Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is hosting a livestream of Madden NFL 15 with Creative Director Rex Dickson, as he goes over gameplay features.

If it gets archived or captured, we'll update this post for those of you that miss it. If the embedded stream doesn't work, click here.

UPDATE: Here is a link to the livestream, if you missed it.

UPDATE #2: Just updated the embedded video of the livestream, courtesy of SimFBallCritic. Thanks JP.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 201 countryboy @ 07/19/14 10:09 AM
For the first time, since what '05??, defense is actually going to matter in Madden. I was very impressed by what I saw. I haven't played Madden for the past 2 years because it had actually become boring and stale. Defense was just a word and you really didn't shut down/stop an offense, the offense stopped itself.

This year defense is going to matter and you will be able to some degree take things away from the offense and possibly force their hand.

The one question I have, and sorry if its been answered already, but are individual coverage assignments back in Madden? Ex: Making sure Richard Sherman covers Michael Crabtree no matter where he lines up on the field?
# 202 btvs @ 07/19/14 10:13 AM
I saw lot of great things in the live stream. The Von Miller spin move on DJ Fluker was cool. Miller just missed Rivers for the sacks. It was a great play that looked so realistic.
# 203 StL_RamZ @ 07/19/14 10:35 AM
after watching the videos.

im impressed.

swore to myself i wouldnt fall for the hype.

but defense is back!
love the new defensive plays. and all the options that have been added

said in another thread that I hope the Dline play is as advertised and it appears that it is.

finally will wreck havoc with the rams dline.

pretty sure Quinn will be in the high 90's
# 204 stillfeelme @ 07/19/14 10:43 AM

I have to say I haven't bought Maddden since 11. The game is starting to play like "NFL" football instead of "Madden" football, which is a huge compliment. I will buy this first day. This is the first gameplay stream I can recall ever seeing where the team went line for line showing first hand every single improvement, not with talk, or text but actual gameplay evidence to backup the improvements. Very impressive.
# 205 jpdavis82 @ 07/19/14 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by StL_RamZ
after watching the videos.

im impressed.

swore to myself i wouldnt fall for the hype.

but defense is back!
love the new defensive plays. and all the options that have been added

said in another thread that I hope the Dline play is as advertised and it appears that it is.

finally will wreck havoc with the rams dline.

pretty sure Quinn will be in the high 90's
The whole Rams front 4 should be pretty sick

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# 206 friscob @ 07/19/14 10:48 AM
Sounds like were getting some player ratings on monday, most likely for the rooks
# 207 johnnyg713 @ 07/19/14 11:27 AM
And to think this was all done on a short dev cycle. Can't wait to see what they do with a full year. Nhl and FIFA are doing some amazing stuff with player emotion and complete puck/ball physics. Stadiums and arenas in those games are life-like. Hoping these things all make it to madden 16 now that they seem to finally have the game of football playing correctly this year.
# 208 avwhitechic @ 07/19/14 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by TTD71
These guys really seem to be talking alot about what's ruined online and H2H play...that's exciting for me to hear...along with the pass rush, hot reads, defensive adjustments...definitely like what I'm hearing, though the offline guys are probably not going to like it as much...

Disguised D now on the stream I am watching...that should add a lot of variablility to playing D...sounds nice

But still no FairPlay rules implemented....

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# 209 24 @ 07/19/14 12:09 PM
Franchise will be the make or break for this game for me, but as of right now I am excited.
# 210 HealyMonster @ 07/19/14 12:14 PM
I like this guy Rex. The game will speak for itself, but, years ago when I quit playing madden, it was like devs had an attitude like "what do you wNt from me" attitude. When they would release the videos like this one, it was like they would answer questions or talk about the game looking at each other like uncomfortable because they were lying or stretching the truth, and it was uncomfortable to watch.

This guy is not the slightest bit uncomfortable. He's saying what he knows, he isn't talking anything up or stretching anything. "This isn't gang tackling, but it's better than it was, and will be improved in future maddens" ok... I can live with that, in no way am I going to be complaining about gang tackles in 4 months because I saw what the game has, I heard him say what I saw, and everything lined up. Next year I'll look for improvement.

Dudes demeanor was good, he showed mostly relevant stuff, and laughed like we do on some things "can't show ratings...oh my god rams are too high" dude seems to get it, and ideally appreciate it.

Most of us are such fans of the nfl, when madden sucks we take it personal, when we are lied to, we are more offended than other games, we invest so much of our time with the game, it's great to see someone in charge making that same investment. Feels good. I'm still not going easy on the presentation. That's what I'm about, we still need work in that dept
# 211 oneamongthefence @ 07/19/14 12:17 PM
The quarterback dropbacks and movement looks more weighted. Doesn't have that gliding look as much. Would like to see even less accuracy from quarterbacks with a heavy pass rush. The Phillip Rivers throw in which he was hit should have resulted in a backwards pass or at least a lame duck pass. But overall it looks good. A lot more organic and closer to what we see on Sundays.

It would be amazing to play a 15 minute, low scoring game.
# 212 FBall Life @ 07/19/14 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by 24
Franchise will be the make or break for this game for me, but as of right now I am excited.
It's break for me with the confirmation of no CPU vs CPU in franchise. That is the ONLY way that I play Madden, so this makes three years in a row for me I won't even be renting the game... Maybe next year, right?

# 213 oneamongthefence @ 07/19/14 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by avwhitechic
But still no FairPlay rules implemented....

