MLB 15 The Show News Post

Now that MLB 15 The Show is available for everyone, we would like to hear some early impressions from the OS community. Early impressions from the lucky OSers that found a copy early, can be seen here.

Please, only post impressions.

If you have questions, please use this thread.

If you want to see the beauty the game has, check out our member submitted Photography/Videography thread.

If you have bugs to report, please use this thread.

With that said, let's hear those impressions!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 141 Openroad_7 @ 04/01/15 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Guys who played 14 did you get your gold rewards when you installed 15?


I didn't see anything indicating rewards, when I first got into the game I got a server connection error. I did see at some point a Puig Gold Card under the Dodgers RF list. Would this be a Gold Reward? Are there others that I should look for?
# 142 Turbojugend @ 04/01/15 11:31 AM
A few things surprised me when I first booted up '15, the first being just how much of a difference the new lighting makes. It's one thing to see it in commercials and YouTube vids, it's entirely another to see it in an actual game. This combined with the improved frame rates (still not perfect, but smoother than last year for sure) make for a much better visual experience.

I had no complaint with the stadiums in '14, but man do they look better this year. During a game at Angel Stadium I moved the replay camera to take a look outside the park, of course the big "A" is still in the parking lot, but there are also cars in areas that will never ever show up on an in-game or replay cam. Same with AT&T and the docks south of McCovey Cove. This level of detail is simply amazing.

Second, while I was aware of year-to-year saves, I wasn't aware the game was going to import all of my settings from '14: audio, dynamic difficulty, etc. Which is nice.

Diamond Dynasty looks freakin' awesome this year. Got some good pulls from the Anniversary packs and '14 loyalty rewards, and hey, Class-A names are in! I can rebuild my Lancaster JetHawks in DD! I see myself spending a lot of time in this mode.
# 143 Openroad_7 @ 04/01/15 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Bgd89
Can someone help me please, does this game support offline co op mode? I want to play with my friend franchise mode offline against AI?

It should connect a second controller and it should be able to move the controller icon to the team selection in the game mode, for example exhibition.
# 144 Maxflier @ 04/01/15 11:42 AM
Rewards? Crap! I guess deleting 14 and it's save files before installing 15 was a bad idea...
# 145 the.shrike29 @ 04/01/15 11:53 AM
Loving all the enhancements so far.

Target Field and downtown and the buildings you can see through the openings in the actual stadium are there. So great.

Love the new ball flight and the new outfield fielding...Arcia had an adventure or two, while Torii sucks everything up effortlessly.

Oh, and maybe my favorite thing so far: Interpol on the soundtrack! Love it that one of my favorite bands is in the game...maybe Daniel being a ball fan had something to do with it.

Can't wait to get started in Franchise
# 146 erod550 @ 04/01/15 12:03 PM
Disappointed that catchers still have superhuman reaction speed on little choppers in front of the plate. It's been a problem the last 2 or 3 years and hasn't changed this year. No catcher should be able to field a chopper out in front of the plate and tag the batter before he gets two steps out of the box, especially a left-handed batter. That just should not happen ever, and it already happened within the first 4 games I played. Was one of my biggest peeves from previous years and it's still there. :\
# 147 sink4ever @ 04/01/15 12:11 PM
I've only played a few innings so far but coming from '14 on the PS3 to '15 on the PS4 . . . wow.

Lighting, graphics, crowds, stadiums, just gorgeous.

Defense feels . . . tighter, for lack of a better word. Definitely an improvement, looking forward to actually playing defense more than ever before. Also appreciate the change to CPU defense as well, had a long fly ball last night that went for a double thanks to the CPU OF's route.

New pitch breaks are great, a very welcome addition.

I had to buy '14 on PS4 to carry over my franchise save, but that's all seemed to work very smoothly so far. There are a fair number of guys missing from the game, hopefully that's something that gets cleared up.

I do have to send a very hearty "darn you to heck!" to all the people who have been clamoring for years for that split second delay after the batter makes contact. It's kind of driving me nuts right now.

Directional hitting is a great addition. Might be a while before I feel the full effect of it, but I love that we have that option now.
# 148 dalger21 @ 04/01/15 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Devilsfan3026
Which stance is Ken Griffey Jr's among the legends stances?
# 149 Bullit @ 04/01/15 12:19 PM
I have never seen this before and I played 3 years last year in my franchise, but I simmed a year a head just to mess around and I got offered trades 4 times in the off season. Has anybody seen this before 15?
# 150 GWPump23 @ 04/01/15 12:53 PM

10-games in & the camera hasn't followed a foul ball into the stands? I hear that fans will catch foul balls, but I haven't witnessed this?

