NBA 2K15 News Post

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
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NBA 2K15 Videos
Member Comments
# 241 Pokes404 @ 09/12/14 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Court and player size don't really matter IMO...it's more about the behavior of your team mates..

It's something 2k really needs to continue to dial in on...
Yeah, court and player size doesn't really look like the problem to me. I've never seen any measurements/ratios between 2K's court size compared to real life, but just from an eyeball test things look to be pretty close.

I think teammate AI; defenders that can recover a bit too quickly; and slow, floaty passes contribute more toward making the court feel small and congested.
# 242 AceDawg5 @ 09/12/14 02:43 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but last year's game was highly criticized....but the overwhelming majority of positive critique was based on how beautiful the game looked. So those criticizing this game for looking like last year seems to discredit all the praise from last year. My question to the community is, if this video was shown from the 2k camera angle or my personal favorite Drive cam, would that change any of your thoughts? Just because to me camera angle does effect gameplay to some degree.
# 243 El_Poopador @ 09/12/14 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by AceDawg5
Correct me if I'm wrong, but last year's game was highly criticized....but the overwhelming majority of positive critique was based on how beautiful the game looked. So those criticizing this game for looking like last year seems to discredit all the praise from last year. My question to the community is, if this video was shown from the 2k camera angle or my personal favorite Drive cam, would that change any of your thoughts? Just because to me camera angle does effect gameplay to some degree.
I don't think anyone has a problem with the graphics. For me personally, when I say it looks like last year, I'm referring to what it looks like in motion. I don't see much improvement in terms of teammate AI, footplanting, etc.
# 244 AceDawg5 @ 09/12/14 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
I don't think anyone has a problem with the graphics. For me personally, when I say it looks like last year, I'm referring to what it looks like in motion. I don't see much improvement in terms of teammate AI, footplanting, etc.
I agree with that to an extent, I think the movement definitely looks less sluggish tho. As far as AI improvements only time will tell. I really can only judge that accurately with the sticks in my hands.
# 245 El_Poopador @ 09/12/14 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by AceDawg5
I agree with that to an extent, I think the movement definitely looks less sluggish tho. As far as AI improvements only time will tell. I really can only judge that accurately with the sticks in my hands.
That's why I'm waiting for the demo lol.
# 246 PhiPsi1 @ 09/12/14 04:31 PM
From 1:41 to 1:44, the whole time I was thinking....Damn it Varejao! Get yo' a** back down on the blocks OR set a damn pick...Just don't stand there!!!! This is a big pet peeve of mine! BUT the encouraging thing is that once Love handed off to Irving, he just didn't stay in place to let Irving have to go around him just like in 2K14.

Spacing 2K! We need better spacing! And as mentioned in other threads...I believe the size of players to court ratio is off. This is one aspect that the 2K team needs to use NBA Live as a reference point.

And is it just me or is this illegal pick just gettin' out of hand....The Thunder couldn't even get into any offensive scheme b/c of this call. But what was encouraging was seeing Durant iso and pull up for a nice turn-around...That was nice....
# 247 ojandpizza @ 09/12/14 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by 2KLeague
I beg to differ from that. I went to watch Team USA vs Team DR here in New York's exhibition game and Demarcus Cousins, Faried, Drummond just to name a few seemed big to me.

My general point is, NBA players do not have bodybuilder arms, or legs.. They are relatively very slim.

Of course the players themselves are large, you listed off guys who are like 6'10 250+, they are obviously going to be very large men lol.

The taller you are generally the larger your limbs to keep you proportioned, unless you're like Manute Bol, but as far as the size of their limbs basketball players stay "skinny" even the large guys.

I already said there are a a few where that's not the case, you listed 3 relatively larger guys.. But for comparison, Cousins and Durant.

Not a huge difference in how big their limbs are, and that's with Cousins being "chunky" by the NBA norm and Durant being stick figure skinny. Since most guys fall between the two of them you can see my point as to how there isn't a huge need for everyone that has a small amount of mass on them to be built like Karl Malone and David Robinson..

Even someone most people here are claiming is huge, Ibaka, would look thin if you saw him in public compared to average people.

Notice in normal clothes not standing next to 9 other basketball players, he looks very tall and slim.. But on the basketball court he looks larger.

