Madden 12 News Post

The Madden NFL 12 demo is available now. Please play a few games and post your impressions here. For now, just search under "M" in the demos section or games section. It weights in at 1.53 GB.

UPDATE: The PS3 demo is available now.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
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# 761 PolkHigh33 @ 08/11/11 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by vision
Just skimming through this thread, which has gotten considerably bigger in the last few days.. so excuse me if this hasn't been discussed.

You guys do know that if you adjust one little thing in sliders, it defaults to rookie right? Those of you who think you've adjusted and tweaked the game to your liking on All pro or All Madden are actually playing on ROOKIE setting.

To prove it.. all you need to do is change any little thing by one increment in sliders. The game will get considerably easier across the board.

I was almost fooled into thinking All Pro was giving me a decent football experience after adjusting my sliders. But they are simply broken. Why even include them in the demo?

After a day of playing on All Pro, no slider adjustments.. the game is a rental at best for me. The programming in this game is beyond reproach. I really dislike being cheated to death by the same stuff every year.. i.e. psychic dbs, super lbs. The works. This garbage is still in the game.
I've never understood why people put All-Pro sliders or All-Madden sliders ..

Rookie, Pro, All-Pro and All-Madden are just bases .. put it on Rookie, then adjust sliders to match All-Madden .. you're now playing all madden .. not a harder 'rookie' ..

Once you've tampered with sliders you're now technically on Custom ..
# 762 PolkHigh33 @ 08/11/11 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by RememberMe12
IDK man. All due respect I have moved the sliders up and the difficulty has still stayed on rookie in the demo. Haven't played a game like that though.
Next time you're in the demo change Rookie to Pro and see the slider changes .. your bases are ..

Player: 100
CPU: 50

Player: 75
CPU: 50

Player: 50
CPU: 50

Player: 25
CPU: 50

If you put it to Rookie and then change the sliders to be like All-Madden, you're playing on All-Madden difficulty ..

Once sliders are adjusted you're into Custom difficulty (Sliders that don't match any of the bases).

And the sliders do work ..
# 763 vision @ 08/11/11 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by PolkHigh33
Next time you're in the demo change Rookie to Pro and see the slider changes .. your bases are ..

Player: 100
CPU: 50

Player: 75
CPU: 50

Player: 50
CPU: 50

Player: 25
CPU: 50

If you put it to Rookie and then change the sliders to be like All-Madden, you're playing on All-Madden difficulty ..

Once sliders are adjusted you're into Custom difficulty (Sliders that don't match any of the bases).

And the sliders do work ..
My understanding was that sliders only changed certain things. Difficulty settings were supposed to inherently effect cpu awareness, regardless of the slider settings.

My point is, if I can't get a fair game of football on ALL Pro, what's the point of playing the game? I'll try Rookie and work my way up on this demo. But there is no reason why it shouldn't work the other way. It's misleading, and it's not the users fault.
# 764 hampshire2012 @ 08/11/11 06:35 AM
My biggest gripe is that I find the passing game too random. On NCAA (Heisman default), if my receiver beats the corner and I throw an accurate pass, it's complete 99/100 (the 1 being the odd bit of unrealistic warping etc), and if he's covered it's complete about 1/100 times.

In madden, it just feels like the coverage has no relation to whether I'll complete the pass. There seems an equal chance I'll complete the pass if he's covered or not. If he's covered, sometimes the corner just ignores the receiver, and if he's not covered the corner often warps to make a play. Whether it's placebo or not (and I admit it's possible), I don't find it fun.

That said, I'll probably still buy madden regardless, DPP and offline franchise improvements should be the real deal.
# 765 Cryolemon @ 08/11/11 06:45 AM
One gripe I have after playing exactly one game of the demo (on default settings) is that the "lob" type passes seem to go far too high in the air. Maybe this is to counter the LBs with super jumps, but it looks a bit funky. What it also does is give the DBs time to get two or three players around the WR even if he was 1-on-1 to start with.

Added to the above is the fact that there is still a lot of times when the ball hits a handful of players before hitting the floor, and seems to bounce around a bit too much.

I'm not a massive fan of the playbooks either. There were't any wildcat plays for the Bears (and I doubt there are for the Packers), so I don't know if that will be intentional broken again.

There are some pretty cool things though. For one seeing passes that are actually over or under thrown is quite cool (even if the one time I had a chance at an INT in the game I played, on an underthrown ball, my defender dropped it). I like the intros. The tackling animations look better than in previous Maddens too.
# 766 Roncatto @ 08/11/11 06:51 AM
I personally think the game is incredible compared to previous years.