The pitch...
The swing...
Foul ball leaves the screen...
Announcer "Ball hit down the line & into the crowd"...
Pause, then crowd sound like they're reacting to an incoming souvenir...
AND... Camera hasn't left me during any of this?

I check the reply & the fans gather & stand up to catch the ball, but the replay ends just before the ball reaches their extended arms???

NOT complaining here, I'm loving this title (always do)... maybe this is an attempt to speed games along? Just seems to contradict what I've read & actually seen during the Twitch broadcasts...

And, yes... I'm using "Broadcast" presentation (broadcast offensive & defensive camera views too) & not "fast play"

Am I missing something?

# 151 Chairman7w @ 04/01/15 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Dolenz

- The default base running is a little easier to understand this year but I always end up fumbling with the controller more than not. I had two guys take off on a double steal last night and I am not sure how I even sent them. I then struggled and could not get them back to base and one was doubled up to end the inning.

Brother, I have struggled with base running with every baseball video game I've ever played, from RBI Baseball (Nintendo); to Tommy Lasorda & World Series Baseball (Genesis); to MLB on Playstation to now. It is what it is. LOLOL

That said, I LOVE the little symbol with the L-stick with the little arrows. That DOES help me quite a bit!
# 152 tomothyd @ 04/01/15 01:14 PM
Still no word on not getting gold loyalty. Tried tweeting at the show and talking to ps chat which they recommended and nothing. Is there anyway or time that we are going to be abe to get this? I know it's small but was looking forward to that
# 153 Number999 @ 04/01/15 01:23 PM
A bit disappointed at the stat depth in Franchise.

Just gives the 2014 stats and then the totals. Anyone know if after the 1st season it keeps track of stats year through year like 2015, 2016, etc..?
# 154 adamh6262 @ 04/01/15 01:25 PM
I only got to play the royals-giants game so far while the game was installing but during the game I laid down a bunt and got a base hit, i noticed that the fielders were slow while trying to get to the ball so i did it again, and again safe. I got bunt singles like 5 straight at bats.
# 155 LowerWolf @ 04/01/15 01:29 PM
As I played MLB 14 all winter, I told myself this was the year I was going to wait for a price drop/patch before buying.

Yeah, my resistance lasted all of a day after reading this thread. Picked 15 up on my lunch break. I'll have some impressions tonight.

I hate you all for breaking me.

# 156 stlchamp10 @ 04/01/15 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Bgd89
Can someone help me please, does this game support offline co op mode? I want to play with my friend franchise mode offline against AI?
You can use the shareplay feature if both are online and both wanna play your offline franchise.
# 157 bwiggy33 @ 04/01/15 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by GWPump23

10-games in & the camera hasn't followed a foul ball into the stands? I hear that fans will catch foul balls, but I haven't witnessed this?

The pitch...
The swing...
Foul ball leaves the screen...
Announcer "Ball hit down the line & into the crowd"...
Pause, then crowd sound like they're reacting to an incoming souvenir...
AND... Camera hasn't left me during any of this?

I check the reply & the fans gather & stand up to catch the ball, but the replay ends just before the ball reaches their extended arms???

NOT complaining here, I'm loving this title (always do)... maybe this is an attempt to speed games along? Just seems to contradict what I've read & actually seen during the Twitch broadcasts...

And, yes... I'm using "Broadcast" presentation (broadcast offensive & defensive camera views too) & not "fast play"

Am I missing something?

Yes this is ridiculously annoying. They took out the foul ball camera option in the game play options. That is the reason they do not follow foul balls. All of the other iterations of the game had the choice between the camera following foul balls, or not.

The game is absolutely awesome. It is such a breath of fresh air that the colors finally pop, and don't look washed out. The gameplay is always good so honestly I don't even think that needs talking about. There are just so many good things with the game that we all know, but there are also a few negatives that are aggrevating me quite a bit. Sadly they are all options that are missing and some people care about them while others don't.

