NBA 2K15 News Post

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
NBA 2K15 Videos
Member Comments
# 181 24ct @ 09/11/14 10:00 PM
Varejao hair wasn't moving...and I didn't see if he was scanned but I doubt it...
# 182 thedream2k13 @ 09/11/14 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by Shadojoker
Completely agree 100%..looks the same. I have been more impressed with NBA LIVE more even though we have barely seen anything.
Yeah basketball tends to look the same even when i watch it on league pass smh so boring
# 183 alaska2k3 @ 09/11/14 10:23 PM
I'm not sure if this was in 2K14, but in the gameplay video, did anyone notice how the OKC fans in the arena?

The fans are standing during the beginning of the game, then after KD scored they are seen sitting down (OKC obtaining possession of the ball after the Kevin Love FT attempts).
# 184 youvalss @ 09/11/14 10:25 PM
Didn't look bad at all...I just miss the days when every year the game was fresh (mostly 2K7 ---> 2K8 ---> 2K9).
# 185 woshihuxingtan @ 09/11/14 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by LD2k
It will come, and I will walk away victorious. We have LOTS of surprises in store.
Plz add more legends to MyTeam mode
# 186 BluFu @ 09/11/14 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by 24ct
Varejao hair wasn't moving...and I didn't see if he was scanned but I doubt it...
but... but the cheerleader hair...

# 187 24ct @ 09/11/14 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by BluFu
but... but the cheerleader hair...

Either this is an old build or they literally did what I think and didn't change Varejao at all...or maybe it wasn't close enough, but other players hair moves. Like, I saw Rubio's hair & another players move but I want to see the Joakim Noah, dreads, braids, short curly/mop tops, etc...
# 188 lilteapot @ 09/11/14 10:52 PM
Passes look weird, and some of the movement just looks really choppy.
# 189 scottyp180 @ 09/11/14 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by BlackSheep2910
Definitely going with that other basketball game (if they don't completely blow it). Nba 2k has officially become the Madden of basketball. Thanks to ppl claiming that its non sim canimation gameplay is god. Understand even great games can improve because no game is perfect. Go back and look at the drastic upgrade in quality from the snes/ Sega Genesis sports games to the PS1 games. Or PS1 to the Ps2/ Xbox. Then ask yourself why we have the same legacy issues going into a new gen? Its because these are the EXACT SAME game engines from last gen. These companies are lying to us (new engine my a**). You got like 10 times the power and come up with the same exact game. Wake up ppl!
I'm not saying that these games shouldn't improve but these are different times than the sega to ps1 days or ps1 to ps2 days. Those were much bigger leaps in technology and allowed relatively simple games to become much more complex and in depth, both in terms of visuals and gameplay. If you haven't noticed there hasn't been much in terms of innovation thus far this generation from any genre. Its mostly the same with better graphics, improved animations but nothing that has changed gaming like previous console generation shifts.

Its also much more difficult to rebuild a game from scratch compared to the sega, ps1 days. 2k could not simply rebuild the series with a new engine in a year and have it reach the same level of quality they typically produce. They would either have to take a year or so off, take a step back in quality in order to build the franchise back up, or have a seperate team working on a new engine while another team produces a game to meet the yearly date. In either one of those situations fans will get upset.
# 190 Dr. Banner @ 09/11/14 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by zrtelford
My point must have been missed. Or you refuse to see it. So I will lay it out for you. IMO it is quite difficult to come to the conclusions you are coming to from the 1 video we have been shown. You VERY WELL might be right on ALL your criticisms.

My suggestion. Wait for more videos, or ideally play it, at a friends, at BestBuy, however (assuming you are on the fence still about buying it.) If you still feel the same way..post to your hearts content, and I will gladly read said posts and use your comments to decide if I will buy this or not (I skipped 2k14)

If was a developer, I would be driven nuts buy these type of comments when people haven't even held the game in their hands.

