NBA 2K15 News Post

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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# 301 Boilerbuzz @ 09/16/14 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by I Djm
Because the higher you set the difficulty the more see the cpu taking shortcuts instead of playing their brand of basketball
Ok... But what does that have to do with judging bootleg clips of of the game set to PRO?
# 302 Boilerbuzz @ 09/16/14 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by ojandpizza
You don't see the kiss cams, dunking off trampolines, fans taking pics with cheerleaders, etc when you watch a game on TV anyways.. That's all **** you have to actually be at the game for.. Besides playing a game isn't suppose to feel like your in the stands at a game, it's supposed to feel like you're playing.. I can't even wrap my head around why 2K, or any game for that matter, would even want to waist their time with that kind of stuff when they could use that time to improve on the actual basketball aspect of it.

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I don't have a problem with this stuff if it is done right. Would sell the illusion even more.
# 303 JasonMartin @ 09/16/14 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
The source is the developer itself.
And where did you read it? Link? Post?

There was obviously something off in the latest editions court wise. No one can deny that. Had to do with spacing, court size and the players.
# 304 Boilerbuzz @ 09/16/14 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by JasonMartin
And where did you read it? Link? Post?

There was obviously something off in the latest editions court wise. No one can deny that. Had to do with spacing, court size and the players.

I'll let you look for it. There have been plenty of threads on it. Nothing's off about the player to court scaling. I think it was Beluba that chimed in on one of the threads and said the scale was 1 to 1. The close out speeds are the complaint. That's it.

It's really funny how people can believe their own assumptions based on nothing but ignorance, state them as fact, then put the burden of proof on others in the face testimony from the people that know OR basic common sense. Even if they didn't say so, what POSSIBLE reason would they have to make the game MORE complicated just to make the gameplay worse? People have theorized the scaling for years and it's been debunked the whole time. If it were true, give one good reason why it hasn't changed. Is VC just run by a bunch of arrogant and sadistic jackasses that enjoy hearing people complaining? If they were busted, do you think Czar would be cool with that? it would sure make his life miserable replicating plays true to life. But if you want to believe in that ghost, then have fun with that.
# 305 El_Poopador @ 09/16/14 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by JasonMartin
And where did you read it? Link? Post?

There was obviously something off in the latest editions court wise. No one can deny that. Had to do with spacing, court size and the players.
It definitely feels like the players are too big for the court. But I don't necessarily think it's the size of either. I think it has to do more with how much ground a player can cover in a short amount of time, like BoilerBuzz said. The biggest issue is that a player can go from a standstill to max speed almost instantly, and change directions on a dime. They just need to work on the weight and momentum for every animation, and have true footplanting. Once they have that, we should see more realistic starting, stopping, and subtle changes in direction.
# 306 JBulls @ 09/16/14 09:01 AM
What I was talking about wasn't actually player to court size ratio but rather the court itself.

I took a 2K14 court file into blender and the 3D lines are not accurate. Of course, those models could be just a visual representation and the invisible boundaries may actually be exactly 94:50 but it seems like some things are approximated. For the most part though, it's inconsequential. For example part of the rim model, backboard and backstop are obviously guesswork, I'd just hoped it was accurate where it mattered (rim height, diameter, etc). There are also some lines on the court that are not regulation such as the restricted area and the 4 lines along the sideline (don't know what they're called).

These things are the reason why I said what I said. Since you said the devs confirmed it's all good, I'll take their word for it. I just never had an answer either way until now.
# 307 pdx_24 @ 09/16/14 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
I really wish they would change how the difficulty levels work. A bad shot is a bad shot, and should be treated as such on any level. Going from Pro to Superstar shouldn't increase/decrease any attributes, only the CPU intelligence. That goes for all games, not just 2k.
I couldn't agree more.
# 308 KyotoCarl @ 09/16/14 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by JBulls
What I was talking about wasn't actually player to court size ratio but rather the court itself.

I took a 2K14 court file into blender and the 3D lines are not accurate. Of course, those models could be just a visual representation and the invisible boundaries may actually be exactly 94:50 but it seems like some things are approximated. For the most part though, it's inconsequential. For example part of the rim model, backboard and backstop are obviously guesswork, I'd just hoped it was accurate where it mattered (rim height, diameter, etc). There are also some lines on the court that are not regulation such as the restricted area and the 4 lines along the sideline (don't know what they're called).

These things are the reason why I said what I said. Since you said the devs confirmed it's all good, I'll take their word for it. I just never had an answer either way until now.
Interesting. Could you post some screens and numbers from Blender?
# 309 Boilerbuzz @ 09/16/14 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
It definitely feels like the players are too big for the court. But I don't necessarily think it's the size of either. I think it has to do more with how much ground a player can cover in a short amount of time, like BoilerBuzz said. The biggest issue is that a player can go from a standstill to max speed almost instantly, and change directions on a dime. They just need to work on the weight and momentum for every animation, and have true footplanting. Once they have that, we should see more realistic starting, stopping, and subtle changes in direction.
EXACTLY. And the reason I think that just hasn't been shoehorned in is because there is a balance of REALLY realistic movement and feel for the user. I'm sure that's not an easy balancing act. It'll get there some day, I'm sure.
# 310 Boilerbuzz @ 09/16/14 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by JBulls
What I was talking about wasn't actually player to court size ratio but rather the court itself.

