NBA Live 10 News Post

SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 - Electronic Arts announced today that a playable demo of NBA LIVE 10 is now available for download on Xbox LIVE™ Marketplace for all Xbox LIVE Gold Subscribers. Play as the Orlando Magic or the Los Angeles Lakers and re-write, or relive, last year’s NBA Finals match-up. The demo will be available to Xbox LIVE Silver members and on the PLAYSTATION® Network™ on September 17th, 2009.

With a renewed focus on creating an authentic 5 on 5 basketball videogame experience, NBA LIVE 10 introduces a myriad of gameplay improvements to the long running franchise. Computer controlled players will now move and react like their real life counterparts with enhanced player A.I. (artificial intelligence), and authentic, team-specific playbooks. In addition, all new dribbling, passing and shooting systems now give users more control over individual players than ever before seen in the franchise. Gamers can now control every movement as they break down a defender on the perimeter, drive to the basket, and finish at the basket using their left or right hand. From dishing no look passes to releasing a step back shot early or late to avoid a block from a defender, NBA LIVE 10 lets you to create highlight reel plays on your terms.

NBA LIVE 10 also features significant improvements in the franchises overall presentation. Arena specific lighting and crowd behaviors, signature pre-game rituals and celebrations, evolving storylines, and an all new broadcast package are just some of the many enhancements that will ensure that NBA LIVE 10 looks and sounds like a real life NBA game.

Powered by Dynamic DNA, NBA LIVE 10 will use the latest stats, rosters and tendencies for all the players and teams in the NBA*. With data supplied by Synergy Sports Technology – the premier analytics provider for over 25 NBA teams, Dynamic DNA allows NBA LIVE 10 to provide the most authentic basketball simulation experience in a videogame to date.

For more information, please visit http://nba-live.easports.com/home.action.

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 441 jsquigg @ 09/11/09 10:40 PM
First off: Great demo. If the goal of a demo is to give people enough time to learn the controls but still leaving me craving for more, then EA succeeded. I've played both 2k and Live in the past, and the mid range game as well as different players speed and ball skills in this Live are better than any b-ball game has done in the past (except MAYBE Inside Drive). For people who don't like defense in this game, I love it.
To me it makes you factor matchups into play. For example, I'm not flaming because I love past 2k games, but in 2k you can put Shaq on Kobe without paying for it too much. In Live, if I try to guard Vince with Gasol, three scenarios play out depending on my positioning. If I crowd Vince there had better be help defense because he'll either throw it down or find the open man (or draw a foul). If I play off of Vince he can take the open shot, but he can also still attack me with some success. Another outcome is bringing someone over for the double just to get the ball out of his hands.
That might not have been the best example, but even though the defensive controls are much simpler, the outcomes are ultra realistic and there is depth based on match ups. Another thing that I'm glad EA went to was shooting percentages in place of shot ratings. I mentioned this long ago in a forum and people said it wouldn't work because people would miss too many open shots. To me, shooting percentages are spot on even though I could waste time pointing out the flaws of shooting ratings.
Overall, while the game isn't perfect this is IMO the most realistic simulation of NBA basketball I've played so far. There are some weird animations, but player control < smooth animations IMO. Can't wait for October 6th!
# 442 Jano @ 09/11/09 10:43 PM
Lol I just realized that myself missed 4 straight freethrows w/ Kobe and fish.
# 443 chadskee @ 09/11/09 10:47 PM
Wow, I'm actually having a lot of fun with an NBA game again. I can't remember the last time I said that.

