Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is hosting a livestream of Madden NFL 15 with Creative Director Rex Dickson, as he goes over gameplay features.

If it gets archived or captured, we'll update this post for those of you that miss it. If the embedded stream doesn't work, click here.

UPDATE: Here is a link to the livestream, if you missed it.

UPDATE #2: Just updated the embedded video of the livestream, courtesy of SimFBallCritic. Thanks JP.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 341 DNMHIII @ 07/22/14 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by SimBaller12
I see they brought the ability for tacklers to magically be sucked into the ball carrier from three yards away again! During the game play the charger's OLB slid into Montee at the beginning of the game, & again when RG threw a pass to whitehead the very next drive. There's no way in real life that LB could have dove that far if Danny caught that pass in stride going full speed. SMH, dammit man!
That's why it's important for sliders to work IMO. If we could fix gameplay issues with sliders it would be a great thing.
# 342 JoedicyMichael @ 07/22/14 12:10 PM
Overall Progress Report Card = C+ / B-

Overall, i'm loving the effort into this game so far. I was apart of the group who has left for a while, and for the sake of football, purchased Madden 25 on the Xbox One.. Madden 25 didnt do me to well, but Madden 15, as far as I can see, has got my attention. Here are some of my "Eye-Test" Grades.

Authentic Presentation = B
I personally feel the presentation sets the whole tone of the game from the jump-start. (& this is coming from a Cinematographer) & as far as we can see so far, Madden NFL has taken into account what the community has been wanting for a while, and thats at least a reasonable presentation for the game. The Real Time celebrations are fantastic and look like something that would happen on Sunday. The replays are sorta cool & the halftime show is fair at best. But this is compared to Madden 25 where it did not exist. My only gripe against the Halftime show is the Stat section. Of the ones i've seen, there is no analysis on it, just a show of stats that some of us may already be aware of in-game. NCAA 14 did a pretty good job of live stats & halftime analysis. I wonder if this could move to the Madden series.?

Game Flow = C+
The game flow looks great from what we can see. I really love the new play-call system as it gives you information on certain plays, the strike against this is that a community favorite play will over-shadow less used plays and seemingly shy players away from plays that are less popular. This is a give/take system here.

Also, I still wonder about the penalties in Madden. Certainly you can adjust your sliders to whatever, but I honestly feel like not enough flags are thrown in the game. If possible, I would like to see a dynamic penalty system where flags may occur in their natural state, but also based on a players make-up. If a player is always aggressive, he might cause more penalties. If he is completely out-matched, maybe there is a chance he might commit a penalty out of frustration. If he is a known trouble maker & or undisciplined , theres a chance he gets a conduct flag. Or maybe if the player has caused a lot of flags during the season, the frequency of flags may slightly go up causing you to bench the player for a while to get his head straight. (But thats just a thought. Maybe not the best idea, but its a rough draft from me.)

Offense = B-
As it stands now, Ive heard so much about Defense, that playing on Offense sounds like a task. But for the most part, I like the task of learning curves and learning the game. You will have to be fundamentally sound to play on an advanced level it seems. (As is with anything advanced). The only problem I have with this is that the players who don't wanna take the time and learn the techniques/mechanics may have a hard time at first. (Especially those who don't wanna sit thru the skills trainer & gauntlet).

But for the most part, I love the way the offense is structured & counter-structured. For example, the new Hot Route system is a breath of fresh air! No longer are the days where 50 adjustments could be made in one go. Now you actually have to go thru real time animations/cadence to get the play in! Good Madden.

Also, is it me, or did I notice a few False Start penalties in the new "Fidget System" ?? Lineman were clearly moving when the ball was snapped sometimes.

Defense = B+ / A-
Defense is the name of the game in this years Madden it seems. Quite honestly, altogether it may seem complex, but i'm sure those of us who really like to play Defense will love this new system. The War In The Trenches system is much needed. Player Sense 2.0 looks promising by the looks of it as well. My only thing is that there are too many da*n buttons to press in a short span on time. (DL / OL Minigame & Tackle Spotlight system). I love the concept, but I have a feeling im going to be turning the visuals off. Also, I understand there was a delay in Defensive Hot Route altogether, but I think the same animation system should be applied to certain aspects of the defense as well. (Not a Delay system, but more animations & movement) For example, if you wanna change your whole defensive play or you need to move your D-Line (Sometimes the Linebackers come and direct them in which way to shift). Or maybe a Coverage assignment shift in where most cases the Safeties relay the play the corners.

