Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is hosting a livestream of Madden NFL 15 with Creative Director Rex Dickson, as he goes over gameplay features.

If it gets archived or captured, we'll update this post for those of you that miss it. If the embedded stream doesn't work, click here.

UPDATE: Here is a link to the livestream, if you missed it.

UPDATE #2: Just updated the embedded video of the livestream, courtesy of SimFBallCritic. Thanks JP.

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Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 301 jpdavis82 @ 07/20/14 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by DNMHIII
Maybe JP could do it if he has time because I have no idea who to send it to. I think adding little enhancements to features like this would go a long way with the realism of how the game looks. Right now the way the feature is they just take a few steps forward and then drop into zone because you sure wouldn't do it for man coverage.

Actually a bluff blitz for both man and zone would be cool because you could also bluff blitz a safety but man him up on a TE or RB and they wouldn't blitz in they'd just play man but on Zone they'd take those few steps up and then drop.
I could be wrong but I believe this is already in, I listened to a podcast by Zan of forward progress and he talked about using bluff blitz like Polamalu does in real life.

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# 302 jpdavis82 @ 07/20/14 08:54 PM
Ok here's the link for the podcasts where he talks about gameplay and I think at the end of the first one, maybe in both of them, he talks about bluff blitz


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# 303 DNMHIII @ 07/20/14 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Ok here's the link for the podcasts where he talks about gameplay and I think at the end of the first one, maybe in both of them, he talks about bluff blitz


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@ 25:00 they go over it and the player just stays in position and his posture doesn't change. It would be cool to see the player move into a blitzing position and change to a more aggressive posture pre snap so he looks more like a blitzing threat and make the offensive player take that into account in his/her pre-snap read.
# 304 jpdavis82 @ 07/20/14 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by DNMHIII
Post play is looking so much better and gone is the lost cattle feel with players running into each other and sprinting towards the locker room. Its small things like that that I appreciate them fixing after all these years.
Me too, really looking forward to the presentation stream. Hopefully the halftime show was much improved after E3. I noticed on the first drive for SD a gong rings and the crowd gets louder on 3rd down.

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# 305 CT Pitbull @ 07/20/14 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
There was discussion about communicating hot routes last year or the year before, where Bezo was pretty much stating the "signaling" doesn't really take that much time in real life. Also in the stream the devs were saying they actually consulted NFL QBs about it, so considering they acknowledge the amount of preplay adjustments were ridiculous, they seem to have also added in an increased chance of false start on the offense when doing too much adjusting, it's a good start.

I think the next step should be taking away the ability to bring up the playart on All Pro and All Madden by default and add in an increased chance for miscommunication/players running a different route than what the QB adjusted to, for less AWR players and the more preplay adjustments made. In real life QBs have no idea for certain what any other player is going to do, they only know what they should do based on the play call/ audible/adjustment. So since offensive Users are essentially the QBs presnap at the LOS, stop giving them the ability to be certain of the other players assignments/adjustments by bringing up the playart. Leave on by default on lower settings as a teaching tool but have it off by default and an option for All Pro/All Madden. That way it's off by default for online ranked and optional for league Commissioners/offline Users.

great idea I would love to see this. another nice touch they could add is one that EA already had in one of its titles. remember "home field advantage" in the ncaa football series? trying to audible on the road with inexperienced freshman wrs you had no idea if they received the audible thus having no idea where they were going to run their route. certain stadiums known for their hostile environments were tougher to change plays at the line than others. what im saying is it should be tougher to audible on the road in a close game/playoff game in seattle or new orleans than it would be to do the same in a 100 pm game in Jacksonville in October.
# 306 Skyboxer @ 07/20/14 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by DNMHIII
I'd love to see the bluff blitz feature taken one step further and actually automatically position the player in a blitz look on the field once that action has been initiated and automatically changing his posture to a blitz look at the same time and then they drop back into their assignment. The feature the way it is now does nothing to a pre-snap read.
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I agree, what you're describing seems like what "show blitz" should be in Madden instead of a how it is now, which basically seems like stacking the box, not showing bltiz, imo. I'm think "bluff blitz" is fine and has merit but having both would be better. Good point and someone should tweet that little nuance to the devs.
Add to that I'd like the players to have the intelligence/awareness rating go a step further.

