Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is hosting a livestream of Madden NFL 15 with Creative Director Rex Dickson, as he goes over gameplay features.

If it gets archived or captured, we'll update this post for those of you that miss it. If the embedded stream doesn't work, click here.

UPDATE: Here is a link to the livestream, if you missed it.

UPDATE #2: Just updated the embedded video of the livestream, courtesy of SimFBallCritic. Thanks JP.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 wordtobigbird @ 07/18/14 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise

I'm sure Steve will add it to the first post soon.
Appreciate it.
# 82 PVarck31 @ 07/18/14 06:11 PM
That was pleasantly impressive. Loved a lot of what I saw. Was really impressed with some of the line play and contextual animations too.

I thought it was pretty funny when they asked Rex if they could take some questions and he said as long as they aren't about 2K football, haha.

This made me more excited for Madden. And usually seeing Madden before release does the opposite.
# 83 LBzrule @ 07/18/14 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by raiderphantom
NBA 2K14 on old gen started out the same way. Very realistic. Then the complaints came rolling in and they patched it to make it more ******.
And for online anyways, that's one of the biggest mistakes a developer can make IMO because while you satisfy the people who play your game short term, you alienate your core audience.
# 84 TTD71 @ 07/18/14 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
And this is where EA needs to ignore them. They've gone that route and it has not worked and the game is still working its way out of hell. They try to gain ******s and turn off core gamers and they will not win because they'll alienate the very people who WOULD be there for the long haul. The ****** guy is not going to be there for the long haul. There will be plenty of items in the game for the ****** person but they need to make sure they don't succumb to a voice that is not going to be around after one month. They've done that too much and even the diehards start looking elsewhere after about two months. So they've done enough babying and it hasn't worked out great.

Every word. HOF-worthy post in my eyes.

PLEASE build a game that starts and ends with real strategy making a difference and making people learn that NFL teams do not punt on 4th down for lack of guts...they do it because it makes strategic sense and is an integral part of the game...just ask Tom Coughlin.

The harder it is to score, the better. If I have to play 5 minute quarters and live with a lot of 17-14, 21-17 or even 10-7 type games, then so be it...if I want to score like an NFL game, I should have to play closer to 15 minute quarters. There's always a trade-off, but if the game remained as ridiculously easy on offense as its been for the last few years, its just too damn boring. In Madden 25, at least online, there is a certain sense that 2/3rd's of football is missing (defense and special teams)...at least this looks like the defense is getting some tools and the passing is made a little less automatic...couldn't be happier about that.
# 85 jpdavis82 @ 07/18/14 06:12 PM
I'm not here to say I told you so guys, I just want everyone to have a good game of football. They still have work to do and you heard them admit that more than once. I still think this is just the turning point, it will get better from here IMO

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# 86 mvb34 @ 07/18/14 06:13 PM
Does anywhere I see the stream? I miss it
# 87 pacman5769 @ 07/18/14 06:13 PM
LOL one of the MUT tourny guys found a glitch already and they are working on it..hopefully they will patch more this year as the glitches are being found and we all know there will be some
# 88 jpdavis82 @ 07/18/14 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by mvb34
Does anywhere I see the stream? I miss it

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# 89 kehlis @ 07/18/14 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I'm not here to say I told you so guys,
Good, because you've been telling us "so" for years now.

Glad that it looks like after many years of this you might finally be right.
# 90 jyoung @ 07/18/14 06:16 PM
This was a very informative stream, with lots of great gameplay examples and development insights.

Thank you, EA, for not wasting people's time, like several other sports games' streams have recently.

# 91 NicVirtue @ 07/18/14 06:16 PM
I'm really confused as to why they think DB's are passive aggressive against jump balls when in fact they have been the opposite while WR's were the ones just waiting for the ball to fall into their hands. DB's always had more right to the ball the WR's, but i'm glad they've added a swat mechanic for receivers, FINALLY, so that they can turn into defenders when needed....took them long enough. Still not spending $60 on it cause we should have been had all this and more.
# 92 RogueHominid @ 07/18/14 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
I'm convinced the football knowledge is there, having watched that. Now it's just a matter of getting all of that knowledge into the game - and it seems like they're definitely making progress there with this year's game.