I know SCEA prides themselves on customization and not taking anything out of the game. However, that hasn't held true in my situation. Some of these taken out options include:

1. Slow play taken out (MLB 14)

2. Camera following foul ball option taken out (MLB 15)

3. Pitch feedback without swing feedback option. Instead when you have this option on, you are forced to have swing feedback with the pitch location. I don't want the swing feedback. The workaround is to hit R2 after the pitch but it'd be nice to just see it on screen after the pitch. (MLB 15)

These are just a few things and may not seem important to some, but this is how I had played the game since I started back in 2010. It's very hard to transition to new settings, but I'm forced to because SCEA took them out. I can't even describe how hard it was to have to use normal speed instead of slow last year. The lack of a foul ball camera really takes the immersion of the game out this year. It's just something so small but added a lot to my experience. For real games on TV they always show foul balls and fans going after them. I just don't like being forced to look at the batter after hitting or pitching to a batter who hits a foul ball.

There are so many great things with this game, but it's been that way for years and will continue to stay that way. What's crappy though is the negatives stand out and the issues above are my major ones. I can deal with glitches and little bugs coming out along the way, but options being taken out of the game are very aggravating. If this is due to trying to speed up the game I understand that aspect. However, don't punish the people who prefer the slower pace of a game which in all actuality represents the sport the best. That's why we have options. SCEA is so great at customization, but it's a shame that all of the options they've taken out, I've used. I still love the game and will continue to play but it would be nice if these settings were all in the game.
# 158 GWPump23 @ 04/01/15 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by bwiggy33
Yes this is ridiculously annoying. They took out the foul ball camera option in the game play options. That is the reason they do not follow foul balls. All of the other iterations of the game had the choice between the camera following foul balls, or not.

The game is absolutely awesome. It is such a breath of fresh air that the colors finally pop, and don't look washed out. The gameplay is always good so honestly I don't even think that needs talking about. There are just so many good things with the game that we all know, but there are also a few negatives that are aggrevating me quite a bit. Sadly they are all options that are missing and some people care about them while others don't.

I know SCEA prides themselves on customization and not taking anything out of the game. However, that hasn't held true in my situation. Some of these taken out options include:

1. Slow play taken out (MLB 14)

2. Camera following foul ball option taken out (MLB 15)

3. Pitch feedback without swing feedback option. Instead when you have this option on, you are forced to have swing feedback with the pitch location. I don't want the swing feedback. The workaround is to hit R2 after the pitch but it'd be nice to just see it on screen after the pitch. (MLB 15)

These are just a few things and may not seem important to some, but this is how I had played the game since I started back in 2010. It's very hard to transition to new settings, but I'm forced to because SCEA took them out. I can't even describe how hard it was to have to use normal speed instead of slow last year. The lack of a foul ball camera really takes the immersion of the game out this year. It's just something so small but added a lot to my experience. For real games on TV they always show foul balls and fans going after them. I just cannot stand looking at the batter.

There are so many great things with this game, but it's been that way for years and will continue to stay that way. What's crappy though is the negatives stand out and the issues above are my major ones. I can deal with glitches and little bugs coming out along the way, but options being taken out of the game are very aggravating. I still love the game and will continue to play but it would be nice if these settings were all in the game.

Ha! Didn't mean to get you going bwiggy33...

Wust checking to see if this is a patch-able glitch? If a setting I selected caused this? Or, a feature which has been taken out... either is OK with me :-)

# 159 Wavebird99 @ 04/01/15 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by erod550
Disappointed that catchers still have superhuman reaction speed on little choppers in front of the plate. It's been a problem the last 2 or 3 years and hasn't changed this year. No catcher should be able to field a chopper out in front of the plate and tag the batter before he gets two steps out of the box, especially a left-handed batter. That just should not happen ever, and it already happened within the first 4 games I played. Was one of my biggest peeves from previous years and it's still there. :\
Thats strange, because I've had the issue where the catcher takes forever to move out of his box to field a grounder in front of the plate, but also had them spring out like a cat.

In general, after playing a few more games last night, I've come down a bit on my "fielding is amazing" praise. The infield in particular still feels a bit wonky, and infielders are still far too ****** on deep balls at their positions.

I didnt appreciate seeing hard hit grounders being fielded too slowly/******ly by infielders in 14, resulting in infield singles on what should be outs, and even with the supposed "realistic" baserunning to first, I saw it happen a couple of times last night. It seems shortstops in particular still have a hard time fielding balls deep in their hole.
# 160 jcar0725 @ 04/01/15 01:52 PM
This game is amazing. Engrossing. But if there is a way to practice baserunning (default) then please clue me in, because I am HORRIBLE at baserunning. I'm tempted to put it on autobaserunning.

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