NBA Live 14 News Post

EA Sports today released the first gameplay trailer for NBA Live 14, which features snippets of gameplay action.

What do you think about the trailer?

Game: NBA Live 14Reader Score: 4/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
NBA Live 14 Videos
Member Comments
# 421 mlp111 @ 10/18/13 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by NoTiCe_O
I expect the leap from Live 14 to Live 15 to be significant. I feel like once they get this turkey off their back and release the game they can relax, and look forward to next year and all the time they have to plan and prepare.

It's like when you're in school and you're passing in that paper last minute and your working on it way into the night, then once you finish and finally pass it in you're like whoo! Now it's over I can slow down and focus.

Live 15 should really show us what EA and these next gen consoles are capable of.
and then the ther company will set the bar even higher... and Live will be in the same place again... EA has had too much time to release a product that looks and animates like this... on my end, there are no excuses for this game to still suffer from jerky, lag, and stiff animations and etc. EA needs to stop with this we built the game from the ground up and admit they took pieces from elite 11 and live 13, added bounctek and other stuff... still looks like nba live 10.5/elite11/live13 smashed together
# 422 RayRay34 @ 10/18/13 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
looks better that I expected. crazy how many ppl have opinions on something they have not played. your minds were already made up before you saw the trailer. get out of that mindset . hate pollutes the mind!!!!!!!!!!1
Nick, me and you have been in these Live boards for a while. Keeping rosters for Live 10 going.... You more than me recently. You have to admit this looks pretty crappy for a game that EA has tweaked and redone and canceled for the last 4years. This is a port of Live 10 with some higher resolution graphics.... It could have been more....A LOT MORE!!!
# 423 Fist Of Kings @ 10/18/13 06:38 PM
It doesn't look nearly as impressive as 2K14, but it looks a lot better than what I expected.
# 424 noshun @ 10/18/13 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
looks better that I expected. crazy how many ppl have opinions on something they have not played. your minds were already made up before you saw the trailer. get out of that mindset . hate pollutes the mind!!!!!!!!!!1
oh please...funny you can never find anything you don't like.. get out of that mindset . homerism promotes stagnation!
# 425 Gotmadskillzson @ 10/18/13 06:47 PM
Looks exactly like Live 10. Look exactly like a game on the PS3 and 360 as well. After 3 years I just expected way more then this. I will pick it up once it drops to $25 to $30, don't look like it is worth $60. Just way too many other non sports games coming out that look better then this.

Something about the players just look off to me. Too much brightness, shine, reflection or something.
# 426 RayRay34 @ 10/18/13 06:49 PM
Noshun..... You don't need to bash people for what they believe in. And if you do don't be so hostel about it... Your nuttin but a cyber bully.
# 427 KidHypeTellem @ 10/18/13 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by scottyp180
I agree with everything you say except for your skeptism on the 3 year plan. Like you said the problem with elite and live 13 was that they attempted to rebuild the engine instead of building on what they had with 10. It now looks like they are back to something similar to 10 except a bit improved. If they continue to build on the formula they should have success in a couple years. This could be similarto the nhl series last gen.

I am finding it difficult to understand how people are saying that 2k and live, graphically, aren't far off. Maybe I should watch the videos again but imo 2k looks much better. Although it is important to note that the games have 2 different art styles. I always d that 2k takes a more realistic "you are there" approach
I cried a little. Finally someone who see's this like I do!
# 428 noshun @ 10/18/13 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by RayRay34
Noshun..... You don't need to bash people for what they believe in. And if you do don't be so hostel about it... Your nuttin but a cyber bully.
Who says I bashed him? I havent done such a thing, nor am I being hostle.
Cyber bully, please.. cut it out. Im sure EA released Elite 11, Live 12 & Live 13 because of the feedback theyve gotten from the community of the things they liked, correct?
Hey if you have those 3 game please tell me where you got em? Or did homerism help those 3 games hit the market, vs. things people didnt like with this series that made them buy another NBA product?

