NBA 2K15 News Post

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 261 swac07 @ 09/13/14 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by BMDinTDOT

I'm not dawging 2K I just think it would be really cool if they do this as well especially since
they would probably even do it better.
10 characters.
# 262 Da_Czar @ 09/13/14 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by BlackSheep2910
I don't blame ppl for liking what they like, but calling this game sim is borderline blasphemy. You gotta call a spade a spade. And i still have yet to see any sports game match the movement of that fake Madden 06 E3 trailer. They ALL have plenty of work to do
This is not a purple name response I am just responding as a member of the sim community.

SIM has always been a relative term for me. Honestly is there a single game in the history of games that we can't point out enough flaws to claim it isn't sim ?

If were only focusing on a games flaws to determine it's SIMness then no game would ever qualify. SIM to me is relational to what our options are or what has actually been done. In my mind it is even more of a direction than implementation because some implementations have to be done over multiple cycles.

Just my 2 cents

Also the bolded part is the key IMO and why I think it is more about the direction because there will always be work to-do.

If you focus only on legacy issues people say it is just a roster update. If you only focus on new modes people say your avoiding all the legacy issues and only trying to attract new customers.

Those are facts. But within the limitation of that system can you move the SIM bar forward year to year ? Again direction in my mind is the key.
# 263 El_Poopador @ 09/13/14 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by BMDinTDOT
One thing NBA 2K needs to copy from that amazing NHL 15 demo is the crowd and presentation.
It really adds to the game. Since Live has ESPN presentation they need to get TNT or NBA TV
presentation. Also they need to get rid of Clark Kellog who I believe is not a real NBA commentator
and just does College games.

During Timeouts and halftime they need to have the real life stuff that goes on like someone
in the crowd taking a halfcourt shot for money, the people that ride those bikes and balance
bowls on there heads, kiss cam, the mascot pulling pranks on the fans and refs.

Graphically the players eyes still need a lot of work but obviously the eyes are always the
toughest thing to master. Also some player models still need a lot of work.

Game play wise better spacing is needed, smarter AI etc...

Control wise they need to stop overloading the thumbstick and be able to do better dribbling
and crossover moves where you feel 100% in control.
While those are things that happen during breaks, it's not what we see on TV. I'm not saying we should have commercials, but if they're trying to mimic a TV broadcast, those things would be out of place. If anything, I'd rather see studio updates on the current game or other games around the league, coach interviews while the game is being played, highlights of key moments in the game during timeouts, etc.
# 264 spankdatazz22 @ 09/13/14 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by BlackSheep2910
I don't blame ppl for liking what they like, but calling this game sim is borderline blasphemy. You gotta call a spade a spade. And i still have yet to see any sports game match the movement of that fake Madden 06 E3 trailer. They ALL have plenty of work to do
This forum gets more and more ridiculous with these cockamamie out of control expectations. It's like a game can't be deemed a simulation to some of you until it precisely matches real life. Trying to lump the games together by declaring them all flawed makes no sense whatsoever, unless you take the extremist view you're taking.
# 265 pdx_24 @ 09/13/14 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by ojandpizza
These "muscle guys" are still very slim/skinny compared to the average person.. Sure they are cut up like crazy and in amazing shape, but they aren't like body builder big.. Idk if you've ever been to a live NBA game to see it in person, but even LeBron looks pretty slim. They say the camera adds 10 pounds, it definitely does, and the wide screen TVs make it even worse..
Yeah, I wasn't talking about making the players "body builder big". I've watched games from courtside and attended the NBA Summer League in Vegas the last few years. I've sat and talked with NBA players up close so I think I have a pretty good visualization of their physiques. I know most of them aren't the bulky muscular type. Most of them, as you stated, are skinny but very cut compared to the average person.

As an artist that specialize in facial and human body forms, it bugs me to see something in the human form that's so blatantly out of proportion. I'm talking about the size of the arms relative to the size of the body and the head. Every players (from the skinny to the bulky) in 2K have super skinny arms relative to the rest of their body and head. And all their shoulders are of the coat-hanger type (I call it the Phil Jackson shoulders). Now I realize that some players do have skinny arms (legs, neck, or whatever) and some do have the wide straight shoulders. I also agree with many here that 2K needs to add more body types to make the players look more realistic. But if 2K is to have a limited (and generic) body types for whatever reasons, why have models with such disproportional physiques? Why not have generic body types that are at least proportional (relative to that of a basketball player physique)?

