MLB 15 The Show News Post

Now that MLB 15 The Show is available for everyone, we would like to hear some early impressions from the OS community. Early impressions from the lucky OSers that found a copy early, can be seen here.

Please, only post impressions.

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If you want to see the beauty the game has, check out our member submitted Photography/Videography thread.

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With that said, let's hear those impressions!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 341 ATLiott @ 04/07/15 10:01 PM
Like the game. Here are my impressions:

1. Gameplay: pros are that its the Show and it keeps getting better. Cons are its not changing a whole lot.
2. Presentation: pros are the split screen shots. Cons are the commentary.
3. Graphics: pros are the lighting. Cons are the FRAMERATE ain't close to 60 fps. Not even 30 fps in some parts.
# 342 JBH3 @ 04/07/15 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by tetoleetd
because video games are to be played to have fun.... not to get invisible trophies that nobody but you cares about.
Who says unlocking trophies are not fun?? Thanks for your input though...
# 343 ajblithe20 @ 04/07/15 11:03 PM
I've played a ton, no sense in trying to keep count. Once again, The Show is phenomenal. Not only the best sports game out there, but my favorite game on Playstation.

Pretty much everything they've touched feels/looks better. I also agree with just about every praise this team has been given by people in this thread.

Two things I have noticed with gameplay that I'm not crazy about. I feel like I've been experiencing too many errors. It seems like a lot more than it used to be, and the Orioles are my main team. Their defense is pretty good in The Show. The other thing is that the past few days almost all of my games have been 1-0, 2-0, 2-1 kind of games. No matter what difficulty I use batting or pitching. It may just be a weird streak, so I'm not going to worry about those things yet (and I haven't touched sliders). I'll just keep an eye on it. Still the most fun I've had with a video game on PS4

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# 344 Smallville102001 @ 04/07/15 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by ajblithe20
I've played a ton, no sense in trying to keep count. Once again, The Show is phenomenal. Not only the best sports game out there, but my favorite game on Playstation.

Pretty much everything they've touched feels/looks better. I also agree with just about every praise this team has been given by people in this thread.

Two things I have noticed with gameplay that I'm not crazy about. I feel like I've been experiencing too many errors. It seems like a lot more than it used to be, and the Orioles are my main team. Their defense is pretty good in The Show. The other thing is that the past few days almost all of my games have been 1-0, 2-0, 2-1 kind of games. No matter what difficulty I use batting or pitching. It may just be a weird streak, so I'm not going to worry about those things yet (and I haven't touched sliders). I'll just keep an eye on it. Still the most fun I've had with a video game on PS4

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah I think errors may be to high on default but I have only played like 4 games but in those 4 games I have like 6 already and the CPU has like 2 and I have already seen 2 drop fly balls and you don't see drop fall balls that often in real life.
# 345 ajblithe20 @ 04/08/15 12:44 AM
Also forget to mention that CPU manager decisions to replace pitchers seems a little bit off to me. I've been noticing, at least lately, that CPU managers pull their starters out maybe a little early. The bigger problem is I've noticed relievers staying in way too long. A few instances a manager left his reliever in there for 30+ pitches over 2 plus innings. And he left him in after a hit and walk one time, with two pitchers in the opponents bullpen ready and waiting.

Still, these issues are pretty minor considering all of the great things about this game. I'm just wondering if anyone else is seeing this too
# 346 Smallville102001 @ 04/08/15 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by ajblithe20
Also forget to mention that CPU manager decisions to replace pitchers seems a little bit off to me. I've been noticing, at least lately, that CPU managers pull their starters out maybe a little early. The bigger problem is I've noticed relievers staying in way too long. A few instances a manager left his reliever in there for 30+ pitches over 2 plus innings. And he left him in after a hit and walk one time, with two pitchers in the opponents bullpen ready and waiting.

Still, these issues are pretty minor considering all of the great things about this game. I'm just wondering if anyone else is seeing this too

I think the CPU may let there starts in to long not to early and I think the same thing with the relievers. In the past starter stamina needed to be at like 8 this year I think 6 is good and in the past reliever stamina need to be lower and I think that needs to happened again. I also think the manager hock may need to go up 1 or down 1. I forget do you lower the manager hock to get the CPU to pull pitchers sooner or do you up it?
# 347 THESHAMISASHAME @ 04/08/15 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by JBH3
Who says unlocking trophies are not fun?? Thanks for your input though...
Trophies are fun and I always Platinum The Show within a week Though the last one may take a while because Im not buying those stub things .

More impressions so I basically only play in Post Season mode but I notice all games start at night pitch dark so thats kinda odd and disappointing so I decide to do a Season mode sim to Post Season and like magic I have day and even night games with sunsets and its wonderful lightening again and even the presentation seems more lively and less generic like in Post Season mode ?

Now Im playing with A&S sliders and I have to say it again how gameplay unfolds is freaky scary as it so realistic looking and feeling !

I mean the cutoffs , positioning , the logic , the ball physics this game has been tweaked to near perfection gameplay wise and thats almost right out of the box and nothing has looked off to me .

Just so many little subtle things SCEA got right and even down to slow guys lumber down the line properly and fielding animations are much improved though Catching still is unresponsive at times .

Cant wait to get the Highlight reel back soon and a updated roster
# 348 CujoMatty @ 04/08/15 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
Trophies are fun and I always Platinum The Show within a week Though the last one may take a while because Im not buying those stub things .

More impressions so I basically only play in Post Season mode but I notice all games start at night pitch dark so thats kinda odd and disappointing so I decide to do a Season mode sim to Post Season and like magic I have day and even night games with sunsets and its wonderful lightening again and even the presentation seems more lively and less generic like in Post Season mode ?

