MLB 15 The Show News Post

Now that MLB 15 The Show is available for everyone, we would like to hear some early impressions from the OS community. Early impressions from the lucky OSers that found a copy early, can be seen here.

Please, only post impressions.

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If you want to see the beauty the game has, check out our member submitted Photography/Videography thread.

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With that said, let's hear those impressions!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 261 Skyboxer @ 04/03/15 11:57 AM
Just wanted to make sure I posted in here at least once to show my satisfaction and gratitude for a great game.

I'm sure all the accolades I have , have already been mentioned so I'll keep it short.
Love every bit of it and it's been a blast so far.
Currently going through a Franchise with DD settings (A tiny bit of slider edits first) and after 2/3 of spring training is done I'll see where I'm at and go from there.

The only things I would like to see added outside game logic etc.. is the ability to use the presssbox cam from MOM in franchise and the ability to player lock on just offense. I love playing D but would like to player lock on someone on offense for the game. Then would rotate each game. Just a way to make sure my stick skills don't override rating a lot.
I know I can just turn it off/on but that's a pain
I'd also like to have the option of player locking without having to use the RTTS cam. Just lock my player but let me use regular cams I have set up.

Anyways great job devs!
# 262 DaltonT4 @ 04/03/15 12:50 PM
Really upset they took pure analog out this year. I simply can not hit in this game. I played a quick game against the Dodgers. I won 2-0 but only had 3 hits, 2 solo home runs. But I can not get used to the new hitting I'm not lying when I say this, the first 10 batters I hit with all hit 2 hop grounders to the 3rd baseman. I finally got a hit when I accidentally hit a home run with Marlyon Byrd, I was getting so frustrated that I was JUSY flicking the analog whatever way because what I was doing earlier wasn't working obviously. Also I played the same game on dynamic difficulty and pitched with it, it was easy. Struck out 16 batters with Cueto in a complete game.

Also every year I make myself and my friends in a franchise and was messing around last night and made 10 of the created players, go to save the roster, it saves. I go back and check it. Players aren't there, so I go back and load the roster, players aren't there. At this point it's late at night so I just delete the roster and go to bed. This morning, do the same thing (I should have saved it after I made a couple of players to see if it would do it again) I make all the position players go to save the roster. Go back to the menu, all the players are gone, again. So I wasted 2 hours making rosters that didn't save, am I doing anything wrong?
# 263 Skyboxer @ 04/03/15 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by DaltonT4
Really upset they took pure analog out this year. I simply can not hit in this game. I played a quick game against the Dodgers. I won 2-0 but only had 3 hits, 2 solo home runs. But I can not get used to the new hitting I'm not lying when I say this, the first 10 batters I hit with all hit 2 hop grounders to the 3rd baseman. I finally got a hit when I accidentally hit a home run with Marlyon Byrd, I was getting so frustrated that I was JUSY flicking the analog whatever way because what I was doing earlier wasn't working obviously. Also I played the same game on dynamic difficulty and pitched with it, it was easy. Struck out 16 batters with Cueto in a complete game.

Also every year I make myself and my friends in a franchise and was messing around last night and made 10 of the created players, go to save the roster, it saves. I go back and check it. Players aren't there, so I go back and load the roster, players aren't there. At this point it's late at night so I just delete the roster and go to bed. This morning, do the same thing (I should have saved it after I made a couple of players to see if it would do it again) I make all the position players go to save the roster. Go back to the menu, all the players are gone, again. So I wasted 2 hours making rosters that didn't save, am I doing anything wrong?
I've made a few players (Myself etc..) and they worked fine...?
Did you load roster after you saved it..? Maybe that's it.??
# 264 nemesis04 @ 04/03/15 02:20 PM
The check swing bug is starting to be a real PITA!
# 265 johnnyg83 @ 04/03/15 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
The check swing bug is starting to be a real PITA!
Yum! Extra hummus on mine!
# 266 Armor and Sword @ 04/03/15 03:20 PM
The Boys of Summer Return Better Than Ever On MLB The Show 15

The first thing you notice is the vibrant colors. The razor sharp detail of the ball parks, the crowds, the dirt and the freshly manicured outfield grass patterns. The lighting....oh my the ground breaking lighting, the natural transition from sunset to night. Playing a 1987 franchise game with my Yankees at the Cubs, I was taken aback with the sunset sky and it's transition to some evening baseball at Wrigley. The sheer amount of eye candy on The Show is worth the price of admission alone.