THAT is my main gripe. I would absolutely love it if there's distinction in thickness (for neck, arms, legs, chest, and waist) and in length (for neck, shoulders, torso, arms, and legs). BUT if we can't have that (yet), at least give us something that is not so cartoonish looking. The skinny arms and the wide straight shoulders look terrible. And yes, actually I was one of the people that complained about 2K having body builders for player models a few years back when the players were super bulky (lol, I guess I'm anal about player models). But they went to the opposite extreme in fixing that problem.

This is supposedly the next step in video gaming. Shouldn't we expect player models to be a lot more diverse than just three generic body types? I mean they got player faces generally on point, yet player physiques terribly unrealistic.
# 266 thechamp923 @ 09/14/14 07:17 AM
I think I'm gonna skip 2k this year, looks just like 2k14 which I really didn't even like in the first place.
# 267 cowboy_kmoney @ 09/14/14 09:44 AM
Kant wait for this game to drop.
# 268 magicman32 @ 09/14/14 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by BlackSheep2910
Very well said statement, and i agree. But there are certain basic fundamentals of the game which shouldn't be missing or flawed at this point imo. I almost envy you guys because you all seem to be getting the basketball game of you dreams. My user name often reflects more truth than i wish it did. Which brings me to address the following statement

Quote: Spankdatazz22
This forum gets more and more ridiculous with these cockamamie out of control expectations. It's like a game can't be deemed a simulation to some of you until it precisely matches real life. Trying to lump the games together by declaring them all flawed makes no sense whatsoever, unless you take the extremist view you're taking.

How is it an unrealistic expectation to be able to pass the ball efficiently in a basketball game on a sixth generation console? REALLY (lol)? I guess it'll be PS9 before they are able to program my 7 foot center to grab a rebound instead of letting it smack him in the face and fall into the hands of a 6 foot shooting guard, who didn't even jump for the ball. I guess i should completely ignore these frequent occasions because they were wearing the correct shoes and socks right? smh.

I understand its a video game, but there really is no excuse for them to have certain basic fundamentals of the game this flawed at this point in time. I understand if you enjoy the game. What boggles my mind is how willingly fans turn a blind eye to the glaring problems every year and even go out on a limb to defend it. Of course let's give credit where credit is do, but the developers WILL NOT fix certain aspects if we blindly praise everything they do.

I think the devs are fully aware of the flaws in the game. They seem to be making improvements each year. They still have a lot of work to do. That being said. Regarding realism, options, modes, and simulating basketball, no one does it better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 269 23 @ 09/14/14 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by BlackSheep2910
Very well said statement, and i agree. But there are certain basic fundamentals of the game which shouldn't be missing or flawed at this point imo. I almost envy you guys because you all seem to be getting the basketball game of you dreams. My user name often reflects more truth than i wish it did. Which brings me to address the following statement

Quote: Spankdatazz22
This forum gets more and more ridiculous with these cockamamie out of control expectations. It's like a game can't be deemed a simulation to some of you until it precisely matches real life. Trying to lump the games together by declaring them all flawed makes no sense whatsoever, unless you take the extremist view you're taking.

How is it an unrealistic expectation to be able to pass the ball efficiently in a basketball game on a sixth generation console? REALLY (lol)? I guess it'll be PS9 before they are able to program my 7 foot center to grab a rebound instead of letting it smack him in the face and fall into the hands of a 6 foot shooting guard, who didn't even jump for the ball. I guess i should completely ignore these frequent occasions because they were wearing the correct shoes and socks right? smh.

I understand its a video game, but there really is no excuse for them to have certain basic fundamentals of the game this flawed at this point in time. I understand if you enjoy the game. What boggles my mind is how willingly fans turn a blind eye to the glaring problems every year and even go out on a limb to defend it. Of course let's give credit where credit is do, but the developers WILL NOT fix certain aspects if we blindly praise everything they do.

