MLB 15 The Show News Post

Now that MLB 15 The Show is available for everyone, we would like to hear some early impressions from the OS community. Early impressions from the lucky OSers that found a copy early, can be seen here.

Please, only post impressions.

If you have questions, please use this thread.

If you want to see the beauty the game has, check out our member submitted Photography/Videography thread.

If you have bugs to report, please use this thread.

With that said, let's hear those impressions!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 281 tomothyd @ 04/03/15 08:10 PM
I wish the Astros 90s blue and gold unis were in the game. Or that I had enough artistic ability to make them in diamond dynasty!
# 282 Skyboxer @ 04/03/15 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by huskerfan4life
I still haven't gotten mine
Don't believe I have either...
# 283 Arrowhead21 @ 04/03/15 08:43 PM
Loving the game overall, especially the improved Diamond Dynasty.

My only issues are:

- Lack of improvement or change in the presentation department
- The prospects from created rosters don't transfer in Y2Y saves
- Not having true access to Sounds of the Show (I know it's not the Show's fault)
# 284 Knight165 @ 04/03/15 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Arrowhead21
Loving the game overall, especially the improved Diamond Dynasty.

My only issues are:

- Lack of improvement or change in the presentation department
- The prospects from created rosters don't transfer in Y2Y saves
- Not having true access to Sounds of the Show (I know it's not the Show's fault)
Prospects?...yep...they do.
It's just retired players and some other SCEA players that are replaced(injured players?)
All my created prospects carried over in my y2y save.

# 285 Arrowhead21 @ 04/03/15 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Prospects?...yep...they do.
It's just retired players and some other SCEA players that are replaced(injured players?)
All my created prospects carried over in my y2y save.

Weird... I was using OSFM rosters and transferring to 15 changed my RTTS teams' whole lineup and rotation.
# 286 Herschie @ 04/03/15 08:59 PM
This has been the least productive week of my life. That's OK though, well worth it. This game is fantastic. It really brings out the luster and the feel of the ballpark. You know, that feeling I'd get when I'd get home from school as a kid and catch the last few innings of the Cubs game. The sun, shadows, and even the rain looks much better. I got such a baseball feeling that I had to go grab a couple hot dogs (Mustard, chopped onions, neon green relish, two tomato wedges, two sport peppers, one pickle spear, and a dash of celery salt on an S. Rosen poppy seed bun, that's how it's done in Chicago). I love how perfect the baseball atmosphere is in this game.

There are a few bugs, but these are not gamebreaking, and they will be fixed. Other than that, I've been playing some epic games. SCEA, you really outdid yourselves this time.
# 287 Bobhead @ 04/03/15 09:04 PM
By the way, the new menu (main menu and mode-specific menus) system? Very well done. It feels like everything is where it is supposed to be. Important stuff up top. Lesser stuff within submenus.

Last year's menu was quite pretty, but also was not very efficient.

This year I feel like SCEA mantained the visual appeal but it feels far more intuitive and logical.
# 288 Armor and Sword @ 04/03/15 09:59 PM
The new Franchise menu's are excellent. Really well done, easy to navigate, lot's of news and information that is accessible with a few clicks.

And I did not comment on the Radio Show. I love it. It is exactly what I thought it would be. It is something to listen to and have in the background as I go through the league and do various things. A perfect example was in my 1987 franchise I was listening to the radio show and my son was also in the room as I was showing him various lineups around the league. They talked about Eric Davis hitting for the cycle in his last game. We looked at each other and were like...cool.

It will only evolve and get better. The line sticking is in it's infancy. But I know it will only expand and be enhanced. It's a great idea, and I am so glad it is in the game this year. It is making Franchise far more immersive and alive.
# 289 THESHAMISASHAME @ 04/04/15 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by LowerWolf
I turned pitch location/swing feedback off and I haven't seen it. I've only got the scorebug turned on, otherwise my screen is completely clean. And if I press R2, I still get the pitch history.
Yes it does but then it also turns off yours so you better learn each pitchers pitches So a separate HU/CPU display option would be nice and A&S your sliders saved me again Brother
# 290 Armor and Sword @ 04/04/15 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Steven78
Things I don't like:

-No more highlight reel at games conclusion.
-No balks online.
-Fastplay forced on in online games.
-Presentation cut back to make games less immersive imo.
-Pitcher/Batter analysis shortcut removed.
-Swing influence removed from non directional hitting.

Mostly cosmetic things but man disappointing nonetheless.
I noticed playing DD online no balks.....yeah not cool. I have seen excessive heeding with quick pitching....it's stupid.

But DD is amazing and online is working finally!!!
# 291 2ndBase @ 04/04/15 01:34 PM
Good visuals and new animations. Need to fix the bugs.

