NBA 2K15 News Post

Game: NBA 2K15Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iOS / PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 64 - View All
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Member Comments
# 281 Boilerbuzz @ 09/15/14 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
That's because it's on pro and it's already been stated that pro difficulty will be easier to appeal to new players. Once you get the game you can turn up the difficulty and get what you want.

A little research before acting out can answer your questions.
Exaclty. Pro has ALWAYS been the default for ****** players. These demos have ALWAYS been set to default. Why supposed sim head continue to complain about these demo clips in that regard is funny considering they are supposed to have the keen eye and all...
# 282 Boilerbuzz @ 09/15/14 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Vni
There is no such thing as CPU intelligence though.

AI's in gaming haven't improved one bit since Half Life 15 years ago.
HalfLife? Seriously? My and your idea of AI are drastically different. HL is a scripted game dude. There is some clean pathing and tactical decision making (like flanking), but the AI requirements of sports games dwarf most other genres.
# 283 Vni @ 09/15/14 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
HalfLife? Seriously? My and you idea of AI are drastically different. HL is a scripted game dude. There is some clean patching and tactical decision making, but the AI requirements of sports games dwarf most other genres.

Nah in HL they threw grenades, hided behind cover and flanked you. But I agree it's not a great comparison.

But what I mean is that all that happens when you raise the difficulty is that the AI gets a boost in attribute and you get a nerf. The AI doesn't get any smarter.
# 284 El_Poopador @ 09/15/14 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Vni
Nah in HL they threw grenades, hided behind cover and flanked you. But I agree it's not a great comparison.

But what I mean is that all that happens when you raise the difficulty is that the AI gets a boost in attribute and you get a nerf. The AI doesn't get any smarter.
Right, that's how it works now. I was saying that, ideally, it would be the other way around. On Rookie, for example, the AI may fall for pump fakes more, or be much slower to react on rotations, leaving more openings to get good looks at the hoop. And when they're on offense, they may not see the open man as quickly, or take advantage of mismatches as often.

As you increase the difficulty, they become smarter, with better (albeit, still human-like) reaction time (ie not psychic defender level that can steal passes without looking), smarter playcalling, taking advantage of mistakes, etc., rather than simply playing exactly the same, but making otherwise bad shots. That way, as you increase the difficulty level, you essentially learn what you're doing wrong and how to play smarter.

The way it is now, you can be successful on lower levels, then bump up the difficulty and have no idea what you're doing, because all of a sudden the shots you were taking (same player, same timing, same defense, etc.) aren't falling, because they were never good shots to begin with.
# 285 from33to77 @ 09/15/14 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
That's because it's on pro and it's already been stated that pro difficulty will be easier to appeal to new players. Once you get the game you can turn up the difficulty and get what you want.

A little research before acting out can answer your questions.
So you said that in 2k15 pro difficulty was lowered........... I did not play nba 2k14 but in 2k13 the difficulty gap between pro and all star was uge, for me. I win too much in pro but i get destroyed in all star. Any chances that the all star difficulty to be lowered in 2k15 as the pro is,? Or add a new difficulty, named "starter" just after pro for example,.....
# 286 23 @ 09/15/14 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by BlackSheep2910
Because i want 2k to make a great game just like everybody else. I would gladly buy both, if they delivered.

The problem is, alot of you feel butt-hurt by my criticism of a game that can do no wrong in your mind. Its like you can't accept hearing anything negative about your precious 2k. It almost seems like they put a spell on you. In the end, the best way to advance (in anything) is to view both positive AND negative perspectives of the product.
Or I could just be calling you out for claiming you're going to get NBA live instead citing fundamental problems but it's no reason to argue with this jibberish because boilerbuzz already tore a hole on your backside and your weak complaint.
# 287 basehead617 @ 09/15/14 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by BlackSheep2910
Passing: The player models are too big in proportion to the court size.
That is a factually incorrect statement.

The courts are precisely the right size in mathematical units, and the player models are the exact heights/dimensions that the real players are, in those same units.
# 288 JasonMartin @ 09/15/14 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by basehead617
That is a factually incorrect statement.

The courts are precisely the right size in mathematical units, and the player models are the exact heights/dimensions that the real players are, in those same units.
What is your source?
# 289 JBulls @ 09/15/14 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by basehead617
That is a factually incorrect statement.

