NBA 2K15 News Post

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
NBA 2K15 Videos
Member Comments
# 161 thedream2k13 @ 09/11/14 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by LD2k
It will come, and I will walk away victorious. We have LOTS of surprises in store.
Alright don't run away from your Lakers since they aren't very good lol
# 162 SouthBeach @ 09/11/14 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by bjthomas121
No he does the marketing part of the game like Ronnie. If I'm not mistaken
# 163 poloelite @ 09/11/14 07:23 PM
I met and hung out with LD2K and Ronnie at last year's Gamestop Expo for pretty much the whole day, the homie JWill was with us too. We gave them criticism and feedbavk. They answered every question and they were open and honest about everything they could talk about at the time. This post is a response to the person who suggested no one would be critical of the game in front of the creators.
# 164 poloelite @ 09/11/14 07:25 PM

Bad phone typing
# 165 thedream2k13 @ 09/11/14 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Yeah but this is why I made the quip last week about info release.

Those people saw the game talked to you guys about it etc. ......

It's been much less revealed here online and a ton of "its coming soon" remarks, but people are still in the dark a bit.

So when you take this long you stand the chance of getting one upped by regular Dave and the likes with crappy footage.

Got to give it to davez and leftos who revealed quite a bit and people were excited to hear the details.

Beyond my league and shaq and ernie people don't know much else really.
Exactly!!! We are only subject to cell phone pics and assumptions because the marketing is so slowwwwww. For a major release 2k tends to depend on cheap marketing tactics and free publicity from twitter and youtube personalities
# 166 lakers24 @ 09/11/14 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by WISports
Yeah, this always bothered me.

I just wish animations overall were just more fluid.

Anybody know if the players to court size are accurate? I know many in the past have said that the court looks too small.
If I'm honest with my self, i'd say it's pretty close to real life(the court could be a tad bit wider). If the players themselves actually moved out the way and ran plays with any semblance of urgency like real life I don't think we'd really have a problem though.
# 167 Goffs @ 09/11/14 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.Smif
My only issue with the video is why was Anderson V. standing on top of the key next to Kyrie Irving just standing around, he should have set a pick.
I've always asked for a automatic pick whenever you dribbled next to a big. I'm guessing they didn't implement it because it sounds like it could be exploited.
# 168 KyotoCarl @ 09/11/14 07:44 PM
How much different do people want the game to feel? 2K14 looked good and played good. The NBA looks more or less the same each year, the way the game plays.
I want to see more and more animations per year but I never expect the game to look radically different because the foundation is still very very good.
# 169 I Djm @ 09/11/14 07:57 PM
Only thing i hated was when they crowded up on the 3pt line everytime that happens one of the off ball defenders swipe ball and usually gets the steal
# 170 turty11 @ 09/11/14 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
2K14 played good.

bruh, you playin the same game as the rest of us?

@goff, i meant people who play it early not work on it.

its one thing to work on the game yourself and judge it...its another to get people who will want to find every problem and pick it apart
# 171 Jakeness23 @ 09/11/14 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Thats actually pretty realistic.
The timing maybe, but not the way they are just standing there. The one player called for the foul will argue and the others will move to their spots (slowly, but still moving, not just staring into the great abyss).
# 172 badmrfrosty7 @ 09/11/14 08:06 PM
Hard to ever watch any sports gameplay videos that are leaks or gameplay from expos or whatever because I just can't stand watching human H2H matchups. It's usually not the ideal representation of the game, or advancements in AI etc, especially with how I play the game which is typically tweaked to be as much of a simulation as possible.

This game was solid last year so I'm getting it either way (and I believe solid basically every year), but it's dumb to hold your expectations to any of these vids. Especially without audio and being controlled by people who skip through everything and aren't sim players by any means. Grains of salt.
# 173 lakers24 @ 09/11/14 08:15 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned it, but bruh...The animated logos are SOOOOO ESPN. I saw them going that direction last year with the 3d logos but now it's damn near a one-to-one recreation of the logo splash screens ESPN uses. It's a bit weird seeing as the game screams TNT everywhere else though.
# 174 Dr. Banner @ 09/11/14 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by poloelite
I met and hung out with LD2K and Ronnie at last year's Gamestop Expo for pretty much the whole day, the homie JWill was with us too. We gave them criticism and feedbavk. They answered every question and they were open and honest about everything they could talk about at the time. This post is a response to the person who suggested no one would be critical of the game in front of the creators.
That would be I. And I stick by my comment. Of course people gonna give their opinions etc. But nobody would actually say to the creators (yes I know they not the literal creators guys) that the game looks and plays exactly like last year. I've been to different events and that's what I've seen with my own eyes, and have done myself I hated a game before, but when one of the companies representatives asked me how I liked it, I immediately said I like it a lot! Just look how people reacted To the LD2K comment, immediately guys commented back to him with, people just complain to complain types of comments etc. All I'm saying is sometimes when a developer or a rep for that developer around, people tend to say mostly positive things, which isn't wrong or a bad thing, just my observation.
# 175 zrtelford @ 09/11/14 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Banner
That would be I. And I stick by my comment. Of course people gonna give their opinions etc. But nobody would actually say to the creators (yes I know they not the literal creators guys) that the game looks and plays exactly like last year. I've been to different events and that's what I've seen with my own eyes, and have done myself I hated a game before, but when one of the companies representatives asked me how I liked it, I immediately said I like it a lot! Just look how people reacted To the LD2K comment, immediately guys commented back to him with, people just complain to complain types of comments etc. All I'm saying is sometimes when a developer or a rep for that developer around, people tend to say mostly positive things, which isn't wrong or a bad thing, just my observation.

