MLB 15 The Show News Post

Now that MLB 15 The Show is available for everyone, we would like to hear some early impressions from the OS community. Early impressions from the lucky OSers that found a copy early, can be seen here.

Please, only post impressions.

If you have questions, please use this thread.

If you want to see the beauty the game has, check out our member submitted Photography/Videography thread.

If you have bugs to report, please use this thread.

With that said, let's hear those impressions!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 bwiggy33 @ 04/01/15 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by GWPump23
Ha! Didn't mean to get you going bwiggy33...

Wust checking to see if this is a patch-able glitch? If a setting I selected caused this? Or, a feature which has been taken out... either is OK with me :-)

Oh you didn't get me going. I was coming on here to post exactly what I did (to provide my first impressions with this game) but since I saw your post above I decided to reply to it. I'm hoping the foul ball camera can be patched as well. That would really help a lot. But yes I do think it's the fact the option was taken out of the game.
# 162 brrmikey @ 04/01/15 02:03 PM
love the game as usual. i pitch and hit on broadcast view for the true "play like i'm watching on tv" experience. with that said i wish i could change just a few things:

1. removal of the XP notifications at the top of the screen
2. removal of the baserunning indicator icon
3. removal of the blue circle around the fielder with the ball
4. ability to disable the defensive shift icon that pops up every at bat it seems
5. sad to see the foul balls tracked into the stands has been decreased 95%

i'm in the minority...i'm a type of player who doesn't mind a single game to last 1.5 hours if it has to...i get to play the game once or twice a week due to time constraints and when i do get to play, i love the full lenghty game, like that on TV...it seems slightly too much "baseball" has been cut out IMO between pitches...hope that makes sense.

with that said, the first installment of the series on ps4 was worth the console purchase, no doubt...and this year's version adds many things that still make the previous version a coaster...i just named the negative things in my experience with the game, don't have time to write a war and peace novel of the good things
# 163 Rubio809 @ 04/01/15 02:13 PM
And I thought I was the only disappointed in not showing the foul balls. Game doesn't feel as authentic without it. I know a lot of people could care less to see this, but some really do.
# 164 JasonSGN @ 04/01/15 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by bwiggy33

1. Slow play taken out (MLB 14)

2. Camera following foul ball option taken out (MLB 15)

3. Pitch feedback without swing feedback option. Instead when you have this option on, you are forced to have swing feedback with the pitch location. I don't want the swing feedback. The workaround is to hit R2 after the pitch but it'd be nice to just see it on screen after the pitch. (MLB 15)
These are my three biggest gripes too. I just came on here to see if I was missing a setting for number three. Unfortunately hitting R2 after the pitch doesn't give you the speed. I hope this is patched back in.
# 165 aukevin @ 04/01/15 03:03 PM
One thing I can say about this game is unlike a lot of sports games, this one felt different when playing it this year. This is mainly a result of the fielding, everything looks and feels so smooth from the controls to the animations. Really feels polished. Stadium graphics are so much improved this year that it helps the new game feel as well.

As it comes to gameplay, I'll have to play more to really tell what all gameplay tunings have changed the game for me. I can say in the first two games I played I saw both the things that irritate me to death, a pickoff throw into the stands and a liner off the pitcher that he easily gathers and throws me out at first.

But it really does feel like a new game early on, that's not something I felt last year even jumping from the PS3 to PS4.
# 166 Viktor @ 04/01/15 03:34 PM
I only had a chance to play through the exhibition game so can't comment on the full game, but let me start by saying I've only been playing this game for maybe 4 years now. I don't think I've ever played a regular game to be honest. I usually waste time in HR derby or batting/pitching practice. I honestly don't know why but I've never bothered playing a regular game lol. I did try a bit of RTTS in 14 in preparation of finally doing something in 15.

That said, I really enjoyed the exhibition game in both pitching and batting. I like the dynamic difficulty as I'm not that good at the game. It makes it enjoyable while not being overly easy for someone like me. In previous games I had used the pure analog or whatever with the down then up motion, so that was a little odd to begin with and I found my timing really off. I switched to directional option and almost immediately picked it up better, including a 2-run HR. Also, even with my limited fielding time, it felt a lot better from what I can remember.

I had issues installing last night which is why I didn't get past the exhibition game, so hopefully I can spend more time tonight.
# 167 TripleCrown9 @ 04/01/15 04:09 PM
Just blasted a 425-ft, 3-run homer with Rusney Castillo in today's spring training game.

