Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is hosting a livestream of Madden NFL 15 with Creative Director Rex Dickson, as he goes over gameplay features.

If it gets archived or captured, we'll update this post for those of you that miss it. If the embedded stream doesn't work, click here.

UPDATE: Here is a link to the livestream, if you missed it.

UPDATE #2: Just updated the embedded video of the livestream, courtesy of SimFBallCritic. Thanks JP.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 281 bxphenom7 @ 07/20/14 11:06 AM
Wow, this may be the first Madden I get since Madden 08. The movement looks better here than in the trailers.
I'll wait for reviews.
# 282 jpdavis82 @ 07/20/14 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by bxphenom7
Wow, this may be the first Madden I get since Madden 08. The movement looks better here than in the trailers.
I'll wait for reviews.
Yeah I kept reading that people were impressed with player movement in the articles from their impressions at Summer Showcase and wasn't sure about it based on E3 vids, but they definitely worked on it since then. You can especially tell on QB drop backs, they plant more and there seems to be more weight to players overall.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 283 FBall Life @ 07/20/14 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by underdog13
What's with the hate for the xp mode? I really like it. It needs to be tweaked with how much xp you earn during practice and whatnot but I think it's a great idea.
My problem with XP is thus:

Let's say you have a scrambling QB. You rack up tons of XP with rushing yards and rushing touchdowns. You can then use that XP gained with your legs to make your passing accuracy better. That just makes no sense whatsoever.

It should be like Elder Scrolls. The more you practice a certain skill and the more successful you are at performing those skills in-game, the more points you should get added to that skill. As your player ages, the amount your skills can rise decreases until you're essentially just keeping your attributes steady - keeping them from falling.

A system like this makes total sense to me. Being able to be terrible in a skill, and at the same time make that skill better, doesn't make sense.
# 284 underdog13 @ 07/20/14 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by FBall Life
My problem with XP is thus:

Let's say you have a scrambling QB. You rack up tons of XP with rushing yards and rushing touchdowns. You can then use that XP gained with your legs to make your passing accuracy better. That just makes no sense whatsoever.

It should be like Elder Scrolls. The more you practice a certain skill and the more successful you are at performing those skills in-game, the more points you should get added to that skill. As your player ages, the amount your skills can rise decreases until you're essentially just keeping your attributes steady - keeping them from falling.

A system like this makes total sense to me. Being able to be terrible in a skill, and at the same time make that skill better, doesn't make sense.
Alright so I have a question. In MLB the show there is a similar system where you tell your players what to train. Now why isn't that bashed or not liked like madden? Is it because there are no points involved?
# 285 24 @ 07/20/14 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by underdog13
Alright so I have a question. In MLB the show there is a similar system where you tell your players what to train. Now why isn't that bashed or not liked like madden? Is it because there are no points involved?
Because in the Show it's only a guideline system, and that's also not the only stat they progress in from one season to another. If I choose Mike Trout to do weight training to increase his power, then that will give him a few extra point's worth of power on top of all the other progression he will experience throughout the season.

If this was applied to Madden it would be great. For an example, I want to train Johnny Manziel in throw power. I assign him that drill. Over the course of the season the majority of his stats are increased by 4 points, but because I specified that I wanted him to train in throw power, that goes up by 7.

I might not be doing the greatest job explaining this but hopefully you get my point.
# 286 TjJunior @ 07/20/14 11:54 AM
I wasn't gonna even get a gen 4 console unless madden and nhl really imressed me, color me imressed by madden. nhl is looking good too.
# 287 kjcheezhead @ 07/20/14 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Far be it for me to try to excuse or defend what Tiburon does because ultimately, they're the ones to blame for whatever issues Madden has. That said, I don't really see how in this instance they can be faulted for not prioritizing movement for players, if it's true that they actually added it but had to remove it due to programming issues. I give that claim some credence due to the fact that this isn't the first time a Madden team has stated this type of issue, meaning adding one thing, which unexpectedly effects something else. Specifically with regard to player movement, which I think Ian mentioned some issues with trying to add locomotion to defenders.
If it was another developer, I would agree with you. I hate hearing how madden can't get 22 players to have true step due to developing issues because of this games history. This is the game that had to use 2d sprites because 3d player models weren't possible until game day did it. The game that said interactive sidelines weren't possible all last gen even All Pro Football had it in its one and only attempt. Now with true step, it can't work. However FIFA seems to have it working fine.

When I hear it couldn't be done from the Madden team I can't help but wonder if it could've worked in some other game. It wouldn't be the first time that was the case.
# 288 Kaiser Wilhelm @ 07/20/14 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by underdog13
Alright so I have a question. In MLB the show there is a similar system where you tell your players what to train. Now why isn't that bashed or not liked like madden? Is it because there are no points involved?
You cannot be serious? The two systems share one similarity, and that is they are progression systems. In MLB THE SHOW, I'm not able to rack up points and make an F Potential SS into Derek Jeter. I can tell them what I want them to focus on in practice, which allows me to indirectly mold a player to fit my vision, but I can't just turn him into a godly player by racking up base hits, steals and putouts.