But then I start playing, and playing and playing some more. This years edition is hands down the smoothest game they have made yet. The fielding animations are incredible. The pitching motions are vastly improved. But it's always about the little things with The Show right? This year is no different.

Seeing the ball hit off your bat this year was a subtle but yet massive nuance that has made the game that much more realistic and puts you right in the batters box.

The new ball spins and breaks are ultra realistic and have added another layer of reality to the game.

Directional Hitting is awesome. And although not ground breaking, they are implementing it better than any previous baseball game.

The new quick field position menu is awesome and a very welcomed addition. It makes doing on the fly adjustments easy and quick.

Fielding is something that has been a huge bugaboo for me with this series. But this year it is fun, responsive and flat out great. I am playing Diamond Dynasty Online and have been having an incredible time. I still love auto fielding and manual throwing (thank you Woodweaver for coming through with no blue circle!) for my season/franchise play. But fielding is truly fun now and I am playing The Show online for the first time ever and am hooked.

Speaking of Diamond Dynasty. Wow. Talk about a baseball card lovers dream mode. I am really having fun earning stubs, buying packs and anticipating who will be in my lineup next. My team is the Florida Bandits and I am slowly but surely editing my uniforms and everything I can that goes along with the Diamond Dynasty suite. I see myself playing online a lot this year. It's refreshing and fun.

Licensed equipment has breathed brand new life into the game and it is amazing how much realism it has added. Fantastic decision.

The ball physics are at a new level. Hit variety is incredible.

The new outfielder and base runner speed Paradigm is a knock out success and very well implemented. I see and feel the difference every single game. The new paths to fly balls the OF takes are far more realistic. And they don't play balls off the wall perfectly anymore (CPU) I have seen some miscues in that regard. That was refreshing.

But there are some things I am questioning.

1. More broadcast elements are being cut down and taken away. Foul Balls have been drastically cut down and sometimes batter walks ups are ignored. Booooo! That's not baseball. I want to have all that and If I decide to "x" through it so be it. But I want that choice. I am not a fan of the streamlined broadcast path that The Show has taken this year. I hope they bring back some of those things again to the "older" patient baseball fans. Yes sometimes I want to play faster. And I can, but I want my options.

2. The R2 symbol for the new pithc location/swing feedback is a minor annoyance so I toggled it off.

3. I don't like they took away the quick pitcher batter info by pressing up on the D pad. Why?

That's it for negatives.

Once again Sony SD and the team have taken our beloved baseball game to another level. This is the first true PS4 version of the game. Make no mistake about that. 14 never left my console. Now it will never see it again. MLB 15 is here to stay.....until of course 16.

The Show rules again.

# 267 HozAndMoose @ 04/03/15 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
The check swing bug is starting to be a real PITA!
Check Swing bug? What is the bug exactly.
# 268 LowerWolf @ 04/03/15 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword

2. The R2 symbol for the new pithc location/swing feedback is a minor annoyance and I would like a toggle to have it off my already super clean screen when I play. Please.
I turned pitch location/swing feedback off and I haven't seen it. I've only got the scorebug turned on, otherwise my screen is completely clean. And if I press R2, I still get the pitch history.
# 269 Scary Larry @ 04/03/15 03:41 PM
I suck at fielding. Particularly, at throwing to the correct base. Sounds absurd, but I'm struggling with this and I'm sure it's basic. Using the left stick and hitting X to throw in the direction of the runner.
# 270 nemesis04 @ 04/03/15 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
Check Swing bug? What is the bug exactly.
If you check swing on your second strike and the ball is in the dirt the AI treats it as if it is strike 3 ball in the dirt and throws you out at first resulting in a lost at bat.
# 271 bcruise @ 04/03/15 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
If you check swing on your second strike and the ball is in the dirt the AI treats it as if it is strike 3 ball in the dirt and throws you out at first resulting in a lost at bat.
As common as this is, I'd say this one will get squashed in the next patch. It's pretty easily re-creatable.


Upvote if you haven't, although it's already near the top and pretty much guaranteed it'll be looked at.
# 272 nemesis04 @ 04/03/15 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
As common as this is, I'd say this one will get squashed in the next patch. It's pretty easily re-creatable.