  • Every player feels different; it's no longer just ratings that decides how one player differs from another.
  • The playbook options are amazing, but without them your players still move around and cut like a real game. Love it.
  • If I try to steal too much or at a bad time, I get burned.
  • Leave Rashard Lewis open. There's three points.
  • I can't just iso may way around or force bad shots even with the some of the best in the game like Kobe.
  • I feel engaged on defense; just concentrating on cutting off lanes and playing the angle game.
  • Dribbling is responsive and I've already had a few WOW moments in my few games.
Last thing I have to say is THANK YOU Mike Wang and your team for bringing enjoyment back to my basketball gaming.
# 444 Beluba @ 09/11/09 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by withauthority22
Just because it has been abused online doesnt mean the ability to steal an inbound pass, apart of basketball, should be removed from the game. bad bad decision making
You can steal the inbounds, and really any pass, if you cheat the lane and time the steal properly. It's just really difficult and takes good timing. It wasn't removed.
# 445 raashun @ 09/11/09 10:55 PM
Live 10 plays a good game of basketball. Is anyone having problems passing, when a dunk or layup animation is started? I may not be pushing the button hard enough at times.
# 446 edubbs @ 09/11/09 10:58 PM
Beluba, what's up with the AI not intiating the offense properly at times? There is ALOT of standing in place dribbling by the AI happening on too many possessions IMO.

Are you guys going to tweak this in the future or has this already been addressed in the final build?
# 447 Jano @ 09/11/09 11:02 PM
I think what there doing edubbs is simulating teams that don't run the offense real quick. Teams like the Spurs and the Lakers at times play that slow pace so thats what it seems like to me.

It threw me off the first time I played the Lakers their style was so different from the Magic.

After a while I got laxed on D and that's when they started exploiting that with alleyoops and unexpected drives Kobe.

Its a great addition to me it should make each team feel a little diff.
# 448 TreyIM2 @ 09/11/09 11:02 PM
I keep torturing myself by coming back here to read the impressions since I am unlucky enough to have to wait for this demo to bless my PS3 on Thurs. but what I gather from all that I've read on here is that some don't like a challenge and will complain in a heartbeat if something isn't on a silver platter for them. Me, I can deal with it being in a paper bag sitting on a table, in another room where I can get it myself...

That being said the way all this sounds is that it's going to be a game I am really going to enjoy because of the depth of control on offense AND defense (also remember, DNA is NOT on, yet) . It's like Czar said - THROW OUT WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT PLAYING A BASKETBALL VIDEO GAME and focus on PLAYING BASKETBALL. That isn't verbatim and I'm not trying to shout but to make a point. I know how to play basketball so that won't be a problem as I usually think more like a ball player when playing a b-ball video game, anyway. EA is trying to push the realism of gameplay. That was obvious to me weeks ago.

Now, where I will digress is that I haven't touched the damn demo yet, lol, but what I will say is that I DO expect glitches, wonky situations and such not only because it just a demo and even Mike actually said that this demo was made early on, as there is even a vid of the same demo being played weeks ago at Gamescon, but also because it is a video game and ish happens.
Basically, it seems like pretty positive feedback and some of the complaints just seem like some people just being whiney and possibly hateful, by the way they come across, but I like the constructive criticisms, as always. Can't wait til Thurs.
# 449 TheKasmar @ 09/11/09 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by withauthority22
Just because it has been abused online doesnt mean the ability to steal an inbound pass, apart of basketball, should be removed from the game. bad bad decision making
I was mainly joking, but if you try to full court press all game and steal every inbound pass you'll be wasting your time. This game has a completely different concept to stealing as the devs have alluded to. Wow, the cheesers are already complaining.
# 450 edubbs @ 09/11/09 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Jano
I think what there doing edubbs is simulating teams that don't run the offense real quick. Teams like the Spurs and the Lakers at times play that slow pace so thats what it seems like to me.

Kinda makes since but if this is the case, I would have prefered that Mike and Co. simulate these types of teams by using ball movement, instead of having the ballhandler dribble in place for 20secs of the 24 sec clock.
# 451 Jano @ 09/11/09 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by edubbs
Kinda makes since but if this is the case, I would have prefered that Mike and Co. simulate these types of teams by using ball movement, instead of having the ballhandler dribble in place for 20secs of the 24 sec clock.
Yeah I would like some more ball movement but its cool to finally see things like this happening though.
# 452 Jano @ 09/11/09 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by And one1
He most watch or play basketball in REAL life. Its called defense allot of people dont under stand the concept,
You can steal passes man you just have to cheat in the passing lanes to do it.

