Madden NFL 15 News Post

Madden NFL 15 title update #2 is available now for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One users. The PlayStation 4 patch is 281 MB, while the Xbox One patch is 3.1 GB. Looking at the update history on the PlayStation 4 patch, it only shows minor stability and bug fixes.

When EA Sports and the Madden NFL 15 team send out the details, this post will be updated.

UPDATE: Here are the patch details.


- Fixed or enhanced multiple team uniforms
- Added tuning adjustments to offline Connected Franchise Mode, matching Online CFM hot fixes
- Added a “Slim” Play Call option
- Added the ability to button through the entire halftime presentation
- Added button prompt to defensive play call to inform the user they can back out to pick their play before the offense does
- Tuned down QB accuracy for lower tiered QB's, especially on passes under 10 yards
- Addressed issue where the formation name would not update during no huddle situations
- Improved line shifting functionality out of defensive camera
- Defensive Play Call timer has been extended to 15 seconds
- Addressed issue where users only had 10 seconds to call a play vs. the AI
- Improved defensive adaptive AI
- Added QB signature passing styles
- Addressed issue where reading keys against the read option wasn't working on All-Madden difficulty
- Added logic for receivers that prevents the wrong animation from triggering during catchable passes
- Added logic to prevent multiple ways of grieving during online games
- Improved logic in CFM when determining who the starting RT should be
- Addressed an issue where the user would fail when punting the ball out of bounds on the Medium Coffin Corner drill
- Addressed an exploit where users could put WR's at the TE position on the depth chart inside of MUT
- General improvements to Madden Messenger
- General improvements to commentary logic
- Multiple CoachGlass improvements
- Fixed an issue where the user’s play would sometimes be auto-selected on defense

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 421 Gorilla Glass @ 10/09/14 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
LOL I like how you completely dodged that question. I repeat, how does making the game more sim RESTRICT the user and make it any less of a videogame?

First of all, false starts and holding have been in previous Madden's and have been the only penalties in Madden for most of its lifetime. So yes I want all the realism that exist in the NFL. Which includes penalties. How much will it slow the game down? Um maybe 5 seconds? Have you ever got a penalty in Madden. Did you take a 5 minute TV timeout or something? You get a penalty. Accept it. Back to the game. Hardly slows down anything, not that it ever happens.

You don't have to breakdown the game everytime you play it. But if you can't see the problem with the AI you are just ignorantly bliss. I don't have to breakdown anything when I watch the QB consistently run into my left end. I understand you don't get why people are complaining because YOU enjoy the product. Hell I enjoy i too, but I can't turn a blind eye to obvious flaws.

Either way, you are trying to make it seem like they CANT make the game more realistic because it would hurt the user. Please explain how...
Yeah everything has flaws, that's why God created message boards.lol

No matter how 'realistic' or arcade they make the game, it will.still be nit picked about something or another.

I look forward to Madden every year because I love football and it does a good job representing every major aspect of the game. Yeah it has flaws and no it's not perfect, but it's to my liking and that's what it's all about.

Sorry but I can't bring myself to complaining every year about minute stuff.

Madden is what it is, slow down, realise that and enjoy...
# 422 rudyjuly2 @ 10/09/14 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by dkp23
So the slim playcallscreen is optional right? it is on by default now or can you switch back to the bigger and laggier one?
For me it wasn't on by default. I had to turn it on. There isn't much difference. I like it on since I can see more of the screen on replays and that every time I cycle through the formations I don't get the extra info that pops up. But you can't cycle through the different sub-formations at the main screen either which I'm personally fine with.
# 423 Sturzinator @ 10/09/14 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by wordtobigbird
LOL I like how you completely dodged that question. I repeat, how does making the game more sim RESTRICT the user and make it any less of a videogame?

First of all, false starts and holding have been in previous Madden's and have been the only penalties in Madden for most of its lifetime. So yes I want all the realism that exist in the NFL. Which includes penalties. How much will it slow the game down? Um maybe 5 seconds? Have you ever got a penalty in Madden. Did you take a 5 minute TV timeout or something? You get a penalty. Accept it. Back to the game. Hardly slows down anything, not that it ever happens.

