Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is hosting a livestream of Madden NFL 15 with Creative Director Rex Dickson, as he goes over gameplay features.

If it gets archived or captured, we'll update this post for those of you that miss it. If the embedded stream doesn't work, click here.

UPDATE: Here is a link to the livestream, if you missed it.

UPDATE #2: Just updated the embedded video of the livestream, courtesy of SimFBallCritic. Thanks JP.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 181 mestevo @ 07/19/14 01:37 AM
I would have expected news by now of a Season Pass for next gen if it was coming in time for Madden.

Only 1 copy of M15 for me this year, I bought 3 of 25 (360, then PS3 to join friends in a franchise for a few seasons then again on PS4 digitally).
# 182 Cowboy008 @ 07/19/14 02:00 AM
Just got done watching the stream and I came away impressed. I wasn't expecting anything that great but when they started playing the game I seen a lot of things that I liked. I just have a few questions when Rex said the receivers can now swat the ball down is that only for human controlled player or will the CPU do that as well? It looks like if you want to disguise your defense you pick it from the play call screen so will the CPU also disguise their defense? During the stream I saw a Bronco player down on his knees injured holding his back (I don't know if it was in M25 since I didn't play it). This looks like a new injury animation instead of how it used to be when they just rolled back and forth on the ground. I am actually starting to get hyped for Madden this year now I just need to hear what they have improved for CFM and this will be a day 1 buy for me.
# 183 Jr. @ 07/19/14 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by urlacher51
I'll show my support by buying three Madden 15's , Xbox one, PS4 and 360. Also does anyone know if EA is gonna do a Season pass for EA games like they do on the 360 and PS3?
I think I remember hearing that EA got rid of the Season Pass program.
# 184 ERA @ 07/19/14 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Jr.
I think I remember hearing that EA got rid of the Season Pass program.
Yep, it's gone.

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# 185 kjcheezhead @ 07/19/14 02:28 AM
Wow, I'm impressed. The chess match looks to be back. I liked the qb contain feature, the guard the sticks, that they removed the delay to setting defensive adjustments. They offered hints like using purple zone and outside shading to cover corner routes...and what's that?? They addressed the drop 10 in coverage defense so it's vulnerable against the run? I gotta see it to believe but that's awesome if true.

It's not quite all there yet, but it looks like it's actually going to be a fun game. I've been holding out on buying a PS4 because I haven't seen a game I wanted to play. I think this may be it. I never thought I would say that about Madden.
# 186 kjcheezhead @ 07/19/14 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Exactly. If sales drop significantly, EA's board and higher ups may see this as a sign that people dont like Rex's approach and they may go back to a more arcade focus.
I hate that. I don't really want to buy new because I hate supporting exclusivity, but if I don't support this game, madden 16 could be as arcade madden 11 was after 10 didn't sell well.

Either way I'm screwed. Damn you NFL and your exclusive bull****. I can't even just buy a game anymore without it being politicized.
# 187 MNHuskerman @ 07/19/14 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by RexDEAFootball
>> I definitely plan on going out to buy M15 new, to support what these guys seem to be trying to do.

We REALLY appreciate it and this means a lot to us. The game needs to sell well for EA to continue to embrace our vision, so comments like these are a lot more valuable to us than you may realize.
Love the direction this team is going, and will definitely support this vision/direction with a purchase. Cannot wait as this year is finally the return of the "Madden Holiday" where I take release day off and play Madden all day!
# 188 hanzsomehanz @ 07/19/14 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Exactly. If sales drop significantly, EA's board and higher ups may see this as a sign that people dont like Rex's approach and they may go back to a more arcade focus.
This is why I do not see 1 year being a fair assesment.

Consider the Sim quality their other sports titles are pushing and the fan fare those games are gaining. If Rex and Co. are given 2-3 more years to develop what FIFA and NHL have: I am not so sure the slope will rise but there will always be a peak so hopfeully they know their baseline & learn to play hard within their baseline and ballpark and not swing for the fences in a league they are not built for.

If Madden can continue in this course I can see them finally being branded w the phrase "if you love Football: this is the game for you!" - as JP might say

There are tonnes of folks who are not soccer fans but who watch the World Cup for the spectacle - Madden can create that same sensational buzz if they stay the course.

There are other games who have reached that fulfilment in their genres and I can picture Rex's crew reaching that pinnacle if they are given more time to develop that world cup product: just as the NFL Commisioner is trying to expand the NFL overseas.