Upvote if you haven't, although it's already near the top and pretty much guaranteed it'll be looked at.
Yup, it is a reliable bug as far as frequency. It is not one of those bugs where the moon the stars and the sun need to be in total alignment to replicate. Hopefully they get it quick, happened to me twice in the same game.
# 273 HozAndMoose @ 04/03/15 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
If you check swing on your second strike and the ball is in the dirt the AI treats it as if it is strike 3 ball in the dirt and throws you out at first resulting in a lost at bat.
Ahh. Havent noticed it happen to me yet. I was hoping it was an issue with check swings happening on accident when you try and swing. Think something might be wrong with my controller.
# 274 HealyMonster @ 04/03/15 04:54 PM
Anyone who has played this game in the past or present, should relatively have the same impressions of gameplay. The gameplay is great, its been that way for years, and some tweaks here or there every year make the gameplay better year to year.

I hate to say it though, I'm a graphics homer, and presentation homer, and this game is several lacking. It is well behind the typical PS4 title graphically, and it is the least attractive looking game of the major sports titles released. Im not saying its an ugly game, or even saying it looks like a ps3 game, it just is nowhere near where it should and could be on the ps4, especially considering it is year 2.

There is a definite issue with whoever is in charge of the graphics. They have been using the same graphics for 7 years now. An example is here:

Same wall textures, same background textures that were used last gen. They upped the resolution, but these stadiums while some look better than others are all insufficient for the ps4. The environments are not updated for next gen, they are the ps3 environments at a higher resolution, which, in my opinion, only shows their flaws more.

In the pic above, you see the wall texture repeating, with the dirt on it. You see the tree branches on the palm not looking...well...right, its all sloppy. on ps2/ early ps3 we wouldn't even see this, but now on ps4, it just looks like garbage.

Im not trying to totally destroy them. For instance when I look at Citi Field in the game. From the standpoint of looking at the stadium as a whole, compared to a real life image of the stadium, to sit back and point out flaws (which I just did FWIW), to REALLY have issue with that is nitpicking. The issue is, when you look at the stadium as a whole, with the close ups, the textures all look awful.

Another example when I say stuff worked on the ps2 or 3 but cannot work now are images like this:

When playing the game, you obviously aren't going to sit and watch each screen and point out flaws like some that are in the above image. Example, the steps behind harvey. They are huge, the are not proportionate to the stadium. It isn't the angle of the pic either, steps in the stadium that fans aren't walking on, all look huge like this. On ps2, we couldn't care less, but when you are looking at Matt Harvey with sweat on his hat (like in the pic), immersion is lost when you see these ugly steps all over the stadium. Whats the point? Also, who cares how much the guy weighs. Certainly this info would be ok if issued behind or in front of other more relative stuff like stats, record vs the team you are playing, etc. Instead we get his height and weight in boring font that looks like they attached a word document to one of their graphics.

On the presentation side, we are yet again watching the same stuff. Some stuff is improved for the better: Off the top of my head I like the hubs for RTTS and Franchise, and post game for RTTS, etc. But outside of some various menu type changes, everything else is the same. Finish a RTTS game, you see the same loading screens, same basic font, like Helvetica used showing standing,etc. Same small team logos that are boxed in.

On ps2, that stuff worked, but with where we are at in the world today, I mean we are all using iPhones, where they are so graphically driven to captivate people, when I turn on this game, and I see how it delivers information to me while I'm playing, I am completely disappointed. It is 2015, its time to make stuff look new and fresh, and good.

Post game baseball card guy, post game people raking the stadium, post game guy with camera comes out, every person that guy interviews is always walking the same way making the same movements, its all the same. Some of this stuff we were seeing as far back as the ps2.

Even looking back to the screen I posted of the ugly spring training field, look at the new york and washington scores. I can make that in Microsoft paint. It is unacceptable for this game to be doing such basic things this far into development considering things like the stadiums are ports.

Again, gameplay is on point, it always is, but at the same time, I haven't found much in this game that is overwhelming compared to my experience with the show 14. Certainly there is a bunch of stuff improved, but after a week of playing, I'm no longer thinking about those things, I am thinking about how ugly some things in this game are, and how I wish there was better presentation.
# 275 huskerfan4life @ 04/03/15 05:19 PM
i havee been playing RTTS and i must say i love the game and love allof the improvements espically the dunamic lighting, right now i'm in AA and istarted a games at 5:05 pm anf it was neat how the lighting chsnged to nightime and how the shadows were different.
# 276 TripleCrown9 @ 04/03/15 05:27 PM
Just got the #PitchersWhoRake trophy with Stephen Strasburg. Felt good to get that one out of the way lol.
# 277 Heroesandvillains @ 04/03/15 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by HealyMonster
Anyone who has played this game in the past or present, should relatively have the same impressions of gameplay. The gameplay is great, its been that way for years, and some tweaks here or there every year make the gameplay better year to year.

