NBA Live 10 News Post

SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 - Electronic Arts announced today that a playable demo of NBA LIVE 10 is now available for download on Xbox LIVE™ Marketplace for all Xbox LIVE Gold Subscribers. Play as the Orlando Magic or the Los Angeles Lakers and re-write, or relive, last year’s NBA Finals match-up. The demo will be available to Xbox LIVE Silver members and on the PLAYSTATION® Network™ on September 17th, 2009.

With a renewed focus on creating an authentic 5 on 5 basketball videogame experience, NBA LIVE 10 introduces a myriad of gameplay improvements to the long running franchise. Computer controlled players will now move and react like their real life counterparts with enhanced player A.I. (artificial intelligence), and authentic, team-specific playbooks. In addition, all new dribbling, passing and shooting systems now give users more control over individual players than ever before seen in the franchise. Gamers can now control every movement as they break down a defender on the perimeter, drive to the basket, and finish at the basket using their left or right hand. From dishing no look passes to releasing a step back shot early or late to avoid a block from a defender, NBA LIVE 10 lets you to create highlight reel plays on your terms.

NBA LIVE 10 also features significant improvements in the franchises overall presentation. Arena specific lighting and crowd behaviors, signature pre-game rituals and celebrations, evolving storylines, and an all new broadcast package are just some of the many enhancements that will ensure that NBA LIVE 10 looks and sounds like a real life NBA game.

Powered by Dynamic DNA, NBA LIVE 10 will use the latest stats, rosters and tendencies for all the players and teams in the NBA*. With data supplied by Synergy Sports Technology – the premier analytics provider for over 25 NBA teams, Dynamic DNA allows NBA LIVE 10 to provide the most authentic basketball simulation experience in a videogame to date.

For more information, please visit http://nba-live.easports.com/home.action.

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 541 HoosierDaddy @ 09/12/09 12:16 PM
As many of you know I'm a PS3 user, but I've read every single post on this thread. It's killing me to have to wait an extra week to get this demo, but the positive to this is, all of your input/feedback that has been posted here will help us out when getting the game. I think it's safe to say that anyone who plays this can't expect to blow out their opponent, even if you played Live 09, because of the drastic changes/improvements made to the game. The major learning curve could possibly detract users from enjoying the game, but I know personally for a "sim-head" like myself, I'll appreciate the game that much more because of how complex the controls/features are.
# 542 WillyJakk7 @ 09/12/09 12:19 PM
This game reminds me ALOT of NBA Starting Five 2005 (especially defensively) which forced you to use your REAL LIFE BBall IQ and was hard to adjust to BUT once did, it was the BEST.
Can't wait for the game (PS3), because the past 3 years I bought all 3 games (2k, Live, Inside) because all 3 lacked in certain areas but this year I'm ONLY BUYING NBA Live 10.
Thanks for posting the videos peeps, it helped me make my decision
# 543 Dantecamp21 @ 09/12/09 12:20 PM
Marcus, have you noticed some skipping in the sound of the game? It's happening in the demo. You gotta look for it but it's definitively happening, specially if you are using headphones...have you noticed it?
# 544 TMagic @ 09/12/09 12:28 PM
Just some of my impressions with time I've spent with the game:

I played my buddy many times. We both are used to playing 2K these past few years mind you.

With that being said, I came away very impressed. The game was Fun. Plain and simple.

I liked a lot of the things I saw. One thing that made a huge impression on me was the fact that you have to play smart Bball and animations don't do everything for you. My friend made this very evident.

I think it may have been because he is used to 2K, in that he'd go to the bucket and expect animations to take over to do some layup that avoids the defense and there is no contact in the lane. He learned that that is not the way things worked in Live.

I was burning him the first few games because of that fact. He'd go into the lane with Vince or Nelson expecting them to finish at the rim even though defenders were around, and would come back constantly disappointed as that wasn't working. Contact would occur and he'd force up a bad shot.

