MLB 15 The Show News Post

Now that MLB 15 The Show is available for everyone, we would like to hear some early impressions from the OS community. Early impressions from the lucky OSers that found a copy early, can be seen here.

Please, only post impressions.

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If you want to see the beauty the game has, check out our member submitted Photography/Videography thread.

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With that said, let's hear those impressions!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 321 decga @ 04/06/15 12:25 PM
I did the Y2Y save in franchise. I am starting off at the beginning of the off season. I am seeing more AI trades than I can remember than in the past.

The most exciting trade I have seen was between the Marlins and A's. A's signed 3B Sandoval to a 3 year deal, but they re-up with 3B Donaldson. Marlins claimed the fake SP Kris Medlen off waivers. They made a deal with each other. The Marlins didn't have a 3B rated over 67. Sandoval is rated OVR 87. The trade satisfied I need for a third baseman and the A's got SP with an OVR 89.
# 322 Sco291 @ 04/06/15 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by HealyMonster
Anyone who has played this game in the past or present, should relatively have the same impressions of gameplay. The gameplay is great, its been that way for years, and some tweaks here or there every year make the gameplay better year to year.

I hate to say it though, I'm a graphics homer, and presentation homer, and this game is several lacking. It is well behind the typical PS4 title graphically, and it is the least attractive looking game of the major sports titles released. Im not saying its an ugly game, or even saying it looks like a ps3 game, it just is nowhere near where it should and could be on the ps4, especially considering it is year 2.

There is a definite issue with whoever is in charge of the graphics. They have been using the same graphics for 7 years now. An example is here:

Same wall textures, same background textures that were used last gen. They upped the resolution, but these stadiums while some look better than others are all insufficient for the ps4. The environments are not updated for next gen, they are the ps3 environments at a higher resolution, which, in my opinion, only shows their flaws more.

In the pic above, you see the wall texture repeating, with the dirt on it. You see the tree branches on the palm not looking...well...right, its all sloppy. on ps2/ early ps3 we wouldn't even see this, but now on ps4, it just looks like garbage.

Im not trying to totally destroy them. For instance when I look at Citi Field in the game. From the standpoint of looking at the stadium as a whole, compared to a real life image of the stadium, to sit back and point out flaws (which I just did FWIW), to REALLY have issue with that is nitpicking. The issue is, when you look at the stadium as a whole, with the close ups, the textures all look awful.

Another example when I say stuff worked on the ps2 or 3 but cannot work now are images like this:

When playing the game, you obviously aren't going to sit and watch each screen and point out flaws like some that are in the above image. Example, the steps behind harvey. They are huge, the are not proportionate to the stadium. It isn't the angle of the pic either, steps in the stadium that fans aren't walking on, all look huge like this. On ps2, we couldn't care less, but when you are looking at Matt Harvey with sweat on his hat (like in the pic), immersion is lost when you see these ugly steps all over the stadium. Whats the point? Also, who cares how much the guy weighs. Certainly this info would be ok if issued behind or in front of other more relative stuff like stats, record vs the team you are playing, etc. Instead we get his height and weight in boring font that looks like they attached a word document to one of their graphics.

On the presentation side, we are yet again watching the same stuff. Some stuff is improved for the better: Off the top of my head I like the hubs for RTTS and Franchise, and post game for RTTS, etc. But outside of some various menu type changes, everything else is the same. Finish a RTTS game, you see the same loading screens, same basic font, like Helvetica used showing standing,etc. Same small team logos that are boxed in.

On ps2, that stuff worked, but with where we are at in the world today, I mean we are all using iPhones, where they are so graphically driven to captivate people, when I turn on this game, and I see how it delivers information to me while I'm playing, I am completely disappointed. It is 2015, its time to make stuff look new and fresh, and good.

Post game baseball card guy, post game people raking the stadium, post game guy with camera comes out, every person that guy interviews is always walking the same way making the same movements, its all the same. Some of this stuff we were seeing as far back as the ps2.

Even looking back to the screen I posted of the ugly spring training field, look at the new york and washington scores. I can make that in Microsoft paint. It is unacceptable for this game to be doing such basic things this far into development considering things like the stadiums are ports.

Again, gameplay is on point, it always is, but at the same time, I haven't found much in this game that is overwhelming compared to my experience with the show 14. Certainly there is a bunch of stuff improved, but after a week of playing, I'm no longer thinking about those things, I am thinking about how ugly some things in this game are, and how I wish there was better presentation.
Very interesting post. Very interesting. The further I read into what you said, the more I found myself unfortunately having to agree. The thing that stood out to me the most ws the repeating dirt patterns on the wall, the massive pyramid like steps in Citi Field, and the boring typeface that is used to relay information to the player in the presentation menus.

