Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is hosting a livestream of Madden NFL 15 with Creative Director Rex Dickson, as he goes over gameplay features.

If it gets archived or captured, we'll update this post for those of you that miss it. If the embedded stream doesn't work, click here.

UPDATE: Here is a link to the livestream, if you missed it.

UPDATE #2: Just updated the embedded video of the livestream, courtesy of SimFBallCritic. Thanks JP.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 141 iLLWiLL @ 07/18/14 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBlue76
This right here ^. This went a long way for me. Don't insult our intelligence by lying and feeding us company lines. He did not do that, and I really appreciated it. Everything doesn't always work great, but the effort to make this game great again is there. How I am starting to look at this is that they basically squandered an entire generation of football gaming. Madden was a dump in a box for 8 years. The game they have built is probably what we should have gotten back in 2007. What's done is done and I am willing to move past that IF - they can really set the bar with the realism they want to instill in this game. I want to desperately retire my APF 2k8 disc. It's a fantastic game on the field, but if Madden can offer what that game had and do it even better, why would I want to play it? I don't care about exclusives, ill will, EA being evil. If Madden is a great game I will buy it and not care about other games. I am not really a "gamer". I only play in online leagues and I really only care about football.
But what did I ever do to you???
# 142 charter04 @ 07/18/14 10:13 PM
I really liked how the guy on the left (RJ?) was 1-5 with Manning. You could tell who the better player was but, it wasn't just stick skills. He made some bad reads and threw into coverage. Even a accurate guy like Manning over threw that one pass pretty bad.

Also hearing them talk about things that aren't sim made me look forward to when sim or tourney style won't matter. IRL you can do what ever you want to. From high school to the Pro's coaches do some "unsim" things but, the results are realistic obviously. If you go for it on 4th down all the time in the NFL not only will you lose but, you will get fired. It's not about being sim it's about reality.

That's how I want Madden to play. If a guy wants to do stupid "unsim" stuff fine. He won't ever win or he will adjust if the results play out realistic. I think that really seems like the direct this game is going. I for one get tired of giving myself "house rules" or feeling like I have to police myself. I want the game to do the policing with realistic results.
# 143 hawley088 @ 07/18/14 10:27 PM
just watched bits and pieces and caught the time they said they were able to add the ability of WRs being able to swat a ball down if they know they cant catch it...i love that
# 144 jpdavis82 @ 07/18/14 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by HealyMonster
I tried, I can't find it in the app for the life of me
Same here:/

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# 145 jmurphy31 @ 07/18/14 10:35 PM
I really hope Madden 15 sells well this year. It looks like a step in the right direction. But if Sales decline even more than they have, who knows what direction EA will go in next,

As for the video, they really should more of these instead of those hype trailers. This was pretty in depth.

I still think the replays are too quick and have poor angles. Show me how the play develop from a broadcast angle and then show another angle after of a tackle or pass break up.

I cant wait to hear about Franchise Mode and Presentation....Those the big ones for me.
# 146 StL_RamZ @ 07/18/14 10:42 PM
for those who watched it

is this the video?

# 147 Scott @ 07/18/14 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by StL_RamZ
for those who watched it

is this the video?

Thanks for posting this...
# 148 4thQtrStre5S @ 07/18/14 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBlue76
I wish Rex could enlighten us on the sliders and let us know if things work as they should. Also, a large document describing the sliders and what they do in detail would REALLY do wonders for the community. Is there any chance we could get that? Explain in detail what lowering and raising each slider actually does.
AGREE 100,000,000%
# 149 bad_philanthropy @ 07/18/14 11:01 PM
Like other posters, I had low expectations, but in the end it was probably the most impressive, non-fluff, breakdown I've seen a sports game dev do—I don't know. Maybe ever? I haven't really followed the nitty gritty of Madden dev teams, and complaints since Ian, but I appreciate the concise way Rex expressed his vision for the series, and candor about the game's current shortcomings. I'll reserve judgment until I play it, but I'm definitely willing to support Rex's Madden with my wallet.

Technically, the game seemed a lot fresher, animations wise, that I'd seen in previous footage. There was still some funky stuff, and bad lack of credible player momentum, but I was surprised how impressed I was. Pre-release footage for a football game hasn't done that for me for ages.
# 150 DeuceDouglas @ 07/18/14 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by jmurphy31
I still think the replays are too quick and have poor angles. Show me how the play develop from a broadcast angle and then show another angle after of a tackle or pass break up.
Yeah, they still look awkward. The one where the camera followed the ball on the deep pass looked really bad. The camera views on them don't look right either. Too many weird angles and field level views. Need more top of the stadium, nearly all-22 type shots like these:


And then the lower level corner end-zone shot:


Those two angles alone make up the majority of replays. Throw in the other stuff here and there too for variety. Then for bigger games have the wire cam angle for replays as well.


Haven't really paid attention but I don't believe I've seen anything like this used at the goal line either. And it's a staple of anything inside the five as well as the goal post cam.


