Madden NFL 13 News Post

While most of the Madden NFL 13 news out of E3 seems to be positive, we now have something that could turn into a very big issue. Especially if you enjoy roster editing or use edited rosters created by others.

There seemed to be some confusion about edited rosters. More specifically, if edited rosters could be used in Connected Careers Mode.

I sent a few messages to Justin Dewiel, Community Manager at EA Sports earlier this afternoon and received the following responses.

You can edit rosters outside of CC. But you can’t bring them into CC.

If you start a new CCM career after one of Donny Moore’s releases you can start with that new roster.

Basically, we have to rely on Donny Moore's roster updates, throughout the season, instead of grabbing updated rosters from the many talented roster editors out there, or simply editing on our own.

Jean Adams, Art Director for Madden NFL 13, mentioned the following, in his presentation blog, which was posted in late April.

Mixing and matching the new NIKE uniforms, cleats, face masks, sleeves and other yet to be released gear will keep me and many gamers out there in edit player for hours.

Hmmm. I somehow doubt many gamers will be playing around much in edit player, if we can't use the edits in anything other than a Play Now session.

Josh Looman, Madden NFL 13 Senior Designer mentioned on Twitter the following glimmer of hope.

We just ran out of time. It will be in there at some point in the future.

Does he mean Madden NFL 14 or could the Madden NFL 13 team add the editing ability in a Title Update or fix the issue before its August 28th release date? I think I speak for everyone, when I say the sooner, the better.

Game: Madden NFL 13Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 921 cuttingteeth @ 07/02/12 02:15 PM
Well, despite what any department is what, when you decide in the middle of January (and game planning begins the previous September) that you suddenly want to incorporate a whole new gaming engine...well, that pretty much resets everything. All work done on the previous code is scratched unless it can convert over to the new code. Still, the primary point is that they made this decision to use only half the time they normally have and give us all they could rush into it. That's why the features we crave aren't all there, and that's likely why it's going to have bugs they don't have the time to fine tune (as they keep saying they are still fine tuning things).
# 922 roadman @ 07/02/12 02:44 PM
That might be true, but we don't know the whole story, either.

My whole point is the Infinity Engine is separate from CCM.
# 923 cuttingteeth @ 07/02/12 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
That might be true, but we don't know the whole story, either.
Oh, I agree...but it keeps getting weirder because they say a little bit of one thing to some folks, some more to others, mostly shooing away at fans (and I know most aren't so personable or well with words) and then this other stuff comes out via articles per conversations months ago. They are at the very least talking in circles and creating their own contradictions whether they mean to or not. I contend that it's more upsetting to most people when someone can't just tell them the truth - flat out being honest. Honesty usually quells more issues than it creates.

I also have to believe no other feature in the game came to be until they made the decision on the new engine (therefore the new code) was made. Knowing this stuff puts everything into a whole new perspective. The general conclusion has to be, though, that this game is a rush job. They rushed the engine and then rushed to make everything they could to work with the new code. We are getting a half-cycle produced game.
# 924 roadman @ 07/02/12 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by cuttingteeth
Oh, I agree...but it keeps getting weirder because they say a little bit of one thing to some folks, some more to others, mostly shooing away at fans (and I know most aren't so personable or well with words) and then this other stuff comes out via articles per conversations months ago. They are at the very least talking in circles and creating their own contradictions whether they mean to or not. I contend that it's more upsetting to most people when someone can't just tell them the truth - flat out being honest. Honesty usually quells more issues than it creates.

I also have to believe no other feature in the game came to be until they made the decision on the new engine (therefore the new code) was made. Knowing this stuff puts everything into a whole new perspective. The general conclusion has to be, though, that this game is a rush job. They rushed the engine and then rushed to make everything they could to work with the new code. We are getting a half-cycle produced game.
I just don't take in where ever what ever I hear and when as gospel.

Things haven't changed at all since the announcement and that's been a month.

Actually, you can have people say they rushed this or rushed that, etc..., I also read where the people up on top thought long and hard whether to put the engine in or not and decided to go for it. For some people, that could mean they like people taking chances and "going for it."

Still, bottomline, there are features missing that the developers at least acknowledge they want back in.

I really don't think the reasons don't matter any more, at least not to me. It's a shame no matter what way you look at it.

All one can do is hope they put them back in asap without breaking anything else.
# 925 mojo6911 @ 07/02/12 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by roadman

I really don't think the reasons don't matter any more, at least not to me. It's a shame no matter what way you look at it.

All one can do is hope they put them back in asap without breaking anything else.
When we pay $60 every year, we shouldn't hope that we get a fully featured game. EA SPORTS. It's in the game.
# 926 DNMHIII @ 07/02/12 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by cuttingteeth
Yeah, if we could just edit names, jersey numbers and equipment...that would suffice. I just really can't play with "Mac Buckley" from USC, coming into the draft. Four years down the road into the great unknown, I can deal with it...because it's unknown...but for what I do know and can't have...it's a let down.
That + the ability to import edited rosters into CCM would help a lot IMO.

I dont understand why CCM wouldn't be designed to allow edited roster imports and basic editing features/non attribute, inside CCM without it messing up storylines or something. You'd think after years of making this game stuff like that would be common sense.
# 927 roadman @ 07/02/12 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by mojo6911
When we pay $60 every year, we shouldn't hope that we get a fully featured game. EA SPORTS. It's in the game.
You are right, be we have no control over that except to speak with your wallets.
# 928 mojo6911 @ 07/02/12 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
I highly doubt they can "patch" this in. Too much coding is involved and the file size would be way beyond the patch size limit.
BF3 had a patch over 2.3GB. That is like 1/4 of the game size.
# 929 aholbert32 @ 07/02/12 06:14 PM
Alright. I'm locking this up. EA clearly knows this is an issue and we are just arguing in circles right now.

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