MLB 15 The Show News Post

Now that MLB 15 The Show is available for everyone, we would like to hear some early impressions from the OS community. Early impressions from the lucky OSers that found a copy early, can be seen here.

Please, only post impressions.

If you have questions, please use this thread.

If you want to see the beauty the game has, check out our member submitted Photography/Videography thread.

If you have bugs to report, please use this thread.

With that said, let's hear those impressions!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 221 baseballkid97 @ 04/02/15 04:06 PM
First thing I noticed as I'm jumping into my first game, a disappointing amount of updated player headshots. Would it really be that hard to find a picture of Brian McCann (YANKEE) without a beard? Same with Chase Headley.
# 222 HozAndMoose @ 04/02/15 04:08 PM
Still wish you could see how much someone wants in arbitration before you make the offer.
# 223 24 @ 04/02/15 05:38 PM
Game is stunning visually. Really digging what they've done with the games looks. I've also noticed some of the new animations and they look very clean. I've yet to get a crack at Franchise Mode. Waiting for OSFM before I even start mine.

My only negative feelings about this game are what they did with Analog Hitting. The Pull back push forward mechanic was one of my favorite aspects of prior games. Despite playing a number of exhibition games I've yet to get it down and I'm really considering switching to the classic approach. I'm either too early or very late. It's my only major complaint when it comes to the game.
# 224 Bobhead @ 04/02/15 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
Whichever SCEA developer that put in the challenges this year, I wish I could just pay YOU money. It's bloody brilliant and I love the new feature.
That was me.

Please send all money to

777777 Bobhead Boulevard Avenue Place
Bronx, NY, 10467
# 225 RogueHominid @ 04/02/15 06:11 PM
Hits up the middle are now fielded by the pitcher at a much more acceptable rate in the 10 games or so I've played. I've seen most go through the middle of the IF without even hitting the pitcher, and I've seen a couple of glancing blows. Only one hot shot so far fielded by the pitcher...
# 226 pagodacrockett @ 04/02/15 06:21 PM
Any chance that we finally get year by year career stats on the back of the player cards?
# 227 Jeter2 @ 04/02/15 06:29 PM
Can I list about 5-8 things I wish were in the game? Yes, but that you SCEA for making my fav baseball game since MVP 05. In love with the graphics, feel on defense and hitting this year
# 228 CaseIH @ 04/02/15 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Hilman11
I've been playing my spring training games in the minor league parks. Lots of variety there.

I thought about that, but I play quite a few of my minor league games, so don't really want to do that, but it did cross my mind. Hopefully next yr we have spring training parks back in thegame, and hopefully more than in the past. NOt a game breaker by any means, but its a little disappointing to only have 1 in each league for ST'ing.
# 229 tabarnes19_SDS @ 04/02/15 08:01 PM
The more I play the more I LOVE this year's game. Visually it's stunning. Gameplay wise is so tight.

Franchise is pretty tight this year as well. Budgets are well done the changes they made to contracts for renewable players and minor leaguers have made it so much more enjoyable.

A few small tweaks and this(for me) will be perfect!

That is until we get complete stat tracking
# 230 L_Thibs @ 04/02/15 08:20 PM
Love the gameplay, smoothness of controls, visuals.....much praise to the devs for somehow making a great game better!

However, I ran into something I don't like. In extra innings, NO OUTS and BASES LOADED....the CPU bunts....pops it up to pitcher, resulting in triple play.

I know in past versions the CPU would try squeeze bunts with a guy on third and no outs....was hoping they eliminated that.
# 231 tomothyd @ 04/02/15 08:42 PM
Loving diamond dynasty!!! Never have played in the past but with the pre order bonuses and cards given after games really makes it easy to get into. Have almost exclusively played that since it came out. Now I just need a diamond McCutchen and I'll be golden
# 232 daddies3angels @ 04/02/15 08:45 PM
Love the gameplay. My only issue is Trade Logic by CPU. Seeing Stars getting trade Stars every couple months really hard to understand. Even harder when same Start traded 2-3 times in 1 yr period. Once Trade Logic is fixed it will be a perfect game for me.
# 233 Hockeynut99 @ 04/02/15 09:22 PM
In my opinion this game is so much better than 14. Love the hit variety and the graphics really are smooth and doubles finally down the line!! Great job SCEA!
# 234 RCMSfan77 @ 04/02/15 09:24 PM
I love the new additions to the stadiums, more specifically all the flags at Globe Life Park and the Texas flag flying high there as well. Dodger stadium has the California state flag as well. Also, maybe my favorite thing so far is, that I can finally move the DH player to a fielding position if I need to and have the pitcher take his spot in the batting order. Thank you guys so much for finally getting some of these little things in the game.
# 235 Bobhead @ 04/02/15 09:29 PM
Overall I think this game is a step forward, but I'm very disappointed at some of the things that were changed/removed, like the L3 feedback for each swing/pitch, and the quick access to the pitcher analysis screen.