Meanwhile, I on the other hand rarely received contact animations to be honest. But, this was due to me doing the complete opposite by running plays, taking jumpers in space, and only attacking the rim after I had the room to do so.

Another thing I liked is that Dwight couldn't just force his way into dunks. My friend tried that too (lol), again because he was used to 2k and that's what you can do there. He'd catch the ball too far outside the lane, and then try to get into the lane to dunk even though there was plenty of traffic and defenders right in front of him. Didn't work, and he lost the ball constantly trying to do so.

After a while my friend picked up on it and started running some sets himself and not looking to go to the rim as often as he was and that is when things became competitive. He began to play like the players do.

Instead of trying to get to the rim each time to finish with Vince, he'd go one on one and take some mid range jumpers. Instead of trying to get Dwight close enough to dunk, he'd run a play for him and let him post up and get him to score that way. Instead of having Nelson trying to score in the paint with the Lakers bigs, he'd drive and try to hit an open man. He started to play some good basketball and was having success with it.

Kudos for that Live.

Other tidbits:

  • I loved how players were in their "spots". Rashard was always camping on the top of the three point line (we didn't experience that in 2K9, so that was dope as hell to us, lol). Pietrus was always in the corner. Gasol would flash to the free throw line. But on the other side, Dwight would always stay down low. I could usually find Artest behind the arc at the 45 angle. It created a lot of spacing without the need for a playcall. Loved that.
  • I was enjoying all the options there were for playcalling and the options one has within a set play. As well as how well the players ran the plays.
  • Loved the amount of control I had over everything. Never felt out of control at all. I could easily get to whatever spot I wanted without trouble. Didn't feel like any animations were dictating me offensively or defensively.
  • The Staples Center is on point (At least to the best of my knowledge. I'm no Rueben, lol). The arena looks great and the arena sounds are very good.
  • I was having so much fun shooting on the move. They animate nicely and feel smooth.
Pretty much the only thing that I didn't like was some of the player faces. But, the only time I see them are in cut scenes, so it's not really that big of a deal to me. Also, there were times where we'd both end up passing the ball to somebody we had no intention of passing the ball to. Happen to me a lot on some of the Lakers plays, where the "A" button would be green above a player, I'd hit "A" and the ball wouldn't go to that player and sometimes ended up in a turnover.

That's all I have for now. Probably try to get some time in against the CPU and see how that goes. Definitely feeling the game so far.
# 545 Playmakers @ 09/12/09 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by tikaka
Stop doin' this Guys! NBA live doesn't change anything..I have the demo..this is the same game!!!! It is the game which it was necessary to give since 2006..why you think NBA live 10 is good??? Why?? This game is wack! 4 years with NBA live, now I think I gonna see 2K sports Now..I'm tired.EA it is the advertisement above all, me which thought that this NBA live was going to change something, I made a mistake widely...Why they do that?? I pass everyday and night, waiting for that s****. man,2k did not bring out of any gameplay so far, and EA as idot, goes out always before just to conquer fans, but it is necessary to know, if we are not good, if we go out before or not....I didn't see the difference between Odom, Artest or Kobe..Guys move like..I don't know...My brother told me.tha'ts Bynum!! and I said, where is he? where is he..and I'm on 1080p full HD tv..What is that..??EA I'm a big fan, but I'm sorry now...sorry!

Say what?

I'm not going to say the game is ground breaking and yes it does still have some issues. But it's a huge step up over Live 07 and 08.

In comparison to Live 09 it didn't take a huge step up but it did make a lot things much more smoother and the animations got better IMO.

One of the biggest upgrades I've seen is ball handling and the fast break logic is absolutely gorgeous AGAIN..........

Hell to be honest if that fast break logic was in Live 09 I would probably kept playing it all NBA season.

And again no i don't think it's perfect i see minor issues but you are totally wrong about the game play.
# 546 Playmakers @ 09/12/09 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by jtdribbles25
man, I think it's a big step up from 09. Big one.
Maybe the Final Version but I'm basing this off of the demo which is all we can go by right now.