I'd love for the players to make a call on their own and they switch assignments in cases like when the O motions changing the strong side etc.. etc..
(Now a blitzing LB is in zone and the LB that was in zone now knows he's blitzing)

Have the awareness rating dictate when they make the right call or not. They screw up (1 or both) and now I have both LB's blitzing or both in zone or they do what was originally called.

basically make the players themselves have their own "life/input" and not just a puppet on a string relying on a "coach" to yell out "Hey they changed formation.. now do this!!".

Hope I'm making sense.
# 307 Skyboxer @ 07/21/14 12:18 AM
On lunch break so I'm just thinking about all this.

As far as on D
Some players(gamers) might be like "My D, even my captain, is way to young and I don't want them changing assignments/plays!.."

So have it where you name your captains. Then have captain settings in your coach settings , or wherever.
Captain Settings:
NONE = Not allowed to deviate from called play
Moderate: Only on plays outside the 50 (or could be only on 1st down etc..)
High: "Fire when ready"

Then the user can still be in charge as much as they want.. and give as much freedom as they want to rookies/veterans.

Tie it into the whole weeks gameplan etc..
# 308 jpdavis82 @ 07/21/14 12:26 AM
Sim just made a quick stream recap video and said he was sending his feedback to Rex and Clint on this http://youtu.be/x1C4jjC1Frk

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# 309 Pookac81 @ 07/21/14 08:28 AM
Gameplay looks better. Last year wasn't all that bad, until you got to the shifts that allowed the bunch formations which resulted in cheesy flag routes. They really took a step backwards with the DB interceptions though. If it's truly "sim" then 83% of those swatted balls should have been picked off. I read that they dailed it back so folks would still enjoy passing.
# 310 SageInfinite @ 07/21/14 10:42 AM
If they can ever get the animations/movement realistic looking, the game will go so much further imo.

This was the perfect opportunity for them to capture more realistic audible animations since they actually changed how they work. They have been an eyesore for awhile now. It's always just weird to me how they change certain things but leave other things untouched that would make sense.

Tiburon I just need you to get your animations together. That's one of the main things that's holding this game back as it is now.
# 311 Blue12 @ 07/21/14 10:49 AM
Did anybody hear AC/DC's Hells Bells played when the Chargers had the ball on 3rd down? I don't remember the time, but I'm positive I heard it.

I know this may not sound like a big deal to some, but it's something I've wanted for a long time now.
# 312 charter04 @ 07/21/14 10:57 AM
They probably won't but, I wish they would tune the QB's accuracy a little more. The QB's still seem a little to accurate. Maybe it's just the inflated EA ratings though. Hopefully the sliders actually work right this year so we can fix things if needed.
# 313 apollon42 @ 07/21/14 11:17 AM
Maddne is far from perfect but I'm glad that they are doing the Livestream and pointing out the flaws in the game. Rex seems to know exactly what's wrong with the game and dedicated to fixing it. There's a big underlying problem with Madden being that 80% of the animations look weird. I did see more gang tackling which I liked.
# 314 jpdavis82 @ 07/21/14 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by apollon42
Maddne is far from perfect but I'm glad that they are doing the Livestream and pointing out the flaws in the game. Rex seems to know exactly what's wrong with the game and dedicated to fixing it. There's a big underlying problem with Madden being that 80% of the animations look weird. I did see more gang tackling which I liked.
I'd say more like 40% if you consider the new post play animations. If you use those as a guide for what they could do with mocap I'd say that they can get some really nice animations. 15 has the best post play animations in football gaming now. That one where traviathan does like a bunch of celebrations and salutes, that looks intense. That's what has been missing in Madden is the intensity of the NFL, I think Murray is going to be a huge addition.