In Madden, as an above poster described, I could take a scrambling QB, rack up rushing yards and rushing TDs, and use the experience from that to make him a better passer. Madden's progression system also doesn't allow for backups to progress. Instead what we end up with is All-NFL starters on every team with terrible depth, except the User whom has players with almost 10k more XP points, meaning he has even better starters as well as better depth.

Now lets view that as a bug, or design flaw and look at the system even more meta. Ratings in Madden equal a players ability. A player does not break out unless they have the ability to do so, or the system around them benefits them more than the previous system. In Madden, we expect guys without the ability to break out, to get better because the user forced them to breakout by constantly feeding their stat line. This is even easier to do because of the lack of drops, terrible coverage, robo-accurate quarterbacks, and lack of fatigue. Meaning bad players can play well above their ratings, which creates a snowball effect where playing above your ratings means your ratings should be higher, which means the user can do even better with the player, leading him to play above his ratings even more, leading to further progression.
# 289 DNMHIII @ 07/20/14 03:10 PM
I'd love to see the bluff blitz feature taken one step further and actually automatically position the player in a blitz look on the field once that action has been initiated and automatically changing his posture to a blitz look at the same time and then they drop back into their assignment. The feature the way it is now does nothing to a pre-snap read.
# 290 CT Pitbull @ 07/20/14 04:05 PM
I saw a lot of things I liked in this live stream. Still many things I didn't but its still encouraging. I really like the hot route animation "delay" so people cant rip through 30 hot routes before the snap. I would like to see the animations for the checks at the line be slowed down a bit too. When Peyton was signaling to the wr it almost looked like it was in fast forward. Maybe it will change if you play a slower speed in game.

Player models look better but they still are a little too robotic. But they are improving. I saw some really nice tackles that ive never seen before as well.

Great lighting the guys were right graphics were much improved but living worlds is still sooo disappointing. A "live" sideline would be so sweet to have.
# 291 reyes the roof @ 07/20/14 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by underdog13
Alright so I have a question. In MLB the show there is a similar system where you tell your players what to train. Now why isn't that bashed or not liked like madden? Is it because there are no points involved?
The Show's progression isn't stat based like Madden. I could throw 6 WR screens per game to a WR with an XP goal of 90 catches and he'll turn in to a superstar, also you could have an offensive lineman with a goal of your team throwing for 4000 yards, but if you have a run heavy offense, he will miss his goals even if he allowed no sacks all year.
# 292 DNMHIII @ 07/20/14 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I agree, what you're describing seems like what "show blitz" should be in Madden instead of a how it is now, which basically seems like stacking the box, not showing bltiz, imo. I'm think "bluff blitz" is fine and has merit but having both would be better. Good point and someone should tweet that little nuance to the devs.
Maybe JP could do it if he has time because I have no idea who to send it to. I think adding little enhancements to features like this would go a long way with the realism of how the game looks. Right now the way the feature is they just take a few steps forward and then drop into zone because you sure wouldn't do it for man coverage.

Actually a bluff blitz for both man and zone would be cool because you could also bluff blitz a safety but man him up on a TE or RB and they wouldn't blitz in they'd just play man but on Zone they'd take those few steps up and then drop.
# 293 DNMHIII @ 07/20/14 04:28 PM
Post play is looking so much better and gone is the lost cattle feel with players running into each other and sprinting towards the locker room. Its small things like that that I appreciate them fixing after all these years.
# 294 Cowboy008 @ 07/20/14 05:19 PM
I just thought of another question and if someone can answer it that would be great. Will the CPU also bluff a blitz or is that only going to be for human controlled teams?
# 295 reyes the roof @ 07/20/14 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
There was discussion about communicating hot routes last year or the year before, where Bezo was pretty much stating the "signaling" doesn't really take that much time in real life. Also in the stream the devs were saying they actually consulted NFL QBs about it, so considering they acknowledge the amount of preplay adjustments were ridiculous, they seem to have also added in an increased chance of false start on the offense when doing too much adjusting, it's a good start.