You tell me, I'll wait.... I dont have a problem with what he or anyone believes in. Feel free to post your opinion. I enjoy reading good & bad. It lets developers know what they need to fix and improve. what I dont like is people bring the other game into thhis forum, as if the problems they have with that game are the reasons that this game was cancelled an entire presidential term. Especially when they cant find faults with the game this forum is about. It breeds STAGNATION..... & cancelation.
# 429 hokupguy @ 10/18/13 07:13 PM
WOW that was bad. Live did it again , they look so stiff and zombie like. I cant believe live has gotten so bad. I can see them scraping the game again , not sure if they can risk another canceled release. There used to have crap game . I miss having 2 nba games to play. Been yrs since it was any good.
# 430 edaddy @ 10/18/13 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by magicman32
Very underwhelming trailer. I mentioned before, I don't like the way Live's trailers are edited. It has no flavor. You can tell from the way the trailer is cut up that they were trying to hide the herky jerky animations. The transitional animations from dribbling to shots are still really poor and not smooth. Also I don't like the net physics. I can already tell what 5 on 5 gameplay is going to look like.

In regards to the dribbling or "Bounce tek", I think that the stand still dribbling is done very well. However, I don't like the way the explosions look (ex. derrick rose).

The player models are not my cup of tea. Players that are suppose to be standing straight up knees are bent and backs are hunched over. It just looks bad. There is also alot of herky jerky movements from the defense. Overall I never liked live's graphics current gen. They went from looking ashy to looking like a plastic cartoon character. It seems like that plastic look has made it's way to next gen.

Bottomline is that this game doesn't look Next Gen. It looks like a current gen game with a "very small" graphical upgrade.
Good post these are my sentiments to a tee...I think that trailer tried to hide blatant deficiencies in the game. The movements were robotic the models were way off and the only thing that looked decent was the standstill dribbling but the explosion out of it was terrible..I don't get it with the hunchbacks and bent knee. At some point EA has to look at who is actually working on the game and reassess personel. They have a tough choice now will the public pay full price for that and 2K14?...I don't think so. I see a initial lower purchase price taking place just to get it out the door. I cant justiy it to myself to pay full price for that at all..thats a 30 game at best at this point..
# 431 youvalss @ 10/18/13 07:27 PM
It's not only the game itself, but the quality of the trailer as a promotional video. Regardless of what the game looks like, the trailer itself (editing, effects, etc.) isn't top notch. I would expect more from a company like EA.

Some of the guys creating trailers on their own, can make a game you've been playing for months look amazing and exciting. So a brand new next-gen trailer should look much more exciting.
# 432 King_B_Mack @ 10/18/13 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by nick_sr
looks better that I expected. crazy how many ppl have opinions on something they have not played. your minds were already made up before you saw the trailer. get out of that mindset . hate pollutes the mind!!!!!!!!!!1
And yet you can have an opinion on how good it is without having played it. Amazing how that works.
# 433 ScoobySnax @ 10/18/13 07:39 PM
I actually think the positives outweighs the negatives. There's a lot to work on, but there's a lot to build upon as well. I'm just glad we've got another player in the game.
# 434 Taylor_0330 @ 10/18/13 07:40 PM

# 435 Subversion @ 10/18/13 07:41 PM
Does anyone else agree that the trailer and bouncetek serve as a way to mask the flaws of the game?

Movement is not fluid, models, textures and lighting are NBA Live 10. The rim and net look like NBA live 06'.

As a former division 1 college player and long time Live player, I am shocked and horrified at this end product.
# 436 KG @ 10/18/13 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Koolie G
I just don't understand how a rational person could look at those 2 videos and think the NBA Live trailer is even close to the other. I don't even play these basketball games very much. I wasn't planning on buying an NBA next gen game. I probably will now after seeing the 2K trailer. Just look at it. Looks real. Live is not even in the same ballpark. Here are some things I noticed.

The D. Rose move to basket looks awkward. Why does his head kinda look towards his defender the whole way? It's like he's got a "crick" in his neck. Plus his facial expression is not natural. The Damon Lillard closeup. His face is weird, plus his jersey is standing up off the back of his shoulders like its on a hangar. What the heck? I've seen all these people talk about Melo's stutter step. Watch that part again. It's like he stops unnaturally and then shoots straight up. No momentum. Steve Nash, everyone knows about him, no need to beat his dead horse face into the ground.

