MLB 15 The Show News Post

Now that MLB 15 The Show is available for everyone, we would like to hear some early impressions from the OS community. Early impressions from the lucky OSers that found a copy early, can be seen here.

Please, only post impressions.

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If you want to see the beauty the game has, check out our member submitted Photography/Videography thread.

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With that said, let's hear those impressions!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 301 My993C2 @ 04/05/15 09:54 AM
I've been playing Spring Training games all week in Minor League stadiums (which looked good). But my 2015 Season began a day early and while I won't be watching every inning from every game, today I will be playing a whole slew of CPU vs CPU games so that I can get them all played by tomorrow night and the Big League stadiums I've seen so far look absolutely fantastic.
# 302 NAFBUC @ 04/05/15 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by Splitter77
after a couple days with the game.
its even better. gameplay is so good.

the game cant look any better.

for next year they just have to focus on stat tracking. and maybe so more fielding camera angles.

i just reinstalled high heat 2001 and the reason i stillplay that game is the stat tracking.
if the show can get all the stats for aaa aa and a like high heat has especialy with the easy interface.

there wont be much else to ssk for.
I am already on record praising SCEA for another sports game of the year.
Excellent work.

Ramone has mentioned that stats will be a priority for the 16 version.

I do miss the extended plays that rarely appear now. This is where I hope
SCEA will bring back along with overhauling the stat engine.
# 303 ltw0303cavs @ 04/05/15 10:53 AM
Just remember one thing you won't truly see what this game can do until this game is made for PS4 only and as Ramone has said the Show didn't reach maturity until the third year on PS3. This game is incredible, especially when you consider it doesn't have the budget of Madden or NBA 2K. No sports game will EVER be perfect but this team has shown they are dedicated to making this the best it can be. I mean in the end that's all we can ask for.
Btw the split screens may be one of the best presentations they have ever added..watching CC not even look back when I went deep ?.....priceless
# 304 Jgainsey @ 04/05/15 01:06 PM
Another awesome effort by SCEA.

There are so many subtle, yet meaningful improvements in the game. As a long time fan of this franchise I really appreciate their approach to improving on a yearly title.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have a hard time falling in love with this game like I have in the past.

In my opinion, pure analog hitting feels hollow and boring with the stride mechanic removed.

SCEA leaves so many options in for us year over year... I just can't understand why they would scrap something that was so well executed and that added an incredible level of enjoyment for those of us who used it.
# 305 canes21 @ 04/05/15 02:53 PM
The boos are nicely done in this game. I am very familiar with them as I am 17-36 with the Twins.
# 306 BL8001 @ 04/05/15 03:19 PM
DD online has some peculiar issues. Got put out at first 5 different times last game and every single one had the first baseman not occupying the bag but still being called out at first.

It may just be an animation issue. The best one had the 1st baseman walk towards the runner down the line, he made it about 4 feet from thebag then making the catch as the runner ran past and then ******ly throwing it to the pitcher. Vasgersian chiming on about a routine plat at first for the out.

Typical ones had the 1B just walk off the bag towards the throw over before making the catch.

Maybe its connection lag. I have a soild connection and so did the other guy. No other issues during the game.
# 307 HARLEE23 @ 04/05/15 05:00 PM
I was playing a game and my Pappaw walked into the room and asked, "I thought the Reds didn't play until tomorrow?"

Graphics and presentation are good enough to confuse a 60 year old man!
# 308 jp58 @ 04/05/15 05:31 PM
At first glance, this game is very deep. When I compare it to other sports games (mostly NHL), there are so many subtle things that make the Show stand out to me as the sports game to beat. I haven't played a lot of baseball games in recent years, because as the owner of a 360, we didn't have a choice.

Presentation and Graphics- The presentation is probably better than NHL 15. They are close, but I feel like The Show gets so many little things right. Expressions, body language, etc. I haven't played another next gen game that even comes close to this. The stadiums all look wonderful, which is something I can really appreciate as they definitely lack differentiation in games such as NHL. The Madden team gets stadiums right, but we don't have to see them the majority of the game as the cameras focus the action on the field.