I hate to say it though, I'm a graphics homer, and presentation homer, and this game is several lacking. It is well behind the typical PS4 title graphically, and it is the least attractive looking game of the major sports titles released. Im not saying its an ugly game, or even saying it looks like a ps3 game, it just is nowhere near where it should and could be on the ps4, especially considering it is year 2.

There is a definite issue with whoever is in charge of the graphics. They have been using the same graphics for 7 years now. An example is here:

Same wall textures, same background textures that were used last gen. They upped the resolution, but these stadiums while some look better than others are all insufficient for the ps4. The environments are not updated for next gen, they are the ps3 environments at a higher resolution, which, in my opinion, only shows their flaws more.

In the pic above, you see the wall texture repeating, with the dirt on it. You see the tree branches on the palm not looking...well...right, its all sloppy. on ps2/ early ps3 we wouldn't even see this, but now on ps4, it just looks like garbage.

Im not trying to totally destroy them. For instance when I look at Citi Field in the game. From the standpoint of looking at the stadium as a whole, compared to a real life image of the stadium, to sit back and point out flaws (which I just did FWIW), to REALLY have issue with that is nitpicking. The issue is, when you look at the stadium as a whole, with the close ups, the textures all look awful.

Another example when I say stuff worked on the ps2 or 3 but cannot work now are images like this:

When playing the game, you obviously aren't going to sit and watch each screen and point out flaws like some that are in the above image. Example, the steps behind harvey. They are huge, the are not proportionate to the stadium. It isn't the angle of the pic either, steps in the stadium that fans aren't walking on, all look huge like this. On ps2, we couldn't care less, but when you are looking at Matt Harvey with sweat on his hat (like in the pic), immersion is lost when you see these ugly steps all over the stadium. Whats the point? Also, who cares how much the guy weighs. Certainly this info would be ok if issued behind or in front of other more relative stuff like stats, record vs the team you are playing, etc. Instead we get his height and weight in boring font that looks like they attached a word document to one of their graphics.

On the presentation side, we are yet again watching the same stuff. Some stuff is improved for the better: Off the top of my head I like the hubs for RTTS and Franchise, and post game for RTTS, etc. But outside of some various menu type changes, everything else is the same. Finish a RTTS game, you see the same loading screens, same basic font, like Helvetica used showing standing,etc. Same small team logos that are boxed in.

On ps2, that stuff worked, but with where we are at in the world today, I mean we are all using iPhones, where they are so graphically driven to captivate people, when I turn on this game, and I see how it delivers information to me while I'm playing, I am completely disappointed. It is 2015, its time to make stuff look new and fresh, and good.

Post game baseball card guy, post game people raking the stadium, post game guy with camera comes out, every person that guy interviews is always walking the same way making the same movements, its all the same. Some of this stuff we were seeing as far back as the ps2.

Even looking back to the screen I posted of the ugly spring training field, look at the new york and washington scores. I can make that in Microsoft paint. It is unacceptable for this game to be doing such basic things this far into development considering things like the stadiums are ports.

Again, gameplay is on point, it always is, but at the same time, I haven't found much in this game that is overwhelming compared to my experience with the show 14. Certainly there is a bunch of stuff improved, but after a week of playing, I'm no longer thinking about those things, I am thinking about how ugly some things in this game are, and how I wish there was better presentation.
This is an interesting analysis. Though I think the game looks pretty, especially the lighting, I appreciate you backing up your argument with photos and examples.

And thank you for mentioning the sweat-stains on the hats. I really wish they would just get rid of it.

ETA: The stadiums were built from scratch for the PS4.
# 278 huskerfan4life @ 04/03/15 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Guys who played 14 did you get your gold rewards when you installed 15?
I still haven't gotten mine
# 279 kgodna @ 04/03/15 06:50 PM
Hey everyone. My and my friends are strictly online franchise players. I was disappointed to see that not all the features on offline franchise were available in online franchise mode last year (Triple A teams,etc) I'm wondering if this has been added this year to give you the smell online experience as offline franchise mode? Thank you very much for the help.
# 280 Gdbraden @ 04/03/15 07:18 PM
Is it just me or are year to year saves the greatest thing to hit franchise modes in a long time? I haven't missed a beat in my Bucco franchise and all my players and their equipment were edited for me. I don't have to spend the first month of the season waiting for rosters or self editing players. I'll make a few changes and maybe edit a recent draft pick but this is the best. I have never been more thankful for a new addition to a game.

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