Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is hosting a livestream of Madden NFL 15 with Creative Director Rex Dickson, as he goes over gameplay features.

If it gets archived or captured, we'll update this post for those of you that miss it. If the embedded stream doesn't work, click here.

UPDATE: Here is a link to the livestream, if you missed it.

UPDATE #2: Just updated the embedded video of the livestream, courtesy of SimFBallCritic. Thanks JP.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 261 Wolverines05 @ 07/20/14 12:30 AM
I find it disconcerting that there would be performance issues with true step implementation... i would have hoped that these new consoles would be powerful enough where this wouldn't be an issue...
# 262 TheTruth437 @ 07/20/14 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
That said, I don't really see how in this instance they can be faulted for not prioritizing movement for players, if it's true that they actually added it but had to remove it due to programming issues
I don't doubt Tiburon is working on implementing TrueStep for all twenty-two players. I'm just not sure whether Tiburon is prioritizing this issue, TrueStep for all-22, over all the other issues Madden has at the moment. I think TrueStep for all twenty-two should be at the top of Tiburon's list of priorities(a.k.a. first things first).

When it comes to Tiburon, I've learned it's best to not give them the benefit of the doubt.
# 263 greenegt @ 07/20/14 01:06 AM
Day one, digital. Keep up the good work EA.
# 264 Skyboxer @ 07/20/14 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by greenegt
Day one, digital. Keep up the good work EA.
Although I'm not going digital for sports games, it's a day one (or midnight one I should say) purchase.

Would really love a full featured coach only mode that we could have a league with.
Sort of like The Show.. I'm past the stick stuff and would really enjoy a coach only mode especially with broadcast cam.
I'm still doing a "coach only" franchise like I did with M25.
Still have to do the kicking and I also control the screens but other than that I don't touch the sticks.
# 265 HC0023 @ 07/20/14 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Although I'm not going digital for sports games, it's a day one (or midnight one I should say) purchase.

Would really love a full featured coach only mode that we could have a league with.
Sort of like The Show.. I'm past the stick stuff and would really enjoy a coach only mode especially with broadcast cam.
I'm still doing a "coach only" franchise like I did with M25.
Still have to do the kicking and I also control the screens but other than that I don't touch the sticks.
# 266 vannwolfhawk @ 07/20/14 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Which is exactly why it's not in the game yet, they aren't half way doing things under Cam & Rex.

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Not true, they band aided coverage and cb/wr play this year while admitting its on their radar in the future which I'm perfectly fine with! Sometimes doing things half way is better than not touching it til next year.
# 267 FBall Life @ 07/20/14 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
[Clint said something about working on True Step for OL the other day but he also mentioned that they are trying to figure out how to have all 22 players use True Step at the same time without their being performance issues. He said towards the beginning of the cycle it was like that but they had too many frame rate issues and are trying to figure out how to make it work without the frame rate issues happening.

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We can have open universe games with infinite planets on consoles, yet true step for 22 players simultaneously is just too much...

I refuse to believe that he's basically saying these new consoles aren't powerful enough for it - that is a ludicrous excuse.
# 268 CM Hooe @ 07/20/14 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by FBall Life
We can have open universe games with infinite planets on consoles, yet true step for 22 players simultaneously is just too much...
I'm not going to say your complaint is invalid, but procedural content generation with space partitioning for managing that massive amount of content and real-time physics aren't even in the same wheelhouse with respect to how they are implemented and really shouldn't be compared.
# 269 undrafted @ 07/20/14 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by FBall Life
We can have open universe games with infinite planets on consoles, yet true step for 22 players simultaneously is just too much...
I suspect that the simultaneous aspect is the culprit here.
You have a fixed budget of time to spend on computations, before your time to produce the current frame runs out...
If those 22 movement routines take too long (even considering multi-threading) the result are missed frames and unstable frame rate (something you don't want to see in a sport game - if ever).

What seem to work simultaneously now are the "player sense" routines, and I noticed sincere and spontaneous enthusiasm from Mr. Dickson, as he underlined those little glimpses of 'self-determination' shown by the players on the field.
# 270 WakeUp_YoureDreaming @ 07/20/14 04:01 AM
Consider my interest, peaked. This was truly intriguing. Glad to see such an in-depth look into the subtle nuances of the game. Like the man said, they weren't able to get everything done that they would have liked, but they're definitely moving in the right direction. That's good to hear.

There are a few superficial details that I would love to see improved though: updated player equipment and accurate player skin tone. Adding mouthgaurds, full single arm sleeves, NBA style arm sleeves, and signature Nike gloves and cleats would do wonders for the aesthetic value of the game. And with player skin tone, several significant players are (very obviously) inaccurate. For example, Von Miller and Marshawn Lynch are much too light skinned, and Russell Wilson is far too dark skinned.

I know this may not make a difference to many, but to me it is important to replicate the NFL game and NFL players as much as possible, in every way possible. It would certainly add a substantial upgrade to its visual authenticity as a simulation game.

With that said, the gameplay and presentation improvements look great. It's wonderful to see such an improvement from last years installment. So long as this level of detail is payed attention to year after year, I'm a happy customer. It's fair to say, this is a day one purchase for me. Keep up the good work EA.
# 271 strawberryshortcake @ 07/20/14 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by undrafted
I suspect that the simultaneous aspect is the culprit here.
You have a fixed budget of time to spend on computations, before your time to produce the current frame runs out...
If those 22 movement routines take too long (even considering multi-threading) the result are missed frames and unstable frame rate (something you don't want to see in a sport game - if ever).