My point must have been missed. Or you refuse to see it. So I will lay it out for you. IMO it is quite difficult to come to the conclusions you are coming to from the 1 video we have been shown. You VERY WELL might be right on ALL your criticisms.

My suggestion. Wait for more videos, or ideally play it, at a friends, at BestBuy, however (assuming you are on the fence still about buying it.) If you still feel the same way..post to your hearts content, and I will gladly read said posts and use your comments to decide if I will buy this or not (I skipped 2k14)

If was a developer, I would be driven nuts buy these type of comments when people haven't even held the game in their hands.

I love reading comments from people who actually have the games before I buy. I hate reading comments based on one crummy video. All I am saying. And you will probably disagree with me, because that is what people do on the internet. They argue. You will tell me you have spotted many of things that are still obviously "broken" or same as last year. to that I say, give it a chance. You could be wrong. Assuredly stating something based on so little information is risky.
# 176 HowDareI @ 09/11/14 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by zrtelford
My point must have been missed. Or you refuse to see it. So I will lay it out for you. IMO it is quite difficult to come to the conclusions you are coming to from the 1 video we have been shown. You VERY WELL might be right on ALL your criticisms.

My suggestion. Wait for more videos, or ideally play it, at a friends, at BestBuy, however (assuming you are on the fence still about buying it.) If you still the same way..post to your hearts content, and I will gladly read said posts and use your comments to decide if I will buy this or not (I skipped 2k14)

If was a developer, I would be driven nuts buy these type of comments when people haven't even held the game in their hands.

I love reading comments from people who actually have the games before I buy. I hate reading comments based on one crummy video. All I am saying. And you will probably disagree with me, because that is what people do on the internet. They argue. You will tell me you have spotted many of things that are still obviously "broken" or same as last year. to that I say, give it chance. You could be wrong. Assuredly stating something based on so little information is risky.
And people, albeit unfairly, come to said conclusions because 2K is pretty slow when it comes to showing footage.

We're 3 weeks till release and no real gameplay has been shown.
We've seen videos but they're edited to look pretty, which is okay.
But we haven't seen any human vs. cpu on higher difficulties or nothing like that, so some people see this gameplay from a cell phone on a low difficulty and assume that's how the game will always play.

I mean some blame goes to 2K because people are making assumptions off the very little footage we've seen less than a month from release.

PERSONALLY, I know it'll be good..but other people don't follow the game like I do.
# 177 JBulls @ 09/11/14 09:07 PM
No drastic animation improvements this year it seems. it's been said that they weren't able to take full advantage of their eco-motion engine last year due to time constraints, but I don't really see a huge difference between last gen gameplay, and this.

I was hoping for foot planting, and player momentum this year.
# 178 Shadojoker @ 09/11/14 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by xr2unitx
I haven't played 2K14 in a while but this just honestly looks the same. First time I've ever felt disappointed watching new content.
Completely agree 100%..looks the same. I have been more impressed with NBA LIVE more even though we have barely seen anything.
# 179 cmac2k13 @ 09/11/14 09:37 PM
I've been a 2K guy since 2K6 on 360, but am yet to play 2K on next gen.

I thought this video looked promising. I know last year's game gets a lot of gripe, but it was the first 2K title of this generation so it's going to need to be improved.

What really excited me is how certain players movements look spot on. KD dribbling and running back on defense after scoring looked spot on. Thought I was watching a real highlight for a second.

Wasn't happy the user controlling Cleveland kept deferring with LeBron and passing the ball. Must have been a *****.
# 180 Ghostf4cekhila1234 @ 09/11/14 09:41 PM
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa y to much judgment on a 5 minute gameplay video of people who didn't know how to play the game

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