% of the total viewers (by those numbers) liked the video. The other 98% ran out of Kool-aid. Maybe people WANT a glitch free online experience in the digital age, and realized that you can only improve graphics so much. (Yes, I agree 2K14 looks nice in HD, as does GTA V, but the majority of the masses don't have a top of the line HDTV, but I'd bet most have a stable internet connection for everything not named NBA2k14, ....or GTA V for that matter.

We can do and learn almost everything on the internet these days, except play ONE lag free, glitch free NBA2k14 game mode online.

Bring on competition and see the changes for the better...of course starting next year.

Save some of the Kool-aid for me though, because if LIVE Flops my copy will be returned too, but we will have our "competition" next year, and at least its back.
# 614 GisherJohn24 @ 10/21/13 08:13 AM
Let me ask you all this, if this game is fun and plays like Live 10 at all would you consider it? For me, just give me classic Live gameplay, and solid online, I think I'd be satisfied.
# 615 GisherJohn24 @ 10/21/13 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by seanhazz1
So by simple math (9300/450,000= 2%) even the 2K14 trailer 'viewers' are tired of the same ol shiznit, since only 2% of the total viewers (by those numbers) liked the video. The other 98% ran out of Kool-aid. Maybe people WANT a glitch free online experience in the digital age, and realized that you can only improve graphics so much. (Yes, I agree 2K14 looks nice in HD, as does GTA V, but the majority of the masses don't have a top of the line HDTV, but I'd bet most have a stable internet connection for everything not named NBA2k14, ....or GTA V for that matter.

We can do and learn almost everything on the internet these days, except play ONE lag free, glitch free NBA2k14 game mode online.

Bring on competition and see the changes for the better...of course starting next year.

Save some of the Kool-aid for me though, because if LIVE Flops my copy will be returned too, but we will have our "competition" next year, and at least its back.
Good thoughts here
# 616 GisherJohn24 @ 10/21/13 08:16 AM

EA online > 2k's online

2k suffers and loses in this dept. fair enough?
# 617 nextlevelshhhh @ 10/21/13 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by Guard-ian
Enough hating on this game (trailer)... We don't know yet how it will be from a gameplay (simulation) standpoint (hopefully it will surprise all of us).

I don't think it is easy to be as disgusting as 2k14 in online ranked and myteam games, so... wait and see mode for me.

I will have both games and I am not sure which one I will play the more online...

Cheers! ;-)

Simulation......nothing in that trailer would have anyone believe Live will be a "sim" game. That's not to say that it won't be fun but it definitely will not be a sim game.
# 618 King_B_Mack @ 10/21/13 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by GisherJohn24

EA online > 2k's online

2k suffers and loses in this dept. fair enough?
Historically means the past. Past was used, does not count.

Again though, seriously. Can we stop talking about 2K and discuss Live?
# 619 AusBot @ 10/21/13 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by seanhazz1
So by simple math (9300/450,000= 2%) even the 2K14 trailer 'viewers' are tired of the same ol shiznit, since only 2% of the total viewers (by those numbers) liked the video. The other 98% ran out of Kool-aid.
And only about 2% of voters on the live video. Probably on par with how many people could be bothered voting on average on YouTube. Your argument is pointless, ridiculous and idiotic. Simpleton.
# 620 jtmoneyb4u @ 10/21/13 09:13 AM
Nash looks like Justin Bieber LMAO

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