NBA Live 10 News Post

SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 - Electronic Arts announced today that a playable demo of NBA LIVE 10 is now available for download on Xbox LIVE™ Marketplace for all Xbox LIVE Gold Subscribers. Play as the Orlando Magic or the Los Angeles Lakers and re-write, or relive, last year’s NBA Finals match-up. The demo will be available to Xbox LIVE Silver members and on the PLAYSTATION® Network™ on September 17th, 2009.

With a renewed focus on creating an authentic 5 on 5 basketball videogame experience, NBA LIVE 10 introduces a myriad of gameplay improvements to the long running franchise. Computer controlled players will now move and react like their real life counterparts with enhanced player A.I. (artificial intelligence), and authentic, team-specific playbooks. In addition, all new dribbling, passing and shooting systems now give users more control over individual players than ever before seen in the franchise. Gamers can now control every movement as they break down a defender on the perimeter, drive to the basket, and finish at the basket using their left or right hand. From dishing no look passes to releasing a step back shot early or late to avoid a block from a defender, NBA LIVE 10 lets you to create highlight reel plays on your terms.

NBA LIVE 10 also features significant improvements in the franchises overall presentation. Arena specific lighting and crowd behaviors, signature pre-game rituals and celebrations, evolving storylines, and an all new broadcast package are just some of the many enhancements that will ensure that NBA LIVE 10 looks and sounds like a real life NBA game.

Powered by Dynamic DNA, NBA LIVE 10 will use the latest stats, rosters and tendencies for all the players and teams in the NBA*. With data supplied by Synergy Sports Technology – the premier analytics provider for over 25 NBA teams, Dynamic DNA allows NBA LIVE 10 to provide the most authentic basketball simulation experience in a videogame to date.

For more information, please visit http://nba-live.easports.com/home.action.

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 501 Artman22 @ 09/12/09 04:32 AM
Well after playing the demo for a while, I'm not really impressed. The graphics are took a hit. It looks nice in the gym, but in gameplay looks like cartoons. The rim and ball physics are terrible. The signature shoots are off on most players. Also the game still feel a bit stiff. Don't get me wrong it's an improvement over last years, but i'm not crazy about it. I'll pass on this game. I thought I was going to be blown away, but it didn't happen.
# 502 H8ff0000 @ 09/12/09 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by LAKE4742
Okay.... again, maybe I'm missing something. I Player Lock Kobe, and the players don't automatically inbound pass, don't pass me the ball, and don't shoot (even with the clock running down). Am I doing something wrong?
I have the same exact issue, and I'm shocked we are the only ones mentioning it. Apparently either we are special and can't figure this out or no one else tried player lock.
# 503 BrianFifaFan @ 09/12/09 04:49 AM
I've played it and I'm sold. 2k has been my game of choice for 5 years running. But after the framerate mess that was 2k9 and the fact that the controls have gotten progressively worse since 2k7 I'm making the switch. As long as they have something like either 2k cam or drive and the framerate stays the same, game over for me and 2k. It's not perfect, but this is next-gen NBA Live. Another win for EA in my book. Congrats on a great game from what I've seen so far. Props to Marcus and Mike! Got my money. But you're still not Fifa-level!

P.S. Glad you guys stopped using the guy from "The Air up There" for your player models! And glad to see EA was smart enough to hire an IU man to show them how B-Ball should look and feel. Mike Wang is the man.
# 504 Da_Czar @ 09/12/09 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by cf00
All hype. Yeah they did a lot of work on the dribble controls and the looks of players but if you really play the demo you notice a lot of the same Live problems that have plagued it for years remain. The control is great on offense and players look great, but the defense, rebounding. There i sno box out button. man defense is terrible. Moving in and out of the post offensively and defensively is very awkward. The post game in general is very simplistic and everyone plays the same. Still a lot of ridiculous awkward animations and a lot of animations that don't finish themselves at all and cut out. Blocks and rebounding and boxing out are ridiculously unrealistic.

