Madden NFL 13 News Post

While most of the Madden NFL 13 news out of E3 seems to be positive, we now have something that could turn into a very big issue. Especially if you enjoy roster editing or use edited rosters created by others.

There seemed to be some confusion about edited rosters. More specifically, if edited rosters could be used in Connected Careers Mode.

I sent a few messages to Justin Dewiel, Community Manager at EA Sports earlier this afternoon and received the following responses.

You can edit rosters outside of CC. But you can’t bring them into CC.

If you start a new CCM career after one of Donny Moore’s releases you can start with that new roster.

Basically, we have to rely on Donny Moore's roster updates, throughout the season, instead of grabbing updated rosters from the many talented roster editors out there, or simply editing on our own.

Jean Adams, Art Director for Madden NFL 13, mentioned the following, in his presentation blog, which was posted in late April.

Mixing and matching the new NIKE uniforms, cleats, face masks, sleeves and other yet to be released gear will keep me and many gamers out there in edit player for hours.

Hmmm. I somehow doubt many gamers will be playing around much in edit player, if we can't use the edits in anything other than a Play Now session.

Josh Looman, Madden NFL 13 Senior Designer mentioned on Twitter the following glimmer of hope.

We just ran out of time. It will be in there at some point in the future.

Does he mean Madden NFL 14 or could the Madden NFL 13 team add the editing ability in a Title Update or fix the issue before its August 28th release date? I think I speak for everyone, when I say the sooner, the better.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 361 TreFacTor @ 06/12/12 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Danimal
I'm not telling you to not be disappointed or to not complain about missing features. I don't edit rosters, I don't use NCAA draft classes and for the most part I don't control more then one team in a franchise. I use to like playing a franchise where I played a different team each week which seems impossible.

You can try the game and not like it. You can not try the game based on what it is missing that is entirely up to you and everyone else who is bothered by the things missing.

I haven't played it so I really can't form an opinion one way or the other on whether it is good.

However I can say they tried something new. I think some of you need to look up the word innovative.

"Introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking"

That's the definition. No where does it say new ideas that are successful. So yes I feel I can say the new mode is innovative because by definition it is
whoa, whoa... were'd that come from...I was agreeing with you on some level and simply pointing out that the majority of the poster in this post haven't knocked the new CC... excuse me if I got under your skin, it was unintentional I assure you.
# 362 RamsFan5545 @ 06/12/12 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Herky
I don't like the direct that Madden is heading. Offline franchise is slowly dying off and that's all I play.
its hard to listen to you complain because your obviously clueless! connected careers w/ a coach is franchise mode, if you do it w/ a player its superstar mode! C'mon man!
# 363 aholbert32 @ 06/12/12 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by 87Birdman
But to be fair there are some faulty logic in this. The "complainers" complaining about say 32 team control are justified why?? Because it is confirmed not to be in it? But why do posters feel the need to have 32 team controll? Probably AI logic and so forth, but guess what that is assumption there that it wasn't fixed. So they have bits and pieces and are building arguments off of assumptions just as much as the other side. What if the ratings are perfect, what good is the ability to change ratings then? this goes on and on that no matter the side your on you are going to have to make assumptions to take a stance, because there aren't enough facts out there till the game is actually out.

So both sides are in the same boat so if being positive is wrong because there are no facts then the other side is in the same boat also.

LOL...They have the right to complain because IT WAS IN PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE GAME. 32 team control has been in Madden since the Playstation games. They have the right to complain because they love a feature and EA took away that feature and limited the control. There is no assumption. Its a confirmed feature that was removed

I dont use 32 team control because of shoddy AI (even though most do). I use 32 team control because I like to run my season as close to the real NFL season as possible. I like the ability to play any game in the season that I want. It has nothing to do with whether AI is fixed or not.
# 364 Danimal @ 06/12/12 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by TreFacTor
whoa, whoa... were'd that come from...I was agreeing with you on some level and simply pointing out that the majority of the poster in this post haven't knocked the new CC... excuse me if I got under you skin, it was unintentional I assure you.
Sorry brother that last part wasn't directed at you was kind of a catch all post to several postings. I was just being lazy and quoted your post.
# 365 TreFacTor @ 06/12/12 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Danimal
Sorry brother that last part wasn't directed at you was kind of a catch all post to several postings. I was just being lazy and quoted your post.
No harm, no foul.
# 366 aholbert32 @ 06/12/12 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by CRMosier_LM
My answer to that is go ask Steve Noah, Dustin Toms, and MMChris. If they tell you it sucks... believe it. Those are "your Guys"
I dont know Chris or Dustin at all. Dustin's preview was just that...a preview. It doesn't shed any light on whether the mode actually works or regarding the AI. He knows just as much as the Gamechangers and the public know right now....what EA has told them about the mode.
# 367 Phobia @ 06/12/12 02:31 PM
I can honestly say this........I don't care about the edits. I used the stock rosters in Madden 12 and have only used the EA (Donny) rosters up to today. I have made zero edits or changes either.