Last night I blitz manually with Urlacher, ran straight through the line of scrimmage, before grant came through and smashed low and straight, flipping me over and onto the ground, allowing rodgers time to throw.

Just thought it was a lovley sequence and realistic.

At the momment for my skill level, offense i think All-madden but defense is definatly needed to be on all pro. STRUGLLING lol.

Going to muck about with sliders later
# 767 Johns Jets @ 08/11/11 07:25 AM
I think with Madden these days there's always going to be an issue with the whole "suspension of disbelief" thing and it's whether or not you're willing to let some things go or not.

Don't get me wrong, I totally get why people are complaining about the psychic DBs and LBs etc and they're right to demand better but at the same time I feel like if these things weren't there the offense would be too easy. I know that shouldn't be the case and it should work differently but if we have to have the LB/DB issues to make the defense effective then I'm willing to accept that until a solution comes along.

That's just me of course and I totally get why others won't do this but let me give an example;

I think it was last years game that I was messing around a lot with Playmakers and others sliders and one of the issues that he was trying to address was the psychic DBs which were really annoying me as they just looked so ridiculous. I think he came up with a few sets that did address the problem but unfortunately I found that this made it too easy to complete passes, it's a vicious circle.

In the end, as with most years, I just went back to the default Al-Pro sliders. I think EA have said before that these are the level they sort of recommend for fairness etc and normally they end up pretty good once all the patching has been done.

I know it's not for everyone but life's just too short to spend weeks fine tuning everything, especially as I mostly play local 2 player games.

As for this years game, I think it's the best yet despite the myriad issues that will always be there. I like a really defensive low scoring battle in the style of a Steelers/Ravens game but for every one of me there's someone who wants to hit long bombs and rack up the score. This seems like the happiest medium so far.

I like the little details I've seen like guys jumping up and signifying they were "facemasked" and pointing at the guilty party and who'd have thought making the pylons fly about would add so much drama? It doesn't mean a huge amount to me but it's nice that those things are there.

I too loved 2K5 and would agree that it's probably still the better game in terms of gameplay but that had it's issues too, I remember hitting fade and corner routes on that seemed like money plays a lot of the time. What I will say is that every Madden since has seemed obviously inferior in terms of gameplay to me but I'm not so sure this year which can only be a good thing.
# 768 Armor and Sword @ 08/11/11 08:23 AM
As a 20 year veteran of the series I keep leaping for joy about this years game.

It feels brand new. I can't put my finger on it, but it finally feels next gen.
# 769 unBEARable @ 08/11/11 09:04 AM
Average for me, it was nice to play some football though as i've not bothered with madden since 09 and I didn't like that version.

Still lacking PI calls even when set to 100 as well as other penalties. Also still lacking challenge options.

Also experienced some dodgy OL blocking when my center ignored the NT in a 3 front so my QB just got sacked. It's not as bad as previous years but it was a reminder of things that annoy me about Madden. The new camera angles are nice though.

The franchise additions have got me tempted BUT I'm going to continue on with the demo for a week or so to see if i'm going to pick it up. Been burnt by Madden to many times in the past.
# 770 TexasBorn1 @ 08/11/11 10:44 AM
am I the only one having trouble with the new kicking meter? seems kind of buggy and unresponsive
# 771 w00dy Hayezz @ 08/11/11 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
As a 20 year veteran of the series I keep leaping for joy about this years game.

It feels brand new. I can't put my finger on it, but it finally feels next gen.

I agree with this! I forgot all about things that could be fixed and just had a good time, it felt great to just have fun with a Madden game again!!!
# 772 Zimmy @ 08/11/11 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
As a 20 year veteran of the series I keep leaping for joy about this years game.

It feels brand new. I can't put my finger on it, but it finally feels next gen.
Agree completely.

I smugly downloaded it and expected to come in here and laugh about it.

It is the first Madden in awhile that makes the prior years game look dated.

I had a blast playing.

I love the presentation, the turf, uniforms, wear and tear, kicking game, play calling, everything.

If I had one criticism, it would be, like mentioned on here, the players seem too light.

They improved running last year, but it seems better (or easier) this year.

Harder to pass rush but seemed more realistic. I still made Jay Cutler look like the real Jay Cutler, all game.