The passing is bad and players dont adjust their pass angle. You actually have to move your player or the AI will throw it directly at the defender instead of adjusting the angle. It's a very simplistic game. I played the demo a ton today If EA actually backed up all their claims and pushing this game on people that would be one thing, but they haven't . Marketing. It amazes me how many people have been buying it. It's a shallow thing when you don't back it up. Watch the trailers they've showed. notice how they never show defense. There still is no inbound steal button. The steal animation is delayed and a crapshoot in general. Players still jump awkwardly and the game is simplistic. I don't know how to describe it but the way players just stand there and bounce off each other in rubber band way is very archaic. The playcalling system is also extremely simplistic. Minor, but the rim and block sounds are pretty bad.

I will say some positives so people don't think I'm trolling here. These are my honest impressions. I do think the control offensively is excellent and has a good feel to it. The players have weight to them. They aren't solid like 2k but there is more of an organic feel. 2k used to be organic back int he day but has gotten kind of robotic as tech has advanced. I would say the way players move and animate is more organic in Live. Graphically the game is stunning. The menus are all sleak and nice. The atmosphere is nice. The game flows nicely and plays a decent game of basketball minus some glaring unrealistic things. The tech in the game is good and EA did a great job capturing various players. Although players still morph through the lane and i've seen several instances of a player going right through me or the ball. The AI on fight for the ball is terrible. I've had possesion only to have my own player suddenly dive for it and knock it out of bounds. As far as having control over an offensive player and being able to dip and cross over and pull off all sorts of combos and have the defense react is very smooth. But that's the extent of the depth in this game.

IMO EA loses a lot of credibility here. So does DA_Czar. I've been playing these games for a long time so this isn't a case of getting used to the controls. I'm playing on allstar where the real ballers play Czar. I've been playing these games for years. I took the time and played and adjusted and played within the flow of the game and learned all the controls. EA talks a good game but then there's the truth. Hopefully EA doesn't run everyone else out of business and start charging whatever they want for addons and additional difficulty levels.
I disagree with your assessment of my credibility

# 505 XuanWu @ 09/12/09 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
Well after playing the demo for a while, I'm not really impressed. The graphics are took a hit. It looks nice in the gym, but in gameplay looks like cartoons. The rim and ball physics are terrible. The signature shoots are off on most players. Also the game still feel a bit stiff. Don't get me wrong it's an improvement over last years, but i'm not crazy about it. I'll pass on this game. I thought I was going to be blown away, but it didn't happen.
Amen to this.

NBA Live is still NBA Jam in comparison to 2K.
# 506 FearlessKaz @ 09/12/09 05:00 AM
I think the "cartoonish" look has a lot to do with the over exaggerated sweat and contrast of the jersey colors. Notice the players in the hangar don't have as much shine to them and tend to look a bit better.
# 507 Da_Czar @ 09/12/09 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by oOausarOo
very superficial, but why do the bench players stand up for so long? They also seem to overreact to everything. I think the bench emotion is over exaggerated.
could be that were locked into the "finals" atmosphere for the demo.
# 508 Dazraz @ 09/12/09 05:04 AM
Not at all!

I'm actually a big fan of EA sport games & up until a couple of years ago I was loyal to the NBA Live series. I feel that they are improving the gameplay but the 2K series has such more going for it.

I actually believe that one of the reasons this years game suffers visually is because EA have invested so much energy into the gameplay whereas 2K's gameplay has been it's strong point for a while which gives them the opportunity to expand on other features i.e; Franchise Mode, Dynamic commentary, Graphics.