All progress report grades based on what I have "Seen". I have not played the game. Im not always right & i'm always open to discuss any part of this & most of these are my opinions too lol
# 343 4thQtrStre5S @ 07/22/14 04:14 PM
I fear the inaccuracies is essentially adjusting ratings; so in All-Pro, with Hum and CPU at 50. the actual effect will be as if you had the slider set at 25 or so...
# 344 johnnyg713 @ 07/22/14 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Spot on, I find it unsettling that even though they keep touting pass inaccuracies as this game changing element, that haven't focused on displaying it. For instance it seems odd in hindsight that they didn't sub in 2nd/3rd string Qbs at some point during that live stream, to showoff the pass inaccuracies.
I remember seeing a few.. Cam newton threw an inaccurate pass on a wide open out route.
# 345 jpdavis82 @ 07/22/14 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by JoedicyMichael
Overall Progress Report Card = C+ / B-

Overall, i'm loving the effort into this game so far. I was apart of the group who has left for a while, and for the sake of football, purchased Madden 25 on the Xbox One.. Madden 25 didnt do me to well, but Madden 15, as far as I can see, has got my attention. Here are some of my "Eye-Test" Grades.

Authentic Presentation = B
I personally feel the presentation sets the whole tone of the game from the jump-start. (& this is coming from a Cinematographer) & as far as we can see so far, Madden NFL has taken into account what the community has been wanting for a while, and thats at least a reasonable presentation for the game. The Real Time celebrations are fantastic and look like something that would happen on Sunday. The replays are sorta cool & the halftime show is fair at best. But this is compared to Madden 25 where it did not exist. My only gripe against the Halftime show is the Stat section. Of the ones i've seen, there is no analysis on it, just a show of stats that some of us may already be aware of in-game. NCAA 14 did a pretty good job of live stats & halftime analysis. I wonder if this could move to the Madden series.?

Game Flow = C+
The game flow looks great from what we can see. I really love the new play-call system as it gives you information on certain plays, the strike against this is that a community favorite play will over-shadow less used plays and seemingly shy players away from plays that are less popular. This is a give/take system here.

Also, I still wonder about the penalties in Madden. Certainly you can adjust your sliders to whatever, but I honestly feel like not enough flags are thrown in the game. If possible, I would like to see a dynamic penalty system where flags may occur in their natural state, but also based on a players make-up. If a player is always aggressive, he might cause more penalties. If he is completely out-matched, maybe there is a chance he might commit a penalty out of frustration. If he is a known trouble maker & or undisciplined , theres a chance he gets a conduct flag. Or maybe if the player has caused a lot of flags during the season, the frequency of flags may slightly go up causing you to bench the player for a while to get his head straight. (But thats just a thought. Maybe not the best idea, but its a rough draft from me.)

Offense = B-
As it stands now, Ive heard so much about Defense, that playing on Offense sounds like a task. But for the most part, I like the task of learning curves and learning the game. You will have to be fundamentally sound to play on an advanced level it seems. (As is with anything advanced). The only problem I have with this is that the players who don't wanna take the time and learn the techniques/mechanics may have a hard time at first. (Especially those who don't wanna sit thru the skills trainer & gauntlet).

But for the most part, I love the way the offense is structured & counter-structured. For example, the new Hot Route system is a breath of fresh air! No longer are the days where 50 adjustments could be made in one go. Now you actually have to go thru real time animations/cadence to get the play in! Good Madden.

Also, is it me, or did I notice a few False Start penalties in the new "Fidget System" ?? Lineman were clearly moving when the ball was snapped sometimes.

Defense = B+ / A-
Defense is the name of the game in this years Madden it seems. Quite honestly, altogether it may seem complex, but i'm sure those of us who really like to play Defense will love this new system. The War In The Trenches system is much needed. Player Sense 2.0 looks promising by the looks of it as well. My only thing is that there are too many da*n buttons to press in a short span on time. (DL / OL Minigame & Tackle Spotlight system). I love the concept, but I have a feeling im going to be turning the visuals off. Also, I understand there was a delay in Defensive Hot Route altogether, but I think the same animation system should be applied to certain aspects of the defense as well. (Not a Delay system, but more animations & movement) For example, if you wanna change your whole defensive play or you need to move your D-Line (Sometimes the Linebackers come and direct them in which way to shift). Or maybe a Coverage assignment shift in where most cases the Safeties relay the play the corners.

