
Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

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Old 06-12-2012, 02:18 PM   #433
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Here is my issue:

I see a TON of people in this forum saying "CCM is great" "Its so innovative" etc but hardly any of you have actually seen or played this mode. You are all going off of blogs and impressions by Game Changers. Even the GCs only saw a offline version of this mode in May. So what exactly are you basing this optimism on?

On the other hand, we have several people who are down on the mode. The difference is they have legitimate reasons to be down on the mode. They have confirmed that there is no editing, no multi team franchise, no NCAA import and very limited control over rosters. These things have been confirmed. But all I hear is "Give the mode a chance" "You wanted improvements and now you are complaining" "You are complaining before actually playing the mode".

The people who are down on the game are actually more justified with their complaints than the people who are positive right now. Why? Because the complainers know that key components of the game (to them) are missing. The praisers of the mode are going off of blogs and impressions (pretty much EA advertisements because of who they are coming from) to base their excitement.

I'm not gonna knock any one who is excited about this mode. I hope just as you do that the mode is going to be bug free and have intelligent AI. But dont knock me for being skeptical based on the Madden team's track record and the missing features.
But to be fair there are some faulty logic in this. The "complainers" complaining about say 32 team control are justified why?? Because it is confirmed not to be in it? But why do posters feel the need to have 32 team controll? Probably AI logic and so forth, but guess what that is assumption there that it wasn't fixed. So they have bits and pieces and are building arguments off of assumptions just as much as the other side. What if the ratings are perfect, what good is the ability to change ratings then? this goes on and on that no matter the side your on you are going to have to make assumptions to take a stance, because there aren't enough facts out there till the game is actually out.

So both sides are in the same boat so if being positive is wrong because there are no facts then the other side is in the same boat also.
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:19 PM   #434
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Here is my issue:

I see a TON of people in this forum saying "CCM is great" "Its so innovative" etc but hardly any of you have actually seen or played this mode. You are all going off of blogs and impressions by Game Changers. Even the GCs only saw a offline version of this mode in May. So what exactly are you basing this optimism on?

On the other hand, we have several people who are down on the mode. The difference is they have legitimate reasons to be down on the mode. They have confirmed that there is no editing, no multi team franchise, no NCAA import and very limited control over rosters. These things have been confirmed. But all I hear is "Give the mode a chance" "You wanted improvements and now you are complaining" "You are complaining before actually playing the mode".

The people who are down on the game are actually more justified with their complaints than the people who are positive right now. Why? Because the complainers know that key components of the game (to them) are missing. The praisers of the mode are going off of blogs and impressions (pretty much EA advertisements because of who they are coming from) to base their excitement.

I'm not gonna knock any one who is excited about this mode. I hope just as you do that the mode is going to be bug free and have intelligent AI. But dont knock me for being skeptical based on the Madden team's track record and the missing features.
My answer to that is go ask Steve Noah, Dustin Toms, and MMChris. If they tell you it sucks... believe it. Those are "your Guys"
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:20 PM   #435
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by mm boost
I just wished EA, at the very LEAST, would open up equipment and number editing. I would be EXTREMELY pleased with those 2 aspects alone. I don't need ratings changes, I don't need position changes...nothing else. Just let me change helmets, cleats, gloves, wrist tape, etc. to the players and change their numbers, and I would be a happy camper. Why can't we at least have these, EA?

Maybe If they can sneak name change in there too
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:21 PM   #436
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Originally Posted by Herky
I don't like the direct that Madden is heading. Offline franchise is slowly dying off and that's all I play.
its hard to listen to you complain because your obviously clueless! connected careers w/ a coach is franchise mode, if you do it w/ a player its superstar mode! C'mon man!
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:21 PM   #437
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by Danimal
I'm not telling you to not be disappointed or to not complain about missing features. I don't edit rosters, I don't use NCAA draft classes and for the most part I don't control more then one team in a franchise. I use to like playing a franchise where I played a different team each week which seems impossible.

You can try the game and not like it. You can not try the game based on what it is missing that is entirely up to you and everyone else who is bothered by the things missing.

I haven't played it so I really can't form an opinion one way or the other on whether it is good.

However I can say they tried something new. I think some of you need to look up the word innovative.

"Introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking"

That's the definition. No where does it say new ideas that are successful. So yes I feel I can say the new mode is innovative because by definition it is
whoa, whoa... were'd that come from...I was agreeing with you on some level and simply pointing out that the majority of the poster in this post haven't knocked the new CC... excuse me if I got under your skin, it was unintentional I assure you.
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:22 PM   #438
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by RynoAid
don't play Madden 13 then.. cause after that, i went back and played 12 and spent the rest of the day...

This times 4000... retired from Madden 12 immediately
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:23 PM   #439
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by 87Birdman
But to be fair there are some faulty logic in this. The "complainers" complaining about say 32 team control are justified why?? Because it is confirmed not to be in it? But why do posters feel the need to have 32 team controll? Probably AI logic and so forth, but guess what that is assumption there that it wasn't fixed. So they have bits and pieces and are building arguments off of assumptions just as much as the other side. What if the ratings are perfect, what good is the ability to change ratings then? this goes on and on that no matter the side your on you are going to have to make assumptions to take a stance, because there aren't enough facts out there till the game is actually out.

So both sides are in the same boat so if being positive is wrong because there are no facts then the other side is in the same boat also.

LOL...They have the right to complain because IT WAS IN PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE GAME. 32 team control has been in Madden since the Playstation games. They have the right to complain because they love a feature and EA took away that feature and limited the control. There is no assumption. Its a confirmed feature that was removed

I dont use 32 team control because of shoddy AI (even though most do). I use 32 team control because I like to run my season as close to the real NFL season as possible. I like the ability to play any game in the season that I want. It has nothing to do with whether AI is fixed or not.
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:24 PM   #440
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by TreFacTor
whoa, whoa... were'd that come from...I was agreeing with you on some level and simply pointing out that the majority of the poster in this post haven't knocked the new CC... excuse me if I got under you skin, it was unintentional I assure you.
Sorry brother that last part wasn't directed at you was kind of a catch all post to several postings. I was just being lazy and quoted your post.
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