This all makes me think of one of the videos the presentation and stadium streams the devs put out about a week or 2 before release. I forget which stadium it was for, but they had zoomed in waaaay far into one of the backdrop high rise buildings and continued to zoom all the way into one of the windows and showed how they added paintings on the wall. Something that no fan of this game would ever see and something that does not contribute in any way to the visual immersion for the player . I was actually annoyed by this and it's the kind of thing that is unacceptable to me as a buyer.

It's the equivalent of me mowing my front and back lawn, but leaving a very small patch of grass uncut and untouched in the corner of my backyard - no one will ever notice it but me, the person who cut it. Why not just do the whole entire lawn and make it all look good in case someone does notice it? Now granted, it probably barely took any resource for them to do that kind of thing, but when there's obvious visual discrepancies in plain sight that a handful of fans will see after a while of playing the game (probably more people than we realize), it makes you wonder how this kind of thing is acceptable in 2015.

Gameplay is literally perfect. Fielding took a huge leap this year. But presentation needs to change. It just has to. There needs to be some sort of integrated network. I'm not sure what kind of typeface they use, whether it be Helvetica or Baskerville or Caslon or whatever, but it just wears quickly on the eye for the most part. Repeat intro music, repeat post game angles etc. It seems like it's been more of the same for the past 6 years or so. I feel if they address these things, the game will be near flawless. Not bashing SDS, they are by far the best sports devs anywhere on the planet, but for someone who has been making the purchase since 2007 on PS2, it just doesn't work well anymore especially on PS4.
# 323 actionhank @ 04/06/15 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by HARLEE23
I was playing a game and my Pappaw walked into the room and asked, "I thought the Reds didn't play until tomorrow?"

Graphics and presentation are good enough to confuse a 60 year old man!
Well, we know it's at least as good as Windows 8!
# 324 JBH3 @ 04/06/15 07:03 PM
I am a prospective buyer for a PS4...I think the achievement/trophy list leaves a lot to be desired. Why no trophy geared towards dynasty/franchise play?? Everything seems geared to on-field actions.
# 325 N51_rob @ 04/07/15 11:35 AM
Just wanted to point out incase anyone from the MLB team sees this. The show live, isnt up****** pitchers correctly. Several of the games for today, (tuesday april 7th) have the pitchers that pitched yesterday as the starters and same for Wednesday's games.
# 326 PhiPsi1 @ 04/07/15 12:10 PM
The true testament of how 'good' a game is....is when you get more interested in following the actual sport because of it...I would simply wait till the postseason...or even the World Series before I actually started to watch games...

But now, because of The Show...I took in some Opening Day action! Now if only I could press 'X' to speed the game up a little, then THAT would be cool! LOL!

And let me just say....that is just from my experience with MLB 14....LOL!

I'm trying to hold off on 15, but with all the positive reviews, etc...I don't think I can!
# 327 ryanmc564 @ 04/07/15 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Sco291

This all makes me think of one of the videos the presentation and stadium streams the devs put out about a week or 2 before release. I forget which stadium it was for, but they had zoomed in waaaay far into one of the backdrop high rise buildings and continued to zoom all the way into one of the windows and showed how they added paintings on the wall. Something that no fan of this game would ever see and something that does not contribute in any way to the visual immersion for the player . I was actually annoyed by this and it's the kind of thing that is unacceptable to me as a buyer.

I didn't catch that part of the stream, but after hearing about it the first time, this kind of annoyed me too, for the simple fact that there are thing that are still wrong in the stadiums themselves that just googling a recent picture of the stadium will obviously show what they have wrong.(best example I can think of at this time is the Ford truck frontend sign in left center field @ Busch, its not even there anymore and hasn't been since the ball park village was opened last year, but it still sitting there in the game. but yet they can add small minuet details into a room in a building in the back ground that no one will see because we cant even zoom the camera in that far. that does seem a bit ridiculous and pointless.

