
Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

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Old 06-25-2012, 04:20 AM   #1129
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Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
This is one of my personal Madden crusades, so I felt compelled to comment.

Every NFL player has hard unbiased numbers/data that can be used, in a standard formula, to create player ratings in Madden. If that was done, the only thing subjective would be the parameters of the standard formula, not the ratings themselves, which is potentially less controversial and easier to acquire a consensus around.

None of the ratings in Madden should be subjective, they should all be calculated using agreed on universal formula(s) and data. So if Donny Moore and the ratings "team" decide that AWR should be based on the Wonderlic Test and a players number of years in the NFL, converted into a 0-100 scale rating for every single player, AWR is no longer subjective.

Maybe this kind of stuff happens in every sports game but I am a NFL gamer primarily so Madden is the only one I care about enough to notice. It seems to me like EA/Tiburon is rife with departments intent on making creating a NFL football game harder than it has to be from marketing, to R&D, to ratings. I am sure there are enough challenges to sports game development without these departments needing to make themselves overly relevant. R&D-find ways to copy NFL football in Madden, marketing-sell the NFL football in Madden and ratings-create base formula(s) to input NFL football player data to achieve a universal scale. /rant
I disagree completely. To speak specifically to your example of awareness tied to Wonderlic score... As Mr. Claiborne pointed out, the Wonderlic has no questions about football. Furthermore, awareness in a football/Madden sense is not necessarily at all related to "test-based" intelligence.

Other examples, there are no formulaic ways to "calculate" a person's Run block footwork vs their pass block footwork. Same goes for something like route running. Sure, certain ratings like speed and strength, short/med/long pass accuracy and so on could be tied to different figures, statistics, and measurables, but there still are plenty of attributes that can't be any more accurately defined by formulas. At a certain point, they have to base it off film, scouting reports, and the like.

Honestly, a majority (not all, but most seem to be regarding players who play for the team represented in that member's avatar) of the rating complaints that I've seen on this very forum appear to come from a state of bias... By that I mean "so and so on my favorite team DEFINITELY is faster than whatshisface on rival team!" I mean it's similar logic to what is seen in the team overall ratings threads every year.

Now with all that being said, I don't feel that Donny's ratings should be the end all be all, but moral of this post is that I don't think trying to create tangible formulas for every attribute would make things any more accurate or realistic
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Old 06-25-2012, 06:25 AM   #1130
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by balcobomber25
They ran out of time for something which many view as a critical feature but had plenty of time to include fake twitter feeds? I can already see those getting old after one season, and seeing recycled tweets after about week 8. I could deal with no editing players if custom draft classes were still available but not to have either is a major deal breaker. Did anyone use the draft classes from Madden 12? I tried it once and it was a complete joke, more guys from FCS schools than any of the major conferences. I used to buy both NCAA and Madden every year so I could edit the draft classes the way I wanted to and use them in both games. I would like thank the fine folks at EA Sports for saving me $120 this year as I now have no need to buy either game. I wonder how much money NCAA 13 will lose as a result of this boneheaded decision.
WAAAAAHHHHHH. You just come across as whiny.

For one, no one gives a ish if you are buying the game or not.

Secondly, while I am disppointed certain things are not in the game and get others are as well, its pretty clear that some people have absolutely no perspective at all.

And finally...had time to implement Twitter feeds? LMAO...I love how people act like they have the slightest clue about what goes into developing certain features when its clear they dont.

I respect that people arent happy with certain aspects...neither am I..., but this constant whining and moaning is getting old, especially things like crying about the Twitter feed taking precedence over certain things, when that is more than likely not even close to the case. People just like to bich about things they have no clue about, it seems.
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Old 06-25-2012, 07:49 AM   #1131
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by KingV2k3
I disagree.

In my initial test franchise last season with EA's opening day rosters, both Robert You and the EA female QB (forgot her name) got picked up by CPU controlled teams...

Secondly, I didn't mean FA that will eventually retire...

I'm afraid you're going to see "classic players" (Jerry Rice, for example) in the FA pool that may be very attractive signings to CPU controlled teams...

In ANY of the above, an easy workaround has been removed and we are forced to accept the developers level of "sim", as opposed to the users...

Furthermore, the ability to edit P. Manning (for example) was the only way to keep it "real" for 2011...

To each his own...I guess it's a "wait and see", but this does not look promising to this guy...

I never saw any of them in the three franchises I played so I don't what difference you may have had to cause it. As for the legends, they've stated multiple times that you can turn them off and they won't appear as free agents in your franchise.
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Old 06-25-2012, 09:47 AM   #1132
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Over the past week or so after we first heard about this, I'm starting to find the positive in not being able to edit rosters.

I've wasted so much time of my life changing numbers, trading players, scrolling through that huge free agency list, etc. And for what? So I can have an accurate portrayal of the NFL for 1 or 2 years at a time (depending on if I bought Madden every year or every other year)? Then a purchase a new Madden and have to do it all again.

Removing this feature will, first and foremost, allow me to actually play the game instead of wasting time in roster editing menus. Plus the extra time might allow me to do something more beneficial to the world like, oh I don't know, find a cure for cancer or raise some homeless puppies or help the family down the street rebuild their house after a fire.
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Old 06-25-2012, 10:08 AM   #1133
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by skabatula
Removing this feature will, first and foremost, allow me to actually play the game instead of wasting time in roster editing menus. Plus the extra time might allow me to do something more beneficial to the world like, oh I don't know, find a cure for cancer or raise some homeless puppies or help the family down the street rebuild their house after a fire.
You could do all of the above with a roster editing feature being in the game. Just don't use it. Sorry, it makes no sense to not have it as something optional.

Last edited by bucky60; 06-25-2012 at 10:38 AM.
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Old 06-25-2012, 10:34 AM   #1134
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by skabatula
Over the past week or so after we first heard about this, I'm starting to find the positive in not being able to edit rosters.

I've wasted so much time of my life changing numbers, trading players, scrolling through that huge free agency list, etc. And for what? So I can have an accurate portrayal of the NFL for 1 or 2 years at a time (depending on if I bought Madden every year or every other year)? Then a purchase a new Madden and have to do it all again.

Removing this feature will, first and foremost, allow me to actually play the game instead of wasting time in roster editing menus. Plus the extra time might allow me to do something more beneficial to the world like, oh I don't know, find a cure for cancer or raise some homeless puppies or help the family down the street rebuild their house after a fire.
Ahh, so it is a time saving, humanitarian effort now?

Well then...good work EA!

I guess that's one way to look at it...lol...but if you need a video game to restrict customization so you can prioritize your life, maybe video games should take a backseat anyway.
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Old 06-25-2012, 10:36 AM   #1135
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

awesome FB page!!

Last edited by Wharton394; 06-25-2012 at 10:41 AM.
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Old 06-25-2012, 11:00 AM   #1136
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Lol... Skabatula was being facetious...
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