Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is hosting a livestream of Madden NFL 15 with Creative Director Rex Dickson, as he goes over gameplay features.

If it gets archived or captured, we'll update this post for those of you that miss it. If the embedded stream doesn't work, click here.

UPDATE: Here is a link to the livestream, if you missed it.

UPDATE #2: Just updated the embedded video of the livestream, courtesy of SimFBallCritic. Thanks JP.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 321 aholbert32 @ 07/21/14 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I meant period, better than any predecessor's post play animations.

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I dont think thats true. I played APF last night and I say there post play animations are about equal to what I've seen in the dev video and E3 videos. I'm glad to see that EA caught up in that regards. Its a shame it took 6 years though.
# 322 Blue12 @ 07/21/14 03:03 PM
It seems to me like this game will require you to have a higher football I.Q. to play. If some of the improvements they've been touting actually play out well, I will be more than happy with the game.

My biggest problem with madden is it gets too easy to score and stale. I've been craving a game that replicated the real life chess match that happens in football. I want every game to feel different and unique. This game may no totally be there yet, but it looks like their headed in that direction.

The guys in the live stream really came across as football junkies and not nerdy EA sales people touting worthless features. I like the direction.
# 323 jpdavis82 @ 07/21/14 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I dont think thats true. I played APF last night and I say there post play animations are about equal to what I've seen in the dev video and E3 videos. I'm glad to see that EA caught up in that regards. Its a shame it took 6 years though.
I'm glad EA caught up but I still say they surpassed them. I can't get past the player models in APF, they look really bad compared with M15 especially the O line. That's another area that M15 shines in for the first time in a long time, most of the player models look excellent.

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# 324 Pookac81 @ 07/21/14 03:20 PM
I'm not sure when the NFL 2K fans will stop with the Madden hate. It's like the Lynn Bias argument, he would have been great had he not bit the dust. I agree, make an espn 30 for 30 about 2k5 and call it a day. I loved 2k5; was sorely disappointed when it was snatched away.. madden looks like they are trying to fix some bs about the game. Like I said earlier, 25 was fun until I started playing against folks who ran the flag combos all day (online children have no shame). Get excited folks.... This will be another fun game.
# 325 Pookac81 @ 07/21/14 03:22 PM
I thought the ratings were coming out today
# 326 aholbert32 @ 07/21/14 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I'm glad EA caught up but I still say they surpassed them. I can't get past the player models in APF, they look really bad compared with M15 especially the O line.

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I dont know how the player models looks relates to the animations. Im not even willing to give Madden 15 much credit until I see more. They continue to focus on individual post play animations when in real life most celebrations after a play are done in groups.

For example, whats more likely to happen after a tackle for a loss...one person celebrating by doing a dance while the rest of the team pumps their fists OR 3 or four of the tackler's teammates going over to congratulate him.

I say the second thing happens 70-80% of the time in the NFL when that play happens but I dont think I've seen any group celebrations in the videos I've seen of M15. Even if its in M15 it definitely doesnt happen enough to be realistic.
# 327 aholbert32 @ 07/21/14 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Pookac81
I'm not sure when the NFL 2K fans will stop with the Madden hate. It's like the Lynn Bias argument, he would have been great had he not bit the dust. I agree, make an espn 30 for 30 about 2k5 and call it a day. I loved 2k5; was sorely disappointed when it was snatched away.. madden looks like they are trying to fix some bs about the game. Like I said earlier, 25 was fun until I started playing against folks who ran the flag combos all day (online children have no shame). Get excited folks.... This will be another fun game.
Dont turn this into a 2k v. Madden thread...last and final warning.
# 328 jpdavis82 @ 07/21/14 04:15 PM
Clint just confirmed the CPU will utilize the pass rush moves and even bluff blitz and QB contain using adaptive AI

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# 329 jpdavis82 @ 07/21/14 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
I dont know how the player models looks relates to the animations. Im not even willing to give Madden 15 much credit until I see more. They continue to focus on individual post play animations when in real life most celebrations after a play are done in groups.

