NBA Live 10 News Post

SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 - Electronic Arts announced today that a playable demo of NBA LIVE 10 is now available for download on Xbox LIVE™ Marketplace for all Xbox LIVE Gold Subscribers. Play as the Orlando Magic or the Los Angeles Lakers and re-write, or relive, last year’s NBA Finals match-up. The demo will be available to Xbox LIVE Silver members and on the PLAYSTATION® Network™ on September 17th, 2009.

With a renewed focus on creating an authentic 5 on 5 basketball videogame experience, NBA LIVE 10 introduces a myriad of gameplay improvements to the long running franchise. Computer controlled players will now move and react like their real life counterparts with enhanced player A.I. (artificial intelligence), and authentic, team-specific playbooks. In addition, all new dribbling, passing and shooting systems now give users more control over individual players than ever before seen in the franchise. Gamers can now control every movement as they break down a defender on the perimeter, drive to the basket, and finish at the basket using their left or right hand. From dishing no look passes to releasing a step back shot early or late to avoid a block from a defender, NBA LIVE 10 lets you to create highlight reel plays on your terms.

NBA LIVE 10 also features significant improvements in the franchises overall presentation. Arena specific lighting and crowd behaviors, signature pre-game rituals and celebrations, evolving storylines, and an all new broadcast package are just some of the many enhancements that will ensure that NBA LIVE 10 looks and sounds like a real life NBA game.

Powered by Dynamic DNA, NBA LIVE 10 will use the latest stats, rosters and tendencies for all the players and teams in the NBA*. With data supplied by Synergy Sports Technology – the premier analytics provider for over 25 NBA teams, Dynamic DNA allows NBA LIVE 10 to provide the most authentic basketball simulation experience in a videogame to date.

For more information, please visit http://nba-live.easports.com/home.action.

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 521 Muzyk23 @ 09/12/09 09:03 AM
I absolutely dig the defense in this game.
# 522 baseballguy @ 09/12/09 09:08 AM
Anyone care to explain how to box out?

I've been working with the game since yesterday and I'm really starting to get the hang of everything, including playing defense. My only problem is rebounding. I'm getting killed on the glass. I've also seen a ton of rebounds hitting the floor. I hope that's worked out before the release. Other than that, and a couple of routine passes being picked, this game is pretty solid.
# 523 JkA3 @ 09/12/09 09:25 AM
The game seems to be pretty nice. Can't wait to check it out on PS3 next week.
# 524 Muzyk23 @ 09/12/09 09:28 AM
you press Y

I have absolutely no problems with getting rebounds

just practice and remember timing matters
# 525 baseballguy @ 09/12/09 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Muzyk23
you press Y

I have absolutely no problems with getting rebounds

just practice and remember timing matters
I'm still a little confused because Y is the same button used to jump. Do you just press it while the ball is in the air, and once it comes off the rim, release and press again to grab the rebound?
# 526 RayDog253 @ 09/12/09 09:34 AM
You only box out if you have to. If there's no one near you, you wont do the box out animation and will just jump for the ball.
# 527 phant030 @ 09/12/09 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
Bumping the mid air collision foul has made the game a bit more realistic for me. Playing some beautiful basketball right now.
Yea, me too. Needed more fouls. Also, you have to punish the guards for letting players get in the paint. Getting bigs in foul trouble.
# 528 Muzyk23 @ 09/12/09 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by baseballguy
I'm still a little confused because Y is the same button used to jump. Do you just press it while the ball is in the air, and once it comes off the rim, release and press again to grab the rebound?
press it to box out and release it to jump for the rebound
# 529 iLLosophy @ 09/12/09 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Muzyk23
press it to box out and release it to jump for the rebound
I have to give the live guys props, they really studied their control schemes to provide intuitive controls. Once you get a lot of the controls down, it doesn't feel natural any other way...
# 530 inkpimp007 @ 09/12/09 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by jtdribbles25
Can you tell us more of what it is you want to happen on defense. It's very fundamentally sound. There's no reason to create an overly powerful defense, because it just doesn't exist. NOBODY can stop KOBE. period. Or Lebron or wade or any of the other great offensive players in the league. I agree with the swiping at the air comment. But what is it that you want to see happening on defense. Holding? More bumping? I have not had any problems with staying in front of my man. But Im only playing for the contest. No steals, not blocks. But anyway I just think the system here allows me to play defense the way it should be played and without the videogamey suctions and warping to make up for it.
I totally agree. For me I think what is so interesting is how you have to rethink how you play video game basketball now. Live 10 the more realistic you play the more rewarding. I can't stress enough how it's about knowing your individual players and how they move, when to call for help D, when to play off your man and when to crowd him. I think actually all the tools are there for us D wise it's just that you have to play a lot more realistic. Don't play for the steal or block right off (two things that plague virtual hoops) keep it simple and anticipate (goes back to know the players and what they like to do). This games has the fundamentals in spades ands down.