I don't think it's a major improvement over Live 09 becuase Live 09 wasn't as bad as Live 07 or 08 GAMEPLAY wise.

It takes a major step up over those two versions. It's an improvement over Live 09 but you still see a few wtf moments that you saw in Live 09 in this DEMO.

Their are some things that were smoothed out and therefor the game/controls feel much smoother as opposed to Live 09. But the overall jump up isn't as great when compaired to 07 and 08.

That is not a bad thing if you think that's what I'm applying....I'm just comparing the improvements from the game based on all 4 Next Gen games that have been released for NBA Live.

For instance I'm huge fan of the old footplanting system that was in previous versions. To me it seems like that was scaled back or something based on the demo but hey not everyone may have liked the old footplanting system.

I'm not a reviewer nor do i post game scores but just for this particular debate if i had to score Live 09 and then Live 10 I'd say Live 09 was about an 85 overall. Live 10 just off the demo and it's potential for the full version is closer to a 90 IMO. I don't think any sports game warrants a 95 or higher because they aren't ever going to be a perfect SPORTS SIM no matter what the FAN BASE thinks.

Live 07 and 08 were no where near an 80 and that's why I said 10 was huge a step up over those two products but not a major leap from 09.
# 547 Boox @ 09/12/09 01:30 PM
One Question: How do you do Hustle Plays? I've had many loose balls that could've turned into easy buckets
# 548 stephensonmc @ 09/12/09 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Dantecamp21
Marcus, have you noticed some skipping in the sound of the game? It's happening in the demo. You gotta look for it but it's definitively happening, specially if you are using headphones...have you noticed it?

The audio is rough in the demo, but it's not what you'll hear in the final game.

We actually said this in a message in the Hangar in the demo that the audio you hear is not complete at all...
# 549 tanner99 @ 09/12/09 01:39 PM
werent we supposed to have a thread where we write down glitches for the patch?
# 550 Boox @ 09/12/09 01:39 PM
One thing I'm not liking right now is that players such as VC and Kobe that stand by the perimeter tend to be standing out of bounds
# 551 Jano @ 09/12/09 01:47 PM
Anybody else think its cool that you can't make shots behind the backboard? Was just playin around and I tried and I made it, its cool to see the players adjust their arc in order to make the shot.

Also to any of the devs in the full game is there a shot indicator like last year in the practice gym?

I'm trying to get some players timing down but its hard to tell when is the best release point. I want to be as effective with my players as possible so a shot indicator would be great.
# 552 EvanRG @ 09/12/09 01:49 PM
One thing that's bugging me a lot is the lack of "contact" animations when a player drives the lane...

I've seen TWO in about four games.
# 553 DaoudS @ 09/12/09 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by EvanRG
One thing that's bugging me a lot is the lack of "contact" animations when a player drives the lane...

I've seen TWO in about four games.
yeah there are only a couple and they seem to happen a lot. It's a really bare bones game that has established a great base. Hopefully we'll see more animations or counter animations in the next couple of years.
# 554 faster @ 09/12/09 02:21 PM
The demo is amazing. I can't understand anyone that says NBA Live 10 is arcadey, especially comparing it to a 2k game. What do you people want?

-ball movement and the cpu running plays? check
-extremely deep and intuitive dribbling and moves? check
-no suction defense? check
-cpu players actually playing like their counterparts? check (this is very sweet.... drive, dump, spot up 3... swish!)
-cpu players take the ball to the rim and adjusting midair? check
-big men getting penalized for doing too much with the bacll? check
-real, definitive playing style for EACH player? check.. this is VERY noticeable
-AI finally making you pay for leaving people open? hitting midrange jumpers? check
-help defense and rotations? check
-no dunkfests, the AI actually clogging lanes? absolutely check

i could go on and on but this game represents basketball to me. graphically it's phenomenal and the gameplay is very deep.

how anyone can call it arcadey is beyond me. i've heard people say it's fast.... it's not. i think we've become too accustomed to sports games being slowed down so we can be successful at them.

