NBA Live 10 News Post

SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 - Electronic Arts announced today that a playable demo of NBA LIVE 10 is now available for download on Xbox LIVE™ Marketplace for all Xbox LIVE Gold Subscribers. Play as the Orlando Magic or the Los Angeles Lakers and re-write, or relive, last year’s NBA Finals match-up. The demo will be available to Xbox LIVE Silver members and on the PLAYSTATION® Network™ on September 17th, 2009.

With a renewed focus on creating an authentic 5 on 5 basketball videogame experience, NBA LIVE 10 introduces a myriad of gameplay improvements to the long running franchise. Computer controlled players will now move and react like their real life counterparts with enhanced player A.I. (artificial intelligence), and authentic, team-specific playbooks. In addition, all new dribbling, passing and shooting systems now give users more control over individual players than ever before seen in the franchise. Gamers can now control every movement as they break down a defender on the perimeter, drive to the basket, and finish at the basket using their left or right hand. From dishing no look passes to releasing a step back shot early or late to avoid a block from a defender, NBA LIVE 10 lets you to create highlight reel plays on your terms.

NBA LIVE 10 also features significant improvements in the franchises overall presentation. Arena specific lighting and crowd behaviors, signature pre-game rituals and celebrations, evolving storylines, and an all new broadcast package are just some of the many enhancements that will ensure that NBA LIVE 10 looks and sounds like a real life NBA game.

Powered by Dynamic DNA, NBA LIVE 10 will use the latest stats, rosters and tendencies for all the players and teams in the NBA*. With data supplied by Synergy Sports Technology – the premier analytics provider for over 25 NBA teams, Dynamic DNA allows NBA LIVE 10 to provide the most authentic basketball simulation experience in a videogame to date.

For more information, please visit http://nba-live.easports.com/home.action.

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 481 iLLosophy @ 09/12/09 01:51 AM
For those of you who have a problem with the way the AI grabs boards, goes for loose balls, or plays D, try playing it on Superstar. A lot (not all) of those issues seem to go away and it doesn't feel like the computer is cheating.
# 482 Dazraz @ 09/12/09 02:18 AM
Got to say I'm disappointed with NBA Live 10. From the moment I got into the game screen my first thoughts were, this looks like a cartoon. Everything looks far too bright & the uniforms just look like gloss paint (no material quality to them at all).
Sure the gameplay has improved but I still prefer the feel of the 2K series. It plays alot more smoothly & feels more organic.
I just hope 2K do something about them damned blurry caught logos that blemished the overall visual quality of NBA 2K9.
# 483 Playmakers @ 09/12/09 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by Tha_Kid
Animations are all around much smoother, though i've still seen 1 or 2 "rocket dunks" and a couple awkward layup animations (reverse layups).
If they don't fix the rocket dunks with final version I'll show you guys how to eliminate it from the actual game play completely.

It's a really simple edit takes about 3 minutes
# 484 Bornindamecca @ 09/12/09 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by Beluba
You can steal the inbounds, and really any pass, if you cheat the lane and time the steal properly. It's just really difficult and takes good timing. It wasn't removed.
I've gotten my hands on a few already. I love that you guys toned that down.

I see the defensive debate raging on, and I think both sides have valid points. I'm going to wait for the retail build before getting to into it, but I will note:

--Positional defense is greatly rewarded. Pick the angles and guys can dance all they want and all they'll get for their troubles is a contested jumper, unless they force you into a contact animation.

Is there a way to tell your AI teammate to get back to his man? Sometimes an SG will stay on the PG, even though I'm guarding the PG. Other times a player may stay in no man's land, rather than finding his assignment.

Is there an auto contest if I'm up on my man, or do I have to press Y?

Another note: On offense and defense, the subtleties of the Left Analog cannot be overstated, or overpracticed. This is one of the biggest single difference in this game and all other sports games, and you do yourself a disservice if you don't learn the full range of Left Stick Control.
# 485 gmix411 @ 09/12/09 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
If they don't fix the rocket dunks with final version I'll show you guys how to eliminate it from the actual game play completely.