I do agree that the block momentum is a must, but i've been saying it for the last few years. I think with that aspect added it can create some really authentic moments. On offense it will allow us to be able to more affectively draw those shooting fouls. On D it gives us a wider range to be affective. It could also lead up to some very cool miss timed shot blocks and body collisions. I'm loving this game and I think it's going to take us a good while to get use to how it plays which is a good thing. We finally have sim basketball and i can't wait until Oct.6th
# 531 loadleft @ 09/12/09 10:19 AM
Impressions from a "Live Fan boy"

I've played the demo in 5 different sessions throughout day one and here are my impressions:

The first for about 45 minutes:
I walked away disappointed. I am not sure what I expected but at the time this wasn't it! It seemed very superficial, meaning that it seemed like a lot of nice features thrown together but not in any way related. It seemed I had all these dribble moves in the hangar but could only pull off the basics "in game." Then I had Euro steps, pro-hops and all kinds of other specialty moves that I also could only do in the hangar. On defense no one seem to have any physical presence, meaning if seemed that I was trying to guard the offensive player but I was equipped with a body that was about the width of a pencil. The CPU player could get by me at will and challenging the shots seemed to matter just as much as if I had just turned and walked away.

The second session started just as I was ending the first one but my nephew walked in:
He wanted to try it so we played man vs. man. We first worked out in the hangar and he had all these glowing comments while I thought: "you just want to replicate your favorite And 1 Mixed Tape, you cheeser. (He and my brother-in-laws are why I stopped playing Live vs. humans about 10 years ago, it was 5 man NBA Jam.) We started to play man vs. man and surely enough he tried to play like he was in NY on the blacktop rather than an NBA court. Strange thing though was that I noticed he had to pay a price for that. He kept turning the ball over, and when he tried to force his way into the paint he got stripped. Then he tried to bomb threes with which he still had limited success. Mean-time I am running my typical drive and kick with a mix of drive and pull up and and move the ball to the open mid-range shooter offense (some name, I know, LOL) and I am being rewarded for that with quite a bit of success in terms of creating "sim looking" game play on offense. My limited defensive abilities though were allowing him 3 shots per possession and keeping the score close. It wasn't long before I noticed him taking mid-range jumpers out of his frustration and inability to consistently cheese, and I thought "hmm!" He eventually asked why don't we play 09 (what he didn't know I have many man hours of Live slider adjustments in 09 and his cheese wouldn't work there either). Session ended as we started playing Live. The results of that was his further frustration with missing contested lay-ups and dunks, while not being able to spam the 3. I am highly skilled with my long titled strategy in 09 so I destroyed him in 3 12 minute games with average score of 140 to 101! Before you think that's high on my side, it was due to his poor skill because using these sliders against the CPU averages me 105'ish to upper 90's in wins and the reverse in losses with the occasional blow out. I walked away thinking Live 10 is ideally suited for playing human competitors without even touching sliders (by the way all previous play was on All-star).

Third session came after nephew gave up and I took about an hour break:
I start off thinking this is only going to be a game good for human on human competition but as I play I start to notice the importance of space in all things (kinda like a basketball yoga mantra!) As I play and emphasize creating that space I start to notice that this game feels like a well tuned version of 09, I almost got on OS and posted that but you guys had posted about 30 pages of post I hadn't read and I wanted to read through them first so as to not just re-post something someone had already said. I chose to keep playing for a while and ended that session thinking that This is 09 with really good sliders and difficult to play defense. One thing to mention is I like the no suction part because I hated that part in 09. It made me feel as if the offense was controlling me on D and I had very little say.