It does back up the statement that EA is committed to making this a sim game.
Very well put. That's what I liked about him in particular--he took questions on the fly, answered them with football concepts that made sense, and didn't sound like he was giving a pre-scripted, vetted, marketing-hype response.
# 93 oneamongthefence @ 07/18/14 06:18 PM
Could this be the first year where out of the box Madden plays like it should? I hope so. Now bring on CFM news and then we'll be in business.
# 94 TTD71 @ 07/18/14 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I'm not here to say I told you so guys, I just want everyone to have a good game of football. They still have work to do and you heard them admit that more than once. I still think this is just the turning point, it will get better from here IMO

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I can see where SOME of your enthusiasm comes from after watching that video...not ALL of it though, you're still amped more than I will allow myself to be.

I have seen similar things in the past (not as MANY in one year mind you), but the real proof is going to be in the weeks after the game gets out into the wild and H2H, online and CFM guys really dig into it. I love the added tools given to the game and the focus on balancing things out; that alone is worthy of praise and glad to see these guys standing up and saying that what they have is a start - now its on EA to get the the support and more importantly to avoid weak knees if too many 12-14 year olds freak because they can't get 350 yards passing and 6TDs in a 20 minute game...if EA holds that line (getting more in on realism and less on satisfying ADD ******s), AND adds the things that they are talking about, THEN I will say you've been right all along...but I definitely can see reason for optimism more now.
# 95 SoxFan01605 @ 07/18/14 06:20 PM
The last game I put any time in was 12. I gave 13 a try, but had no intentions of buying given some of the options removed. Didn;t even take 25 seriously as I was done with the previous gen and nothing about the "next gen" version stood out.

All that to say this: I am definitely intrigued by 15. I still see a lot I don't like (for the love of God one of these years has to be a blow-out, all-in type of focus on animations), but they seemed to have addressed a lot of core aspects.

Add in the fact that Rex is openly and directly acknowledging flaws BEFORE THEY ARE ADDRESSED (as in, not just "yeah, last year sucked but now..." PR stuff...something I appreciated about Ian when he interacted here) while breaking down both the intention and execution of various adjustments has me actually hopeful for upcoming iterations. For a series that has been so reactive in it's development, I'm happy to see a lot more proactive and focused progression.

I still don't know where I stand on purchasing 15, but I'm definitely impressed with the effort so far and Madden is back on my radar.
# 96 4thQtrStre5S @ 07/18/14 06:23 PM
Another thing I loved was the coverage disguise system; and the pre-made plays to stop particular routes; thus allowing the player on defense to predict or catch on to the opponents tendency and call the right counter play; instead of having to find the opponents tendencies, call a base play and call a bunch of individual adjustments that took much too long compared to the speed of the offense to call audibles and snap the ball....

Thus again, the delay between offensive audible calls - a HUGE improvement in the direction of sim football...IMO

Rex is winning me over...I have already pre-ordered my M15...I have never pre-ordered this early for any game...
# 97 wordtobigbird @ 07/18/14 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by pacman5769
LOL one of the MUT tourny guys found a glitch already and they are working on it..hopefully they will patch more this year as the glitches are being found and we all know there will be some
what was the glitch?
# 98 William85 @ 07/18/14 06:24 PM
Looks like the outlook on the forums has turned 180 degrees based on one simple stream. I felt like when the guys spoke , you could feel their passion for getting it right. Kudos to Ea for cutting the crap with the sugar coated screens and gussied up trailers. Showing people how these improvements work in real time instead of telling people goes a very long way toward building some credibility. Also, great job of owning your baggage and not dodging any questions or legacy issues. People have had smoke blown up thier rears for too long about Madden improvements so its nice to hear them being honest. Everything changed IMO with this video. Now, keep them coming .
# 99 juduking @ 07/18/14 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by NicVirtue
I'm really confused as to why they think DB's are passive aggressive against jump balls when in fact they have been the opposite while WR's were the ones just waiting for the ball to fall into their hands. DB's always had more right to the ball the WR's, but i'm glad they've added a swat mechanic for receivers, FINALLY, so that they can turn into defenders when needed....took them long enough. Still not spending $60 on it cause we should have been had all this and more.
Good, good, let the hate flow through you. Come to the dark side.
# 100 4thQtrStre5S @ 07/18/14 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
what was the glitch?
If I recall correctly it was a series of shifts and re-alignments that alllowed for a nano type blitz?

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