The Madden NFL 12 demo is available now. Please play a few games and post your impressions here. For now, just search under "M" in the demos section or games section. It weights in at 1.53 GB.
Agreed. There are a lot of variables that come into play when you're trying to get realistic total plays per game. As you mentioned, the way gamers play is the main difference. I usually let the play clock tick down to 5 or 10 seconds left on almost every snap (unless in "hurry up", of course). I audible if I see the need and I make pre-snap adjustments accordingly. I've played against other who only use 3-4 seconds of the play clock total that just run with what ever play they call and never even put a WR in motion or nothing. Obviously, those who choose to play that way will get more offensive snaps that me. Especially, if the play the computer. Which throws in a whole new set of problems because from what I remember the CPU doesn't use the play clock or make any adjustments either.
Point is, just like with sliders, what is perfect for one person may be complete different for another person. Everybody's just has to basically figure out what's best for them.
Right for example I play at a much slower pace, so I think I played 10 minutes with a 15 second run off, to get the right number of plays.
I think in this case stats can lie. As I said earlier play style and play calling style can certainly and do certainly skew a lot of statistics.
For example I was playing online the other day, and I was flushed from the pocket, I had no real play so I threw the ball away. The guy I was playing said "wow, that's the first time anyone has ever done that" Now honestly what percentage of most players do you think would have attempted to force a pass down the field? 95%, 100%? 3 or 4 plays like that, and stats certainly are out of whack.
That doesn't skew anything. The game should spit out realistic outcomes and data for the input variables. You being flushed out the pocket and throwing the ball away is a realistic outcome for the situation. Someone else deciding to force a bad pass, if it turns out to be incomplete would also be a realistic outcome.
Stats only become out of whack when the game doesn't produce realistic outcomes from user variables.
That doesn't skew anything. The game should spit out realistic outcomes and data for the input variables. You being flushed out the pocket and throwing the ball away is a realistic outcome for the situation. Someone else deciding to force a bad pass, if it turns out to be incomplete would also be a realistic outcome.
Stats only become out of whack when the game doesn't produce realistic outcomes from user variables.
I disagree. User variables certainly will skew stats. That's one of the first things the lead ai programmer for 2k5 told me. He's dead on.
That logic makes no sense. If you want a game to be "realistic" and for whatever reason you can't run the ball due to skill level, shouldn't you be able to tweak it to achieve that "realism" you want to achieve.
It seems like people want it both ways here.
You can't say for whatever reason. If the running game is properly replicated but someone is bad at it because they can't follow blocks, practice patience, etc. Tough cookies. Nerfing the defense so it's easy for you to run doesn't make the game more realistic.
You can't say for whatever reason. If the running game is properly replicated but someone is bad at it because they can't follow blocks, practice patience, etc. Tough cookies. Nerfing the defense so it's easy for you to run doesn't make the game more realistic.
Sure it does, if statistical accuracy is their end game. Which for some folks it is.
Again everyone's perception of reality is quite different as is what they are looking for in making up that reality.
I disagree. User variables certainly will skew stats. That's one of the first things the lead ai programmer for 2k5 told me. He's dead on.
It depends on how you're looking at. Obviously you get user vs user the game is never going to play out exactly how it would in real life, in terms of the score, rush attempts, who's thrown to, etc. As it shouldn't.
If someone wants to pass the ball 50 times a game, that's their right to do so. It doesn't happen often in real life, so in that sense the stats are skewed. But, what I'm talking about is the game simply producing a realistic outcome from that user variable. So if someone does throw 50 times in a game, theoretically what should happen. That's what the game needs to get right.
It depends on how you're looking at. Obviously you get user vs user the game is never going to play out exactly how it would in real life, in terms of the score, rush attempts, who's thrown to, etc. As it shouldn't.
If someone wants to pass the ball 50 times a game, that's their right to do so. It doesn't happen often in real life, so in that sense the stats are skewed. But, what I'm talking about is the game simply producing a realistic outcome from that user variable. So if someone does throw 50 times in a game, theoretically what should happen. That's what the game needs to get right.
But it depends on those 50 passes. Are they forcing the ball down the field. Are they throwing checkdowns. How are they playing.