They really need to get the camera off the ball when showing replays too. Nothing ruins a replay or angle more than when the ball is stuck in the center the whole time. They had the same problem with the kickoff camera angle where it just looked weird.
# 151 StefJoeHalt @ 07/18/14 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I'm not here to say I told you so guys, I just want everyone to have a good game of football. They still have work to do and you heard them admit that more than once. I still think this is just the turning point, it will get better from here IMO

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JP as I stated before if if this game is what u state..I have no issue with stating and I hope to state "You are RIGHT I WAS WRONG" but until game in hand it will have to wait

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# 152 friscob @ 07/18/14 11:14 PM
Halfway through the video and im definitely impressed. Visuals look great and gameplay is noticeably better. Its been awhile since ive enjoyed a madden game but this looks like it will be a big step in the right direction

Really happy they took the time to correct some of the exploits that have been plaguing madden for yrs. Shows theyre listening, rex seems like a good dude
# 153 LorenzoDC @ 07/18/14 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
lol, don't get me wrong, certain issues are still obviously present but like so many have stated before, you definitely get some tangible evidence that these guys are trying to make Madden, less Madden. When you watch the video, I think you'll get what I mean.
Adding to the chorus, I see it too. Rex, you guys are clearly working on details of game play that ******s haven't been aware of, but which make a big difference in the depth, quality and replayability of the title.

After the last recent years with the game, and especially after my buyer's remorse last year, I'm pretty impressed not only with what you have shown in this video, but with the way you are going about improving the game and communicating with people like us, the long time hard core crowd.

Like Big FN Deal, I feel like I want to reward that with a purchase, though I still want to hear about CFM. I'm getting close, and certainly closer than I was expecting.

Thanks for all your work, and for your straight up candor.

Odds and ends, I see defensive assignments that cover a game didn't make it in this year. I'm assuming that's also the case for formation subs, but I hope you have that on your radar as well.

As others have said, I'd also like to hear more about sliders, what they do this year, how they affect the game. If game balancing works as you guys have been talking about, then maybe they are less critical as a remedial necessity to try to compensate for bad gameplay.

Still, the ability to tweak and customize for gameplay styles, CFM leagues, etc., are all really important, and I hope you guys will give us the understanding we need of how the sliders work to make intelligent choices, and save us tons of experimental time.

Good job so far, on the substance and on the communications.
# 154 StefJoeHalt @ 07/18/14 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by RexDEAFootball
>> I definitely plan on going out to buy M15 new, to support what these guys seem to be trying to do.

We REALLY appreciate it and this means a lot to us. The game needs to sell well for EA to continue to embrace our vision, so comments like these are a lot more valuable to us than you may realize.

^ this right here sells me more then any of JP's sales pitch... Rex u back up 80 % of what JP is selling and half of what your selling u have a many new "old" customers..this day was a big step forward..but plz plz don't take this win as "the end of the war.. This is just one battle" but a very large victory..plz continue forward

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# 155 friscob @ 07/18/14 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by SECElit3
did anyone else hear Rex when he talked about how they tuned the penalties? I wonder what he meant there.
Probably messed with the frequency of penalties and touched up the things that can trigger them. Hope that the penalty sliders are not tied to the gameplay like they were in 25.
# 156 juduking @ 07/18/14 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by StL_RamZ
for those who watched it

is this the video?

Wow, I am usually one to be a doom and gloom guy, but the comments on youtube make me seem like a saint. I doubt any of those negative comments actually watched the video.
# 157 Skyboxer @ 07/18/14 11:25 PM
Loved what I heard and even though I was already a day 1 buyer, this has me even more excited.

I still won't be over the top excited until a new passing system is added but thank God we have a group that feels like they want what we want finally.

My only concern from the broadcast (And maybe Rex can clarify)..

A group of us have been asking for D cam for ages and now we have it.. however.. If I heard correctly Rex said (when explaining D lock vs D camera) that you can be a D player and use the d-pad to switch players in an offline game..
Since he pointed out "offline game".. that makes it seem that either you can't switch players in the d cam in online games or that the D cam isn't available in online games..
or maybe either and I'm just freaking out for no reason..

I'm glad it's there at least but would like clarification.

Rex can you clarify? (and send me an early copy.. thanks in advance )

Can't really stress this enough that these guys (even though I was buying anyways) have upped my excitement , not just for this years game but for the future too, with a simple attitude of humbleness and football knowledge.

It really goes back a previous statement I said about certain developers giving us what they say we want instead of what we say we want.

Damn that's refreshing.
# 158 friscob @ 07/18/14 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by juduking
Wow, I am usually one to be a doom and gloom guy, but the comments on youtube make me seem like a saint. I doubt any of those negative comments actually watched the video.
For all the good that easily accessible internet access has done its also created a voice/platform for some of the most hateful and miserable ppl that walk this earth.
# 159 Jr. @ 07/18/14 11:29 PM
Color me impressed. I would've liked to see them do more of these adjustments without telling each other what plays they were running, but it's good to know that if you make the right adjustment at the right time, you should be successful.

It's still Madden, but it looks like a much more polished version.
# 160 SageInfinite @ 07/18/14 11:29 PM
All is forgiven for the 2k rant after this stream. I kinda of feel like I have to support this game now because I want them to keep moving in this direction. The game isn't there yet, but it looks ALOT better. Alot of things I liked in that stream. I'm actually kind of excited to play Madden 15.

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