I haven't followed this very closely but I do know the LIVE team has had multiple YEARS to produce a game that was ready for NEXT GEN. The graphics are not even close. The gameplay doesn't look close, but maybe they will show something later that proves that wrong. I'm all for NBA Live to be good. I wish it was and I had to make a difficult choice. Right now there is not even a choice. It's not close. 2k14 is next gen, Live is not.
Yup. As nice as the size-up move started off it all fell apart with the slow 2-foot gather that would have given the defender time to catch-up.

Kemba's form looks more like Ben Gordon's with his non-shooting hand almost on top of the ball.
# 437 mlp111 @ 10/18/13 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by RipCityAndy
OK... I just watched this 6-7 times. I don't understand most of the negativity in here.

A couple of things that are AWESEOME:
1. Foot planting. Everyone has been complaining about foot sliding in 2k and there is NONE in this trailer. Great footwork.
2. Very quick dribbling moves. Sometimes the moves in 2k feel slowed down. These are incredibly quick. This will likely lead to a better 1v1 game.
3. Spacing looks better than 2k (in my opinion). In the Steve Nash pick and roll zoomed out shot you can see how much spacing there is on the floor. Very nice.
4. Signature jump shots looked good. I especially liked Tim Duncan's jumper.
5. I'm a Blazer fan - the Rose Garden looked sweet.
6. The player faces were spot on.
7. Arena lighting was excellent.

Stop the negativity people. Get pumped! We have two games to play in November!!!
Man have your eyes checked, there is so much sliding, ball warping (in which they said wasnt in the game) happening it isn't funny.... You don't see the sliding? Not to name the lag, stiffness, herky jerky movement......
# 438 krazyboy225 @ 10/18/13 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by mlp111
Man have your eyes checked, there is so much sliding, ball warping (in which they said wasnt in the game) happening it isn't funny.... You don't see the sliding? Not to name the lag, stiffness, herky jerky movement......
Of all the complaints you can have about this trailer.. and yes i know there are alot of things wrong in this trailer.. foot sliding and ball warping are two things that are not present.
# 439 SoundsLikeScone @ 10/18/13 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by mlp111
Man have your eyes checked, there is so much sliding, ball warping (in which they said wasnt in the game) happening it isn't funny.... You don't see the sliding? Not to name the lag, stiffness, herky jerky movement......
Seriously, watch the defenders feet around 30 seconds in. Dude looks like he is on rollerskates.
# 440 Sundown @ 10/18/13 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Sirs
I don't understand how people are more interested in watching a game then playing it. Live has never looked nor will it look more fluid animation wise. Playing it though is a whole different story. I hope people give it a play with the final product before making judgement.

I always get pumped each year 2k shows screenshots and gameplay cause it looks great. But then playing it i feel it looks more cartoonish and the movement and dribbling is just not what I expected, including the shooting, passing, atmosphere.

Don't put much stock in vids.
So are you excited about Live's dribbling?

Why, because of how it looks?

Because you saw vids of it today?

Wait. I thought we didn't put much stock in vids. I thought we didn't care about visuals and "watching" a game.

Some people actually like the other product's gameplay and not Live's. They're not so invested in trying to like a product that they discount it's competitor at every turn. For instance, many 2K fans can say we wished there were sig dribbles of Live's quality in 2K.

Though that's about it.

So for those of us who enjoy the other game, visuals enhance the enjoyment that much more. Better gameplay (in our opinion), better visuals (fact). It's nice when you don't have to make excuses for your decisions.

If you don't like 2K gameplay, that's fine, but don't pretend that Live's is better-- because there hasn't BEEN a Live game to play in four years. And supposing Live's gameplay will be better with zero evidence IS 2K haterism. As is being excited about any visuals in Live but trying not to be impressed about them in 2K just because you've planted your flag for a brand without a product in years.

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