The courts are precisely the right size in mathematical units, and the player models are the exact heights/dimensions that the real players are, in those same units.
Are you sure? it seems more of an approximation rather than exact units.
# 290 KyotoCarl @ 09/15/14 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by JBulls
Are you sure? it seems more of an approximation rather than exact units.
Why does people think that 2K wouldn't address this unless they feel it's just right?
# 291 JBulls @ 09/15/14 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
Why does people think that 2K wouldn't address this unless they feel it's just right?
What ?
# 292 KyotoCarl @ 09/15/14 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by JBulls
What ?
People keep saying players are too big and the court is too small.
If that is the case, why wouldn't 2K adress it? They must have a reason for keeping the court the size the way it is and the player models the way they are.
# 293 Boilerbuzz @ 09/15/14 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by BlackSheep2910
Nobody said anything was easy. And i never claimed to have more knowledge than the actual develop team. I don't know how to build a t.v either. But if i pay $800 for a brand new t.v built in 2014, i KNOW it better not be "standard definition" without even looking on the box. When i buy a basketball game in 2014, is not reasonable to expect, to be able to pass and rebound?
Wait. So you're saying you can't pass or rebound in the game? You see, this is talking in superlatives because I KNOW you don't mean you can't pass or rebound *at all* in the game. So what exactly are you not able to to?

How could something that has been done before be impossible on bigger better more powerful consoles? More in depth about legacy issues....
Again - superlatives.

Passing: The player models are too big in proportion to the court size.
Based on what exactly? Can you provide a screenshot and show that the players are bigger with relationship to the court? You're talking about dudes that are 6'6" on average on a 94' court. Show me a shot where the ratio of player body dimensions are not consistent with court dimensions. VC has said for YEARS that the players are exactly to scale with the court. If you don't believe me, ask Czar. I'm sure he's been back and forth with them directly and is now part of the team. If the court to player ratios are NOT right - it would REALLY screw up all of his work.

Therefore causing them to take less steps/movement to clog the passing lanes. This results in defensive players being able to move faster than the offense can move the ball.
I can show you COUNTLESS videos that show REAL NBA players covering a LOT of ground in 2 to 3 steps. Just go watch a video of LBJ. He can get from the 3pt line to below the circle in TWO steps. So to cry about covering distance from guys that have LONG strides falls flat. Now, are some of the movement too fast? Yes! I would agree with you to a certain extent. Maybe they are mocapping guys that are too fast. But this *IS* mocapped data and supposedly unmodified. That means that what you normally see is what was captured. So, apparently, there are some really fast dudes in the world.

Rebounding: Lack of (or awkward) animation response when attempting to go for the ball. ALL animations when a rebound is up front grabs, should result in the players moving/"fighting" towards the ball. Example: if "I" jump for a ball that is falling away from the side of the rim on, it should result in the best effort allowed by player ratings and situation context. In other words, jump/move TOWARDS the ball instead of jumping straight up in the air. Increased alertness off the situation, so the ball doesn't just smack my player in the face and roll to the ground (which i don't recall being this much of a problem in earlier editions)
So basically, how it works now is OK with you. I was confused there. RARELY do I see a rebound animation not attempt to get to the ball. What stops it is normally someone else is in the way and pushes you off the target. You didn't time it right. Or there just isn't enough coverage to catch the ball at a particular point and time. And from the vids, this looked MUCH improved! So, why hound on this is beyond me.

Please enlighten me on all the never heard of impossible gameplay improvements i wish to implement.
What improvements? You don't really talk about improvements. All you say is: "This is still broken. I'm going to buy Live!". That's it!

All you 2k apologist need to wake up 2k has become a little too cocky, mostly because of your blind praise and failure to see no wrong.
Blind praise. According to some of you people, ANY praise is blind praise. But lets talk about praise:

It's one thing to tell a developer what they did wrong and need to fix. But to go along with that, you need to tell them what they are doing RIGHT so that they don't screw it up! You need ALL of it. They need all of it. EVERY single "apologist" you'll find that are regulars on this site will speak to their dislikes AS MUCH AS their likes. Now, if you want to talk apologist, go over to The Padded Cell.