It's a really simple edit takes about 3 minutes
Maybe you should tell that to the developers so they can include it in a patch or dna update?
# 486 Moegames @ 09/12/09 03:00 AM
Wow..im absolutely FLOORED how freaking nice this game looks. what an incredible looking basketball game Live10 is,..it was quite a big surprise to me to see how much better it looks over last year..i swear it could of fooled me as a brand new engine...is it?

ANyways, i love the "atmosphere" as well.. the crowds no longer are running at 5 frames per second, the blur effect on passing the game is a real nice little touch that gives the game a nice bit of sparkle in the visual dept. The animations look real good...sideline bench players look more "into" the game now...NICE!

The gameplay feels real smooth..although i noticed a few problems here and there...just like i say in madden forums..no game will be perfect and hopefully they can fine tune this game a bit more gameplay wise before launch date..otherwise we do have patches to look forward too but i cant see how they'll let this game thats so close to ultimate greatness be ruined by a few gameplay mechanic glitches.

Overall..props are due where props are due...the Live10 dev's did a fantastic job this year

I was actually a fan of Live09..it just felt fresher then 2k9...and always loved the 2k games but last year i felt 2k ran milked the same ole same ole 1 year too many and when live09 came out..it felt a bit like fresh air..surprisingly, Live10 demo feels like a brand new freaking game
# 487 Beluba @ 09/12/09 03:06 AM
When your checks get switched up, take control of the guy that SHOULD be guarding the ball and run him to cover the dribbler. The AI should recognize that you've recovered and swap checks with you. Sometimes it takes a second or two but they will figure it out. Works for offball check swapping as well.

Rocket dunks noted for the patch already.
# 488 frbroussard @ 09/12/09 03:14 AM
Okay I played the NBA live 10 demo all day. This is my thought. The gameplay still feels like arcade mode.The dribble animations are better and the jumpers are more realistic.But it doesnt have that realism too me, thats what turned me on to 2k in the first place. I've been playing Nba live since 1997 ok. But since 2006 the 2k series had me hooked. Ima say this tho, the graphics are the sh**, no lie. But game play wise, unless 2k sports went backwards. I think its a wrap. Cant wait untill Oct 6 gets here so I can see both games.
# 489 frbroussard @ 09/12/09 03:21 AM
I feel the same way bro. Whats ur GT?
# 490 rockchisler @ 09/12/09 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by Dazraz
Got to say I'm disappointed with NBA Live 10. From the moment I got into the game screen my first thoughts were, this looks like a cartoon. Everything looks far too bright & the uniforms just look like gloss paint (no material quality to them at all).
Sure the gameplay has improved but I still prefer the feel of the 2K series. It plays alot more smoothly & feels more organic.
I just hope 2K do something about them damned blurry caught logos that blemished the overall visual quality of NBA 2K9.
Seems like you went into the demo already with your mind made up that you weren't going to like it.
# 491 Playmakers @ 09/12/09 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
I'm really, really liking a lot... but I'm also NOT liking a bit.

-The control. Not much to say other than it's great.
-Free throws! Well done and simple mechanic.
-Fouls on default settings are just about right.
-Player differentiation (Artest is great defensively, Howard a beast offensively)
-Shooting. Feels great. Much better than last year.
-Crowd audio is wonderful.

-Rebounding is still bad. Players seemingly go up and reach for air.
-The sliding now present in many areas of the game. Obviously it's a trade-off for the control, but after touting foot planting tech for so long, it's almost like the old sliding is back.
-If you're making changes during a FT shot attempt, the CPU will take your FT for you. Immediately. At least make them wait a few seconds and then auto-shoot so I don't get a delay call.
-Defense in the post

-Balls still dropping to the ground and my players just watching the rebound.
-Not crazy about the Player Lock control setup. There have been more than a few times I've tried to Icon pass and get switched off. IMO - eliminate Icon passing and just make it a Player switch option, and make the user use freestyle passing.
-Player AI is very strange at times. Had a time where Kobe brought the ISO... held the ball the entire shot clock... drove in with 4 seconds to go then got a shot off too late.

Still up in the air about the Player faces... MUCH MUCH BETTER. From regular camera angles, they all look great. But up close, they still look slightly off. Don't know what it is.
-Love the sharp graphics... but the game still looks a bit cartoony. Could it be the color is so vibrant?

