
Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

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Old 06-12-2012, 02:58 PM   #457
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by PPerfect_CJ
Not to sound disrespectful and you certainly have every right to post here, but why are you even in this thread? Lol! Why go to a thread discussing a specific problem and say "This doesn't bother me?"
Oh excuse me sir, my bad let me refrain from explaining my point of view on the topic for you.

On topic **Ignoring above user** I think Team specific overalls could be the reason for lack of editing. Another words Adrian Peterson won't appear as a "90" overall to every team. He might be a 85 to the Saints, a 87 to the Bears, or 90 to the Vikings. So editing all these players ratings would be impossible I think.

Now as far as equipment and numbers there is zero reason i see not to be able to edit
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:58 PM   #458
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by aholbert32

I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back right now....A few years ago NBA2k did not have 30 team control. Only had 8 team. I hated that. So what did I do? I posted a complaint thread about it in the 2k forum. One of the devs saw it, discovered why it was an issue, said they would add it and the next version of the game had 30 team control.
Then I'll take partial credit/blame for CC


Originally Posted by mestevo 2/22/2011
I'm looking to click franchise, then have the option to do it online or offline... not 2 distinct modes. Other than that I want feature parity between the two, anything less will be disappointing, but will be happy to see steps made toward that goal over the next couple of years and hopefully built in a way to avoid the feature reset seen as new consoles debut.
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Old 06-12-2012, 03:00 PM   #459
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by Super Glock
Very well said Birdman, I'm sure there is a legit reason they removed it. And people can just go back to Madden 12. And to be honest I have found Donny Moore's edits to be better than anyone's on this site. I'm sure edits will be back for 14.
All assumptions. I dont want to go back to Madden 12 because even with the franchise options, I found the gameplay to be subpar. With 13, I've seen the gameplay and it appears to be much improved. I actually may have found a workaround for the 32 team issue that is cumbersome but may be ok for me to be satisfied with 13.

That still doenst mean that I'm not gonna complain about the missing features and I'm not going to assume that EA is going to put them back in without people letting them know these features are important.
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Old 06-12-2012, 03:00 PM   #460
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by Danimal
This doesn't effect me but I see how it does others. I'm not going to sit here and say it's important or not important because I believe we all make our own determination in "what we can deal with" when it comes to sports games.

Having said that what I find a bit disturbing is for years people have screamed for EA to innovate. Stop doing "roster updates" give us something new.

CCM is something new and almost no one has played it yet but some people have already deemed it a failure. That's just absurd logic IMO.

I want to try it see what is good and what is missing. Figure out what "I can deal with" and if I can play it going forward. No one is going to know how it tastes and what it delivers until we dig into it and I for one, well I'm ready to eat.
I can see your point, but it doesn't really apply to the issue at hand for many of us. I've already addressed this line of thinking in the other edit player thread (and that was before we knew we couldn't even carry in custom rosters to CC), but let me explain again.

I KNOW how I like to play franchise mode and what basic features I need. You know how? Because I am able to play it that way in every sports game I play, and have been able to for some time. I KNOW CC won't deliver what I want. You know how? EA has already told me they've taken away features that I find essential.

For those of us who find these features so important, this isn't an issue of game play improvements or added features that you have to get a feel for first. This is about features that were available and now aren't. Regardless of what was added, no amount of me playing around with the new mode is going to make these features magically reappear. That's not "absurd logic," it's common sense.

I'm not even going to consider buy Madden 13 without at least minimal editing (numbers, equipment) and custom roster use in CCM. In actuality, I expect a lot more than that (especially given what's available in the comparative field of the sports gaming genre), but I think that's a fair minimum standard. That's not a statement of spite or anger or protest, just a point of fact.

The point is that this isn't an either or proposition. People aren't upset that EA is trying something new or attempting something innovative (In fact, I've personally applauded them for there ideas...I've just questioned their implementation/decision making). People are upset that EA has stripped so much of the control and customization in order to implement it. Plenty of games make progress without stripping away so much. Sadly, Madden just hasn't figured that part out yet, it seems.

Adding features at the expense of others isn't progress, it's change. Some people are fine with or even excited for the changes. That's fine (and hopefully 13 delivers for them!). Others don't like the changes because of what they lost as a result. That should be fine too. It's as simple as pros and cons.