I think I'm gonna enjoy this year's game.
# 168 RoyceDa59 @ 04/01/15 04:11 PM
Does anyone else PS4 get really loud while playing this game? I have the disc version.
# 169 DJ @ 04/01/15 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by RoyceDa59
Does anyone else PS4 get really loud while playing this game? I have the disc version.
Not yet. I had this issue a couple of times playing The Last of Us. After I cleaned the PS4 the issue went away.
# 170 RunN1st @ 04/01/15 04:30 PM
Rest Mode was made for this game! Loving being able put the controller down and come back to my game as time permits.
# 171 HozAndMoose @ 04/01/15 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by RoyceDa59
Does anyone else PS4 get really loud while playing this game? I have the disc version.
Mine gets loud. No where near as loud as it did for 14 though.
# 172 Cpre5 @ 04/01/15 05:34 PM
Week 2, first big cpu trade

E.Longoria for J.Lester
# 173 SupremeYankee @ 04/01/15 05:35 PM
Biggest complaint so far is the difference in pitch speed, on 10 everything is very very slow in coming to the plate, I have a ton of time to decide to swing unlike in previous versions. for the most part the game is great other than that once you get a good slider set going. Default slider as always are useless
# 174 Ebounce88 @ 04/01/15 06:03 PM
Things seem better put together with visuals and mechanics. Had a problem at first installing, but Uninstalled and tried again worked fine. Not sure I like directional hitting probably go back to using pci but not an issue. Soundtrack is weak so far but spotify is here so oh well.. don't like some of their potential ratings and ratings in general for my mariners. Haven't tried online that's the big thing left on my to do list..happy tater hitting everyone
# 175 Ebounce88 @ 04/01/15 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by RunN1st
Rest Mode was made for this game! Loving being able put the controller down and come back to my game as time permits.
I agree great feature in general and for the show
# 176 ltw0303cavs @ 04/01/15 06:11 PM
I am having so much fun with this game, it's beautiful , gameplay is great. We say all the time, no sports game can be perfect but wow best Show I've played and I've played since Laser Show was in cover.1. How cool is it on a party cloudy day, that the lighting changes as you play ?

2. Quick counts has been great, plus as a guy who has struggled as a hitter, I can artificially work counts, get walks, up pitch counts because let's face it, if you can hit my god how much more fun is this game ?

3.the sounds, the animations are just so detailed, it just immerses you.

4. I have not started franchise but if The Show could have a MY League where you can have ability to be commissioner and veto trades ? Would be awesome.

5.the Dynamic pitch breaks are well done, I really have had a easier time reading pitches but because no pitch breaks exactly the same it keeps it a challenge which is a good thing.

6. I still think runners are a bit too aggressive but I'm sure sliders can take care of that
Starting franchise tonight will post more impressions later
# 177 Ebounce88 @ 04/01/15 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
i'm in the same position with the anniversary edition. Its been 2 hrs and I'm only a quarter of the way.
Sure you probably know by now mine did same.had to Uninstalled then eject, put back in and reinstalled. Worked after and didn't take longer then 15 minutes
# 178 THESHAMISASHAME @ 04/01/15 07:09 PM
They more I play the more Im disappointed that what little fresh presentation and overlays we had in prior years has been gutted or moved and this is one thing that SCEA did perfectly then other sports games .

Heres a few examples and they more I play the more I find , No more end of game Highlights ? I rather have that then same boring monotone announcing we get each year .

They promote fans/ball boys ect catching fouls balls but most of the time the camera doesnt follow or cuts away and this really takes away from the immersion or at least give us the option.

Cant turn off tiny R2 pitch selection box when Im batting unless I dont mind mine always being off when I pitch ?

I thought I was going crazy but I couldnt find how many Ks I had ? I clicked every direction and nothing so I finally had to pause and could only find that in the box score ?

Sure these are tiny things but very annoying when none of this should had ever been touched .
# 179 dalger21 @ 04/01/15 07:10 PM
SCEA did a great job with the way they do the World Series and the winner. The best I've seen..
# 180 sydrogerdavid @ 04/01/15 07:38 PM
More impressions...

I think I'm addicted to DD. This is the best it's ever been. It's simple and fun.

Along with how well online is running (I can actually see contact), I plan on getting deep into this mode. I've never played more than two online games in any version of The Show, but I will this year.

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