What seem to work simultaneously now are the "player sense" routines, and I noticed sincere and spontaneous enthusiasm from Mr. Dickson, as he underlined those little glimpses of 'self-determination' shown by the players on the field.
You seem to be well versed and have a good understanding on programming. What is your (or anyone else's) educated take on FIFA vs Madden locomotion system? Soccer has 22 players on the field simultaneously and so does football. The physical interaction obviously differ between soccer and football. Football has physical contact on every single play. But even during Madden sequences where contact have not been made and are not made, sliding is still present. I have yet to see any players in FIFA slide into position. All FIFA players seem to realistically plant their foot with every move.

Anyone have a reasonable educated guess on why FIFA apparently has unadvertised true step applied to all 22 players and Madden does not.

Side Note: Unless I'm mistaken, the Ignite engine is suppose to allow EA sports division to extract and "share" elements from one sport to another. Wondering what challenges are preventing the transfer of locomotion/foot plant from FIFA to Madden.
# 272 burter @ 07/20/14 07:22 AM
I just don't understand why they didn't go with a whole new engine this gen. I mean no matter what they do, stuff in this engine is going to stay broken or if they fix one thing another thing is going to break. If they are dead set on keeping this engine, than use madden 10's foot planting. Oh let me guess if they use that something else will break..........

There was a passing play, I can't remember, where they threw it to a streaking guy on the right side of the field, I believe. It was when they had the safeties fake blitz. The LB did that thing where he took like 3 or 4 steps, like he was covering a streaking TE, before realizing he should follow the TE. The TE(doing a post) was open by 10 yards. If the guy playing actually tried to throw it to the TE he would have had a TD (well if the TE was fast enough).

And again on another play, one of the out plays. He throws the ball and DB1 covering the WR doing a streak automatically turns and runs after the guy I just threw the out too before he even catches it. DB1 was not looking backwards before the pass was thrown. If I catch the ball and DB2 covering the out mistimes the pick, I should have a good 10 yards more to run, not catch it and turn up and get blasted by DB1 that wasn't even looking at the play.....

And that is what I'm talking about. All this talk about fixing this and that doesn't mean anything if stuff like TE POST is still freaking money and other things still doesn't come off right. Again I shouldn't have to put in house rules so I can get a good game of football. Sigh this engine has to go. I'm not trying to burst people's bubble but this is the same stuff from people I have read before. They get hyped up than when Madden 17 comes around they are going to be asking where is true step for all 22 players or a few other things, that where suppose to have been in madden 15....

And please do not tell me they are working to try to fix all this stuff. It was said by every team every 3 years about how they are working so hard to do this and that. Madden 10 was not the end all of football games, but it was good. But for whatever reason they scrap it and we have the previous 4 madden's. A NHL game called NFL.

Oh and one last thing, the first 2 plays where he says "oh look you can't run to the outside and get big yards" huh if he followed his blockers instead of trying to run around the tackle(which I have no clue why he did that, that must be an online vs game thing or something from last year) he could have easily gotten 5+ yards on each of those runs.

Edit: And believe me I hope to god I get egg on my face and I'm totally wrong.
# 273 FBall Life @ 07/20/14 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
This is the second time someone has posted this yet that's not how I understand what that explanation is stating. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think "frame rate issues" is referring to an internal issue with Madden, not an external issue with a lack of power in consoles. Valdarez has touched on this recently, citing a source close to creating Madden years ago and Ian mentioned something about having an issue addressing player movement for defenders too.

That's what I'm getting at. The problem isn't with the new consoles, it's with their programming code. The consoles are easily powerful enough for 22 player true step. Watch. In two years, they'll finally have it implemented and everyone is going to be asking them "but I thought the consoles weren't powerful enough" lol. They say a feature the community wants just can't be done due to console restraints, then in the next year or two, it's in the game.
# 274 jpdavis82 @ 07/20/14 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by Danimal
What was the point of this post? This thread is being closely monitored and no one has even come close to crossing the line. This post will only derail the thread and you know it,

Connsider this your last friendly warning, next time it's an infraction.
It was a lighthearted reference to my claim last year about people being blown away by M15. I was kinda making fun of it honestly😬

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# 275 jmurphy31 @ 07/20/14 08:22 AM
Was this presentation scheduled in an advance or did we just hear about it happening the day it happened.

If it was announced earlier is there a schedule for other presentations.
# 276 jpdavis82 @ 07/20/14 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by jmurphy31
Was this presentation scheduled in an advance or did we just hear about it happening the day it happened.

If it was announced earlier is there a schedule for other presentations.
We didn't hear about it until the morning of. Rex and RG did mention that there would be another stream or blog for play calling and another stream for presentation at some point.

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# 277 juduking @ 07/20/14 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Yes, I did watch the video. It is still psychic DB in action not because the DB was told to cover the flat, but the execution.

As I specified and let me clarify ... the concept is perfectly fine. The concept of covering the flats is perfectly fine. It is the execution that is poorly implemented. Watch the interaction/relationship of where the defender is, moves and where the offensive player is, and moves. Execution, concept.
Fair enough, I get what you're saying and it makes sense. Its a work in progress and maybe next year we will see it flow more naturally. One can hope at least.
# 278 Smoke316 @ 07/20/14 09:31 AM
We're close to the perfect madden
# 279 jpdavis82 @ 07/20/14 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Smoke316
We're close to the perfect madden
There's no such thing, we can only hope to get as close as possible to authenticity. We still need to see what they're doing with CFM and CFM presentation needs to immerse us into the nfl world like never before.

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# 280 underdog13 @ 07/20/14 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by atc43

5. Deep Realistic CFM; If you guys are going the route of realism please remove XP!
What's with the hate for the xp mode? I really like it. It needs to be tweaked with how much xp you earn during practice and whatnot but I think it's a great idea.

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