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If defense is truly up to par, fair play rules won't matter.
# 214 TTD71 @ 07/19/14 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by oneamongthefence
If defense is truly up to par, fair play rules won't matter.
Better defense and more counter options to stop the offense (specifically with the protect the sticks adjustment) will be a big help in making players realize that instantly going for every 4th down in the game is a losing strategy....so in that regard, I think a better playing game helps with some elements of Fair Play.

There is also the removal of the D-adjustment delay AND a limit to the way hot routes and adjustments are called by the QB...now, add accelerated clock and 15 minute quarters to that and I don't think people would need too much more incentive to start focusing more on play calling instead of hot route adjusting as a base offense.

There are significant strides to balancing the game that are obvious from the stream...I hope they hold up well in the wild, but they look great in concept. That leaves the opponent's behavior as the last thing to really address that ruins the online experience for many people.

I am of two minds on this...mainly because I play online only and very rarely H2H.

In H2H play, the other player usually doesn't just quit and if they do they're off the sticks for a while because they have to either watch someone else play (usually play in groups and winner stays is the rule) or they need to go out and chill until they get another chance to play...

There are always going to be legitimate disconnects and de-sync's that cause players to get kicked, but the game should be capable of seeing whether or not the connection is lost or the quit button pushed. Online play is plagued with players who simply quit the game under any number of scenarios and they need to be deterred from doing it or online play will remain frustrating whenever you are playing a random opponent (I KNOW THAT PLAYING THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE IS ILL ADVISED, BUT SOMETIMES YOU'RE JUST LOOKING FOR A GAME AND NO ONE ELSE YOU KNOW IS AROUND!)

lIn NBA2K14, if someone keeps quitting games, they essentially get timed out of online play for a period of time. Start with 1 minute the first time, then 5 minutes on a second one that session, then 10 and so on...if a player starts having a penalty for choosing to quit or turn off their game when losing, then they would be less likely to act like a fool. That is a decent approximation of someone getting tossed from the couch and having to wait it out for another turn....I'd like to see that implemented into online play to discourage people from quitting.

If the defensive options and choices make going for it all the time a losing proposition AND player behavior is regulated by penalizing quitters with time off the server (like a penalty box maybe? maybe it could work better if it was handled like NHL penalties...disconnect = 30 second minor, getting booted for going offsides/grieving = 10 minute double minor, quitting or powering off in a match = 20 minute game misconduct!!)....at any rate, while nothing would be foolproof, just giving something to think about would slow the rate of quitting online and improve the experience a lot...

These devs definitely have their eyes on improving the gameplay and the gameplay experience, so I have hope that as the gameplay continues to improve, the overall experience will get better with it.
# 215 friscob @ 07/19/14 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Segagendude
Rivers didn't have the real life video like Peyton had when he took the field, showing his stats, so only a few QB's get this treatment?
Noticed that too. Might hav had something to do with him taking the field following a change of possession instead of the start of the game
# 216 drtre88 @ 07/19/14 01:05 PM
I'm liking what I see for the most part. I'm shuddering after seeing Peyton Manning shrug off that sack from the DT. That could most definitely happen in Real life but I'd be more worry free if that animation was strictly given to QB's more known for it. Ben Roethlisberger, Andrew Luck, Cam....
# 217 Spanky @ 07/19/14 01:07 PM
Very impressive video. These guys are the most knowledgeable developers I've seen. Very detail-oriented, which is good.
The game looks better than it ever has. Unless there is a game-killing bug (seems doubtful at this point), I'm all in.
Haven't been this excited for Madden in years.
# 218 charter04 @ 07/19/14 01:21 PM
Something I'm very pleased with is how on top of finding and fixing glitches and exploits they seem to be. How many times have we been told how great the game would be then we get it and wonder if they played their own game? Like when he said someone found a nano blitz and they started fixing it right away. I'm sure they won't catch everything but, at least they are honest and are trying. I'm actually looking forward to playing some online ranked games for the first time in years.
# 219 yardz23 @ 07/19/14 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by charter04
Something I'm very pleased with is how on top of finding and fixing glitches and exploits they seem to be. How many times have we been told how great the game would be then we get it and wonder if they played their own game? Like when he said someone found a nano blitz and they started fixing it right away. I'm sure they won't catch everything but, at least they are honest and are trying. I'm actually looking forward to playing some online ranked games for the first time in years.
Me too!

Normally I'm just an offline franchise guy, but if everything is as tuned as it seems to be I'll be playing some online quite a bit.

Used your sliders for M25 as well. Did you catch what RG said about sliders being unlocked from difficulty? Any idea what that means?
# 220 TTD71 @ 07/19/14 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by charter04
Something I'm very pleased with is how on top of finding and fixing glitches and exploits they seem to be. How many times have we been told how great the game would be then we get it and wonder if they played their own game? Like when he said someone found a nano blitz and they started fixing it right away. I'm sure they won't catch everything but, at least they are honest and are trying. I'm actually looking forward to playing some online ranked games for the first time in years.
The older teams are taking a bad rap on this point...

I know from first hand experience that guys like Ian and his team were hyper-sensitive to testing for and fixing bugs and exploits - doing it in real time at past community events even (or in Ian's case online and posting options and changes to be viewed)....the problem is a dev team - even as large as Madden has - is MASSIVELY out gunned on release day for finding exploits and bugs...take 100 game testers and give them 2 weeks (80 hours x 100 testers = 80,000 hours) and compare that to release day + internet forums/chat rooms = 4,000,000 users at even 30 minutes each = 2,000,000 hours...

I appreciate the efforts we are seeing, but its just not right to say other teams did not try or care...they may not have been as good or as up front, but this team is just as out gunned in the end as any other...I expect PLENTY of glitches...I just hope that they are able to patch and or offer enough manual options to counter them as they have shown so far!

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