Now Im playing with A&S sliders and I have to say it again how gameplay unfolds is freaky scary as it so realistic looking and feeling !

I mean the cutoffs , positioning , the logic , the ball physics this game has been tweaked to near perfection gameplay wise and thats almost right out of the box and nothing has looked off to me .

Just so many little subtle things SCEA got right and even down to slow guys lumber down the line properly and fielding animations are much improved though Catching still is unresponsive at times .

Cant wait to get the Highlight reel back soon and a updated roster
I lost a game by trying to get navarro in scoring position and stretching a sure double with anyone else in the league but maybe molina. It was kinda fun yelling run you fat @#$! At my tv screen though.
# 349 Herschie @ 04/08/15 06:26 AM
The new lighting system is fantastic. I just lost a tough 19 inning game at Wrigley. What was cool was that the game started at 1:20.

Since not only the progression of the lighting is dead on, but so is the lighting itself, the game looked just like those peaceful sunny afternoons at the ballpark that I remember as a kid. Because the sun and shadows are so dead on, it brings back those memories that past versions of this game for some reason didn't.

But it was also cool watching the shadows creep across the field as the afternoon went into the evening hours, and eventually towards the end of the game, even that turned into dusk. Around 5, it brought back memories of rush hour traffic on I90 after I had the brilliant idea of eating Taco Bell beforehand. In any case, the lighting on the field perfectly matched the time on the Wrigley scoreboard, and that was so cool.

I've also been playing some absolutely epic games so far this year. We just need a patch to fix some bugs, and this terrific game will be absolutely perfect. Here's a photo from the game:
# 350 Smallville102001 @ 04/08/15 10:29 AM
Man 19 innings is a long long game. I had a 15 inning game that I won 4-3 on a walk off error lol. The CPU had a fly ball go passed them that allowed me to score form first with 2 outs or I would have been going to a 16th inning if they caught the ball like they should have.
# 351 Smallville102001 @ 04/08/15 04:01 PM
Any one else finding this game to be way way harder then in the past? In the past I would play on like all star for both hitting and pitching. Right now I am in my 6th game on DD and still at rookie for both hitting and pitching and I just gave up 7 runs in only 4 innings with bumgarner and I am hitting into like a million double plays a game. I don't think I have had a game yet with out hitting into at least one double play and most games it has been like 2 or 3 a game.
# 352 N51_rob @ 04/08/15 04:16 PM
Don't know if its a server thing or not, but today it took me 4:30 from hitting the option button to log into the game, the time before that I got a CE error.

# 353 Spokker @ 04/08/15 04:18 PM
Although I love the game, I am definitely looking forward to a patch to fix some of the most glaring issues. What's affecting me directly are the Wrigley Field boundaries problems where foul balls in a certain spot are called home runs. I benefit from this once but it went against me three times.
# 354 Pt81094 @ 04/08/15 06:58 PM
For the life of me i cannot sign a single free agent in the offseason of franchise mode..i have tried i even offered Brayan Pena a 2 yr/ 12 million dollar contract and he had no interest while the Rays offered 2yr/ 3.14 and he will sign with them..am i doing something wrong?
# 355 DJ @ 04/08/15 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by N51_rob
Don't know if its a server thing or not, but today it took me 4:30 from hitting the option button to log into the game, the time before that I got a CE error.

I had the same thing happen to me just now. Was able to play, but the menus took several minutes to load and input response was laggy.
# 356 CujoMatty @ 04/09/15 02:20 AM
I just read the ign review. I agree with it and most other reviews game is good a solid 8 or 8.5 but not too different from 14.
Something that I'm sick of reading about though and it was mentioned in the ign review is about the crowd. While I agree that the crowd looks great and honestly the best out there articles always mention the variety and how they have to really look to see duplicate people. Again I agree but the actual scenes that matter are the close up cut scenes. As good looking as Ramone and the other devs are the novelty of seeing them at the begining of every game and every place ever has worn out with me. These devs are awesome and I mean zero disrespect but I wish they would capitalize on the randomness of the crowd.
# 357 ChrisHansen59 @ 04/09/15 03:13 AM
The same problem that has always existed in this series on the higher difficulties remains here; if you dare take a lead, they're going to take every ball and hit anything and everything no matter where you put it or how you mix up your pitches
# 358 CujoMatty @ 04/09/15 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisHansen59
The same problem that has always existed in this series on the higher difficulties remains here; if you dare take a lead, they're going to take every ball and hit anything and everything no matter where you put it or how you mix up your pitches
I use to think that too and if I'm being honest every once and a while I still feel like I'm being cheated. Ive read a bunch of the threads and taken others advice and it rarely happens to me anymore and realistically it does happen in real life. Look at the jays game tonight. 2 hit batters and a wild pitch followed by a lucky hit and bam. Game over.
i think it's human nature to feel like we're being cheated when things don't go our way. If I had a dollar for every time I said "this game cheats" while growing up I'd be rich. Not trying to diminish your opinion just my thoughts.
# 359 CujoMatty @ 04/09/15 06:58 AM
Decided to continue my rtts from last year. I could not get into it last year for the life of me. I've now been playing it for 3 hours and am really enjoying it. I figured out why I like it so much better this year. The load times plain and simple. Not waiting 5 minutes to play for 3 makes such a difference.
# 360 thomeklund @ 04/09/15 10:56 AM
My impressions of 15? I'm just so glad I still have 14 and Pro Yakyuu Spirits so I can enjoy baseball-games. Never ever buying the show again if pure analog hitting isn't taken back like its supposed to be.

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