EA have done a good job this year with their products. Fight Night 4 & PGA 10 got some nice touches & Madden 10, despite some AI issues, was a massive step up from 09. I just think from the demo at least they are a way behind 2K in regards to the NBA series. That said I still won't decide 100% which game I will get until I have a go of NBA 2K10. Who knows maybe they screwed this series up like they did their MLB 2K series.
# 509 Jonesy @ 09/12/09 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I disagree with your assessment of my credibility

C you spent way to much time responding to that ridiculous "call out" post my brother. Someone attacking your credibility for simply stating your opinion is ridiculous but it's bound to happen. Kanye say's it best:

Originally Posted by kanye
"There'll always be *****'s that’s just the way it is,
***** ****'s marry ***** bitches and have ***** kids."
Don't sweat it, imo you are the most in-depth, well written and well informed basketball game reviewer on the net. The more well known you get the more hate you'll get, in today's society it's practically guaranteed unfortunately. Keep up the good work.
# 510 chadskee @ 09/12/09 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by tikaka
Stop doin' this Guys! NBA live doesn't change anything..I have the demo..this is the same game!!!! It is the game which it was necessary to give since 2006..why you think NBA live 10 is good??? Why?? This game is wack! 4 years with NBA live, now I think I gonna see 2K sports Now..I'm tired.EA it is the advertisement above all, me which thought that this NBA live was going to change something, I made a mistake widely...Why they do that?? I pass everyday and night, waiting for that s****. man,2k did not bring out of any gameplay so far, and EA as idot, goes out always before just to conquer fans, but it is necessary to know, if we are not good, if we go out before or not....I didn't see the difference between Odom, Artest or Kobe..Guys move like..I don't know...My brother told me.tha'ts Bynum!! and I said, where is he? where is he..and I'm on 1080p full HD tv..What is that..??EA I'm a big fan, but I'm sorry now...sorry!
You didn't give many reasons why NBA Live is so bad?
# 511 Whaaaazuuuuup @ 09/12/09 06:58 AM
I haven't played the demo yet but reading the last few pages have been nothing but personal attacks. Could the mods clean this garbage up?! Personal, I take alot of what you posters say with a grain of salt because: 1. It's a DEMO! Not a finally product! Steph even said this demo is from monthes ago and many things have been cleaned. 2:the trolling must stop. Personally I could care less which game is better so as long as I get a quality bball game to hold me over til 2010. But when you've got guys coming on here saying, "live10 sucks, it doesn't do this like 2k, it doesn't do that, blah blah blah". You put your own credibility out there, no need to worry bout someone ruining it for you.

Each year we go though this. Game developer make slight improvment to games because they either a. Can only do so much with the time they have or b. Don't wanna throw all their eggs in one basket & gradually improve each year. This is fine with me but bottom line, if the game is better than last years the devolopers did their job and you can not complain. Remember it took the NHL series a few years to get where it is now, possibly the best sports game to date and I hate hockey but I buy that game EACH year because it's good.

So all that being said PLEEASE stop the flaming & trolling!! Keep the post fill with impressions so those who do not have the demo may live through your eyes and maybe find some comfort knowing EA did the best they possible could in bringing us a quality product. Thank you and continue on with the... IMPRESSIONS!....
# 512 Pared @ 09/12/09 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by Beluba
fair enough. but consider this:

  • rebuilding the onball defensive system to get rid of the literal suckage and canned outcomes in favor of a system that more reliably rewards good positional defense
  • incorporating the steal/take charge/neutral outcomes to the dribbling system
  • adding new trap scenarios
  • upgrading the layup/dunk counter system to include strips, hard fouls, and blocks
  • scrapping last year's canned block system for one that actually rewards good timing (albeit a bit buggy with facing and momentum issues)
  • improving double team logic, help defense, team-based defensive positioning/switching/rotations
  • defensive locomotion upgrade