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# 315 K_GUN @ 07/21/14 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
15 has the best post play animations in football gaming now.

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hahaha....when your the only game in town that statement is rather hollow....
# 316 johnnyg713 @ 07/21/14 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Sim just made a quick stream recap video and said he was sending his feedback to Rex and Clint on this http://youtu.be/x1C4jjC1Frk

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I agree with the part on the River's pass not being affected enough. After seeing that play I said to myself that there was no way that pass is completed like that. It should have been a duck that was picked off.

That play all has to do with physics. Again taking a page out of NHL's book. They really need to completely redo the football's physics and also take it a step further with player models. Like NHL, have three layers to player models; actual player, pads, and jersey. Thats the kind of stuff that will put the game over the top.

Edit. Also something that kills me on the screen play is the way the RB runs his route. He runs up, completely stops on a dime and makes a 45 degree cut to the right. No chopping of the feet at all to stop his momentum going forward so he can make the cut to the flat. Next year, I expect that to be addressed.
# 317 SageInfinite @ 07/21/14 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I'd say more like 40% if you consider the new post play animations. If you use those as a guide for what they could do with mocap I'd say that they can get some really nice animations. 15 has the best post play animations in football gaming now. That one where traviathan does like a bunch of celebrations and salutes, that looks intense. That's what has been missing in Madden is the intensity of the NFL, I think Murray is going to be a huge addition.

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Let's wait for the finished game before we start giving Madden any crowns. While VERY much improved post play, there's still some goofy legacy stuff in there. I'll wait until I play the game a few weeks before I take any titles from APF in any area.
# 318 jpdavis82 @ 07/21/14 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by K_GUN
hahaha....when your the only game in town that statement is rather hollow....
I meant period, better than any predecessor's post play animations.

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# 319 Khanchus @ 07/21/14 02:53 PM
I am excited!!!

I see a few bugs or things that we may not like here and there but you cant expect them to have a perfect madden game.

I think we should all be glad that we don't have a call of duty type of game where they literally copy and paste one game in to another with different colors.

I bought every madden since like 2000 (been playing since 95)

my glory days for madden i would say from around 2004-06 (xbox/ps2 days)

then came the xbox360 and ps3 where i felt they half hearted the game up until madden 13.

thats when i seen the improvements and an actual madden game i would be proud of.

the video encourages me to believe they are going in the right direction. focused on the right things (especially the hardcore players look at)

I am a cfm guy (offline/mainly online)... i hope they make it a little more in depth but am extremely proud to what they have done to it.

the previous maddens 08-12 i feel lowered my expectations for madden so drastically that now i get excited with any kind of info, and finally the previous two installments and hopefully madden 15 will start raise my standards from a honda civic to at least a acrua/lexus/infiniti.

the push the sticks feature is awesome and finally gives the defense a chance against an offense.

I was the type to make 4-6 pre play adjustments before the team gets lined up and loved doing it, but wasnt realistic and i am really excited that they made pre play adjustments much more realistic

I have watched the video about 4 times and basically fall asleep to it every night on my youtube app on my X1 lol.

cant wait! ::bart scott voice::
# 320 jpdavis82 @ 07/21/14 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBlue76
The post play celebrations/antics they added are a really nice touch, but where do you come up with these absolute declarations? You haven't even played a lot of the football games of old, so how do you go about making these statements? You want madden to be the best game ever along with everyone else, but for some reason you feel it necessary to push that opinion that it IS the best game ever on everyone. Wanting something to be different than it actually is does not change reality.

News flash, although the team's hard work and candor is greatly appreciated, it is a good long way off before it catches up to the fundamentals of other games (gameplay wise), along with presentation of not only past football games, but other current sports games. Career modes is another gaping hole that hasn't even been discussed as of late.
I've played every football game since ten yard fight. I played apf last summer, madden 15 is the closest I've seen to a CBS broadcast.

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