All progress report grades based on what I have "Seen". I have not played the game. Im not always right & i'm always open to discuss any part of this & most of these are my opinions too lol
Why are you making a report card when the game isn't even finished. The halftime show was not finished and we haven't even seen a lot of the presentation yet. We haven't seen any CFM yet and barely any team specific presentation elements. The gameplay is probably pretty close to the final build but presentation wise they worked on it after E3, and even at E3 we never saw much of the jumbotrons, or any player spotlight montages.

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# 346 charter04 @ 07/22/14 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Why are you making a report card when the game isn't even finished. The halftime show was not finished and we haven't even seen a lot of the presentation yet. We haven't seen any CFM yet and barely any team specific presentation elements. The gameplay is probably pretty close to the final build but presentation wise they worked on it after E3, and even at E3 we never saw much of the jumbotrons, or any player spotlight montages.

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Probably because it's a forum were guys are allowed to post their impressions and even grades based on their opinion.
# 347 SmashMan @ 07/22/14 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Why are you making a report card when the game isn't even finished.
And he said those were his grades (read: opinions) based on what he had seen so far, which is exactly what everyone else is doing on this forum every day. Jesus Christ...
# 348 MajorSupreme @ 07/22/14 07:16 PM
I'm gonna start calling this the high cholesterol forum, because all it does is give people heart pressure.

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# 349 jpdavis82 @ 07/22/14 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I'm sorry but that's a lie. I watched the entire video twice and they skipped the post play scene twice.

Also you are wrong about the celebrations if you think only one player goes over to congratulate a teammate when he makes a good play. I don't even end to show you footage to prove that. Watch a nfl game and you will see that. If you are trying to say that only 15% of celebrations have more than 1 person....I don't know what else to say.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. It's ok to have faith in this dev team and their ability to make a good game. It's not ok to make up stuff to excuse things that the game is missing or the dev team missed.

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Wait you're saying you don't need nfl footage to prove your point but I just posted an entire quarter of nfl footage to support my point and you're telling me to watch an nfl game and see how I'm so wrong about this. I've watched thousands of hours of nfl games and usually group celebrations are reserved for TDs, game winning turnovers, or game changing plays, the video I posted of Houston Washington has 4-5 two man celebrations in post play. The livestream was 2fgs and one half, we need to see more before we can assume there's only 15% of the time one person post play celebrations. I'm an honest person I didn't accuse anyone of lying and as far as I remember that's against the TOS. If you're not even willing to watch the footage I posted, I don't know what I'm supposed to think. I'm open to being proven wrong, but it doesn't seem like you're very open minded about this so I guess you will have your opinion and I'll have mine.

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# 350 aholbert32 @ 07/22/14 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Wait you're saying you don't need nfl footage to prove your point but I just posted an entire quarter of nfl footage to support my point and you're telling me to watch an nfl game and see how I'm so wrong about this. I've watched thousands of hours of nfl games and usually group celebrations are reserved for TDs, game winning turnovers, or game changing plays, the video I posted of Houston Washington has 4-5 two man celebrations in post play. The livestream was 2fgs and one half, we need to see more before we can assume there's only 15% of the time one person post play celebrations. I'm an honest person I didn't accuse anyone of lying and as far as I remember that's against the TOS. If you're not even willing to watch the footage I posted, I don't know what I'm supposed to think. I'm open to being proven wrong, but it doesn't seem like you're very open minded about this so I guess you will have your opinion and I'll have mine.

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Did you even watch your video? I didnt need to watch the two videos that you posted because I've watched NFL football for over 30 years but to humor you I watched the Redskins/Texans one. There are 4 plays that dont feature at least two man celebrations. A Santana Moss first down catch, a steve slaton kick return and a kevin walter catch and a Mike Sellers catch.

On every other play, either the D or the O is celebrating with more than one person. Whether its a handshake, a push in the back, helping up their teammate or giving them a helmet tap. EVERY OTHER PLAY. ****, even the field goal celebration is more than a one man celebration.

This isnt about opinion. I stated fact. I stated that I saw 7 two man celebrations in over 50 plays. There is a celebration of some kind after EVERY play in the Madden video and only 7 times was it with more than one person.

Also accusing someone of lying is not against the TOS. LOL. If you can provide evidence of someone lying, you are more than free to call them out. You lied. You stated they were skipping post play animations and the video shows that they werent and that the post play animations are shown after every play.
# 351 aholbert32 @ 07/22/14 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Why are you making a report card when the game isn't even finished. The halftime show was not finished and we haven't even seen a lot of the presentation yet. We haven't seen any CFM yet and barely any team specific presentation elements. The gameplay is probably pretty close to the final build but presentation wise they worked on it after E3, and even at E3 we never saw much of the jumbotrons, or any player spotlight montages.