I think the next step should be taking away the ability to bring up the playart on All Pro and All Madden by default and add in an increased chance for miscommunication/players running a different route than what the QB adjusted to, for less AWR players and the more preplay adjustments made. In real life QBs have no idea for certain what any other player is going to do, they only know what they should do based on the play call/ audible/adjustment. So since offensive Users are essentially the QBs presnap at the LOS, stop giving them the ability to be certain of the other players assignments/adjustments by bringing up the playart. Leave on by default on lower settings as a teaching tool but have it off by default and an option for All Pro/All Madden. That way it's off by default for online ranked and optional for league Commissioners/offline Users.
That's an awesome idea, the only problem is that the QBs tend to throw the ball where the receiver is, rather than where he is supposed to be. It could still lead to miscommunications if the WR runs the wrong route, but I'd like to see the QB throw to a spot where the WR is nowhere near when there is a miscommunication. For instance, WR is supposed to run a dig, but instead runs a go route and never breaks off, and the QB throws right to a defender with no WR near him
# 296 FBall Life @ 07/20/14 06:42 PM
I like that you have to wait for the QB to finish the audible animation before calling another one. HOWEVER, the animations they have are way way way too quick and robotic. It doesn't look like a natural movement. He stands, points, then gets back under center in an incredibly herky-jerky kinda way. That other football game had the QB naturally pointing and signaling. The QB would even, from time to time, walk away from center to communicate with the wide out.
# 297 jerwoods @ 07/20/14 06:59 PM
we also need team songs and chats redone for ps4

so like if u play @ lamberu u hear go pack go
or if u play @ Seattle the joystick always moves
# 298 RogueHominid @ 07/20/14 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Kaiser Wilhelm
You cannot be serious? The two systems share one similarity, and that is they are progression systems. In MLB THE SHOW, I'm not able to rack up points and make an F Potential SS into Derek Jeter. I can tell them what I want them to focus on in practice, which allows me to indirectly mold a player to fit my vision, but I can't just turn him into a godly player by racking up base hits, steals and putouts.

In Madden, as an above poster described, I could take a scrambling QB, rack up rushing yards and rushing TDs, and use the experience from that to make him a better passer. Madden's progression system also doesn't allow for backups to progress. Instead what we end up with is All-NFL starters on every team with terrible depth, except the User whom has players with almost 10k more XP points, meaning he has even better starters as well as better depth.

Now lets view that as a bug, or design flaw and look at the system even more meta. Ratings in Madden equal a players ability. A player does not break out unless they have the ability to do so, or the system around them benefits them more than the previous system. In Madden, we expect guys without the ability to break out, to get better because the user forced them to breakout by constantly feeding their stat line. This is even easier to do because of the lack of drops, terrible coverage, robo-accurate quarterbacks, and lack of fatigue. Meaning bad players can play well above their ratings, which creates a snowball effect where playing above your ratings means your ratings should be higher, which means the user can do even better with the player, leading him to play above his ratings even more, leading to further progression.
Good points. Also, in MLBTS, players will regress in-season. The old ones can fall quite hard and quite fast--to the tune of 25 pts. OVR over 162 games.

Does Madden have in-season regression? I barely played last year's game, so I can't remember. If not, that would be a nice touch to add.
# 299 underdog13 @ 07/20/14 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBlue76
I have to agree. After playing in a long term online cfm with 32 guys, it was horrific. I picked up 3 or 4 scrub CBs prior to season one starting. I picked them up because they had decent speed and agility, but were in the 60s rated. By season 2, all of them were Darrell Revis. Even the guys who didn't play. There is nothing realistic about it.
Did you do practice mode?
# 300 johnnyg713 @ 07/20/14 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
There was discussion about communicating hot routes last year or the year before, where Bezo was pretty much stating the "signaling" doesn't really take that much time in real life. Also in the stream the devs were saying they actually consulted NFL QBs about it, so considering they acknowledge the amount of preplay adjustments were ridiculous, they seem to have also added in an increased chance of false start on the offense when doing too much adjusting, it's a good start.

I think the next step should be taking away the ability to bring up the playart on All Pro and All Madden by default and add in an increased chance for miscommunication/players running a different route than what the QB adjusted to, for less AWR players and the more preplay adjustments made. In real life QBs have no idea for certain what any other player is going to do, they only know what they should do based on the play call/ audible/adjustment. So since offensive Users are essentially the QBs presnap at the LOS, stop giving them the ability to be certain of the other players assignments/adjustments by bringing up the playart. Leave on by default on lower settings as a teaching tool but have it off by default and an option for All Pro/All Madden. That way it's off by default for online ranked and optional for league Commissioners/offline Users.
Absolutely love this idea. Another way to add player separation. "Playbook knowledge" or "communication" could be a great attribute which adds trust with certain WRs. Being a patriots fan, many people know how selective Tom Brady is with his receivers. If he doesn't trust a guy, he wont even look his way (ex danny amendola).

Originally Posted by FBall Life
I like that you have to wait for the QB to finish the audible animation before calling another one. HOWEVER, the animations they have are way way way too quick and robotic. It doesn't look like a natural movement. He stands, points, then gets back under center in an incredibly herky-jerky kinda way. That other football game had the QB naturally pointing and signaling. The QB would even, from time to time, walk away from center to communicate with the wide out.
Another great point. I hope they address subtle animations such as these. Even things such as false starts are barely noticeable. Would like to see them a little more drawn out.

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