Madden NFL 13 News Post

While most of the Madden NFL 13 news out of E3 seems to be positive, we now have something that could turn into a very big issue. Especially if you enjoy roster editing or use edited rosters created by others.

There seemed to be some confusion about edited rosters. More specifically, if edited rosters could be used in Connected Careers Mode.

I sent a few messages to Justin Dewiel, Community Manager at EA Sports earlier this afternoon and received the following responses.

You can edit rosters outside of CC. But you can’t bring them into CC.

If you start a new CCM career after one of Donny Moore’s releases you can start with that new roster.

Basically, we have to rely on Donny Moore's roster updates, throughout the season, instead of grabbing updated rosters from the many talented roster editors out there, or simply editing on our own.

Jean Adams, Art Director for Madden NFL 13, mentioned the following, in his presentation blog, which was posted in late April.

Mixing and matching the new NIKE uniforms, cleats, face masks, sleeves and other yet to be released gear will keep me and many gamers out there in edit player for hours.

Hmmm. I somehow doubt many gamers will be playing around much in edit player, if we can't use the edits in anything other than a Play Now session.

Josh Looman, Madden NFL 13 Senior Designer mentioned on Twitter the following glimmer of hope.

We just ran out of time. It will be in there at some point in the future.

Does he mean Madden NFL 14 or could the Madden NFL 13 team add the editing ability in a Title Update or fix the issue before its August 28th release date? I think I speak for everyone, when I say the sooner, the better.

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Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 901 SoxFan01605 @ 06/25/12 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by skabatula
Over the past week or so after we first heard about this, I'm starting to find the positive in not being able to edit rosters.

I've wasted so much time of my life changing numbers, trading players, scrolling through that huge free agency list, etc. And for what? So I can have an accurate portrayal of the NFL for 1 or 2 years at a time (depending on if I bought Madden every year or every other year)? Then a purchase a new Madden and have to do it all again.

Removing this feature will, first and foremost, allow me to actually play the game instead of wasting time in roster editing menus. Plus the extra time might allow me to do something more beneficial to the world like, oh I don't know, find a cure for cancer or raise some homeless puppies or help the family down the street rebuild their house after a fire.
Ahh, so it is a time saving, humanitarian effort now?

Well then...good work EA!

I guess that's one way to look at it...lol...but if you need a video game to restrict customization so you can prioritize your life, maybe video games should take a backseat anyway.
# 902 Wharton394 @ 06/25/12 10:36 AM
awesome FB page!!
# 903 bichettehappens @ 06/25/12 11:00 AM
Lol... Skabatula was being facetious...
# 904 SoxFan01605 @ 06/25/12 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by bichettehappens
Lol... Skabatula was being facetious...
I'm aware. I was as well.
# 905 TreFacTor @ 06/26/12 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by skabatula
Over the past week or so after we first heard about this, I'm starting to find the positive in not being able to edit rosters.

I've wasted so much time of my life changing numbers, trading players, scrolling through that huge free agency list, etc. And for what? So I can have an accurate portrayal of the NFL for 1 or 2 years at a time (depending on if I bought Madden every year or every other year)? Then a purchase a new Madden and have to do it all again.

Removing this feature will, first and foremost, allow me to actually play the game instead of wasting time in roster editing menus. Plus the extra time might allow me to do something more beneficial to the world like, oh I don't know, find a cure for cancer or raise some homeless puppies or help the family down the street rebuild their house after a fire.
Never looked at it that way... but it follows the quicker, streamlined casual experience that Madden was trending to anyway, although the new xp grinding would seem to take the place of the missing ocd features. I'm betting more people will be grinding xp in practices now than ever. Let's be honest though, the new found time you have away from Madden will go to playing another game instead of Madden.
# 906 Sdrawkcab321 @ 06/26/12 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by skabatula
Over the past week or so after we first heard about this, I'm starting to find the positive in not being able to edit rosters.

I've wasted so much time of my life changing numbers, trading players, scrolling through that huge free agency list, etc. And for what? So I can have an accurate portrayal of the NFL for 1 or 2 years at a time (depending on if I bought Madden every year or every other year)? Then a purchase a new Madden and have to do it all again.

Removing this feature will, first and foremost, allow me to actually play the game instead of wasting time in roster editing menus. Plus the extra time might allow me to do something more beneficial to the world like, oh I don't know, find a cure for cancer or raise some homeless puppies or help the family down the street rebuild their house after a fire.

Sound like u have a case of stock home syndrome
# 907 bichettehappens @ 06/26/12 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by slick589
Its sad when 2 months before release they are already talking about what they wanna add for 14..smh
Why is that sad?
# 908 TreFacTor @ 06/26/12 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by bichettehappens
Why is that sad?
Happens every year. Once word of the new Madden comes out, people get upset at what the team has planned, and then come the wish lists.
# 909 DeuceDouglas @ 06/26/12 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by slick589
because the game is not out yet and there is already a ton of outrage and moaning i cant only imagine what it will be like come october
It's the same story every year. The people upset or displeased scream their displeasures and it pretty much drowns everything else. It's not uncommon or surprising.
# 910 sportjames23 @ 06/27/12 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
I'd like to play as the Sonics....we don't always get what we want whether it's Madden or any other game.

The Sonics are in 2K11 & 2K12, so you're good to go.
# 911 Skyboxer @ 06/27/12 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by slick589
Its sad when 2 months before release they are already talking about what they wanna add for 14..smh
That's pretty much all yearly releases. You think they don't start working on next years game until after the current game releases?
# 912 Ceothachosen1 @ 06/28/12 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by pinksheets
My biggest beef is that I just don't think Donny Moore does a good job at rating players. The ratings are reactionary, arbitrary, and in some cases, make it apparent he has barely, if ever, watched the player play.