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Slow down. Last warning. He's free to judge and grade the video in any way he sees fits. He wasnt trolling. He provided his take on the video.
# 352 ggsimmonds @ 07/22/14 09:18 PM
My thinking regarding the new pass accuracy feature is that EA implemented it in such a way that it is sensitive to sliders.

I think straight out of the box on any difficulty lower than all madden I don't really expect to see many inaccurate passes.

My reason for thinking this is they know accuracy has been an issue for the sim crowd for some time. I would also wager that they know the sim crowd tend to utilize the slider settings more than the ****** and online crowd. So I think they implemented it in such a way to allow us to be happy without angering the tourney guys.

Having said that, I was just a wee bit worried when I saw the Rivers pass. Not only was it unrealistic due to the pressure/hit, but they also used it as an example of a inaccurate pass. Maybe I was drunk at the time, but it looked to me as if Rivers (he throws like a girl you know) led his WR perfectly.

So it was a perfect pass while under pressure and getting hit. ugh
# 353 burter @ 07/22/14 09:30 PM
I guess I'm a bit confused. I said this in another thread a couple of months back, but the QB inaccuracy thing must only be worth it on quick online games or ranked or whatever? Because the passes that get overthrown or what not is in every other previous madden. You just put the slider down between 0-5. I normally always start a chise with a horrible qb because I want to draft a guy. So he always throws passes that are way off the mark if I'm not set before I throw. So I guess the inaccuracy they are claiming is a new thing really isn't new, to me anyways. Like I said I have thrown those passes just by changing that slider(only way I could get good games against the cpu). Now if it's like that at default sliders, than ok that is a good thing. That means if I drop it to 0-5 it will be way worse than it is now, and I like that especially if I'm playing with a bad qb.

It just seems to me some of this stuff could be fix by just fixing, idk, THE SLIDERS! lol sheesh......
# 354 ggsimmonds @ 07/22/14 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by burter
I guess I'm a bit confused. I said this in another thread a couple of months back, but the QB inaccuracy thing must only be worth it on quick online games or ranked or whatever? Because the passes that get overthrown or what not is in every other previous madden. You just put the slider down between 0-5. I normally always start a chise with a horrible qb because I want to draft a guy. So he always throws passes that are way off the mark if I'm not set before I throw. So I guess the inaccuracy they are claiming is a new thing really isn't new, to me anyways. Like I said I have thrown those passes just by changing that slider(only way I could get good games against the cpu). Now if it's like that at default sliders, than ok that is a good thing. That means if I drop it to 0-5 it will be way worse than it is now, and I like that especially if I'm playing with a bad qb.

It just seems to me some of this stuff could be fix by just fixing, idk, THE SLIDERS! lol sheesh......
In past Maddens it was more of hit or miss. You either hit your target or completely missed him. Now we should see QBs throw slightly inaccurate passes that are still catchable.

Of course I need to play the game myself to gauge how much of an impact this actually has. One thing I am curious about is whether or not the WR ratings will play any role on slightly off target passes.
# 355 Skyboxer @ 07/22/14 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by burter
I guess I'm a bit confused. I said this in another thread a couple of months back, but the QB inaccuracy thing must only be worth it on quick online games or ranked or whatever? Because the passes that get overthrown or what not is in every other previous madden. You just put the slider down between 0-5. I normally always start a chise with a horrible qb because I want to draft a guy. So he always throws passes that are way off the mark if I'm not set before I throw. So I guess the inaccuracy they are claiming is a new thing really isn't new, to me anyways. Like I said I have thrown those passes just by changing that slider(only way I could get good games against the cpu). Now if it's like that at default sliders, than ok that is a good thing. That means if I drop it to 0-5 it will be way worse than it is now, and I like that especially if I'm playing with a bad qb.

It just seems to me some of this stuff could be fix by just fixing, idk, THE SLIDERS! lol sheesh......
Not quite...
The problem with previous Maddens is that scrubs and Veterans had the same accuracy for the most part.
So while yes you could lower the accuracy slider that made all QB's worse but still way to close to each other (Elites vs scrubs) in the accuracy department.
Now there is, so we've been told, a bigger gap between QB's.

