Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is hosting a livestream of Madden NFL 15 with Creative Director Rex Dickson, as he goes over gameplay features.

If it gets archived or captured, we'll update this post for those of you that miss it. If the embedded stream doesn't work, click here.

UPDATE: Here is a link to the livestream, if you missed it.

UPDATE #2: Just updated the embedded video of the livestream, courtesy of SimFBallCritic. Thanks JP.

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 101 juduking @ 07/18/14 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
what was the glitch?

It was a nano that they guy found by hitting a combination of 15 or 16 different defensive adjustments according to Rex
# 102 hotsauceme @ 07/18/14 06:29 PM
Anyone know more about the scaling based on real nfl stats?
# 103 jpdavis82 @ 07/18/14 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by William85
Looks like the outlook on the forums has turned 180 degrees based on one simple stream. I felt like when the guys spoke , you could feel their passion for getting it right. Kudos to Ea for cutting the crap with the sugar coated screens and gussied up trailers. Showing people how these improvements work in real time instead of telling people goes a very long way toward building some credibility. Also, great job of owning your baggage and not dodging any questions or legacy issues. People have had smoke blown up thier rears for too long about Madden improvements so its nice to hear them being honest. Everything changed IMO with this video. Now, keep them coming .
To me it's more of the same of what I've been hearing all along from Cam & Rex. Ive listened to every interview and podcast and Rex always sounds like he did today.I really think it had to be shown for people to start to see it. The things talked about and shown today have been discussed for months between podcasts and The Sim Standard too. Sim really does have a good grasp of the vision for this game. Remember when I mentioned the physics for organic collisions and falls, which was the beginning of gang tackling during E3 that Sim told me about? Rex addressed that today really for the first time, but people actually saw it, it happened more than in the E3 videos. I think I counted 5-6 2-3 man tackles. I
think this is just the tip of the iceberg though honestly. I know others will remain skeptical, but more importantly Rex Cam and this dev team do too😃

I don't know if people will be blown away as I had claimed but I think they will start to see the vision Cam & Rex have.

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# 104 StL_RamZ @ 07/18/14 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Is Madden 15 the first football game to have wrs bat the ball down?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nope, Madden for the Ps2/Xbox had it.

thankfully they brought it back
# 105 wordtobigbird @ 07/18/14 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by hotsauceme
Anyone know more about the scaling based on real nfl stats?
No inside information or anything but from seeing a lot of research guys have posted for me in the slider threads there is a huge disparity between M25 and the NFL. Not only M25, but probably most of our general perception of NFL averages.

If you have run 10 plays and have 60 yards you are the best offense in the NFL. (Broncos were at 6.3 last year). In Madden 60 yard drives are usually less than 5 plays even without a long ball. You get consistent pass plays of 10-25 yards. Most NFL passes are completed for less than 10 yards. So it's about getting these averages realistic.

So if Broncos lead the league with 450 yards per game with 60 minute quarters. In Madden's 20 minute games you should consider 150 yards (same avg) a stellar offensive performance. In M25 get 400 yards on 5 minute qtrs really wasn't hard to do at all. Should be damn near impossible.
# 106 wordtobigbird @ 07/18/14 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by StL_RamZ
Nope, Madden for the Ps2/Xbox had it.

thankfully they brought it back
Which game? I never remember it being there.
# 107 SmashMan @ 07/18/14 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I really think it had to be shown for people to start to see it.
Well, duh.
# 108 PVarck31 @ 07/18/14 06:44 PM
When they were talking about the different difficulty levels the one guy mentioned something real quick about how they untied the sliders from them. Did anyone else catch that? Or is this nothing new?
# 109 StL_RamZ @ 07/18/14 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
Which game? I never remember it being there.
think all of them. I started playing madden since 03 and i clearly remember them having it because I would always do it when I threw a bad ball.

imma find an article or a video for it. I'll edit this post when I do
# 110 LorenzoDC @ 07/18/14 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Well I feel like Peter Griffin on that episode of Family Guy where he angrily goes to confront Bill Clinton but ends up in bed with him, lol. I intended to watch this stream strictly to mark time, not expecting to be the slightest bit interested, much less impressed, then...... BAM!, by the time this thing was over I'm considering buying it new to support their effort. Really well done guys, people have been saying for years how they wish Tiburon would just show us the game actually being played, aside from all that trailer marketing stuff and they delivered in this stream, JP and I kept trying to tell you guys about this "new" team., lmao. (j/k)

Seriously though, there was a lot of good stuff shown in that stream and considering what Ian said about the down sales of M10 influencing the direction of M11, I definitely plan on going out to buy M15 new, to support what these guys seem to be trying to do.

That said, a few of quick issues I hope can be addressed pre release. On that pass by Rivers where he is hit while throwing, again I think those passes are still too accurate, it might have been slightly off target but it still hit that receiver in stride, for the most part.

Secondly, they said they added the User ability for the intended receiver to swat down potential INTs BUT ill the CPU/AI controlled receivers do the same thing? If not, that needs to be, especially for offline Users that play the CPU and people in "no switch" leagues.

Lastly, in the same vein as the previous point, please make sure that AI/CPU defenders use the "steering" to push the pocket, I saw various bullet points about AI teammates mattering and the CPU/AI using the presnap adjustments so hopefully this all falls under the same umbrella.

Again though, really well done presentation.