For example, whats more likely to happen after a tackle for a loss...one person celebrating by doing a dance while the rest of the team pumps their fists OR 3 or four of the tackler's teammates going over to congratulate him.

I say the second thing happens 70-80% of the time in the NFL when that play happens but I dont think I've seen any group celebrations in the videos I've seen of M15. Even if its in M15 it definitely doesnt happen enough to be realistic.
I would say based on the stream, which remember was trying to hide presentation, there were plenty of 2 man post play celebrations, group celebrations are usually only after TDs and I think there were only fgs in the stream. We'll know more after the presentation stream. What I did notice was how one player started to celebrate and another would come and interrupt the celebration to join them, I thought that was pretty cool. It looked fluid too, no awkward pauses or anything.

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# 330 countryboy @ 07/21/14 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Clint just confirmed the CPU will utilize the pass rush moves and even bluff blitz and QB contain using adaptive AI

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# 331 CM Hooe @ 07/21/14 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy

Here, appears the CPU won't use block steering but will use everything else:

Originally Posted by @ClintOldenberg
@tazdevil20 and yes, the CPU utilizes the same everything as the user except for block-steering. Your 4 studs will be studs.
# 332 strawberryshortcake @ 07/21/14 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by TFer832
I agree completely. In a weird way I sort of always preferred apf/nfl2k's graphics up until maybe now. Idk something about them just worked with their animations and player movement.

I don't want to get yelled at for talking too much about APF.. but in addition to organic line play in APF.. i sometimes just turn it on to see ball interactions. You can still get unreal tipped catches and tipped interceptions in that game. Madden still has almost none of those things. I think Ball physics is the next mountain to climb that would change the game (after animations & wr/db stuff). Removing the ball from being magnetized from players hands would make it 1000 times more organic and realistic.

The way this dev team is pushing the game.. I think if animations go through an overhaul... and if they continue to improve presentation and atmosphere aspects.. madden can really start becoming a sim title. I'm not convinced it is fully on that path yet tho.

Big F'n Deal was saying that other day about removing a lot of the visual feedback on higher difficulties... and I absolutely agree with this. The first thing I do when I play madden is remove the strategy pad display and player names. The emptier the screen.. the better to me.
We need like a hardcore COD mode for madden. Where if turned on, you don't see anything a player on the field wouldn't see. (obviously other than scoreboard, and user player ring)
Just look at EA's Fifa title to know that it can be done. From what I do see, there's certainly ball physics to the soccer ball. One can pass to a certain spot, and both the defender and offensive player can attack the ball. The ball in fifa is not exactly scripted so to speak. When the goalie kicks the ball to center field, the ball is "loose," and who gets the ball is dictated by who's in the proper position. During passes/crosses, it's really determined based on the players position on the field. You can overpass or underpass your intended target. No warping, no suction animation, no suction interactions, great footplanting, unadvertised true step, jostling between offensive and defensive player really fighting for the ball. Better pursuit angles. A lot of things done correctly in Fifa.

EA Madden needs to use the Ignite sharing feature and take these crucial gameplay element and put it in Madden. OS member Valdarez mentioned something about how EA Madden does things differently (something related to frame rates, etc. etc.), and Big FN Deal touched on it as well. But to take Madden to the next level, they really need to probably bring in a coder/programmer along with their tech from Fifa -- maybe they did this already, but they really need to be adamant about implementing some relevant Fifa technology even if it means rewriting the Madden code.

# 333 aholbert32 @ 07/21/14 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I would say based on the stream, which remember was trying to hide presentation, there were plenty of 2 man post play celebrations, group celebrations are usually only after TDs and I think there were only fgs in the stream. We'll know more after the presentation stream. What I did notice was how one player started to celebrate and another would come and interrupt the celebration to join them, I thought that was pretty cool. It looked fluid too, no awkward pauses or anything.

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LOL, cmon man. You are so full of it. They werent trying to hide post play celebrations or replays. They showed damn near every one.

I just watched the video again and because I dont have **** to do at work today I decided to document how many 2 man celebrations there were. There were 7 two man post play animations out of over 50 plays. Thats less than 15% of plays.