I love the change to controlling where your pitch is thrown, instead of where it ends up. It is especially beneficial to pure analog pitching, as pitches don't end up down the middle so much anymore, and I am not "accidentally" throwing strikes all the time.

The fielding looks and plays a lot better. I haven't seen many new animations yet, but it almost looks like the animations themselves were slowed down some. Whereas previous years played like they were in "fast forward," this year you can see that every movement requires effort, which is what it should look like. Almost like players are "heavier" than previous years, which is a good thing.

In contrast, I always felt like error animations and recovery animations (eg: getting up after a fall or dive) were painfully long and silly looking, I've seen some new ones this year that played out very naturally, where the player quickly adjusted himself after an error or got up quickly instead of rolling around on the ground like he was hit by a truck.

Lighting/colors are fantastic. I can't emphasize enough how terrible I am when it comes to analyzing graphics or noticing specific improvements... BUT, I will say this. For every year I've ever played The Show, I've had to have a separate set of contrast/color settings on my TV just for The Show (the rest of my games played fine in default). This is the first year where I can actually play with default TV settings, because the contrast isn't over done and the colors feel natural and diverse without feeling "photoshoppy" like they used to.

I can tell the devs didn't have as much time for balancing and testing and stuff as they usually do. The game doesn't play as "evenly" out of the box as it has in the past. But all the ingredients are there. More solid contact, better fielding system, etc...

But man I can't stress enough... losing the L3 feedback really hurts. This game already struggles to provide useful information in an efficient manner, and here they took out the most useful tool of them all. I feel like I'm just guessing at the plate now.
# 236 BL8001 @ 04/02/15 09:45 PM
I have owned every show.

You know what? This game is weird.

But baseball is weird.

I reset my sliders to default and played cubs vs sox and batted for both sides.

Sox 10 hits
Cubs 6

Sale 5 K's
Lester 2 K's

This is what is weird. Flowers homers in the 9th when I press x and down on the L stick. (Last game I hit a homer with a contact circle press swing.)
But even weirder is the best SS in the league had 3 errors.

I will say it again baseball is weird. Maybe this game is really gunning for that aspect.
# 237 dblanco12 @ 04/02/15 10:05 PM
i am quite unhappy with this game at this point.
i must have given up more triples & inside the park homers in just these past two days then i have since the 2005 installment combined.

the amount of errors, let alone the type of errors are just ridiculous. routine fly balls and ground balls are being botched. its a joke.

the umpires strike zones are a joke. the amount of blatant strikes that i have had called balls is incredible.

dont even get me started on the amount of balls the cpu hits into the gaps compared to the balls i hit directly at its fielders.

its just been frustrating. its not even fun.

i never mind losing, i just hate losing because of stupid game coding, or whatever the problem seems to be.

yes, i've tweaked the sliders. maybe it's just me.
# 238 jej @ 04/02/15 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by dblanco12
i am quite unhappy with this game at this point.
i must have given up more triples & inside the park homers in just these past two days then i have since the 2005 installment combined.

the amount of errors, let alone the type of errors are just ridiculous. routine fly balls and ground balls are being botched. its a joke.

the umpires strike zones are a joke. the amount of blatant strikes that i have had called balls is incredible.

dont even get me started on the amount of balls the cpu hits into the gaps compared to the balls i hit directly at its fielders.

its just been frustrating. its not even fun.

i never mind losing, i just hate losing because of stupid game coding, or whatever the problem seems to be.

yes, i've tweaked the sliders. maybe it's just me.

You seem to be in the minority here, yeah.
# 239 bronxbombers21325 @ 04/02/15 10:58 PM
Is anyone else noticing a lot if low scoring games? To this point I have only gotten to play about 6 games total, so it is a very small sample size. But in those 6 games neither me or my opponent have scored more than 4 runs in a game. The majority if which came via home run. And in all but 2 of those games the starters were able to go the distance without tiring out that badly. I'm hoping this can just be chalked up to my sample size and low scoring games with pitchers going the distance isn't the norm.
# 240 Knight165 @ 04/02/15 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
Is anyone else noticing a lot if low scoring games? To this point I have only gotten to play about 6 games total, so it is a very small sample size. But in those 6 games neither me or my opponent have scored more than 4 runs in a game. The majority if which came via home run. And in all but 2 of those games the starters were able to go the distance without tiring out that badly. I'm hoping this can just be chalked up to my sample size and low scoring games with pitchers going the distance isn't the norm.
If it helps....I'm in a 5-5 tie right now with S.F.(Mets)


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