Guess I'll have to watch this thing once it gets posted in archive.
# 111 wordtobigbird @ 07/18/14 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by LorenzoDC

Guess I'll have to watch this thing once it gets posted in archive.
# 112 4thQtrStre5S @ 07/18/14 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by PVarck31
When they were talking about the different difficulty levels the one guy mentioned something real quick about how they untied the sliders from them. Did anyone else catch that? Or is this nothing new?
caught that very clearly, as sliders and the mysteriy behind them all has me going bald from frustration...I hope there is more detail in regards to sliders in the future....
# 113 wordtobigbird @ 07/18/14 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by PVarck31
When they were talking about the different difficulty levels the one guy mentioned something real quick about how they untied the sliders from them. Did anyone else catch that? Or is this nothing new?
I didn't even catch that. Wow that's huge. That's definitely new. Before the difficulty levels WERE the sliders. All Pro 50/50, All Madden 25/75, etc. So now that they are separate that is going to be veryyyyyyy interesting for sliders..
# 114 RexDEAFootball @ 07/18/14 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Well I feel like Peter Griffin on that episode of Family Guy where he angrily goes to confront Bill Clinton but ends up in bed with him, lol. I intended to watch this stream strictly to mark time, not expecting to be the slightest bit interested, much less impressed, then...... BAM!, by the time this thing was over I'm considering buying it new to support their effort. Really well done guys, people have been saying for years how they wish Tiburon would just show us the game actually being played, aside from all that trailer marketing stuff and they delivered in this stream, JP and I kept trying to tell you guys about this "new" team., lmao. (j/k)

Seriously though, there was a lot of good stuff shown in that stream and considering what Ian said about the down sales of M10 influencing the direction of M11, I definitely plan on going out to buy M15 new, to support what these guys seem to be trying to do.

That said, a few of quick issues I hope can be addressed pre release. On that pass by Rivers where he is hit while throwing, again I think those passes are still too accurate, it might have been slightly off target but it still hit that receiver in stride, for the most part.

Secondly, they said they added the User ability for the intended receiver to swat down potential INTs BUT ill the CPU/AI controlled receivers do the same thing? If not, that needs to be, especially for offline Users that play the CPU and people in "no switch" leagues.

Lastly, in the same vein as the previous point, please make sure that AI/CPU defenders use the "steering" to push the pocket, I saw various bullet points about AI teammates mattering and the CPU/AI using the presnap adjustments so hopefully this all falls under the same umbrella.

Again though, really well done presentation.
>> I definitely plan on going out to buy M15 new, to support what these guys seem to be trying to do.

We REALLY appreciate it and this means a lot to us. The game needs to sell well for EA to continue to embrace our vision, so comments like these are a lot more valuable to us than you may realize.
# 115 CM Hooe @ 07/18/14 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by PVarck31
When they were talking about the different difficulty levels the one guy mentioned something real quick about how they untied the sliders from them. Did anyone else catch that? Or is this nothing new?
Don't take my word for it, but I don't believe this is anything new.

I think this is just referring to the difficulty settings now simply being slider pre-sets. Notice in the current Madden games if you change any slider at all after having set it to, say, All-Pro, the difficulty title changes to "Custom".

I think this was originally done in Madden 12? Possibly Madden 10, foggy. Was definitely present in 13 and 25.

Again, I could be completely wrong, but that's my interpretation.
# 116 PantherBeast_OS @ 07/18/14 07:09 PM
While I'm going back to watch the replay of the stream. I wasn't able catch all of it. But what I did see looks good. But that was Human vs Human. What worries me how much of a boost in speed will the AI defenders get Human vs AI or how will the animations for the AI be that they can still catchup with a WR in warp speed. Stuff like that what has bother me for years now in madden. AI hands of glue I feel will still be in the game. Where the AI gets a ton of ints per game. I much whether would of want them to do a human vs AI game then Human vs Human. It's a totally different story from those. I'm still a little bit worried about how powerful the AI is going to be right now for offline CFM mode.
# 117 4thQtrStre5S @ 07/18/14 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Don't take my word for it, but I don't believe this is anything new.

I think this is just referring to the difficulty settings now simply being slider pre-sets. Notice in the current Madden games if you change any slider at all after having set it to, say, All-Pro, the difficulty title changes to "Custom".

I think this was originally done in Madden 12? Possibly Madden 10, foggy. Was definitely present in 13 and 25.

Again, I could be completely wrong, but that's my interpretation.
IF that is in fact what they mean, then I hope Rex or whoever will get people together and create an extensive slider manual covering the full details of Hum, CPU, and Penalty sliders and how they act and interact. Seems that even CPU sliders act differently than Hum sliders....SMH
# 118 charter04 @ 07/18/14 07:11 PM
I'm so mad that I missed the live stream. I was totally planning on watching but, got tied up at that time. Going to watch the archived video for sure.

Even though I've been critical of some of the last ten years I really like what I've seen from Rex and Clint. I really hope they get this were it seems like they want it. Guess I better watch the video so I can give real impressions.
# 119 kehlis @ 07/18/14 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by RexDEAFootball
>> I definitely plan on going out to buy M15 new, to support what these guys seem to be trying to do.

We REALLY appreciate it and this means a lot to us. The game needs to sell well for EA to continue to embrace our vision, so comments like these are a lot more valuable to us than you may realize.

If you keep up this vision and direction, I promise you that you won't have to worry about a lack of sales from this site.

Out of principal I can't say job well done so instead I will say looking very good!
# 120 iLLWiLL @ 07/18/14 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by charter04
I'm so mad that I missed the live stream
wordtobigbird just posted the link to the archive up above. It's slow as a mofo though. Hoping someone posts it to youtube...

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