Ive tipped a lot of passes and intercepted a couple too by doing this.

Its much harder to do it in Live then any other bball game tho
# 453 TheKasmar @ 09/11/09 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by And one1
Inbound the ball to Howard under the basket and i bet you that the pass will connect no matter how many defenders are around him. Thats refreshing to you TheKasmer???
I haven't tried that. Doesn't sound to wise....a little to risky. I usually give it to my pont guard(Nelson)
# 454 Manbearpig @ 09/11/09 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by The_Blueprint1983
The DEMO would have been more playable for me if it wasn't so jerky and have the skate boarding,skiing and warping. Some animations happen to fast during the transitions...like the behing the back ( not the canned one ) you dont see the ball go around the back, it just ends up in the other hand.
man this guy is getting ridiculous, and its cracking me up
# 455 Jonesy @ 09/11/09 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by And one1
He most watch or play basketball in REAL life. Its called defense allot of people dont under stand the concept,
Quit spamming the thread rook.

I'm glad to see some of vet guys that i know love sim hoops (Czar, Chadskee, Stumble, even DC! ) are liking this demo. Can't wait to get it next week for the ps3!
# 456 23 @ 09/11/09 11:28 PM
Manbearpig and Th Blueprint... you guys stay on impressions and off of eachother
# 457 XuanWu @ 09/11/09 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by fffffffff9
They're just trolls. Ignore them.

I bought 2K the past three years, and I know no real hoop fan can deny the fire that Live has brought this year.
OK, I will. It's undeniable that Live has improved. That being said, it's nowhere near 2K. Not even close. Honestly, comparing NBA Live to 2K is like comparing NBA Jam to . The NBA Live gameplay feels just as problematic to me as it in NBA Live 08. There's lots of sliding. The gameplay switches from being really fast to really slow - totally unrealistically. The ball/rim physics are atrocious. I think the only thing Live has over 2K right now is the ball handling system.
# 458 TheKasmar @ 09/11/09 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by And one1
Try it in this game it will work. I prefer defense over offense and see **** that is not DEFENSIVELY SOUND in this game.
Pressing the X button isn't a guaranteed steal anymore. The real tests comes when people play online. Hopefully your defense makes them quit.
# 459 Jano @ 09/11/09 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by And one1
It should be as easy as the iso dribbling moves Live loves advertising!
Why should it be as easy as the dribble moves I personally like the difficulty.

Makes you think about attempting a steal instead of just being able to attempt steals without a conscious.

Which is case in most bball games, its a refreshing change to me.
# 460 seemoe @ 09/11/09 11:44 PM
My take on the demo. I think that the amount of control over my player is crazy. I love being on a fast break and splitting defenders with a pro-hop then lay-up or with a euro two-step. I like that whole jumpshot timing thing, I was able to pull of some nice buzzer beaters with the quicker releases. The freestyle passing is great in my opinion. Driving and the kicking out with V.C is great and I got a lot of open looks with Pietrus, but thankfully they all didn't go in so it seems the shooting sliders are on point for now. The only thing that I didn't really like was the rebounding. Sometimes it just happens so fast and sometimes the players seem to reach for nothing. Another thing is, when there is a tipped pass sometimes the players will just stand around and look at it go out of bounds. This happened only once is the last 3 games I played so it doesn't look like it will be a huge problem. Haven't really gotten into the post up game yet, but I will try that out soon. Graphics are amazing and I dont they are cartoony at all. Crowd reactions are good also, but haven't had a stand out moment with their reactions or chants. So overall I'm impressed with this demo a lot. I think NBA Live will have a great comeback year this year and it should be a competitive year between Live and 2K. I'll be buying this game on day one.

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