I love reading comments from people who actually have the games before I buy. I hate reading comments based on one crummy video. All I am saying. And you will probably disagree with me, because that is what people do on the internet. They argue. You will tell me you have spotted many of things that are still obviously "broken" or same as last year. to that I say, give it a chance. You could be wrong. Assuredly stating something based on so little information is risky.
Actually I agree with you. I shouldn't of judged it from one video. I'll reserved further judgement after I see more videos with higher quality or actually play it myself. Thanks for the thoughtful comment.
# 191 gamingsinceatari @ 09/12/14 12:17 AM
I just wish they fixed kyrie's hair. DAMN
# 192 MarvellousOne @ 09/12/14 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by gamingsinceatari
I just wish they fixed kyrie's hair. DAMN
Yeah he looks practically unchanged....that hair is gross
# 193 TUSS11 @ 09/12/14 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Ghostf4cekhila1234
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa y to much judgment on a 5 minute gameplay video of people who didn't know how to play the game
The sad thing is... that was CPU vs. CPU.
# 194 R9NALD9 @ 09/12/14 01:16 AM
Really don't understand the negativity. NBA 2k14's gameplay was mint IMO. If they took that gameplay exactly and only brought individual defensive matchups back then I'm sold. This looks like some decent improvement/refinement and they made a hell of a lot of changes to the franchise mode.

Definitely picking this up on day 1.

NBA 2k is still the sports game that represents it's sport the best IMO. It was always the show but nba 2k overtook them the last couple of years.
# 195 Air_Carter @ 09/12/14 01:20 AM
From that gameplay video it seems to be a smoother version of NBA 2K14, which is fine by me. Hopefully that is the case because I liked what I saw in that video.
# 196 badmrfrosty7 @ 09/12/14 02:03 AM
People knocking the graphics on this game are out of their mind. NBA 2k14 was/is one of the best looking 'next-gen' games out there. It's the low-quality camera-phone upload you're not impressed with, manned by someone who I can only assume was so impressed by the graphics, that it excuses him for looking up at the NBA 2k15 banner every 5 seconds to remind him it was just a video game.
# 197 Boilerbuzz @ 09/12/14 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by KobeBean8
Didn't really see anything new. Not really no new animations or anything. Seems like 2K14 so far.

Again, I am happy I skipped 2K14 because the graphics and gameplay will all be new to me. But from the YT vids I watched, looks pretty much the same. Can't wait to hear more about other modes though.
So let me get this straight: You admit that you skipped 2K14, yet you chime in as some expert based on what you've seen on YouTube. To top it off, you're comparing it to a 4 minute fuzzy cellphone clip...


Can someone just shoot me now?

Look, I am with many people on the 2k fatigue to a point. That's why I step away from the game for months. But my fatigue doesn't make the game any less of a good game. People expecting a game to change for the sake of change are quite naive and/or crazy. They will always find something to cry about and will not enjoy anything. The people that can claim more excitement for the other game are just troll baiting if you ask me.

I will say this; I do wish the "old build" excuses would just die already. Why the hell would you show an old build anywhere in the public? If it's old, it has to be in terms of days. I ignore that mess because once you get this late in the cycle, the game won't be all that different. But I've been wrong before and may be wrong now. With that said, there is absolutely nothing in that video that would make me not want to play NBA 2k15. End of story.
# 198 bumpyface @ 09/12/14 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by hesko
guessing cause they expecting those $60.
seriously though with the "power" of the new systems, I'd expect more gameplay changes rather than just graphical ones as there should be. Just saying cause player movement now should not be like older versions of 2k. Why would a player do a two handed over head pass to his teammate right in front of his face. The way they move is like they don't know that they're in a game. Those extra animations could be used to really bring the players to life and make use of this whole "living worlds" thing. If you can mimic the crowd leaving early due to the score then I'm sure they can give the players some sort of awareness on the court.
Preach my brother Preach!
# 199 ojandpizza @ 09/12/14 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
What other sports game does that year to year when it comes to gameplay?

I'm still waiting like 20 years now for Madden to show a "huge" improvement lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 200 blackngoldfan @ 09/12/14 03:46 AM
I have nothing really negative to say about the gameplay, but I really liked the scoreboard in 2k14. This one seems very boring and generic. Just a rectangle divided into smaller squares. No curves at all. Even the pop-up is a plain rectangle. I noticed it was off-screen for a lot of the video. I hope they make some changes to it.

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