It will be more telling to see how this title rates out on Metacritic and via other media outlets than via sales, in my consumer opinion.

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# 189 yardz23 @ 07/19/14 02:59 AM
This stream "sold me".

I saw so many things that I liked.

I think things are really heading in the right direction. The game looks fun. Thanks for the stream guys!
# 190 Pappy Knuckles @ 07/19/14 03:31 AM
Twitch doesn't like to cooperate with my computer, so I'll just have to take everyone's word that this game looks much improved. The last Madden I spent significant time with was M10, and I'm hoping that this edition will get me back on board. It's rare that I see this section of the site so positive. Hopefully that's a good sign.
# 191 bcruise @ 07/19/14 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
Twitch doesn't like to cooperate with my computer, so I'll just have to take everyone's word that this game looks much improved. The last Madden I spent significant time with was M10, and I'm hoping that this edition will get me back on board. It's rare that I see this section of the site so positive. Hopefully that's a good sign.
Does this work better?


It's the gameplay portion of the stream, which was probably a little over half of the whole thing. Starts in practice mode but has full gameplay later (up to halftime)
# 192 Pappy Knuckles @ 07/19/14 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Does this work better?


It's the gameplay portion of the stream, which was probably a little over half of the whole thing. Starts in practice mode but has full gameplay later (up to halftime)
Much better. Thanks a lot. A lot of times when I try to watch Twitch videos on my PC it buffers like crazy for some reason.
# 193 kaletore11 @ 07/19/14 06:18 AM
Came here to criticize, watched the video, ended up preordering M15.

Impressive, to say the least.
# 194 JMD @ 07/19/14 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Does this work better?


It's the gameplay portion of the stream, which was probably a little over half of the whole thing. Starts in practice mode but has full gameplay later (up to halftime)
Thank you I missed this yesterday.
# 195 kaletore11 @ 07/19/14 07:50 AM
I love how Rex admitted that everything's not perfect and some aspects of the game (WR/DB interaction) are still far from what they should be, but they're working on it.
# 196 jpdavis82 @ 07/19/14 08:04 AM
What did you guys think of the 2-5 man tackles? I know they aren't where we want them but like Rex said and Sim said at E3, they're building towards true gang tackling.

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# 197 roadman @ 07/19/14 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by hanzsomehanz
This is why I do not see 1 year being a fair assesment.

Consider the Sim quality their other sports titles are pushing and the fan fare those games are gaining. If Rex and Co. are given 2-3 more years to develop what FIFA and NHL have: I am not so sure the slope will rise but there will always be a peak so hopfeully they know their baseline & learn to play hard within their baseline and ballpark and not swing for the fences in a league they are not built for.

If Madden can continue in this course I can see them finally being branded w the phrase "if you love Football: this is the game for you!" - as JP might say

There are tonnes of folks who are not soccer fans but who watch the World Cup for the spectacle - Madden can create that same sensational buzz if they stay the course.

There are other games who have reached that fulfilment in their genres and I can picture Rex's crew reaching that pinnacle if they are given more time to develop that world cup product: just as the NFL Commisioner is trying to expand the NFL overseas.

It will be more telling to see how this title rates out on Metacritic and via other media outlets than via sales, in my consumer opinion.

Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk
That's a big IF you are putting out there.

Let's not forget that EA told Ian and company to go in another direction from 10 to 11, fair or not.

Nothing much for me to add to what everyone else has said. I mentioned just recently before the stream that 15 looked like as big as jump that 10 did.

Plus, I've been in Rex's corner since last November's interview with Clint and Rich Grisom. His interviews since then have been on point with candor and straight to the point.
# 198 HealyMonster @ 07/19/14 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by StL_RamZ
for those who watched it

is this the video?

You the man
# 199 JMD @ 07/19/14 08:58 AM
I really liked a lot of what I saw there. I also liked hearing that one of these guys actually lost a game to the CPU on All Pro. Very promising, I don't think I've ever lost a game to the CPU on All Pro with out going into the slider adjustments.

I hope they do a video with a couple of the lower rated Qb's in the league, I'd like to get a look at some off target passes and see if the INt's go up with the lower rated guys.
# 200 K_GUN @ 07/19/14 08:59 AM

I havent purchased Madden since 12.....this is the year Im coming back to Madden

Looks great

Great demo

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