If they drop a great product, ill be the first one giving them their do credit.
You know, just because a game isn't perfect and may even have critical flaws in certain areas, does NOT mean that it's not a great product. And for all the hate you want to think there should be, the NBA 2K franchise, arguably, is the gold standard of sports video games. It IS a great product and an great franchise. Yet, you have no acknowledged that have you. So this statement is false.

Understand that YOU are actually hurting the product you love by defending its faults.
Hold on! Where do I defend it's faults? All I did was ask you to be more specific to help them understand your issues. Thereby, making the product better. Do you think you're: "it's still broken, I'm going to go buy Live" helps them?

I've always been VERY candid about my issues. I may not come in here to cry, but I certainly communicate directly with the guys I know are on the forums. My top 3 issues:

1. Shooters are able to plow through defenders. If someone starts a dunk and a defender runs under him, more often than not, that defender guys shoved out of the way. It's MUCH better than it has been in the past, but still not where I want it and that's completely GONE.

2. My defenders get put into multi-actor body up, blocks, and shot animations, but they can't break out of them. If a guy starts a layup and I'm controlling a defender, my player will play a defensive/contest animation. But if I want to just give him the basket and not risk a foul - which CAN happen in these animations - I can't do it.

3. I get frustrated with directional passing going to the wrong guys. Pretty simple really. Sometimes, I point the stick in a direction that I don't realize. I'm fine with that. That's on me. But if I pass the ball back to my PG at the point beyond the arc, and there's a big that running past him in that area, sometimes it would go that big. Why in the **** would I want to pass the ball to him!? Drives me NUTS.

See, was THAT hard to do. Do you think that would make the game better? I sure do. And I did it without veiled threats of switching to another game. I did it without questioning the motivations, knowledge, or ability of the development team. I did it the way that is helpful and respectful. I did it without trashing the other game. Why is this so hard for some of you?
# 294 Boilerbuzz @ 09/15/14 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by JasonMartin
What is your source?
The source is the developer itself.
# 295 Boilerbuzz @ 09/15/14 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by JBulls
Are you sure? it seems more of an approximation rather than exact units.
Have you ever made a system using non-uniform scale? That means: a system where different objects that interact are of different scales to each other?

Dealing with THAT is MUCH more work! Let me put it to you this way - it is MORE work for a game to make a world where you have to always manage the difference in scale of every object.
# 296 I Djm @ 09/15/14 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Exaclty. Pro has ALWAYS been the default for ****** players. These demos have ALWAYS been set to default. Why supposed sim head continue to complain about these demo clips in that regard is funny considering they are supposed to have the keen eye and all...
Because the higher you set the difficulty the more see the cpu taking shortcuts instead of playing their brand of basketball
# 297 I Djm @ 09/15/14 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
People keep saying players are too big and the court is too small.
If that is the case, why wouldn't 2K adress it? They must have a reason for keeping the court the size the way it is and the player models the way they are.
Its because they keep crowding up and not moving
# 298 KyotoCarl @ 09/15/14 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by I Djm
Its because they keep crowding up and not moving
What does that have to do with my statement?
# 299 I Djm @ 09/15/14 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by KyotoCarl
What does that have to do with my statement?
When people say either the players are too big or the courts are too small. Thats what i was referring to
# 300 ojandpizza @ 09/16/14 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by BMDinTDOT
If they're only gonna make minor graphical and game play changes it's the least they can do...

The NHL 15 Demo really opened my eyes to what it can do for a game. Having the mascot

dunk off a trampoline, kiss cams, fans taking half court shots for money, fans taking pics

with the cheerleaders etc. can't be that hard to do.

If they get TNT or NBA TV presentation having different announce teams would be cool. They

had Spanish announcers in 2K14 so multiple announce teams are possible.

With Next Gen I want the full NBA experience

You don't see the kiss cams, dunking off trampolines, fans taking pics with cheerleaders, etc when you watch a game on TV anyways.. That's all **** you have to actually be at the game for.. Besides playing a game isn't suppose to feel like your in the stands at a game, it's supposed to feel like you're playing.. I can't even wrap my head around why 2K, or any game for that matter, would even want to waist their time with that kind of stuff when they could use that time to improve on the actual basketball aspect of it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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