I had promised myself this would be the year I would skip.
I just broke that promise.
# 773 Crimsontide27 @ 08/11/11 11:26 AM
I must have downloaded the wrong demo because the game looks like 2004 - 2005 era graphics. Dont get me wrong, the cut scenes after the play or the instant replays are nothing short of amazing, but when you are actually playing and controlling the game....its looks horrendous.

Camera is zoomed so far that you lose 99% of the details that are present in the replay sequences.
# 774 fishepa @ 08/11/11 11:28 AM
This demo is sort of an enigma for me. The graphics are just weired, the camera seems to far back and the graphics look pretty bad while playing. THe cut scenes however and replays look good. Gameplay seems fast even on slow to me. Maybe that's because I play NCAA on very slow. As others have mentioned, players seem to be very light, like no weight behind them. Have said that, I love how it plays I'll definitely be picking it up.
# 775 ultralow36 @ 08/11/11 11:29 AM
I think the game is good.....Will buy day 1......im out...
# 776 therealsmallville @ 08/11/11 11:44 AM
Only played 2 games, and probably won't touch the demo again because I want it to still feel fresh on the 27th.

Game is fantastic...absolutely the best feeling Madden since 2005 on the Xbox to me...my first game (played as Chicago), I got flushed out of the pocket to the right. Tried to force a pass to Olsen who was running an out about 10 yards away. Pass was a little too far out, but Olsen dove to catch it, dragging his toes to stay inbounds (grass clippings flying and everything). My jaw dropped. Just amazing.

On a personal note, I'd like to comment about the kicking meter & camera angle. For years, I've read nothing but "kicking is too easy! Fix it EA!". And now that they did, many here are saying "kicking is too hard! Fix it and the camera angle EA!".

# 777 Armor and Sword @ 08/11/11 11:52 AM
Kicking is a major surprise. It looks and feels awesome. And i have not even fiddled with the sliders at all. Once I get a great set in place it will be even more of a challenge.

As far as the default camera angle. You will have the zoomed camera option, the broadcast option or the classic option (demo). I am going to give the zoomed camera a run this year as I have heard it adds so much in the way of sim elements, and the game looks gorgerous as your much closer to the field.

If your a long time Madden fan....IMO this is the Madden we have been waiting for on next gen.

I can see myself diving into gameplanning big time with the improved gameflow system. I have been using it for 70% of my play calls and I can't wait to customize it and challenge myself to execute the plays as if I am the player and the coach is calling them in. It adds a major element of sim and challenge. Plus when you customize your audibles you can change the play if warrented.

I have seen DPP at work. Finely got rocked a few times going across the middle for some catches. He dropped both after getting blown up. He then had DPP take effect in dropping wide open passes (he was now hearing footsteps).

Dude!!!! Are your friggin joking me?

# 778 Super Glock @ 08/11/11 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
As a 20 year veteran of the series I keep leaping for joy about this years game.

It feels brand new. I can't put my finger on it, but it finally feels next gen.
My thoughts exactly.
# 779 Mike Smoove @ 08/11/11 01:18 PM
What I like to see improved

-Foot planting
-WR/DB attacking the ball when its in the air, they seem to just play a animation and hope the ball falls in their hands
-More catching animations
-blocking is better but could still be improved
-Ball trajectory is better but could still be improved
-The ball needs to naturally come out of the QBs hand when he throws it, it kinda morphs around and just leaves his arm
-Obviously more physics where more than 3 players can interact on a tackle. NOT PROTAK
-Dynamic line interactions
-Dynamic injuries
-animations have improved greatly but still need work, still a little robotic and twitchy

overall im loving this demo but these are just some things that hopefully can get touched for next years game. keep up the good work EA hope a dev sees this.
# 780 PAPERNUT @ 08/11/11 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
As a 20 year veteran of the series I keep leaping for joy about this years game.

It feels brand new. I can't put my finger on it, but it finally feels next gen.
Same here. Think it is the new camera angles and presentation that is doing it for me. If they could just add Dan Keiff or whatever his name was from the 2K announcing team and a halftime show, the presentation debate cab be ended. The on field stuff is the main thing I prefer the most though. Glad to see the kicking meter make a return again as it will finally result in missed FGs (for me at least). Removal of suction blocking has opened both games up for better running and tackling now.

Still want more as we all have noted time and time again, but the fact is we will never see a complete game with everything we want. Much like batteries, if they never failed, we would not have to buy more. The EA brass would never allow that. What is here now is a good start and after sitting the last few years out, I may buy this year and have some fun at least.

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