Fourth Session started after I read through 30 some pages of post on OS, and I wanted to go back and investigate some of the others impressions. My day with Live started around 7am EST and by this point the Hall of Fame induction ceremony was on and John Stockton was speaking. My wife was going out for a bit and wanted to watch the ceremony when she returned after confirming there would be a replay on NBA TV, I went back to my XBOX:

I walked in knowing I had to create space so I started playing with that goal. This led me to start to see the difference in players abilities. Creating this space took different things depending on the player I controlled and who was guarding him. With Nelson I was able to achieve success by driving hard then stepping back and popping the mid range, VC and his athleticism was best used catching the ball while moving and taking one of his wild drifting mid to long range jumpers or using him as a mid range spot up shooter. Each player had something they were good at or not so much so, I just could not be effective off the bounce with Rashard but standing still with just a sliver of light and he's a sniper. I still couldn't work well in the paint and could only get all the way to the cup 1 out of 10 tries. I also learned in this session that on D, location relative to the ball and the basket is everything. After learning that I started to move on D more like I was sliding my feet by kinda using small taps on the LS to stay in position more than a smooth movement. I found this served me well because it was a fit of starts and stops (even though it looks continuous on the screen) and it often created contact with the offensive players by them running into me. It made my player feel as if he had a physical presence and was as wide as a man! I remember thinking that well this is difficult but realistic, when I play basketball in real life what button can I hold that makes me slide along with my check? Also I can't continuously move IRL while on D because I don't know where the offensive player is going until he starts moving in that direction and I react to that. I have to use a defensive shuffle IRL which basically is a fit of starts and stops. With this defensive tactic I started to notice that contesting the shots when I am in PROPER position is very effective. It was just really hard to stay in position when guarding quick players. I also noticed that the margin of error for proper defensive position was really slim. This session ended because my wife comes home and wants to watch the HOF ceremony so we watch the replay on NBA TV. I also start to read the rest of the post on OS. I noticed the post by Pared about defense and I again wanted to post here but didn't because I couldn't catch up to the end, by the time I get to the end of a page there would be a new one listed after I refreshed. I wanted to post that I found defense very effective when properly positioned but that proper positioning was very difficult. It turned out to be beneficial that I did read all that because I ran across Beluba's post about the defensive assist button and that it actually exist but that you don't want to use it in situations that players are changing directions laterally! Wow, I had assumed there was no defensive assist and you were on your own. I preferred this over suction but man was it hard! I couldn't wait for the HOF ceremony to end so I could try this out!

Session five:
Surely enough, there it was, Defensive Assist! Holding it down did not produce the kinda of results I liked, it took away my control on defense, but what it did do was get me in proper position to challenge the shot. I began to use the stick tap method to stay with the offensive player but tapped the assist button when he headed toward the basket or squared up to shoot, and man WOW! the game became a physical contest. I was able to bump the offensive player, cut off drives and force them to adjust their shots with regularity! Defense still wasn't a cake walk but boy it is/was great even in the post. It also significantly made shot blocking easier. I used it as a kind of modifier to shot block button. If I held the d-assist button just before tapping block I'd either block the shot when guarding smaller players or when using Dwight Howard or at least challenge the shot really well. I immediately saw CPU FG% go down. The great thing though is that this wasn't a magic slide button, I couldn't just hold it and move with the defender I had to manually play good D. One other thing I noticed, at least I think I did, is that you have to attack the shooting hand of the shooter, it wasn't enough to just stand in front of him and mash the block button but even when I was out of position I found I was able to have success by "blocking at" or jumping towards his actual shooting hand.

On offense I further discovered that you can't do things you (the modeled player) can't do in real life! I couldn't stand in front of Ron Artest and freestyle, Czar! I see guys complain about getting stripped in the paint but I found if there was an actual lane into or through the paint I could get through with ease but dribbling into a crowd always lost me the ball, I've grown too accustomed to just taking a good ball handler and being able to freestyle anywhere and everywhere despite the presence of the D. I saw that I could work in the post but you had to make your move quick because holding the ball in the post brought bad results. Another thing I saw was the importance of angle and shielding the ball. It wasn't about doing my favorite move but about doing some type of move that put the defender on the opposite side of my players body than the ball and basket.

Sorry for writing a novel, I just wanted to express my experience in detail with this demo because I see that a lot of people are turned off by it after spending what they feel is an adequate amount of time evaluating it. I wanted to convey that even I, a confessed Live fan boy and the guy who before playing the demo said the wife would have to sleep on the couch so Live 10 can sleep with me, didn't like the game for at least my first 4-5 hours of playing it. It turns out that liking Live 10, FOR ME, was an evolution process instead of the immediate WOW! I expected. With all that said I am now like WOW! this game is sooo deep, and so amazing. It's not the big stuff it's the little things. It's being beaten by the CPU and loving it because you got beat by good basketball not that the CPU can score at will in the presence of your good D or that your shots inexplicably stop going in. TO ME even the D is exciting because using my little taps I on the LS I am able to create contact and fight for position on the perimeter and do a pretty good job in the post.