By the way, this isn't me complaining some more or trying to belabor the point. I've said my piece, lodged my complaints, used the various means to make my preferences and concerns heard (i.e. the game changers site, EA customer service, etc) and all that. I'm simply responding because it's frustrating to see the same mischaracterization of the point simply because others disagree, aren't affected, or don't see it.

EDIT: Yikes, another book. Sorry for the length people!

Last edited by SoxFan01605; 06-12-2012 at 03:09 PM.
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Old 06-12-2012, 03:01 PM   #461
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Huh? If I dont complain, how will EA know im unhappy about the removal of a feature?

I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back right now....A few years ago NBA2k did not have 30 team control. Only had 8 team. I hated that. So what did I do? I posted a complaint thread about it in the 2k forum. One of the devs saw it, discovered why it was an issue, said they would add it and the next version of the game had 30 team control.

Thats the one of the points of this forum. It gives people the opportunity to express their opinion about ways to improve the game or mistakes a developer made.

Again, I'm using confirmed facts and you are using assumptions. You are assuming they removed the features to make the game better. You are assuming that the they will eventually add these features back. You are assuming that these features will cause a glitch if added back in.
No complaining gets nothing done faster or really anything. Voicing a concern maybe but complaining doesn't accomplish anything. Unless they are weak. That is like saying a crying kid who had his ball taken away will get it back. Won't happen unless some outside force causes it.

But my main gripe with this was that complaining has more justification than those looking at the positives. Neither side has more justification it is just how you want to view something. So something was taken out can you tell me why if not than complaining to complain is pointless. Unless you know the reason behind something you are just complaining. Your only fact is it was removed and no reason behind it. And I think it was already stated in this thread that they couldn't get it to work correctly in time without it causing problems in why it wasn't put in.

The bold part I will agree with but neither side wether positive or negative has more justification. Otherwise they should just throw out the new engine since people will probably complain about it with some wierd animation, because the positive doesn't have any say.
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Old 06-12-2012, 03:01 PM   #462
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by Super Glock
Very well said Birdman, I'm sure there is a legit reason they removed it.
Yes, and it's called prioritizing. When they set out to develop the game months ago, they didn't make editing a priority. It's not because "they ran out of time."

Last edited by Yeats; 06-12-2012 at 03:04 PM.
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Old 06-12-2012, 03:02 PM   #463
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by Phobia
Oh excuse me sir, my bad let me refrain from explaining my point of view on the topic for you.

On topic **Ignoring above user** I think Team specific overalls could be the reason for lack of editing. Another words Adrian Peterson won't appear as a "90" overall to every team. He might be a 85 to the Saints, a 87 to the Bears, or 90 to the Vikings. So editing all these players ratings would be impossible I think.

Now as far as equipment and numbers there is zero reason i see not to be able to edit
What part of "not to sound disrespectful" did you not understand? It was just a question. I'm sure I wasn't the only one thinking it, but whatevs.
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Old 06-12-2012, 03:03 PM   #464
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by 87Birdman
No complaining gets nothing done faster or really anything. Voicing a concern maybe but complaining doesn't accomplish anything. Unless they are weak. That is like saying a crying kid who had his ball taken away will get it back. Won't happen unless some outside force causes it.

But my main gripe with this was that complaining has more justification than those looking at the positives. Neither side has more justification it is just how you want to view something. So something was taken out can you tell me why if not than complaining to complain is pointless. Unless you know the reason behind something you are just complaining. Your only fact is it was removed and no reason behind it. And I think it was already stated in this thread that they couldn't get it to work correctly in time without it causing problems in why it wasn't put in.

The bold part I will agree with but neither side wether positive or negative has more justification. Otherwise they should just throw out the new engine since people will probably complain about it with some wierd animation, because the positive doesn't have any say.
I disagree completely, I agree completely with Aholbert.

If anyone recalls in NCAA 12 I made a huge issue about EA not offering any input about the fixes. The topic went wide spread and got a ton of exposure. EA then called me on my cell phone on a Sunday Afternoon and spoke to me about a upcoming blog to inform the community AND to help look into other issues. The topic directly helped is my point.
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