Madden 12 News Post

The Madden NFL 12 demo is available now. Please play a few games and post your impressions here. For now, just search under "M" in the demos section or games section. It weights in at 1.53 GB.

UPDATE: The PS3 demo is available now.

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
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Member Comments
# 801 STLRams @ 08/11/11 07:01 PM
finally played the Demo, surprised by how much I did seem to like it but this post here is how I also feel. The passing game.... touch passing is still not there enough for me personally. I still don't feel in control of where im putting the ball and I have hated this for years from Madden. The presentation, movements, graphics, gameplay all seem alot bettery but the passing needs to be addressed. Madden seems be on the right track though, if they can improve the passing game, add a full halftime show/end of game show with highlights/commentary from around the league, and keep expanding on the presentation and gameplay, they can finally get rid of my fond memories of NFL2K5. On that note, I am also impressed by the replays this year, very nice looking they have a NFL2K feel to them. Also I love how the running game and tackling looks this year.
# 802 Shadak @ 08/11/11 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by SDOTizBak23
I think I agree for the most part with the OS staff, madden is stale and it's getting old. I tried to love this demo, but I just saw so many unrealistic things that make me believe passing on it will be my best choice. I don't care about halftime shows or stat lay overs... I want a real sim gameplay over everything. Maybe you guys are satisfied with lil green stickers on helmets and pads under unis... But I'm not. EA needs competition from other companies to push the standards higher for those of us who want a as true to life sim as possible.
Well said.

Im not gonna argue here but I certainly wont be supporting EA. They made god knows how many horrible games to make Madden12 seem awesome while its really just mediocre.
# 803 Jarodd21 @ 08/11/11 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by STLRams
finally played the Demo, surprised by how much I did seem to like it but this post here is how I also feel. The passing game.... touch passing is still not there enough for me personally. I still don't feel in control of where im putting the ball and I have hated this for years from Madden. The presentation, movements, graphics, gameplay all seem alot bettery but the passing needs to be addressed. Madden seems be on the right track though, if they can improve the passing game, add a full halftime show/end of game show with highlights/commentary from around the league, and keep expanding on the presentation and gameplay, they can finally get rid of my fond memories of NFL2K5. On that note, I am also impressed by the replays this year, very nice looking they have a NFL2K feel to them. Also I love how the running game and tackling looks this year.
Do you use the left stick when you throw? Most people who say this don't use the left stick to place passes. They just press the button..
# 804 Playmakers @ 08/11/11 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Shadak
Well said.

Im not gonna argue here but I certainly wont be supporting EA. They made god knows how many horrible games to make Madden12 seem awesome while its really just mediocre.

They have made some horrible Madden games in recent years....but how can you say Madden 12 is mediocre when they haven't even released the game yet?

It's not like you fired up the final version of the game and played it yet....what you played was a DEMO version. A uncomplete version of the game

But even then i wouldn't call the DEMO version mediocre not what from what i saw. It might not be great but it wasn't mediocre
# 805 Holt81 @ 08/11/11 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by gopadres
Been playing Madden off and on for about 13 years. Played Madden 10 a bunch, skipped 11. I really like the presentation and gameplay of this year's game. Like others have said, as for graphics (PS3): cutscenes look fantastic, but during gameplay is another thing. I wish they could find a good balance of how much detail they put into cutscenes and closeups versus regular gameplay. Even replays with camera pulled back look blurry. Despite that though I will be buying this when it comes out.
Graphics look fine to me when in gameplay. I just recently got a PS3 and they look the same to me as on the 360, maybe it's my tv.
# 806 Lakers 24 7 @ 08/11/11 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Playmakers

They have made some horrible Madden games in recent years....but how can you say Madden 12 is mediocre when they haven't even released the game yet?

It's not like you fired up the final version of the game and played it yet....what you played was a DEMO version. A uncomplete version of the game

But even then i wouldn't call the DEMO version mediocre not what from what i saw. It might not be great but it wasn't mediocre
The game is complete. Why after all these years people still expect an entirely different game for the final release. Yes, it's an alpha build, but the core gameplay mechanics will remain unchanged. The final version will just be a complete, more polished version of the demo.

Personally I think the demo is pretty good though and finally comparable to APF 2k8. There are some things 2k8 did better, and there are some things that Madden does better. As far as realism goes. At least I feel like I have 2 good football games to play now.
# 807 Black59Razr @ 08/11/11 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by SDOTizBak23
I think I agree for the most part with the OS staff, madden is stale and it's getting old. I tried to love this demo, but I just saw so many unrealistic things that make me believe passing on it will be my best choice. I don't care about halftime shows or stat lay overs... I want a real sim gameplay over everything. Maybe you guys are satisfied with lil green stickers on helmets and pads under unis... But I'm not. EA needs competition from other companies to push the standards higher for those of us who want a as true to life sim as possible.
Exactly! It makes me ill thinkin about the time they spent developing the dancing bear and the flyovers over stadium; while all the broken gameplay remains untouched. The lack of competition, the exclusive contract, breeds this lack of innovation. With only 1 game on the market, THEY tell us what we want.
# 808 Eagles931 @ 08/11/11 09:35 PM
Played the demo and was blown away. Maybe cause I haven't played a madden game since '10. But I liked the passing, I didn't see any super human INTs and the tackling was pretty incredible in my eyes. Note this Only based off of one playthrough
# 809 I_HATE_THAT_DUDE @ 08/11/11 10:40 PM
Love the tv style presentation. so far i recognize cbs style from the angles and graphics...i wonder if they will have fox influence as well as nbc and espn tele style presentation. Its about time ea!
# 810 bkrich83 @ 08/11/11 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by SDOTizBak23
I think I agree for the most part with the OS staff, madden is stale and it's getting old. I tried to love this demo, but I just saw so many unrealistic things that make me believe passing on it will be my best choice. I don't care about halftime shows or stat lay overs... I want a real sim gameplay over everything. Maybe you guys are satisfied with lil green stickers on helmets and pads under unis... But I'm not. EA needs competition from other companies to push the standards higher for those of us who want a as true to life sim as possible.
Yes you are clearly the more discerning gamer.