Gameplay- I'm struggling to figure out the settings I want to play with. This isn't because TS has done anything wrong, but rather, because of all the options we get. I'm probably settling on PCI hitting and analog pitching. When I walk or get a HR, I feel like it's because I earned it rather than something arbitrary. The same thing about when I make a mistake pitching and watch Stanton take me yard. I feel like TS accurately captures baseball in both a realistic and fun way. Other than a few racing games, I feel like no other sports game balances fun/rewarding with realism as well as they've done here.

Audio- The sounds of TS are top notch in my opinion. Boos, cheers, hecklers. It's all here. NHL did a pretty good job with crowd noises and reactions, but TS has absolutely blown me away. It sounds like watching a game on TV or at the park. I haven't played enough games to let the commentary grow old on me yet, but I really like the job they've done with that as well.

All in all, I'm pretty impressed with this game, and if SCEA is as good about making it better as the general consensus suggests, I will probably be a regular customer of this sports title.
# 309 TheRealC7R @ 04/05/15 06:20 PM
Like others have noted, the lighting in each stadium is much improved (much more apparent when replaying 14) and the game-play is smoother. That said, I'm sticking with 14 until some of the minor quirks have been ironed out. Some of the minor changes are also annoying and will take some getting used to such as not having pitcher K/BB info or the option to hit the touch-pad to see pitch location history. The removal of the foul ball camera and the little breaks between pitches/swings is also disappointing. For some reason, I'm also noticing more frame-rate hiccups (Broadcast in-play offense/defense views) in 15 such as when throwing from 2B/3B to 1B (cut scenes have drops as well but those aren't a big deal). There's also a slight frame-rate drop after hitting the ball with the new post-hit camera. I'll probably continue to play 14 until a patch or two is released; striking out on 2 strikes in a 2 out, bases loaded scenario on a pitch in the dirt is just .
# 310 LewisCAVS @ 04/05/15 06:32 PM
Had the game since Friday and I'm loving it. I can't quite put my finger on why but everything just seems more polished and refined. From all the menu's, the graphics to the game play itself everything just seems improved from last years game.

You can tell the devs really strive to put out a fantastic game, when you compare this to EA sports there is no comparison. EA games just seem like a roster updated ultimate team money grab whereas the show 15 has multiple engrossing game modes and absolutely superb game play, presentation and graphics.
# 311 Flightwhite24 @ 04/05/15 07:44 PM
I so want to start my Season/Franchise but I'm gonna be patient and wait for the OS rosters. Kudos to those cats that take the time out of there lives to sacrifice for our enjoyment.

Game has exceeded all my expectations. Thanks SCEA for another year of greatness. Happy Easter

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 312 Smallville102001 @ 04/05/15 09:59 PM
Graphically the lighting looks great but players faces still kind of look ps3 like compared to NBA 2k. That is the thing graphically that they need to improve the most next year is the faces do that and maybe the game can look has good has NBA 2k.
# 313 RunN1st @ 04/06/15 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
....I'd also like to have the option of player locking without having to use the RTTS cam. Just lock my player but let me use regular cams I have set up.

Anyways great job devs!
I agree... The player lock with a normal camera option would be awesome! I would actually use RTTS if it had that option since the outfielding camera in player lock is very hard to get used to.
# 314 Russell_SCEA @ 04/06/15 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by RunN1st
I agree... The player lock with a normal camera option would be awesome! I would actually use RTTS if it had that option since the outfielding camera in player lock is very hard to get used to.
That's on my design list for 16
# 315 earthlight897 @ 04/06/15 01:21 AM
Game is wonderful. My only big complaint is the commentary, it's standing out like a sore thumb. Replacing Matt V would be ideal but If that's not in the cards at least scrap all his old lines with new ones. Add more conversations between the guys and discuss stats, i.e. "Puig is 3 for 12 against Chapman but those 3 were homers". 2K did this very well. Also add more variety in between innings, I'm tired of seeing ramone, nick and lance in every stadium doing some voodoo dance; maybe do a trivia question early in the game and then reveal the answer later, little things like that. Been playing since 06 and SCEA does a fantastic job overall.
# 316 Skyboxer @ 04/06/15 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
That's on my design list for 16
SWEET!!!!! Thanks man!

I decided tonight to start my franchise. (Timed hitting and classic pitching)
First 2 games were great and held on to win both vs Toronto.
Getting walks and throwing walks, doubles etc.. balls in the gaps, dribblers .. all variations.
After each game I go through all the stats for the league and can't wait to get the next one going.
# 317 CujoMatty @ 04/06/15 04:21 AM
I've read a few of the early reviews out there. The common negative comments seems to be related to the game feeling stagnant to some. If I'm being truthful I feel that way a little bit too.