Originally Posted by BlackSheep2910
2K OBVIOUSLY didn't fix the actual GAMEPLAY issues. I am definitely going with NBA Live this yr. I can't play a basketball game with super flawed spacing. 2K's gameplay has been broken for YEARS. The canimations and sluggish movement is so frustrating. And this lazy band aid fix is a testimony to the continued horrendous NON-SIM gameplay.

I am very curious as to why you care when you told us all you're going to skip this game and buy a different basketball game this year?

Its OBVIOUS you said...so why even bother?
# 270 GisherJohn24 @ 09/14/14 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by thechamp923
I think I'm gonna skip 2k this year, looks just like 2k14 which I really didn't even like in the first place.

Subtle details and improvements are a bit hard to distinguish on a video. Even an hour video. We are just brazing now. Subtle touches you won't realize until you pick up a controller. I'd wait before making a decision
# 271 lakers24 @ 09/14/14 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by GisherJohn24
Subtle details and improvements are a bit hard to distinguish on a video. Even an hour video. We are just brazing now. Subtle touches you won't realize until you pick up a controller. I'd wait before making a decision
Believe me when I tell you there is no point in even responding to these posts
# 272 GisherJohn24 @ 09/14/14 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by lakers24
Believe me when I tell you there is no point in even responding to these posts
I know... just don't understand the prelim hate. I personally saw a lot of improvements already. But won't know a lot of the detailed improvements till I pick up a controller
# 273 lakers24 @ 09/15/14 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by GisherJohn24
I know... just don't understand the prelim hate. I personally saw a lot of improvements already. But won't know a lot of the detailed improvements till I pick up a controller
Exactly, it's usually just fishing for responses. I try to ignore them as much as possible until one so FAR OUT comes along I can't help but bite lol.
# 274 Boilerbuzz @ 09/15/14 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by BlackSheep2910
I understand its a video game, but there really is no excuse for them to have certain basic fundamentals of the game this flawed at this point in time.
Ok, I'm going to bite. May be my only one.

The arrogance is staggering. What you might think is simple, may be more complex than you in reality. Many of you guys talk as if you have this extraordinary keen eye for detail, that no one, including the people that get paid to do this stuff, can see unless they get the word from you. You also seem to believe that their job is to please only you. Of course, they have to sell the game to the public and we are all part of the public. But at the end of the day, you're not the only eye. Not the only critic. Not the the only target customer. Your issues with the game may pale in comparison to bigger issue.

But what they fix and how they fix it is NOT our call. Just don't buy the game until your big issue is fixed. I haven't bought Madden in 10 years. And I don't miss it. If you're that convinced that VC is either incompetent or just doesn't care, then move on. Sounds like that what you've already set to do. Have fun with that. But for God's sake, don't pretend to assume you can determine what should and should not be easy to do. And, most importantly, just because someone doesn't cry as loud as you do about issues YOU have with a game, doesn't mean they are giving it a pass. As a matter of fact, I'm sure everyone here has different issues that they do not give a pass for. So, again, state your gripe and carry on.

Speaking of stating your gripe, like so many people that speak only in superlatives, what EXACTLY is this "basic" facet of passing is SO flawed? Dudes just start spouting off that "**** is broken". Well, what does that mean? How do those comments help? All you've done is cry that "legacy issues weren't fixed" and that you're going to an even more flawed game. What sense does that make? And of course, the same group of Jedi's like your post. To me, some of you really have no interest in actually making the games better and just look for the smallest excuse to cry about it. On the other side, over in the padded cell, I noticed that EA improved the game in areas that the so called "haters" ripped them on. The same areas that the Jedis had no problem with. The difference is that those haters are quite detailed and specific. You should try it.

Sorry for ranting, but I'm just trying to understand what your actual gripe is.
# 275 KyotoCarl @ 09/15/14 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by BQ32
Every shot was a contested low percentage shot, but every shot went in except the one miss which was a foul lmao. Same $#!T just a different year. disheartening, I want a legit basketball experience.
That's because it's on pro and it's already been stated that pro difficulty will be easier to appeal to new players. Once you get the game you can turn up the difficulty and get what you want.

A little research before acting out can answer your questions.
# 276 Sundown @ 09/15/14 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
That's because it's on pro and it's already been stated that pro difficulty will be easier to appeal to new players. Once you get the game you can turn up the difficulty and get what you want.