So this does not affect me one bit. Granted I Purchased Madden 05, 10, 12, so I don't have a long Madden track record. I have never made any roster edits in any of the titles.

NCAA is the only one I download user created rosters.

Now I understand why people are upset and I think Saint makes a really valid point........"If Donny can make edits, why not us". Logically speaking I see zero difference and zero reason it should not be in the game for us.

This issue just does not affect me
# 368 MrPinkBlackrose @ 06/12/12 02:31 PM
Would really be bummed if we cant use edited rosters/ created players in CC...sadly I spend hours creating my own old school legends and putting them on their teams before starting my season. Im really hoping its in there before the release.
# 369 87Birdman @ 06/12/12 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
LOL...They have the right to complain because IT WAS IN PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE GAME. 32 team control has been in Madden since the Playstation games. They have the right to complain because they love a feature and EA took away that feature and limited the control. There is no assumption. Its a confirmed feature that was removed

I dont use 32 team control because of shoddy AI (even though most do). I use 32 team control because I like to run my season as close to the real NFL season as possible. I like the ability to play any game in the season that I want. It has nothing to do with whether AI is fixed or not.
Still doesn't making complaining better, because a feature was taken out. How do you know it isn't pushing this franchise forward?? Maybe they needed to take it out to rework the system to better handle the feature to make it better? If you don't like the new features there is always Madden 12, but saying people looking at it in a positive light is wrong because they aren't complaining is just bad.

But if you can prove that they took out the features to just take them out than I will resign, but I highly doubt they took them out to make people angry. They are probably trying to move the game forward which has been severely lacking in the past. So if some features don't make it this year in the process so be it as long as in the long run they are making game better I can deal with a year like this where some features are left out to make sure they are implemented correctly with no glitches.

Because I can bet that if it came out with a glitch there would be non stop complaining, but if they leave it out knowing there are glitches good on them for not pushing a bad feature to appease the masses.
# 370 cuttingteeth @ 06/12/12 02:34 PM
You know what...here's a solid question:

We know that Donny Moore will make the roster edits. Do you think this means we may one day have that "teambuilder" style program opened to us for use...or do they keep it for themselves so Donny keeps his employment?

I guess that was a little bit funny, but it's meant to be serious. Think about it.
# 371 Jukeman @ 06/12/12 02:35 PM
*Insert drop ball gif here*

I'm not surprised at all. It's obvious and was also mentioned in a interview that they want Madden to be a online game like a COD..

Now they are forcing it upon us instead of listening to the fans.

The game sounds cool with all the stuff added but as far as Im concerned, this game is only playable in a 32 user franchise. (IMO of course)

They created CC with online as priority, if it doesn't make sense for online it's not in. They didn't have time because the missing features that are essential to offline wasnt a priority in the first place.

It only makes sense.
# 372 themassacre771.1 @ 06/12/12 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
I can honestly say this........I don't care about the edits. I used the stock rosters in Madden 12 and have only used the EA (Donny) rosters up to today. I have made zero edits or changes either.

So this does not affect me one bit. Granted I Purchased Madden 05, 10, 12, so I don't have a long Madden track record. I have never made any roster edits in any of the titles.

NCAA is the only one I download user created rosters.

Now I understand why people are upset and I think Saint makes a really valid point........"If Donny can make edits, why not us". Logically speaking I see zero difference and zero reason it should not be in the game for us.

This issue just does not affect me
I can see that with ratings, but throughout a franchise have you never needed to change a number, change someones position, or edit their equipment?
# 373 aholbert32 @ 06/12/12 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by 87Birdman
Still doesn't making complaining better, because a feature was taken out. How do you know it isn't pushing this franchise forward?? Maybe they needed to take it out to rework the system to better handle the feature to make it better? If you don't like the new features there is always Madden 12, but saying people looking at it in a positive light is wrong because they aren't complaining is just bad.

But if you can prove that they took out the features to just take them out than I will resign, but I highly doubt they took them out to make people angry. They are probably trying to move the game forward which has been severely lacking in the past. So if some features don't make it this year in the process so be it as long as in the long run they are making game better I can deal with a year like this where some features are left out to make sure they are implemented correctly with no glitches.

Because I can bet that if it came out with a glitch there would be non stop complaining, but if they leave it out knowing there are glitches good on them for not pushing a bad feature to appease the masses.
Huh? If I dont complain, how will EA know im unhappy about the removal of a feature?

I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back right now....A few years ago NBA2k did not have 30 team control. Only had 8 team. I hated that. So what did I do? I posted a complaint thread about it in the 2k forum. One of the devs saw it, discovered why it was an issue, said they would add it and the next version of the game had 30 team control.