A coulple of things I'm not sure why they won't just max out every players rebounding IQ rating. That has no impact on the actual overall rating for rebounding. But it does help immensely to get rid of the problem with balls falling to the floor.

I also understand that you can't inflate the offensive awareness of all the players but to me a guy like Kobe, LBJ or Wade deserves the highest rating possible in terms of offensive awareness to eliminate that exact issue you were refering to during game play.

Unfortunately there is no slider that controls or limits those circumstances from happening.

As for the sliding i don't particulary care for it either. I thought the footplanting system they used in previous versions was outstanding but maybe they felt it had to be scrapped or reduced in order to make the game play smoother.

I actually love the direction of the game and what Marcus and crew have accomplished for the 2nd straight year. I've used the demo and mostly as an early experiement gig for myself........

To find out what works and what doesn't in relation to just being able to fix things with a slider for later on (Final Version). I'm overall satisfied as i feel the game just based on the demo only needs 1-2 things edited for game play because a slider won't fix it. If marcus and his team touches on these two things like he did last year by touching a few ratings then I think those two things will be a non factor during game play for the final version.

For the record about the only thing that i think can't be fixed by the user or EA themselves is the sliding this year but again I'm not a game designer just a game tester............ and who knows maybe they can reduce the sliding before the final build. Either way if you play this game with an open mind i think you'll see a hundred things done right compaired to 2-3 small things done wrong.
# 492 rockchisler @ 09/12/09 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by cf00

IMO EA loses a lot of credibility here. So does DA_Czar. I've been playing these games for a long time so this isn't a case of getting used to the controls. I'm playing on allstar where the real ballers play Czar. I've been playing these games for years. I took the time and played and adjusted and played within the flow of the game and learned all the controls. EA talks a good game but then there's the truth. Hopefully EA doesn't run everyone else out of business and start charging whatever they want for addons and additional difficulty levels.
Crediabilty? You don't even have any in this forum, criticizing a company and member in here. This is not the 2k forums, please don't talk junk here. Playing games for years? Now I really want to know what your first bball game is for you to think you are a authority..
# 493 Playmakers @ 09/12/09 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by Beluba
When your checks get switched up, take control of the guy that SHOULD be guarding the ball and run him to cover the dribbler. The AI should recognize that you've recovered and swap checks with you. Sometimes it takes a second or two but they will figure it out. Works for offball check swapping as well.

Rocket dunks noted for the patch already.
Is there anyway to reduce the verticals down just a bit and to enhance the overall awareness in relation to the highest rated offensive players so they'll be more aware of game/clock management situations before the final version or is it too late and it must be patched after release of the final build?
# 494 Bornindamecca @ 09/12/09 03:49 AM
Wow. Jameer Nelson makes some shots.
# 495 DaoudS @ 09/12/09 03:55 AM
I just have to say this because it has been on my mind for a couple of hours.

This game is REALLY bare bones. It is all about gameplay and simulation. There are only four dribble moves (right,left,up,down on R stick) and the right trigger - but the manner in which they are implemented are second to none. NBA Live will only get better in the years to come as they expand on this phenomenal system that they have established.

Can't wait for October 6th.
# 496 rckabillyRaider @ 09/12/09 04:03 AM
alot of people have mentioned they have problem with the Defense or hate the how the defense works.........I LOVE IT. The way it's set up this year forces you to think on defense and not just go all aggressive on your man and pounding on the steal button. My minor gripes are some of the dunk and rebound animations where they seemingly warp out of nowhere to make the play. Other than that, I'm diggin it so far.
# 497 rockchisler @ 09/12/09 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by oOausarOo
very superficial, but why do the bench players stand up for so long? They also seem to overreact to everything. I think the bench emotion is over exaggerated.
Its the finals atmosphere, they sit when its Bucks vs Kings
# 498 DaoudS @ 09/12/09 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by rockchisler
Its the finals atmosphere, they sit when its Bucks vs Kings
will they sigh after every turnover?
# 499 Playmakers @ 09/12/09 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by DaoudS
will they sigh after every turnover?
# 500 rockchisler @ 09/12/09 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by DaoudS
will they sigh after every turnover?
Hahaha I can see that, 25 turnovers total 4 both clubs.

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