# 811 hort22 @ 08/12/11 12:51 AM
playing on ps3 and have only played a half on all pro with both teams...the game seems pretty solid...but then again i havent played a madden for a few years other then for a week last year...anyway the normal speed which everyone has mentioned does seem fast...have tried out slow and very slow...the very slow setting has an old 2k5 feel to it...like it...

only question so far is i thought in the madden demo blog they said the rosters were updated with olson gone and roy williams on the bears...whats up with that?
# 812 jpdavis82 @ 08/12/11 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by TNT713
Here's an excerpt from a review I posted at my site... I think you guys might like some it.

For the full article, go to TNT713's Review of the Madden NFL 12 Demo

that's insane attention to detail
# 813 jpdavis82 @ 08/12/11 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by Black59Razr
Exactly! It makes me ill thinkin about the time they spent developing the dancing bear and the flyovers over stadium; while all the broken gameplay remains untouched. The lack of competition, the exclusive contract, breeds this lack of innovation. With only 1 game on the market, THEY tell us what we want.
Very insightful post there bud, told us EXACTLY what you want them to improve.

By the way I for one, am very glad they took the time to put all the detail into the team intros, stadium shots, stadium details(flags, wind vortex's in Philly, etc...) As long as the game is playable, it resembles football and makes you feel like you're watching a game on TV, and you can enjoy playing it, and it doesn't feel cheap or unrealistic and players aren't shifting and sucking into each other why complain so much?

In the past I would totally agree with you, but why can't people just appreciate what Madden is trying to do and be happy that we are headed in the right direction instead of staying on the same old path Madden always has been on since the 360 and ps3 came out? There's more to life than football video games, enough with all the complaints already.

You know who I never hear complaining about Madden???? THE NFL PLAYERS, and if anyone should it should be them. It's one thing to be compassionate about the game and demand certain things, but if you can't appreciate the process and that we're headed in the right direction with Madden, you're never going to enjoy the game when it does get to where you want it to be.
# 814 Wood Demon 80 @ 08/12/11 01:39 AM
This demo really leaves me wondering whether I should buy the retail version or not. I bought '11 but barely played it. Maybe it's me but I couldn't bullrush or do a swim move on defense to save my life. It was very frustrating to watch Clay Matthews "bounce" off of a linemen and go nowhere when I tried to rush with him. I've been playing a lot of NCAA 12 and with the tiny amount of playtime that Madden got from me last year the audibling is an adjustment to say the least. It's too bad the two games couldn't keep the same audibling system.

Offense seems decent although play action is non-existent (for yet another year). Running seems to be pretty decent on slow gamespeed. To me it just doesn't seem all the way right somehow but then again, what do I know?
# 815 ockbarz69 @ 08/12/11 01:42 AM
best madden yet...but, still wouldnt go as far to say its better or equal to 2k5....that halftime show was? pitiful, nonexistent?, we need chris berman or some other dude throwing us stats and talking....the gameplay is good finally, just hope some personality & better presentation makes it into the game. if they even want half my 60$ they needa step it up just a little...* goes back to playing 99 cent game*
# 816 The Amaizen Blue @ 08/12/11 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by Jarodd21
Do you use the left stick when you throw? Most people who say this don't use the left stick to place passes. They just press the button..
Do tell....

# 817 ted23 @ 08/12/11 02:04 AM
I like it. I will buy it.
# 818 illwill10 @ 08/12/11 02:21 AM
I would like Madden to add the Break Tackle rating in the future. It would add depth in run game. It would help for RBs who are power backs but are not known for trucking or stiff arm.
What does the toughness rating actually do
# 819 Nims4353 @ 08/12/11 04:17 AM
these are the three small things that I want madden to put in the game
1. have players actually wear mouth guards.
2. have players wear just shorts, cleats, pads, helmets and a practice jersey to practice. It's stupid how they practice in full game gear.
3. Have the option to save a game and then resume it later.
# 820 Nims4353 @ 08/12/11 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by illwill10
I would like Madden to add the Break Tackle rating in the future. It would add depth in run game. It would help for RBs who are power backs but are not known for trucking or stiff arm.
What does the toughness rating actually do
i think the toughness rating determines how long a player stays out of the game when he is injured. If a player has a high toughness rating, he'll only stay out for a few plays, but if he has a low toughness rating he might stay out for the entire game.

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