I can't deal with him being in total control of my game experience, unless he turns it around significantly.
exactly I think he does a good job with big name players but he obviously doesnt pay much attention to lesser known players
# 913 TreFacTor @ 06/28/12 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Ceothachosen1
exactly I think he does a good job with big name players but he obviously doesnt pay much attention to lesser known players
I simply think we shouldn't have to rely on EA for rosters. Imagine if they don't add the editing back in, then regardless of whether you liked Madden 13 or not, your forced to buy Madden 14 if for no other reason than updated rosters (not taking into account any adjustments that are made).

I just dawned on me, Head Coach swallowed Madden.

The real reason why your draft imports, 32 team control, and editing features are gone is because Head Coach 09 wasn't built with those features (it also didn't allow you to play an actual game). It's my theory that Head Coach's absorbed Madden's current graphics and gameplay and that all other modes in Madden were scrapped (with the exception of online franchise). Is it a good enough disguise that the average consumer will never know... hmm
# 914 Herky @ 07/01/12 11:46 PM
One thing that worries me about not being able to create players is the free agent pool. A few years back Madden has a big issue with it drying up because players would retire and franchise being ruined in year 4 or 5 because of it.

I usually add as many free agents as possible to keep the game fresh and I am concerned that EA won't have the FA pool well stocked. Or at least not stocked to my liking and I have no way to customize it.
# 915 cuttingteeth @ 07/02/12 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by Herky
One thing that worries me about not being able to create players is the free agent pool. A few years back Madden has a big issue with it drying up because players would retire and franchise being ruined in year 4 or 5 because of it.

I usually add as many free agents as possible to keep the game fresh and I am concerned that EA won't have the FA pool well stocked. Or at least not stocked to my liking and I have no way to customize it.
Yeah, they fixed that....because retired players will be coming back...haha.
# 916 Yukon46 @ 07/02/12 10:51 AM
Well it has been almost a month since we found out editing, of any kind, was OUT of Madden 13.

Most have resorted to accepting/begging that if Editing Jersey #'s and Equipment could be added back in, it would suffice for this year.
I think alot of people would get back on the Madden 13 Buy Wagon if this was done.

Many people said, not enough time....have to wait until Madden 14.

But I know the game is still being tuned, as of July 1....again, almost a month since the editing fiasco began.

I for one sure do hope in that time, someone found a way to open up a small window of editing for the user , in Madden 13's CC mode.
# 917 cuttingteeth @ 07/02/12 01:09 PM
Yeah, if we could just edit names, jersey numbers and equipment...that would suffice. I just really can't play with "Mac Buckley" from USC, coming into the draft. Four years down the road into the great unknown, I can deal with it...because it's unknown...but for what I do know and can't have...it's a let down.
# 918 cuttingteeth @ 07/02/12 01:30 PM
I really don't like what I just read...this excerpt is from the article about the Vita version not being anything like the console version:

During my time at EA Tiburon in April, I spoke with executive producer Roy Harvey, as well as Cam Weber, EA Sports' general manager of American football. They revealed that the decision to implement a real-time physics engine in Madden 13 came relatively late in the development cycle: they weren't sure until January if they were going to try to get it in this year, or wait until Madden NFL 14.

That right there proves that, yeah, they did run out of time. It reveals the reason why, though, and it reveals that I was rather lied to when I looked into things over a week ago. Well, a half-truth was told to me at the least. If it's because they can't say anything for fear of their jobs, that's understandable, but now, I'm right back to hating how the ship is being steered. They did do a half-a$$ job...because they only did half a year's work on the freaking game. The reason we don't have full features is because they didn't take a full year to work on it. This is very upsetting. They really should have known better.
# 919 edjames01 @ 07/02/12 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by cuttingteeth
Yeah, if we could just edit names, jersey numbers and equipment...that would suffice. I just really can't play with "Mac Buckley" from USC, coming into the draft. Four years down the road into the great unknown, I can deal with it...because it's unknown...but for what I do know and can't have...it's a let down.
What's wrong with "Mac Buckley"? No one knows who is going to be drafted in 2016.
# 920 roadman @ 07/02/12 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by cuttingteeth
I really don't like what I just read...this excerpt is from the article about the Vita version not being anything like the console version:

During my time at EA Tiburon in April, I spoke with executive producer Roy Harvey, as well as Cam Weber, EA Sports' general manager of American football. They revealed that the decision to implement a real-time physics engine in Madden 13 came relatively late in the development cycle: they weren't sure until January if they were going to try to get it in this year, or wait until Madden NFL 14.

That right there proves that, yeah, they did run out of time. It reveals the reason why, though, and it reveals that I was rather lied to when I looked into things over a week ago. Well, a half-truth was told to me at the least. If it's because they can't say anything for fear of their jobs, that's understandable, but now, I'm right back to hating how the ship is being steered. They did do a half-a$$ job...because they only did half a year's work on the freaking game. The reason we don't have full features is because they didn't take a full year to work on it. This is very upsetting. They really should have known better.
I'm confused. Since I've been a part of OS, everyone has told me/us that there is a art department, a presentation department, a game play department, a franchise department and a marketing / sales department.

If this is all true, what does team editing have to do with the Infinity Engine department? Isn't team editing part of the Franchise Mode Department or is it considered under the Infinity Engine department?

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