- Not able to dive when using player lock
- Team assigned music not being saved
- Infielders not tagging or not covering base

Hopefully the fixable things get fixed in the next patch. Still an enjoyable game but the bar is high for The Show. I'm missing the solid gameplay for The Show 13.
# 292 elfdutch @ 04/04/15 02:40 PM
The more i play it, te more i love it.
Lighting is phenomenal. Love to plays games with partly clowdy setting.

2 things i really miss :

- highlight reel (pleas please pleas patch this!!!)
- quick count in DD (i have limited time so need my quick counts

Other than that : AMAZING
# 293 braves_94 @ 04/04/15 04:10 PM
The awesome: The 4 seem fastball has LIFE!!! The CPU base running has gotten a serious upgrade. They always take bases given to them. And they tag in situations in which they should. Too often last year good baserunners would sit on second during deep flies to right center. It looks like they upped the difficulty in hitting. Last year I was at hall of fame, this year all star is giving me the best results. The field animations are great this time around. Rarely have I seen outfielders play balls perfectly limiting a hitter to a single. Sometimes animations are the reason for it.

The why God why: Where did the highlights at the end of the game go!!! The CPU doesn't value controllable players enough. Which made it super easy for me to collect players on the cheap in my Braves franchise. I haven't seen where fielding rating matter more this year. In an exhibition game, I watched Jonny Gomes run down a Pedro Alvarez pop fly down the line... with the extreme shift on. And momentum on the higher difficulties needs to be toned down. Flood gates don't just open... they gush. Missed called strike threes. Errors in the field. Walks. All seem to be preludes to the big inning. And they've been a little too big for me. I don't mind a 3 or 5 spot. But it seems like when luck runs afoul, oh boy does it ever...

Overall great game. I'm definitely seeing a lot of the improvements. And thank you Target for that sweet, sweet deal of $39.99. Rather it was on purpose or not.
# 294 Maddenaddictive50 @ 04/04/15 04:18 PM
Starting playing today. Man MLB the show is a lot different on the vita. but still fun. It's been a while for since I have played this game but feels good to be back. I just did a play now game to see how things are going . I'' get into rtts here in a while. gonna get my groove back.
# 295 slthree @ 04/04/15 10:54 PM
For those still complaining about the lack of highlights at the end of a game...

Worry no More

In another thread Ramone said it was just a simple oversight and will be patched back in at the 2nd patch

His words below:

"The highlight reel being missing is nothing but a oversight from the end game menu change during development. We'll try to get it back in there in patch#2"
# 296 johnnyg83 @ 04/04/15 11:34 PM

Loving the game. The carry-over franchise feature is the one of the greatest advances in sports gaming and if it keeps going can let you play out an entire lifetime/career of games and challenge historical records.

Gameplay is great. Graphics are better than last year.


Yes. Wall dirt and hat sweat are overdone. And once you get outside the walls of the stadium it looks like a ps2 game. I don't care much because of everything else it does well but it's stark to see the difference between in the stadium and outside of it.
# 297 threattonature @ 04/05/15 01:43 AM
Possible dumb question but is there anyway in franchise mode to make it default to have quick counts on when starting a game versus having to set it each game. Small thing but I've accidentally started a few games just clicking through and trying to avoid it.
# 298 JTommy67 @ 04/05/15 03:04 AM
Very impressed with the game visually, especially the lighting. Gameplay is solid as always.

I haven't seen any comments on this yet, so I guess I'll say it:

I still can't stand the HR cam. I've seen it a few times and just don't like it. Wish there was an option to shut it off completely. For that matter, I dislike any cutscene/replay angles that wouldn't be seen in a normal television broadcast, and there are way too many replays of insignificant pitches for my taste.

Fans not reaching for foul balls in the stands seems rather weird, and it happens on most foul balls where there is a camera cut.

All things considered, I think the presentation dropped a notch.
# 299 THESHAMISASHAME @ 04/05/15 04:08 AM
Saw some pretty cool first baseman animations but catcher plays are still pretty bad around the plate and has anyone else noticed on not to high but playable pop ups around Home Plate the catcher doesnt even move but the bat boy make the plays ? really bad .

I been playing a few more day games out of Post Season mode and the Lightning is really a thing of beauty oh and the gameplay coding is amazing nothing looks out of place or you ask yourself was that realistic as I play with auto base running on and guys tag up properly on flys , slow guys dont stretch it out and it really does look realistic top notch.

EX : Flowers on second pretty slow but hes gotta stay by the base on a liner by the 2b man so he couldnt score even though it was kinda a gapper so he held up a third and thats what i mean everything looks logical and nothing iffy so great job Programmers of SCEA !
# 300 Splitter77 @ 04/05/15 07:06 AM
after a couple days with the game.
its even better. gameplay is so good.

the game cant look any better.

for next year they just have to focus on stat tracking. and maybe so more fielding camera angles.

i just reinstalled high heat 2001 and the reason i stillplay that game is the stat tracking.
if the show can get all the stats for aaa aa and a like high heat has especialy with the easy interface.

there wont be much else to ssk for.

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