I took a 2K14 court file into blender and the 3D lines are not accurate. Of course, those models could be just a visual representation and the invisible boundaries may actually be exactly 94:50 but it seems like some things are approximated. For the most part though, it's inconsequential. For example part of the rim model, backboard and backstop are obviously guesswork, I'd just hoped it was accurate where it mattered (rim height, diameter, etc). There are also some lines on the court that are not regulation such as the restricted area and the 4 lines along the sideline (don't know what they're called).

These things are the reason why I said what I said. Since you said the devs confirmed it's all good, I'll take their word for it. I just never had an answer either way until now.
Hey man. I would love to see this data if you have the time and inclination to provide them. Just from a curiosity standpoint.
# 311 JBulls @ 09/16/14 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Hey man. I would love to see this data if you have the time and inclination to provide them. Just from a curiosity standpoint.
I don't have Blender, or 2K or any of the other software required installed anymore (this was like 8 months ago when I researched it) but you can probably see some of what I'm talking about in this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suIrIR1OoVM#t=555

There you can clearly see the restricted area not being extended up to the backboard like it should be and the other lines I mentioned being non-regulation. You can also see the actual 3D lines are a lot thicker than the NBA's regulation 2 inches, however this translates on to the court better because they use a raster image that combines with the 3D model to make up the boundaries. Very strange way of getting it done, imo.

Measuring the edges to get the ratio was a huge chore as I recall, I can't quite remember what the exact ratio was though :/, I will make sure to get back to you with numbers if courts can be edited in 2K15 'cause I wanna start fixing them again :P.
# 312 Boilerbuzz @ 09/16/14 12:52 PM
Nice find man. I wonder if anyone that has modded the stadiums wouldn't mind chiming in on the dimensions of the court. Note, this is tangent to the player to court ratios, but it's still interesting to get a peek inside on the building of the game. I'm just the curious type!
# 313 Turbojugend @ 09/16/14 01:03 PM
Man, I guess this is where being an older gamer from the Atari 2600 days has its benefits. Coming from Double Dribble and Blades of Steel, series like NBA 2K, The Show and FIFA are phenomenal and only seem to improve each year. If you've have shown me these 2K15 clips back in the day I've had told you it wasn't possible, that's how good it looks (and I assume -- plays) to me.

I do understand focusing on the details, we all want the best game possible. But I hope some of you guys find the time to enjoy these games every now and then.
# 314 23 @ 09/16/14 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
Man, I guess this is where being an older gamer from the Atari 2600 days has its benefits. Coming from Double Dribble and Blades of Steel, series like NBA 2K, The Show and FIFA are phenomenal and only seem to improve each year. If you've have shown me these 2K15 clips back in the day I've had told you it wasn't possible, that's how good it looks (and I assume -- plays) to me.

I do understand focusing on the details, we all want the best game possible. But I hope some of you guys find the time to enjoy these games every now and then.
I think folks forget sometimes
# 315 VDusen04 @ 09/16/14 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
Man, I guess this is where being an older gamer from the Atari 2600 days has its benefits. Coming from Double Dribble and Blades of Steel, series like NBA 2K, The Show and FIFA are phenomenal and only seem to improve each year. If you've have shown me these 2K15 clips back in the day I've had told you it wasn't possible, that's how good it looks (and I assume -- plays) to me.

I do understand focusing on the details, we all want the best game possible. But I hope some of you guys find the time to enjoy these games every now and then.
It's nice to put things in perspective sometimes.

# 316 Boilerbuzz @ 09/16/14 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
Man, I guess this is where being an older gamer from the Atari 2600 days has its benefits. Coming from Double Dribble and Blades of Steel, series like NBA 2K, The Show and FIFA are phenomenal and only seem to improve each year. If you've have shown me these 2K15 clips back in the day I've had told you it wasn't possible, that's how good it looks (and I assume -- plays) to me.

I do understand focusing on the details, we all want the best game possible. But I hope some of you guys find the time to enjoy these games every now and then.
AMEN my brotha!!! I guess we're the same age... group...
# 317 Boilerbuzz @ 09/16/14 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
It's nice to put things in perspective sometimes.

More like:

# 318 El_Poopador @ 09/16/14 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
More like:

Ok, now those players are too big for the court.
# 319 Boilerbuzz @ 09/16/14 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
Ok, now those players are too big for the court.
Exactly! Spacing is fine though...
# 320 23 @ 09/16/14 05:21 PM
How about this

since you can't make a post without coming off very immature with the name calling and poster bashing were going to help you Today

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