and I could go on... does take quite a bit of effort and dev spend. to be honest, I agree that defense still needs work and we have plans to make it more engaging from a gaming perspective as well for next year. but it is a bit unfair to say that we ignored defense. not trying to argue with you or make you change your opinion, as I completely understand what you're saying. but i'm sure you understand that i have to defend my gameplay team as well. and the one thing that i am really happy about is that the sum of the parts (defensively) does do a "serviceable" job at balancing gameplay. and i think you guys will find in the full version that when you play full length games (be it online, OTP, against the AI, or against another user) that you will have some serious battles and valid defensive stops that don't come from me artificially nerfing the shooting %'s.
Fair enough bro. I honestly do NOT think I ever said you guys ignored defense... I just mentioned it feels like it was untouched. And again, I said it feels that way relative to all the changes offensively. I mean... pop in last year's game... and consider how you manage your offense... then pop in this year's demo.... and they feel completely different. Do the same and focus on defense... and there's not much of a difference. I've been asking for defense in basketball games for years.... no one wants to D up the ball handler!

I understand that there is only so much time in the dev. cycle for this sort of thing... which is why I've been careful to word my thoughts in a way to show that. I've love the fact you can challenge the ball handler without leaving your feet with a tap of the block button... but in its current state it's useless. I'm back to playing defense the same way I did last year and to me, that makes half the game fun. I'm fully engaged on offense, and on D... I'm sort of just standing there. Wait wait wait... steal attempt. Wait wait wait, rebound. Off the ball, there's nothing to do as well. You just follow your man.

I think I've been fair in my impressions of the game. I don't think anyone here would be upset if the game had a more engaging defensive mechanic.

Originally Posted by Playmakers
A coulple of things I'm not sure why they won't just max out every players rebounding IQ rating. That has no impact on the actual overall rating for rebounding. But it does help immensely to get rid of the problem with balls falling to the floor.

I also understand that you can't inflate the offensive awareness of all the players but to me a guy like Kobe, LBJ or Wade deserves the highest rating possible in terms of offensive awareness to eliminate that exact issue you were refering to during game play.

Unfortunately there is no slider that controls or limits those circumstances from happening.

As for the sliding i don't particulary care for it either. I thought the footplanting system they used in previous versions was outstanding but maybe they felt it had to be scrapped or reduced in order to make the game play smoother.

I actually love the direction of the game and what Marcus and crew have accomplished for the 2nd straight year. I've used the demo and mostly as an early experiement gig for myself........

To find out what works and what doesn't in relation to just being able to fix things with a slider for later on (Final Version). I'm overall satisfied as i feel the game just based on the demo only needs 1-2 things edited for game play because a slider won't fix it. If marcus and his team touches on these two things like he did last year by touching a few ratings then I think those two things will be a non factor during game play for the final version.

For the record about the only thing that i think can't be fixed by the user or EA themselves is the sliding this year but again I'm not a game designer just a game tester............ and who knows maybe they can reduce the sliding before the final build. Either way if you play this game with an open mind i think you'll see a hundred things done right compaired to 2-3 small things done wrong.
Good post. Agreed. Makes me want to jump back into the slider game.... ALMOST. I've already made some slight edits to the demo that work wonders...

# 513 stizz @ 09/12/09 08:15 AM
Wicked demo. Really loving it so far. Took a while to get use to the controls but I think I've got it sorted now. Here are some animations that stood out to me.

- Player's catching the opposing player after a shot with contact (you can see their arm around the opposing player)

- Player's stepping/jumping over fallen players

- Not sure if it was just a coincedence, but I threw a pass to Carter and it hit him right in the face and his head jerked back. I was cracking up so much, I wish their was the ability to view replays.

A few gripes I have are that sometimes the CPU holds the ball for the whole shot clock then throws up an ugly shot. Rebounding I still find a bit hard, but it's probably just me and I've seen a few plays where everyone just stands there until the ball hits the floor before they react.

Also I don't know if this has been said already, but you can do a rematch if you go to quit game in the pause menu. Was so happy to see it there. Can't wait for the final game.
# 514 RayDog253 @ 09/12/09 08:18 AM
Am I seeing things or do some players have different shots for buzzer beaters.