If some guys throws 50 passes, all of them down the field and not where coverage dictates and he goes 12/50 for 275 yards and 6 picks with Peyton Manning, he's probably going to claim the game is unrealistic, despite the fact it was his own doing.
User interaction certainly has an affect on realism. There's no way around that.
But it depends on those 50 passes. Are they forcing the ball down the field. Are they throwing checkdowns. How are they playing.
If some guys throws 50 passes, all of them down the field and not where coverage dictates and he goes 12/50 for 275 yards and 6 picks with Peyton Manning, he's probably going to claim the game is unrealistic, despite the fact it was his own doing.
User interaction certainly has an affect on realism. There's no way around that.
From a statistical perspective that wouldn't look right. From an outcome perspective that's absolutely realistic. That's why I'm trying to separate the two, they're different. You can't control how a user plays, but you can control how successful his tactics can be, and base that against what would or should happen in real life. Your example is perfect in that if Manning did play that way, that's exactly what would happen.
Doesn't explain the CPU doing the exact same thing and getting the same stats. That's not user control. Remember, you as the user only control ONE person at a time and only on ONE team.
EA needs to implement some new catching animations....Last play of the game i throw up a hail mary with receivers on one side. The ball goes sailing down and my receivers and 3 DBs all start to bunch up 50 yards away while still running. 4of the 6 proceed to go into the exact same catching animation at the same time. It was UGLY. They have only had what5 years this gen to add in some new animations
I feel the same way so I'll chime in too. Better everything. Zone defense is better, man defense is better, smaller windows, quicker pass rush, less exploits in the passing game, more difficult game overall, tackling is slightly better, movement is slightly better, overall just has a more methodical feel to it.
The user has input on only one player at at time. He only has so much control. If you are on defense, you don't control the offense at all. Plus you don't have control over the other 10 guys on defense. If your controlling the MLB, you're not controlling your LE or any other position. The rest of your 10 players should play realistically. If your playing your MLB and the CPU is doing a pass play, your DB's should react in a realistic manner and the outcome of the play should be realistic, and the outcome of the sum of the plays in a game should be realistic.
Really the CPU should play up to a certain level. Better than a user could control someone. It should be up to the user to try and play up to that level when they take control of a player. A CPU vs CPU game should provide very accurate results. It should be the users challenge to be able to play up to how good the CPU would have performed (when the user takes control of a position).
Right now, taking control, you almost guaranteed to be able to play better than the CPU. So you have a lot of control to skew stats.
Again I don't see your point. For me taking control of a player on defense certainly is not better than the CPU. But that's my skill level.
The user has input on only one player at at time. He only has so much control. If you are on defense, you don't control the offense at all. Plus you don't have control over the other 10 guys on defense. If your controlling the MLB, you're not controlling your LE or any other position. The rest of your 10 players should play realistically. If your playing your MLB and the CPU is doing a pass play, your DB's should react in a realistic manner and the outcome of the play should be realistic, and the outcome of the sum of the plays in a game should be realistic.
Really the CPU should play up to a certain level. Better than a user could control someone. It should be up to the user to try and play up to that level when they take control of a player. A CPU vs CPU game should provide very accurate results. It should be the users challenge to be able to play up to how good the CPU would have performed (when the user takes control of a position).
Right now, taking control, you almost guaranteed to be able to play better than the CPU. So you have a lot of control to skew stats.
if you want realistic just stay away from the video game world and watch the actual games on tv
In terms of gameplay on the field Madden does nothing for me & doesn't really separate itself from NCAA other than the teams, stadiums & unis. Graphics are slightly better but thats about it. I feel like Im playing the same game with the same animations and the same feel. I'll just stick with NCAA since I'm a bigger college fan than Pro.
It is a demo and an early build. I can't judge the actual game just yet and really get a true feel for everything.
But I have to say this feels like a brand new game. Nothing like Madden 10 and 11 IMO. It feels much tighter, looks amazing and I can already see myself putting in hundreds of hours in franchise mode for a few years. If the enhanced franchise mode features and DPP come through this game will be a classic.
I have always loved Madden and been a Madden guy. This game will not convert you if you have been down on Madden.