Also now the off throws are not just wild throws OOB's.. They now are overthrows, behind, in front etc.. which trigger WR animations we've not seen before, but supposedly always there for a while.
# 356 bcruise @ 07/22/14 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by burter
I guess I'm a bit confused. I said this in another thread a couple of months back, but the QB inaccuracy thing must only be worth it on quick online games or ranked or whatever? Because the passes that get overthrown or what not is in every other previous madden. You just put the slider down between 0-5. I normally always start a chise with a horrible qb because I want to draft a guy. So he always throws passes that are way off the mark if I'm not set before I throw. So I guess the inaccuracy they are claiming is a new thing really isn't new, to me anyways. Like I said I have thrown those passes just by changing that slider(only way I could get good games against the cpu). Now if it's like that at default sliders, than ok that is a good thing. That means if I drop it to 0-5 it will be way worse than it is now, and I like that especially if I'm playing with a bad qb.

It just seems to me some of this stuff could be fix by just fixing, idk, THE SLIDERS! lol sheesh......
The one thing you're missing is that they have an accuracy "in-between" perfect and wild this year. It's true that last year you could lower the sliders to the point where QB's could make bad, uncatchable throws, but it was only those two possible outcomes. This third level of accuracy is what they say will seperate the elite throwing QB's from the other guys. I would take that to mean that most scrambling QB's with middling accuracy ratings will find themselves making a lot of those in-between accuracy throws that might be catchable and might not. We'll see how it goes - they are talking about this being a game changer this year.
# 357 DNMHIII @ 07/23/14 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by illiterateoption
I've been slightly critical of Madden ( and JP's) approach to this game thus far. That said, this livestream was something different from what I've seen from Madden over the years. It was informative, straight forward, and came by as genuine. Very impressive - and it has me be back on the Madden train.

I'm still seeing the same animations we've had for far too long. Tackling looks nice and graphics are obviously amazing. Hopefully presentation is improved and we do find a few signature animations.

I'm now looking forward to playing this in 5 weeks.
What really stood out to me is that they actually used an internal presentation that included a lot of technical information about what they're doing. This is a clear sign that they understand how detail driven a large percentage of their fan base is and they're attempting to present their efforts with a more technical approach and I appreciate that.

Seams like this team realizes the majority that buy sports games want realism and they need to balance out arcade and sim gameplay to continue driving sales for the title. I'll support their efforts as long as they just keep driving the game forward, the past several years have just been brutal because it really felt like a lot of excuses and spinning around in circles.
# 358 oneamongthefence @ 07/23/14 05:25 PM
I'm so tempted to trade in amy ps3 and everything just to pick up a PS4 and Madden. If last gen version is scarce on new features I'm gonna seriously consider it.
# 359 jpdavis82 @ 07/23/14 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBlue76
Couple of other things I noticed in the stream.


  • The pass rush and line play looks MUCH better. Saw some really nice hand fighting and even an initial stutter step move by a DE. Not perfect, but really looks good.
  • Wrap tackles are nice and game LOOKS smoother.
  • Nicer pass deflections
  • Some of the defensive tools and audible changes are great. Provide nice counters to offense while maintaining realism.
  • The rip swats and WR swats are very nice
  • Zone chucks are nice, but need to be more frequent
  • I like the
  • At 53 minutes, the screen play looks really good until #74 lays that nice cut block. The problem is he basically warps back upright and blocks the oncoming safety. This is obviously a bug, but it was in 25 as well. Looks really bad and is frustrating.
  • QBs are still too accurate with passes getting off when they shouldn't
It was nice to see only a few of the real frustrating elements that were in 25. Most of the things that we have been clamoring for for YEARS are being addressed and built upon. I used to say this 5 years ago all the time - addressing areas of the game are not ever just one year efforts. Everything that is in the game should get improvements year over year. That's how you get to the top of the mountain like FIFA, NBA and MLB. Build and refine. Seems like they are doing that now.
On that same play where 74 glitches on the cut block, one of the best moments of the stream happened IMO. 29 of SD jumps over 74 and reaches for Hilleman and grazes the back of his jersey from behind, just enough to help knock him off his balance and bring him down.

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# 360 burter @ 07/24/14 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by ggsimmonds
In past Maddens it was more of hit or miss. You either hit your target or completely missed him. Now we should see QBs throw slightly inaccurate passes that are still catchable.

Of course I need to play the game myself to gauge how much of an impact this actually has. One thing I am curious about is whether or not the WR ratings will play any role on slightly off target passes.
Yea you did miss way wide but that was normally if you weren't set and you held the joystick to lead to much. But yea I get what you are saying. Hopefully its more of like what you said.

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