MLB The Show 16 News Post

MLB The Show 16 patch 1.04 is available now, weighing in at 237 MB, check out the details below and let us know what you are seeing!

UPDATE: The developers are aware of the issues users are reporting. Users are currently reporting the dreaded "Challenge Failed" error, pitch speeds not displaying correctly, and other various online problems.

UPDATE #2: We rolled out some server changes to address the challenge failed messages. Is anyone still getting them?

We will update this post when we get more details.

  • Dynamic Difficulty is now working as intended while batting.
  • The ball trail option will now correctly correspond in-game if set to off, or fade.
  • Several adjustments were made to the auto base running mechanics during offline game-play.
  • Fixed an issue within RTTS while pitching with certain Perks equipped would result in a crash.
  • Corrected the order in which the "Preloading a Throw” and “Double Play” tutorial appear.
  • Following a Year to Year file upload in Road To The Show, the player card stats would display incorrect team and player info. This should now be corrected.
  • Tweaks and adjustments were made to AI behavior and animations that should streamline game-play performance. Areas of adjustment include: Fielders tagging moving base runners, Routes to catch balls, running catch animations, Fielders correctly covering bases on complex double play situations, etc…
  • Within Franchise mode, some generated or additional players were listed as born in “Alaska” instead of their correct place of origin. This should now be corrected and no longer happen.
  • Adjustments made to both online and offline pitcher/reliever energy levels.
  • New scanned heads added to update user’s experience following a year to year file upload.
  • Fixed numerous hangs, crashes, soft locks, etc., reported by the community through the bug reporting tool.
  • Sponsors should now give rewards.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a loss for users who requested a friendly quit at certain times.
  • Resolved a number of freezing, soft locks, instability and crashes during online play.
  • Fixed an issue where a pitch could occasionally change path on its’ way to the plate, shifting from inside the zone to outside the zone within a frame.
  • Addressed an issue under certain circumstances a pitcher would automatically pitch when the batter came out of Batter's Eye Cam.
  • Changes were made to the Batters Eye Cam: How long it can be used, how many times it can be accessed per at bat, etc… This should limit exploits, but keep the feature usable for its’ intended purpose.
  • We’ve shortened the total amount of pause time from 6 minutes to 5 minutes during an online game.
  • The pitchers pitch type interface will now be hidden if the batter is using Guess Pitch or Pitch History (L2 Button). This should help the user who is pitching understand when they can and cannot start the pitching motion.
  • Fixed a bug where the user was not being awarded the “Free Swings” trophy in an Online Home Run Derby if specific operations were being performed.
  • Resolved issues where in game intro/walk-up music would not play properly.
  • Tuned commentary triggers to be more accurate in one-sided games.
  • Reduced the amount of repetitive audio clips for specific players.
  • Fixed an issue where player yells were being disabled through the controller within Road To The Show. An occasional sound burst could also occur during game-play.
  • Various other general bug fixes.
Source - The Show Nation

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
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Member Comments
# 381 countryboy @ 05/09/16 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Neil33
This latest patch seems to have screwed up classic base running (buttons). Is anyone else seeing this? You cannot select the runner and then hit the directional pad to advance them, ex. 1 to 3rd.

Its being discussed here:

# 382 Unlucky 13 @ 05/09/16 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
Another bug i noticed in RTTS is even though i have my presentation set to broadcast, it repeatedly keeps skipping all presentations as if i had it set to quick play. This especially bothers me because i spent so much time on SOTS setting up my music to play and i can't even hear it because broadcast presentation isn't working properly

Is anyone else noticing that broadcast presentation is skipping presentations as if it were on quick play?
Yes! I just started having this issue a few days ago too. For me, it happened just after I'd done the HR Derby before the All Star game, and I was wondering if that had somehow gltched my game, but if its happening to other people too, perhaps it was just a coincidance. My experience is the same as yours. I have broadcast set, but it keeps skipping most cutscenes, and occasionally the batter stands there frozen for a moment after a pitch. Thankfully it doesn't seem to have any effect on the actual gameplay, but its frustrating to miss the cutscenes, and having it immediately jump to the next batter after a HR is jarring.

I've changed the settings, and changed them back, and nothing so far.
# 383 baseballguy818 @ 05/09/16 05:58 PM
I see that the baserunning issue is being addressed which is much appreciated, but can we get some clarity on the issue regarding the cloud? Some of us save our offline franchise on the cloud and have not been able to access it since the patch. Has it even been acknowledged by the developers?
# 384 Factzzz @ 05/09/16 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Unlucky 13
Yes! I just started having this issue a few days ago too. For me, it happened just after I'd done the HR Derby before the All Star game, and I was wondering if that had somehow gltched my game, but if its happening to other people too, perhaps it was just a coincidance. My experience is the same as yours. I have broadcast set, but it keeps skipping most cutscenes, and occasionally the batter stands there frozen for a moment after a pitch. Thankfully it doesn't seem to have any effect on the actual gameplay, but its frustrating to miss the cutscenes, and having it immediately jump to the next batter after a HR is jarring.

I've changed the settings, and changed them back, and nothing so far.
It was happening to me yesterday, after i simmed the offseason and started a new season, that's when it happened for the first time.

But it hasn't been happening today at all, so i don't know what's really going on.
# 385 Unlucky 13 @ 05/09/16 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
It was happening to me yesterday, after i simmed the offseason and started a new season, that's when it happened for the first time.

But it hasn't been happening today at all, so i don't know what's really going on.
I wanted to share that after closing out the game and turning the PS4 completely off, the issue seems to have been fixed for me. Sometimes thats all it takes. I generally leave my PS4 in rest mode and I haven't played another game since I bought The Show, so I don't know the last time it was even off.
# 386 docdaddy @ 05/10/16 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by thaSLAB
I believe the initial feature request was mine. Yes, you can turn them off in the settings, so that it's the same as it was before.