There are opportunities for team celebrations that they missed. Go to 58:05. Allen gets a first down and runs out of bounds. Two of his teammates are less than a yard away from him. Now in real life, they go over to him and congratulate him on the catch. In Madden, they turn around and head for the huddle. Another missed opportunity is when Rivers throws a pick at 1:07:30 and not one Bronco teammate celebrates with the guy who got the pick.

I'm not acting like this part of the game is even that important. But lets not act act like they have done stuff here that is better than past games. From what I've seen theyve added three animations (helping a teammate up a high five and pushing a defensive teammate after a good play) and I swear I've seen two of those animations in other games. The high five is the only one that jumped out as new.
# 334 Skyboxer @ 07/21/14 09:18 PM
I still want to know if D cam and/or D player lock is available in online games...
# 335 JaymeeAwesome @ 07/21/14 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I still want to know if D cam and/or D player lock is available in online games...

I highly doubt it. I think it would be easier for the bandwidth if it only had to render the same screen for both online players. I hope they prove me wrong though.
# 336 mestevo @ 07/21/14 10:09 PM
Your camera angle shouldn't have anything to do with bandwidth, each console renders your view as it does now.

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# 337 jpdavis82 @ 07/22/14 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
LOL, cmon man. You are so full of it. They werent trying to hide post play celebrations or replays. They showed damn near every one.

I just watched the video again and because I dont have **** to do at work today I decided to document how many 2 man celebrations there were. There were 7 two man post play animations out of over 50 plays. Thats less than 15% of plays.

There are opportunities for team celebrations that they missed. Go to 58:05. Allen gets a first down and runs out of bounds. Two of his teammates are less than a yard away from him. Now in real life, they go over to him and congratulate him on the catch. In Madden, they turn around and head for the huddle. Another missed opportunity is when Rivers throws a pick at 1:07:30 and not one Bronco teammate celebrates with the guy who got the pick.

I'm not acting like this part of the game is even that important. But lets not act act like they have done stuff here that is better than past games. From what I've seen theyve added three animations (helping a teammate up a high five and pushing a defensive teammate after a good play) and I swear I've seen two of those animations in other games. The high five is the only one that jumped out as new.
Like I said most celebrations in the nfl are 1-2 people, touchdowns are usually group celebrations. They absolutely were skipping over presentation elements, the commentary and crowd noise was muted for most of the stream, they buttoned through the first quarter break montage, injury sequence, timeouts, etc... Back to what I was saying about post play celebrations, there aren't usually more than 1-2 people celebrating plays outside of tds, here's some real nfl footage.

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# 338 Jr. @ 07/22/14 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I still want to know if D cam and/or D player lock is available in online games...
The Player Lock camera was available in online games in NCAA. So the capability is there for that. Can't say about the D cam that allows you to switch players.
# 339 aholbert32 @ 07/22/14 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Like I said most celebrations in the nfl are 1-2 people, touchdowns are usually group celebrations. They absolutely were skipping over presentation elements, the commentary and crowd noise was muted for most of the stream, they buttoned through the first quarter break montage, injury sequence, timeouts, etc... Back to what I was saying about post play celebrations, there aren't usually more than 1-2 people celebrating plays outside of tds, here's some real nfl footage.

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I'm sorry but that's a lie. I watched the entire video twice and they skipped the post play scene twice.

Also you are wrong about the celebrations if you think only one player goes over to congratulate a teammate when he makes a good play. I don't even end to show you footage to prove that. Watch a nfl game and you will see that. If you are trying to say that only 15% of celebrations have more than 1 person....I don't know what else to say.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. It's ok to have faith in this dev team and their ability to make a good game. It's not ok to make up stuff to excuse things that the game is missing or the dev team missed.

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# 340 SimBaller12 @ 07/22/14 09:45 AM
I see they brought the ability for tacklers to magically be sucked into the ball carrier from three yards away again! During the game play the charger's OLB slid into Montee at the beginning of the game, & again when RG threw a pass to whitehead the very next drive. There's no way in real life that LB could have dove that far if Danny caught that pass in stride going full speed. SMH, dammit man!

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