I am loving it, so if you excuse me guys the wife is sleeping in late this morning I got to go roll her out of bed and onto the couch sp that she's used to it by the time Oct 6, gets here! LOL
# 532 Pared @ 09/12/09 10:24 AM
Nice post, load.

Except the part about playing like you're in NY on the blacktop. What you know about that! Get outta here! lol
# 533 loadleft @ 09/12/09 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Nice post, load.

Except the part about playing like you're in NY on the blacktop. What you know about that! Get outta here! lol
LOL, not much, other than from summer visits to family there growing up. I live in college basketball Mecca about equal distance from UNC, Duke, and NCST. I'm a Duke fan with connections to all three programs, whether it's being friends with the coaches, former players, or friends of friends of the coaches. Gets me lots of free tickets and behind the scenes looks. I get to see what you guys do in practice and for fun.
# 534 NDIrish98 @ 09/12/09 10:55 AM
i'm a 2k fan, last edition of Live i bought was 98 and ive only tried a few games of Live since then and they've been horrible. i have to say, i like this one, it took me a while getting use to the controls however, but i thought it played good, really good animations, on shots and even dunks. i think the only problem is trying to play D, i dont like when a guy drives to the basket and when you move your guy to defend, if the ball handler stops, its seems the animations dont let you change direction fast enough. the controlled player on D just seems to keep sliding too far in that direction, and then the ball handler can get by you too easy, other than that i thought it was great, granted ive only played a couple games, but i liked it, for now.
# 535 Jano @ 09/12/09 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by RayAllen20
This game is amazing but I cant win playing in the broadcast view. I cant tell how to drive by my opponents and see how open my teammates are. Sure it looks amazing to watch but it is hard to play. I wish the demo had the view from the top of the key. Thats wat I always play with.
I'm in this same boat Allen can't wait until I get to play this game on the baseline cam its going to be even more fun.

And great post Loadleft its good to see you didn't give up on it like so many others.

I remember one of the devs mentioning how much of an adjustment this game will be.

I didn't think it would be this big but I'm glad I kept at it because I'm having a lot of fun with it now.
# 536 IowaAJ @ 09/12/09 11:49 AM
I am a 2k Fan and I do love the control and the dribbling is really easy which I love. This game looks good and the one thing I really like is the play calling is easier but I just like the shot stick too much. I think both games are going to be good though. I think the aspect of NBA Today is enough to keep me with 2k.
# 537 JVal3208 @ 09/12/09 12:04 PM
Wow, I really can't believe I'm about to say this; Live is back!!

I was a Live fanatic until 2K5, when I purchased both games. Since then I've been a fan of 2K. I just hadn't felt like the developers of Live were even trying to make a basketball sim with the last few games, it was ridiculous if you ask me. But this Live 10 demo is so much better in so many aspects. The "dumb" things I made fun of, adding rebounding, sizeups, hustle plays (theres still no excuse that they are JUST being added) have made the game much more enjoyable. They've got the atmosphere down correctly, even locomotion is much better. For the first time in a long time, I can say that I have a decision to make on which game I will buy. Not to say Live doesn't need alot more work, but for right now, its Live. 2K better hurry up if they don't want to lose customers!
# 538 Dantecamp21 @ 09/12/09 12:07 PM
The more I play it, the more I love it. I was afraid that some of the wow factor was clouding my judgement but it has not. For everybody who keeps saying rebounding is weak, I disagree to a point that it must be accounted as one of the strongest aspects of the game. I'm just so excited. Man...
# 539 stephensonmc @ 09/12/09 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by IowaAJ
I am a 2k Fan and I do love the control and the dribbling is really easy which I love. This game looks good and the one thing I really like is the play calling is easier but I just like the shot stick too much. I think both games are going to be good though. I think the aspect of NBA Today is enough to keep me with 2k.
I think you'll say differently man when you get a load of Dynamic Season
# 540 tanner99 @ 09/12/09 12:09 PM
When I first started playing the demo, I thought it was fun but as I kept playing and learned the controls, I realized how awesome it was.

Only a few negatives (superstar)

too many blocked dunks

it should be a tad bit easier for the user to steal the ball

your teammates should move around just a little bit more, setting picks and trying to get open

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