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# 248 Boilerbuzz @ 09/12/14 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by KobeBean8

So, I have to buy 2K14 NG to see them? Why? I've watched it a lot on YT and seen them. What the hell are you talking about? Nothing I've really seen look different. Maybe that funky foul call, but I've seen most of these things before even on 360 lol. Again, what are you talking about? Nobody's says I have to buy either game? You're just talking now lol.
No one said you had to buy anything. But if you expect to have any credibility for your opinion on the game, logging hours on YouTube doesn't mean jack compared to actually logging a good number of hours actually playing the game. That's all I'm saying. And it's really safe to assume that people that get the game would put in more time than someone that did not. Assumption. But a safe one.

Who in the hell said it shouldn't be? I just said it looks like 2K14 so far and in the same post said, "I am happy". All this stuff you are saying I've never said in my post. I never said anything about a drastic change or anything.
Your comprehension of what I wrote needs work. I never said YOU... I was speaking in general toward the other comments that were similar to your post. Did I REALLY have explain that?

I'm not going to go back and forth with you about this. I made my point and if it insulted you, then that my bad because it wasn't my intent. I even agree with you in general. So that should be enough to move on. Game looks similar 2k14. As it should. All is well.
# 249 La Verite @ 09/13/14 01:00 AM
Game looks cleaner but I think 2k15 needs a delay as well. I was hoping to see smoother animations but seems to still have that warp animation and no life like players, still zombie-ish, but I do look fwd to the no VC modes but as of now it's 2k14. And by now shouldn't there be "real" footage at this point and some my player news?

Glad there is two games this year tho.
# 250 Sundown @ 09/13/14 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by KobeBean8
LOL. If I see the same animations on 2K14 NG and on CG, Why do I have to play it. I see it. What are you talking about man?

I could look at live and SEE the same problems like a floating pass or animations without ever playing it and know the next game still has the same floating pass. I didn't say it felt the same or anything. I could see if I said, "Man, 2K is clunky and has the same dumb controls." Then you would have a point. I can see a dunk animation on YT and tell it's the same. Like what is you talking about? You sound ridiculous.
Sure, some animations are the same. That's to be expected. Some problematic ones might remain.

Now if you did play the game regularly you would notice a ton of new and improved animations that are very apparent within a few seconds. The passing looked very different and was noticeable in the very first gamescon clip.

It's why "meh, didn't buy, YouTube, looks same" sounds so off base.
# 251 BMDinTDOT @ 09/13/14 04:52 AM
One thing NBA 2K needs to copy from that amazing NHL 15 demo is the crowd and presentation.
It really adds to the game. Since Live has ESPN presentation they need to get TNT or NBA TV
presentation. Also they need to get rid of Clark Kellog who I believe is not a real NBA commentator
and just does College games.

During Timeouts and halftime they need to have the real life stuff that goes on like someone
in the crowd taking a halfcourt shot for money, the people that ride those bikes and balance
bowls on there heads, kiss cam, the mascot pulling pranks on the fans and refs.

Graphically the players eyes still need a lot of work but obviously the eyes are always the
toughest thing to master. Also some player models still need a lot of work.

Game play wise better spacing is needed, smarter AI etc...

Control wise they need to stop overloading the thumbstick and be able to do better dribbling
and crossover moves where you feel 100% in control.
# 252 swac07 @ 09/13/14 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by La Verite
Game looks cleaner but I think 2k15 needs a delay as well..

c'mon now....

Originally Posted by BMDinTDOT

During Timeouts and halftime they need to have the real life stuff that goes on like someone

in the crowd taking a halfcourt shot for money, the people that ride those bikes and balance

bowls on there heads, kiss cam, the mascot pulling pranks on the fans and refs.

while it would be cool.....

c'mooooooon now
# 253 ojandpizza @ 09/13/14 05:43 AM
Lol at "it needs a delay".

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# 254 BMDinTDOT @ 09/13/14 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by swac07
c'mon now....

while it would be cool.....

c'mooooooon now
If they're only gonna make minor graphical and game play changes it's the least they can do...

The NHL 15 Demo really opened my eyes to what it can do for a game. Having the mascot
dunk off a trampoline, kiss cams, fans taking half court shots for money, fans taking pics
with the cheerleaders etc. can't be that hard to do.

If they get TNT or NBA TV presentation having different announce teams would be cool. They
had Spanish announcers in 2K14 so multiple announce teams are possible.