You don't have to breakdown the game everytime you play it. But if you can't see the problem with the AI you are just ignorantly bliss. I don't have to breakdown anything when I watch the QB consistently run into my left end. I understand you don't get why people are complaining because YOU enjoy the product. Hell I enjoy i too, but I can't turn a blind eye to obvious flaws.

Either way, you are trying to make it seem like they CANT make the game more realistic because it would hurt the user. Please explain how...
Looks like the Gorilla has dug himself a deep hole.......lol.
# 424 JonPaste @ 10/09/14 11:38 AM
Ok here's the real deal. Post patch I like it. Seems the cpu QB is still to good but I play on all madden and set that to 8 and it's real now. Everything seemss to be fine, I don't mind getting sacks and them getting sacks. My issue is every game I've played if I'm up my team will sack them every third down when they are trying to tie or win. Every time. Sometimes I don't mind cause it does happen in real life. But every damn game it does this.
It takes away the fun cause in the 4th the cpu plays great and you get to the edge of your seat and all the sudden. Sack, sack, sack, sack. Imo this kills the game for me, makes it boring. The only times this game works for me is when I'm losing and the one coming back.
So until the sacks are fixed this game ultimately sucks. I know people that want to win 100% of the time and will cry if they don't and they love it. They yell "Yes he sacked him again, my ball"
I like it when I beat them and I really beat them.
# 425 fistofrage @ 10/09/14 12:05 PM
For those who are seeing too many sacks, have you adjusted the holding slider at all?

The penalty sliders do two things and its an either/or:

1. They Trigger animations happening more often like the facemask animation.
2. They Prevent the AI players from doing things for fear of getting a penalty.

At default sliders and default penalties, I did not see a real sack problem. I also did not see any holding penalties.

My theory would be that people who see a ton of sacks may have moved the holding slider to try to get some calls and the AI players are releasing their blocks too soon to prevent the penalty being called.

I'm not in any way doubting that the sack issue exists. I just haven't seen it, and trying to figure out why.
# 426 GMEN36 @ 10/09/14 12:21 PM
Iam having an issue now in offline franchise ,I go to play giants vs lions week 1 and all it does is say loading data please wait and it never advances ..Is this a problem since the new patch ? It happened every time I reset the system yesterday ,its very frustrating
# 427 Icelandair @ 10/09/14 12:28 PM
There might be too many sacks but I see them as balancing out the absurd lack of penalties. Given the almost total absence of offensive penalties, it is the only way you will ever see 2 and 20 in the game. Since penalties in real life are also drive killers, two or three drives killed by sacks in the game seem to equal the drives killed by a penalty in real life. Without sacks or penalties the offenses might be too potent.
# 428 Davon_A_Brown @ 10/09/14 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Icelandair
There might be too many sacks but I see them as balancing out the absurd lack of penalties. Given the almost total absence of offensive penalties, it is the only way you will ever see 2 and 20 in the game. Since penalties in real life are also drive killers, two or three drives killed by sacks in the game seem to equal the drives killed by a penalty in real life. Without sacks or penalties the offenses might be too potent.

That's one way to look at it...

Th3 Chos3n On3
# 429 kehlis @ 10/09/14 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gorilla Glass
I'm not talking to anyone like their idiots, but it's not up to me how you interpret posts.

I think EA should leave the game alone and that's just my opinion.

And that's fine, I agree 100%

I struggle with the accusation that some of us are nitpicking the game. I am not a nitpicker of games at all, I very much enjoy this game with this one issue which is drastically affecting the game as it's played on the field which should be our first concern.

Like I said, I'm glad it's not affecting you and if that were the case for me I wouldn't campaign for change either.

Just not sure why you decided to get on a pedestal and tell those of us that see this issue that we are wrong for pointing this out since it plays fine for you.
# 430 NicVirtue @ 10/09/14 01:45 PM
It's not really nitpicking if it's being held to a standard that the developer set themselves. Seems fair to me. But it's been made clear who wants and cares about sim football, and who doesn't. No point in beating that horse anymore.
# 431 JonPaste @ 10/09/14 01:52 PM
The loading screen happens all the time, when it gets stuck simply reset the game go back in and set auto delegate to the improvements then play. I figured the patch would fix this but nope.
Also I never touched the holding or any penalties. I don't need penalties. I need less sacks.
# 432 kehlis @ 10/09/14 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Icelandair
There might be too many sacks but I see them as balancing out the absurd lack of penalties. Given the almost total absence of offensive penalties, it is the only way you will ever see 2 and 20 in the game. Since penalties in real life are also drive killers, two or three drives killed by sacks in the game seem to equal the drives killed by a penalty in real life. Without sacks or penalties the offenses might be too potent.