oh............ and one thing that is abundantly clear is that SLIDERS HAVE A VERY LARGE AFFECT ON EACH CATEGORY.

some hints... try out sliders if you need an adjustment
left and right stick speed is paramount in succeeding in this game. a 10 year old can play it on an easy level and succeed.... sure. but if you realize how deep the controls really are the game opens up exponentially. understanding you can chain moves based on ball position, speed of the stick, etc, give you almost unlimited control options.

for 2k guys... take a step back and learn the game and the intricacies... it's a game of finesse and strategy and you get punished if you are playing at too high of a level.

anyway, the depth of this game is very noticeable as is the step up from last year. seeing stars aggressively take the ball to the rack, and spot up shooters move to open spots and shoot jumpers without hesitation is a think of beauty. having the ability to truly lock a guy down or push a guy one way and have your teammate actually help out is very refreshing.
# 555 Beluba @ 09/12/09 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by DaoudS
yeah there are only a couple and they seem to happen a lot. It's a really bare bones game that has established a great base. Hopefully we'll see more animations or counter animations in the next couple of years.
There are about 50 or 60 contact shots in the game. If you take contact from various distances and with different LS deflections, you'll see more variation. If you're always going "straight" in, you'll tend to see more dupes.
# 556 clivo1050 @ 09/12/09 02:23 PM
I've put in some considerable amount of time with this demo now. The game has really opened up now I am utilizing the playbooks. It is much easier to get players open and in good position. I love running bryant fist chest, it puts kobe on the block in post position.

The players, for the most part, play more intelligent than in 2k. For instance, Rashard Lewis and Lamar Odom gravitating more towards the perimeter.

Zone defense is pretty realistic in terms of spacing and reaction from your teammates. 2k's zones have been broken since they implemented them.
# 557 Da_Czar @ 09/12/09 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by EvanRG
One thing that's bugging me a lot is the lack of "contact" animations when a player drives the lane...

I've seen TWO in about four games.
What level are you playing on evan ?
# 558 DirtyJerz32 @ 09/12/09 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by tanner99
werent we supposed to have a thread where we write down glitches for the patch?
It's the demo. They've already said that there were going to be some things that were off. It's not the finished product.
# 559 TMagic @ 09/12/09 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by EvanRG
One thing that's bugging me a lot is the lack of "contact" animations when a player drives the lane...

I've seen TWO in about four games.
Are you saying that you don't get very many contact animations happening?

Or are you saying that you are getting contact animations, but they are the same two over and over again?
# 560 Rasco11 @ 09/12/09 02:57 PM
Graphics look good and have a crispness to them. I think that is the best basketball court I have ever seen in a video game. Shoes and jerseys also look greatly detailed! My favorite thing so far is some of player movements/interactions (calling for a foul, tugging at shorts, waving off a player, pointing to a teammate for assist, hopping after a made shot...ok that one is a tad overdone)...but these movements add to the atmosphere, which has really made me take note. Just think, this isn't even the full audio yet (which reminds me...Love the organ! I think most of the sig shots are outstanding. Lewis, Fisher, etc...

My biggest negative so far: I don't like how I feel like I can't control where my player jumps for rebounds or to try and block shots. I'm timing it right, just missing my mark?!? Maybe I'm used to 2K controls in that regard? I'm also struggling to box out effectively. Kind of feels like "luck" as far as rebounds or blocked shots go.

A couple cosmetic things that could be touched up:

-Adam Morrison's face is noticeably tanner than his body...looks kind of funny. Guess he went to Mexico over the summer (I thought it was Tony Almeda from 24)

-Shannon Brown is pretty dark on Live...I thought he was a little lighter skin toned? Just my opinion there...it stuck out to me as something not looking right.

-I wish hair would move (for example, Sasha, or Pau)...I think FIFA has this...maybe next year?

In general I like what I see. There is no doubt a "new" control scheme to learn for those that have grown accustomed to their competitors layout. But, I think the total control type angle Live is taking has mucho promise!!!

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