I always enjoy playing the show and its always a yearly purchase for me. but I can totally understand how things like you mention above can make some of us question, why?
# 328 leinhart_6 @ 04/07/15 02:47 PM
Been playing it for awhile now and I notice that there are way too many complete games thrown around the league. In my first two starts with Sonny Gray I've already thrown 2. Not that I'm complaining but it's very noticeable. Anyone else seeing this?
# 329 fakeusername 2 @ 04/07/15 03:42 PM
Maybe it is just me, but the one thing I noticed was that it seems like almost everyone is in the final year of their contract in my franchise. Some players like Yelich have the correct contract length, but it seems like too many people are in the final year of their contract as soon as you start a franchise. I fell like will need to resign my entire starting lineup after one season.
# 330 merchie89 @ 04/07/15 03:44 PM
Fielding errors too common
# 331 tabarnes19_SDS @ 04/07/15 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by fakeusername 2
Maybe it is just me, but the one thing I noticed was that it seems like almost everyone is in the final year of their contract in my franchise. Some players like Yelich have the correct contract length, but it seems like too many people are in the final year of their contract as soon as you start a franchise. I fell like will need to resign my entire starting lineup after one season.
They are correct. Most players in mlb are pre-arbitration or arbitration meaning they are year to year 1 year deals. They are still under team control though.
# 332 ATLiott @ 04/07/15 05:34 PM
Quick question: my game isn't playing at full screen. I know if previous games there were ways to adjust it. I can't find the adjustments this year. Anyone know where they are?
# 333 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 04/07/15 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
That's on my design list for 16
Just make sure you guys leave player lock as an option for those like me who happen to like it
# 334 tetoleetd @ 04/07/15 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by JBH3
I am a prospective buyer for a PS4...I think the achievement/trophy list leaves a lot to be desired. Why no trophy geared towards dynasty/franchise play?? Everything seems geared to on-field actions.
because video games are to be played to have fun.... not to get invisible trophies that nobody but you cares about.
# 335 bad_philanthropy @ 04/07/15 07:22 PM
Attendance in RttS and Franchise is consistently well done in this series.

Played a July weekday afternoon game at Coors and the Rockies have the worst record in baseball. Crowd was ~6000.

I hope the devs never get pressured by teams to change this like how Madden had to when Jacksonville protested about the depiction of their attendance when losing.
# 336 LowerWolf @ 04/07/15 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by ATLiott
Quick question: my game isn't playing at full screen. I know if previous games there were ways to adjust it. I can't find the adjustments this year. Anyone know where they are?
In your PS4 settings, under Sound and Screen (I think) there's a Display Area settings where you can expand the screen.
# 337 Skyboxer @ 04/07/15 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by merchie89
Fielding errors too common
Haven't had this issue at all. You adjust sliders?
# 338 countryboy @ 04/07/15 08:55 PM
After over 50 games of MLB '15 all I can say is WOW! The game still has moments that have my jaw dropping like a teenage adolescent looking at an adult magazine for the first time.

For lack of a better, lengthier description, and to really hit the nail on the head to drive home my opinion, this game is baseball. From pitching to hitting to fielding to the crowd, to the atmosphere in late game situations to the chess match of managing the game. MLB '15 The Show is baseball.

I find myself so engrossed in this game at times that I truly lose all sense of reality and time. As my wife would say, she could walk through the basement wearing nothing but a Cardinals hat and I wouldn't even notice. Yes I'm that glued to this game. (BTW I would notice and dared her to test her theory )

The game captures its sport better, imo of course, than any other sports game that I have played. I have been involved in games that are nail-biters, blow outs, offensive shootouts, and pitching gems. I find myself standing up on long fly balls begging for them to clear the fence, pumping my fist with a key strikeout, and screaming at my players as if they can hear me, or even care. I find myself trying to decide roster moves with injuries, what to do with struggling players, and how to get someone more at-bats. The game is baseball.

Granted there are things that I would like to see improved and things that I would like them to add. But at the end of the day the good far outweighs the bad in this game. I mentioned before earlier that I didn't believe that people would really appreciate the improvements in this game until they have their hands on it. And I find that to be true as of today, with the game being a week old. I still see new things every session that I play. Heck this evening, I had a play where Wong had the ball hit the heel of his glove, pop up, and he caught it and fired out the runner at first, all in a poetic motion.

MLB '15 The Show is what us sports gamers want out of their sports games. No bells, no whistles, no tricks, no back of the box features that will generate sales. Just be true to your sport. Nothing more and nothing less, and the fans will flock to your game. And that is what the Show and this dev team does.

MLB '15 The Show is baseball.
# 339 Skyboxer @ 04/07/15 09:45 PM
Great post Country. I'm soooo ready to get back into my franchise (1st series vs the Redsox on deck ).
Just this last night I hope then a couple daysree to play. If only the feeling I get from playing The Show was spread to other games as well..
And with a few tidbits of info out next years version I'm already excited to grab it lol
# 340 countryboy @ 04/07/15 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Great post Country. I'm soooo ready to get back into my franchise (1st series vs the Redsox on deck ).
Just this last night I hope then a couple daysree to play. If only the feeling I get from playing The Show was spread to other games as well..
And with a few tidbits of info out next years version I'm already excited to grab it lol
I hear you Sky. Wish that I could lock myself away for a week and do nothing but play the Show!

And you're excited to grab next year's game? I'm already putting out feelers to see if I can score an early copy! lol

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