With Next Gen I want the full NBA experience
# 255 Goffs @ 09/13/14 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by BMDinTDOT
If they're only gonna make minor graphical and game play changes it's the least they can do...
So if it's only minor changes wouldn't it be better for them to work on the graphics and gameplay rather than all the little things? Is'nt that what people want?
# 256 BMDinTDOT @ 09/13/14 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by Goffs
So if it's only minor changes wouldn't it be better for them to work on the graphics and gameplay rather than all the little things? Is'nt that what people want?
That is what people want but what did they work on this year despite only minor
differences in graphics and game play?

Ideally with Next Gen we should demand and get all the works. I'm tired of things disappearing
then reappearing. The game should never go backwards...Things like player intros, mascots,
cheerleaders etc should have never gone away. Keep on building the core game to be the
best it can be than worry about all the other features and game modes after you've maxed that

Also International teams are a must in this day and age...

And if they can't get the rights they need to have a good create a team feature where we
we can create the flags and jersey of those national teams.
# 257 BMDinTDOT @ 09/13/14 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by KobeBean8
Wow. NHL has all of that during halftime? Makes me wonder what they did for the rest of the game.

I refuse to believe they have a kiss cam lol.
No they don't have a Kiss cam but they created the best crowd and presentation ever in a sports game.
They also really improved the graphics and game play at the expense they took out a lot of features
and game modes that will be patched in later.

If you have an Xbox One or PS4 I highly recommend you download the NHL 15 demo and see
what they've done with the presentation and crowd it really open up your imagination for what
2K can do with NBA 2K in the future.

Since it's only a demo also checkout the NHL 15 Next gen trailers on Youtube to see all
the crowd and presentation things they've added it's pretty cool and when you play the demo
it really adds to the enjoyment of the game.
# 258 swac07 @ 09/13/14 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by BMDinTDOT
If they're only gonna make minor graphical and game play changes it's the least they can do...

The NHL 15 Demo really opened my eyes to what it can do for a game. Having the mascot
dunk off a trampoline, kiss cams, fans taking half court shots for money, fans taking pics
with the cheerleaders etc. can't be that hard to do.

If they get TNT or NBA TV presentation having different announce teams would be cool. They
had Spanish announcers in 2K14 so multiple announce teams are possible.

With Next Gen I want the full NBA experience

OK, I can respect that no doubt, but as far as a full game its been said the new NHL is bare bones and fans are upset about it..which I can understand .... When 2k gets the full gameplay experience down pack I feel they can/will work on the little things...2k is known for their presentation packages being top notch past gen[ and rumored this gen with 2k15] give it time...I see it as a "want" moreso than a "need"...give em time...they are still leading the industry in that dept. I will say....

ps I have dled the NHL demo..its NBC package is cool even with real-time commentators but it[the football game[demo i dled],futbol game[demo i dled], and bball game[even with espn license] still is light yrs away from college hoops,nba 2k, and the nfl2k series imo...cheers!
# 259 BMDinTDOT @ 09/13/14 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by swac07
OK, I can respect that no doubt, but as far as a full game its been said the new NHL is bare bones and fans are upset about it..which I can understand .... When 2k gets the full gameplay experience down pack I feel they can/will work on the little things...2k is known for their presentation packages being top notch past gen[ and rumored this gen with 2k15] give it time...I see it as a "want" moreso than a "need"...give em time...they are still leading the industry in that dept. I will say....

ps I have dled the NHL demo..its NBC package is cool even with real-time commentators but it[the football game[demo i dled],futbol game[demo i dled], and bball game[even with espn license] still is light yrs away from college hoops,nba 2k, and the nfl2k series imo
NFL2K was great and I think the Shaq and EJ halftime show is kinda gonna be like that
Chris Berman weekly show they had in that game.

As for 2K making an amazing crowd with the ideas I'm talking about I'm not sure if they can
add that in the next year or 2 or if they would have to build a whole new engine.

I feel in the last few years 2K has concentrated on making the game more of a RPG game
trying to attract non sports fans to buy the game and play some of those modes.

I know those EA NHL fans are up in arms about all those features being delayed/removed but
I think those game producers made the right call and that was to build the best in game sports
experience they can than work on all the features and modes after.

I'm not dawging 2K I just think it would be really cool if they do this as well especially since
they would probably even do it better.
# 260 49UNCFan @ 09/13/14 08:25 AM
Loving the camera view it just looks better simple as that

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