Thats the one of the points of this forum. It gives people the opportunity to express their opinion about ways to improve the game or mistakes a developer made.

Again, I'm using confirmed facts and you are using assumptions. You are assuming they removed the features to make the game better. You are assuming that the they will eventually add these features back. You are assuming that these features will cause a glitch if added back in.
# 374 Phobia @ 06/12/12 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by themassacre771.1
I can see that with ratings, but throughout a franchise have you never needed to change a number, change someones position, or edit their equipment?
Nope, I don't really care to be honest about who wears what numbers or equipment.
# 375 Super Glock @ 06/12/12 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by 87Birdman
Still doesn't making complaining better, because a feature was taken out. How do you know it isn't pushing this franchise forward?? Maybe they needed to take it out to rework the system to better handle the feature to make it better? If you don't like the new features there is always Madden 12, but saying people looking at it in a positive light is wrong because they aren't complaining is just bad.

But if you can prove that they took out the features to just take them out than I will resign, but I highly doubt they took them out to make people angry. They are probably trying to move the game forward which has been severely lacking in the past. So if some features don't make it this year in the process so be it as long as in the long run they are making game better I can deal with a year like this where some features are left out to make sure they are implemented correctly with no glitches.

Because I can bet that if it came out with a glitch there would be non stop complaining, but if they leave it out knowing there are glitches good on them for not pushing a bad feature to appease the masses.
Very well said Birdman, I'm sure there is a legit reason they removed it. And people can just go back to Madden 12. And to be honest I have found Donny Moore's edits to be better than anyone's on this site. I'm sure edits will be back for 14.
# 376 SteelerSpartan @ 06/12/12 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by mm boost
I just wished EA, at the very LEAST, would open up equipment and number editing. I would be EXTREMELY pleased with those 2 aspects alone. I don't need ratings changes, I don't need position changes...nothing else. Just let me change helmets, cleats, gloves, wrist tape, etc. to the players and change their numbers, and I would be a happy camper. Why can't we at least have these, EA?
Yeah but I don't want them just to do that and call it a wrap for the next 3-4 years because they don't want to do any work making Custom Ratings/Position Changes Function with CC features that people may or may not care about

Ratings are so subjective.....Everybody and their Grandma has a take on who can do what and how well......

Being able to edit Ratings too is huge for me....Hell look at all the Real NFL guys who love to debate and brag about those.....you don't think they use that feature if they feel they get snubbed.....Of course EA isn't Marketing the game for them either....but it shows how important ratings are to people and having the ability to not be locked into one guys critique is a much needed form of control
# 377 PPerfect_CJ @ 06/12/12 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Phobia
Nope, I don't really care to be honest about who wears what numbers or equipment.
Not to sound disrespectful and you certainly have every right to post here, but why are you even in this thread? Lol! Why go to a thread discussing a specific problem and say "This doesn't bother me?"
# 378 Yeats @ 06/12/12 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by wheelman990
So this makes it a good decision, because it only makes 15% upset at them?

So I am really interested to know why you think this was a good move, and seam to be defending it? Please explain how removing all editing + more was a good idea for them. Simply because you don't use the Editing players feature?
I've said twice now that it's terrible they removed editing. I won't buy the game because of it. I'm saying the devs obviously believe the % of people who care about editing is so insignificant that it's not going to affect their bottomline. Plus EA pulls this nonsense all the time, and I'm neither nor surprised nor upset about it. This is what I've come to expect with EA. I'll play FIFA instead.
# 379 Phobia @ 06/12/12 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by PPerfect_CJ
Not to sound disrespectful and you certainly have every right to post here, but why are you even in this thread? Lol! Why go to a thread discussing a specific problem and say "This doesn't bother me?"
Oh excuse me sir, my bad let me refrain from explaining my point of view on the topic for you.

On topic **Ignoring above user** I think Team specific overalls could be the reason for lack of editing. Another words Adrian Peterson won't appear as a "90" overall to every team. He might be a 85 to the Saints, a 87 to the Bears, or 90 to the Vikings. So editing all these players ratings would be impossible I think.

Now as far as equipment and numbers there is zero reason i see not to be able to edit
# 380 mestevo @ 06/12/12 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32

I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back right now....A few years ago NBA2k did not have 30 team control. Only had 8 team. I hated that. So what did I do? I posted a complaint thread about it in the 2k forum. One of the devs saw it, discovered why it was an issue, said they would add it and the next version of the game had 30 team control.
Then I'll take partial credit/blame for CC


Originally Posted by mestevo 2/22/2011
I'm looking to click franchise, then have the option to do it online or offline... not 2 distinct modes. Other than that I want feature parity between the two, anything less will be disappointing, but will be happy to see steps made toward that goal over the next couple of years and hopefully built in a way to avoid the feature reset seen as new consoles debut.

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