There is some good info to be had from the Yells though , like steal alerts, throwing decisions, base coach instructions, as well as the number of outs or strikes. That way, you don't even have to look at the scorebug.

Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk
I actually like the yells, I would just prefer to hear them come from the speakers all the other sounds come from. It feels odd to hear all the sounds of the game coming from my speakers, and then these yells coming from my controller. I don't want to turn them off, just have them integrated into the other sounds coming from my speakers.
# 387 Flames24Rulz @ 05/10/16 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by baseballguy818
I see that the baserunning issue is being addressed which is much appreciated, but can we get some clarity on the issue regarding the cloud? Some of us save our offline franchise on the cloud and have not been able to access it since the patch. Has it even been acknowledged by the developers?
All I know is that it's being addressed in the next patch. Seems a bit ridiculous to me that we have to wait that long to get a long distance franchise going again.
# 388 WhiteBunny @ 05/12/16 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
Actually now that I've played a few more games with the patch, I'm noticing a few things that I didn't see pre-patch:

- the CPU base running is atrocious. They constantly overrun bases leading to them being tagged out by 40 feet at the next base.
Yes, CPU baserunning is really too aggressive. I've recorded a video with two example of the issue. There's really something wrong.

# 389 Smallville102001 @ 05/12/16 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by WhiteBunny
Yes, CPU baserunning is really too aggressive. I've recorded a video with two example of the issue. There's really something wrong.

Wow that is really bad I couldn't believe the first one. Odd I have never seen any thing even close to that bad and have had zero issues with it this year. I saw some problems with it last year and not a lot of people talked about it last year compared to last year and even then I didn't see any thing even close to that bad.
# 390 countryboy @ 05/12/16 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by P.A.D.
Yes, that's precisely what I was talking about. Thanks!
The first one I have never seen.

The second one I have seen. I think what is happening is the cpu is thinking the throw is off line because in this case its being thrown in foul territory where normally a cut off man wouldn't be, so it is thinking it can take an extra base on an errant throw.

Every time I've seen the second one it is due to a throw that appears to be errant but is actually right to the fielder.
# 391 Armor and Sword @ 05/12/16 12:15 PM
I am still seeing that choppy check swing on low and away, or outside pitchers called for strikes. They cleaned it up more on this patch....but it is still showing up the more I play.

It really needs to be addressed as well as the complete lack of appealed check swings (being called balls 99% of the time) getting called for strikes. There needs to be some what better balance on appealed check swings.
# 392 MeowingForVengeance @ 05/12/16 12:24 PM
I've had the game for a week and haven't seen a single check-swing appeal go in the pitcher's favor. Not game-breaking by any means, but if you spend 90% of your time playing RTTS as a starting pitcher like I do it can really get on your nerves.
# 393 Armor and Sword @ 05/12/16 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by MeowingForVengeance
I've had the game for a week and haven't seen a single check-swing appeal go in the pitcher's favor. Not game-breaking by any means, but if you spend 90% of your time playing RTTS as a starting pitcher like I do it can really get on your nerves.
On MLB 15 it was the opposite. It seemed like it was 80-20 in the pitchers favor. I think they over nerfed it for MLB 16. So a better under the hood tune up is needed. I hope they know this. I created a bug report but it is gone now that 1.04 came out. I am assuming they are reading the forums and have seen this reported over and over.
# 394 countryboy @ 05/12/16 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by MeowingForVengeance
I've had the game for a week and haven't seen a single check-swing appeal go in the pitcher's favor. Not game-breaking by any means, but if you spend 90% of your time playing RTTS as a starting pitcher like I do it can really get on your nerves.
Yeah all check swing strikes are called by the home plate umpire this year. If they go to first or third base ump, you know the batter didn't go around.
# 395 Stolm @ 05/12/16 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Yeah all check swing strikes are called by the home plate umpire this year. If they go to first or third base ump, you know the batter didn't go around.
Does this happen on the PS3 version as well?

Wondering if they were trying to retune or rework them with the Dualshock 4 analogs and just never finished.
# 396 Armor and Sword @ 05/12/16 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Yeah all check swing strikes are called by the home plate umpire this year. If they go to first or third base ump, you know the batter didn't go around.
And that's not realistic. Sometimes you need that second opinion.

Hope it is patched back in along with the choppy animation being fixed.
# 397 thaSLAB @ 05/12/16 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
The first one I have never seen.

The second one I have seen. I think what is happening is the cpu is thinking the throw is off line because in this case its being thrown in foul territory where normally a cut off man wouldn't be, so it is thinking it can take an extra base on an errant throw.

Every time I've seen the second one it is due to a throw that appears to be errant but is actually right to the fielder.
Same here. Each time I've seen the second one has been in that type of situation.

Never seen the first.

Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk
# 398 WhiteBunny @ 05/12/16 03:42 PM
It's fine if CPU do something wrong for a more realistic sim. But at times, it seems more like a code/bug error.
# 399 KBLover @ 05/12/16 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteBunny
Yes, CPU baserunning is really too aggressive. I've recorded a video with two example of the issue. There's really something wrong.

Wow...that first replay...

I don't even.

The second one was not the best play, but the runner nearly made it. I can understand that one a bit more.

That first one though. That's just horrible.
# 400 Unlucky 13 @ 05/12/16 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Yeah all check swing strikes are called by the home plate umpire this year. If they go to first or third base ump, you know the batter didn't go around.
I agree. About 100 games played for me, and zero in the pitcher's favor.

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