Whereas some of the reviewers feel that the show needs some innovation I would have to disagree with that sentiment. I think the actual game plays as near to perfect as possible. The biggest thing the show could do to feel fresh again is new commentary and presentation. we've been listening to the same intro music, commentary, etc for far too long. I get the idea of adding to what's there as opposed to starting from scratch but IMO what's there right now has been played out. The show added some real cool things with player emotions and split screen among others but these new things are still ultimately surrounded by commentary and presentation elements I've been looking at or hearing for too long.

I also would like to see network integration.ESPN seems like it would be a good fit and really tie into the radio show. Speaking of which, the farther I get into my franchise the more I love the radio show. I'll try not to get sidetracked lol

I played the hell out of 14 and I'm really enjoying 15 and I've managed to find some little things like playing with different camera angles that has managed to freshen things up a bit. I'm pretty sure I'll get a ton of enjoyment out of 15 but if 16 is ultimately the same with just more refinements and little touches i might have to give the series a break. If somehow SOTS makes it back in next year that alone would probably justify alot of playing time next year though.

I was feeling very similar about the nhl franchise and if you can get past the debacle of an incomplete game and just take it for the ingame they really did a fabulous job of freshening up a game that was really starting to get stale. They really didn't change the gameplay with innovations and they really didn't need to. Like the show the game play is about as good as it gets but by just adding NBC presentation and new commentary it really feels like a new game.
# 318 jmount78 @ 04/06/15 09:19 AM
At the risk of getting a tidal wave of backlash, I wanted to post my impressions. First, the game is beautiful and there are quality improvements to the crowd, attendance, and lighting. Second, the menus are much easier to navigate and I like the option of choosing month and time of day for exhibition games.

With those being said, I was underwhelmed with the game. Hitting is a lot harder now, and not having the leg kick with analog seems to take away from the fun. Commentary is important to me and it is just too stale. This game has a million dollar face and food stamp commentary. The XP gained seems useless and the opening presentations for games seems blah.

I really thought I would overwhelmed with all the reviews I have been reading, but was mistaken. Now that 2K doesn't make the games anymore, it would be nice if they could adopt the pitching mechanisms and stat presentations that they used to have into the game.

Fun game, but every year it is fun because it is baseball and that is my passion.
# 319 volsfan39 @ 04/06/15 10:08 AM
I have waited for my impressions until I have had significant playing time in different modes. First I would like to say that 15 plays better out of the box than any sports title I have ever seen. The only glaring tweak after several games is the base runner speed needs to be down about a notch or two as triples are a little extreme this year. Graphics like everyone has said are just amazing the lighting is almost perfect and the colors are spot on. SCEA does an outstanding job every year polishing this game. The only complaints I have this year and I have been playing since 06' is they removed some features that everyone is complaining about. It has been their history to only add and never take away. 16 has to give our full broadcast mode back including yes the foul ball camera. I have noticed how many people love this feature because it totally engrosses you in the situation. The little things is what makes this title stand out from all the rest and they have still put in some new ones, but if you start removing these things it will just be like all the other sports titles out there. Most of us true baseball fans don't like all the pace of play talk that is out there so at least give us the choice to watch everything if we want. Also like plenty of others have said the presentation needs a well overdue overhaul. Commentary has added a few new lines but most of it is stale as I turned it off after 3 games like always. I also would like to see better pregame and post game presentation you added the post game interview last year but no audio let's get that in there next year. I have also seen more little glitches and hiccups this year than any other year I won't list them as most have been listed already. Now by far these things are no way game breakers this is still the best version I have seen of the show so far. If you have a ps4 do not pass this title up it is the best sports title by far out there..The licensed equipment is awesome adds more than you think to this game. Diamond Dynasty is also more fun to play this year!! I don't play online anymore so can't comment on this game mode. If you are on the fence about 15 jump off and go get this title you will not be disappointed...
# 320 RoyceDa59 @ 04/06/15 10:25 AM
I must say beards/facial hair look really great in this game. Didn't play on the PS4 last year so they look new to me. It makes me envy all you bearded folks since I cannot grow one for the life of me.

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