A little research before acting out can answer your questions.
I really do hope online is Superstar Sim, and not on Pro Default for fear of guys asking "why can't I make a shot with Nick Young triple teamed online?" =P

And I mean actualy Superstar Sim-- not a "Superstar Sim" that's tweaked to be neither be very Superstar or very Sim like it felt previous years.
# 277 El_Poopador @ 09/15/14 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
That's because it's on pro and it's already been stated that pro difficulty will be easier to appeal to new players. Once you get the game you can turn up the difficulty and get what you want.

A little research before acting out can answer your questions.
I really wish they would change how the difficulty levels work. A bad shot is a bad shot, and should be treated as such on any level. Going from Pro to Superstar shouldn't increase/decrease any attributes, only the CPU intelligence. That goes for all games, not just 2k.
# 278 Vni @ 09/15/14 08:25 AM
There is no such thing as CPU intelligence though.

AI's in gaming haven't improved one bit since Half Life 15 years ago.
# 279 GisherJohn24 @ 09/15/14 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Ok, I'm going to bite. May be my only one.

The arrogance is staggering. What you might think is simple, may be more complex than you in reality. Many of you guys talk as if you have this extraordinary keen eye for detail, that no one, including the people that get paid to do this stuff, can see unless they get the word from you. You also seem to believe that their job is to please only you. Of course, they have to sell the game to the public and we are all part of the public. But at the end of the day, you're not the only eye. Not the only critic. Not the the only target customer. Your issues with the game may pale in comparison to bigger issue.

But what they fix and how they fix it is NOT our call. Just don't buy the game until your big issue is fixed. I haven't bought Madden in 10 years. And I don't miss it. If you're that convinced that VC is either incompetent or just doesn't care, then move on. Sounds like that what you've already set to do. Have fun with that. But for God's sake, don't pretend to assume you can determine what should and should not be easy to do. And, most importantly, just because someone doesn't cry as loud as you do about issues YOU have with a game, doesn't mean they are giving it a pass. As a matter of fact, I'm sure everyone here has different issues that they do not give a pass for. So, again, state your gripe and carry on.

Speaking of stating your gripe, like so many people that speak only in superlatives, what EXACTLY is this "basic" facet of passing is SO flawed? Dudes just start spouting off that "**** is broken". Well, what does that mean? How do those comments help? All you've done is cry that "legacy issues weren't fixed" and that you're going to an even more flawed game. What sense does that make? And of course, the same group of Jedi's like your post. To me, some of you really have no interest in actually making the games better and just look for the smallest excuse to cry about it. On the other side, over in the padded cell, I noticed that EA improved the game in areas that the so called "haters" ripped them on. The same areas that the Jedis had no problem with. The difference is that those haters are quite detailed and specific. You should try it.

Sorry for ranting, but I'm just trying to understand what your actual gripe is.
Great response. Truth be told I griped about issues with 14 but with all the problems 2k has proven to me they have been making the best sports video game I've ever played. It all started to blow me away with Jordan and 2k11. That said, the greatest games out there are gonna have flaws, peoole will gripe about those flaws but some people need to focus on the big picture. nba 2k mimics the real game and only a very few sports franchises can claim that.
# 280 Pr33mo @ 09/15/14 09:45 AM
Can't wait to read these guys comments when czar is unleashed to spew all the gameplay improvements that these so called experts claim doesn't exist by looking at a 2 min clip. Some ppl just write things to get a reaction

If u have a problem with a 6ft player grabbing a rebound over a 7ft player u should actually watch basketball, IT HAPPENS! And if u don't want it to happen just adjust sliders to how u would like it.

I would absolutely love for my 2k15 to visually look similar to 2k14 with a few tweaks. It's called progression. I would love for the players to feel more controlled and smoother while playing but none of us will know until we have the controller so how can y'all comment on that without playing?

The hate is cool but it's very contagious and u find ppl just hating to be apart of the "in crowd" and then there's those who come on here and agree with no basis it's like @boilerbuzz said we can't expect them to fix things unless we give DETAILS and suggestions. Complaining doesn't fix anything it just opens door for tag alongs

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