I had the shot clock running down and the d was out of position so I tried to find the open man before the clock ran out. Got to kobe with less then a second tried to be real quick with the release, and to me it looked as if he had a whole diff' shot and form.

Did anyone else see anything like this, or is just that I'm tired and haven't went to sleep yet?

edit: I hit one with D fish as well similar to the shot he took Against the spurs in the playoffs a few years back. I'm not to sure if his form was any different on that one though, as it was to quick.
# 515 Muzyk23 @ 09/12/09 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by RayDog253
Am I seeing things or do some players have different shots for buzzer beaters.

I had the shot clock running down and the d was out of position so I tried to find the open man before the clock ran out. Got to kobe with less then a second tried to be real quick with the release, and to me it looked as if he had a whole diff' shot and form.

Did anyone else see anything like this, or is just that I'm tired and haven't went to sleep yet?

edit: I hit one with D fish as well similar to the shot he took Against the spurs in the playoffs a few years back. I'm not to sure if his form was any different on that one though, as it was to quick.
I think the answer is YES - had the same thing happen to me iwth VC yesterday..had 3.7 to go his shot was really quicker than a usual one an SWISH - game winner

I even asked yeatserday if someone has experienced it but didin't get an answer
# 516 iLLosophy @ 09/12/09 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
I've already made some slight edits to the demo that work wonders...

Please share sir
# 517 RayDog253 @ 09/12/09 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by Muzyk23
I think the answer is YES - had the same thing happen to me iwth VC yesterday..had 3.7 to go his shot was really quicker than a usual one an SWISH - game winner

I even asked yeatserday if someone has experienced it but didin't get an answer
Cool, thought I was just seeing things. This makes me want to try and shoot a buzzer beater with more players to see if their shot changes at all.
# 518 Bornindamecca @ 09/12/09 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Good post. Agreed. Makes me want to jump back into the slider game.... ALMOST. I've already made some slight edits to the demo that work wonders...

Bumping the mid air collision foul has made the game a bit more realistic for me. Playing some beautiful basketball right now.
# 519 Da_Czar @ 09/12/09 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Jonesy
C you spent way to much time responding to that ridiculous "call out" post my brother. Someone attacking your credibility for simply stating your opinion is ridiculous but it's bound to happen. Kanye say's it best:

Don't sweat it, imo you are the most in-depth, well written and well informed basketball game reviewer on the net. The more well known you get the more hate you'll get, in today's society it's practically guaranteed unfortunately. Keep up the good work.
Point taken Big Jonesy !!! you will rarely if ever see that from me again. Baby was up late and I had nothing to do anyway...

I hope the defense I played in that video though not air tight can help give guys struggling or not understanding that aspect a window into what may be possible and what I meant about cutting off angles and knowing when to gap and when to pressure. i am really feeling the defensive battle portion of the game.

thanks again and I hear you fam !!!
# 520 RayAllen20 @ 09/12/09 09:01 AM
This game is amazing but I cant win playing in the broadcast view. I cant tell how to drive by my opponents and see how open my teammates are. Sure it looks amazing to watch but it is hard to play. I wish the demo had the view from the top of the key. Thats wat I always play with.

Also this game is cheese proof. I find it almost frustatingly cheese proof. Dribbling in the paint gets stolen almost every time like it should. I sometimes drive in the paint and stop for a split second to see whos open and the ball is already going the other way.

Has anybody seen the fastbreaks? They are beautiful! For once a player pushes the ball in the open court and can outrun the defender. D-Fish passed it to Pau and Howard picked it off and was racing down the court. Kobe had a long way to go but caught up because hes faster although Dwight looked like a horse dribbling the ball way in front of him. But before Kobe could cut me off I jumped from a little in from the free throw line and threw it down. Amazing.

Has anyone noticed Dwight Howard interacting with Kobe tons. It seems like they are trash talking each other. Howard got fouled once and just went up to Kobe and started talking. Ive seen them do it tons of times. Pretty cool.

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