Penalties aren't (usually) a loss of down so big difference there.

Originally Posted by fistofrage
For those who are seeing too many sacks, have you adjusted the holding slider at all?

The penalty sliders do two things and its an either/or:

1. They Trigger animations happening more often like the facemask animation.

2. They Prevent the AI players from doing things for fear of getting a penalty.

At default sliders and default penalties, I did not see a real sack problem. I also did not see any holding penalties.

My theory would be that people who see a ton of sacks may have moved the holding slider to try to get some calls and the AI players are releasing their blocks too soon to prevent the penalty being called.

I'm not in any way doubting that the sack issue exists. I just haven't seen it, and trying to figure out why.

I saw something somewhere (twitter maybe) that turning up the intentional grounding slider has a positive effect. I'm going to check it out later.
# 433 JonPaste @ 10/09/14 01:54 PM
For the record I've had holding calls on field goal attempts, face mask, def PI. And even intentional grounding on a 60 yard TD. Offsides by defense and false starts. I don't need anything with these.
# 434 fistofrage @ 10/09/14 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by JonPaste
For the record I've had holding calls on field goal attempts, face mask, def PI. And even intentional grounding on a 60 yard TD. Offsides by defense and false starts. I don't need anything with these.
Did you see a sasquatch too?

With default sliders?
# 435 Gorilla Glass @ 10/09/14 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
And that's fine, I agree 100%

I struggle with the accusation that some of us are nitpicking the game. I am not a nitpicker of games at all, I very much enjoy this game with this one issue which is drastically affecting the game as it's played on the field which should be our first concern.

Like I said, I'm glad it's not affecting you and if that were the case for me I wouldn't campaign for change either.

Just not sure why you decided to get on a pedestal and tell those of us that see this issue that we are wrong for pointing this out since it plays fine for you.
Yeah I wouldn't call my stance as 'getting up on a pedestal,' I'm simply trying to imply that asking for something breaks something else.

If I'm not seeing these unusual sack numbers, and EA decides to listen to these squeaky wheels, then what does that means for me and others like me? Will it mean no sacks.???? I understand your concerns, now understand mine.

I'm playing on default sliders and the game is good and I hope it stays that way.
# 436 fistofrage @ 10/09/14 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
Penalties aren't (usually) a loss of down so big difference there.

I saw something somewhere (twitter maybe) that turning up the intentional grounding slider has a positive effect. I'm going to check it out later.
I would clear your settings reset at default. Gorilla isn't having the issue and I noticed he said he plays on default.

Try a game just default. Let us know the sack totals. Then try one where you adjust the Int Grounding. And make an observation. Then reset them again to default and see what the holding slider does.

I plan on doing something similar, but the more people we can get to build the sample size the better.
# 437 ulua @ 10/09/14 02:50 PM
Where do I go to check I if I have the patch? I did not get any notification to download one. This is for Xbox one

# 438 rudyjuly2 @ 10/09/14 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by ulua
Where do I go to check I if I have the patch? I did not get any notification to download one. This is for Xbox one

An easy way to find out is to just play. If you have 15 seconds to call a defensive play (instead of 10) you know you have it.

I'm glad they fixed the sim stats but they didn't fix the Kickoff stat that flashes that every kicker in the league averages a 22.3 yard start. It's a small glitch that I see at the start of every game.

They said they fixed some commentary but Simms was commenting on these long runs my RB had in the last game and one was only 2 yards. Don't remember hearing that before. I do like the season commentary and comparisons they do in the game now.
# 439 BadAssHskr @ 10/09/14 03:00 PM
I like how the shortened the time that the screen goes black after an injury or timeout, the places where on tv youd expect a comercial.

On the slim play calling, you cant see your personel, i like the slim, but i like better being able to see on screen whos currently on the field in the particular formation better.
# 440 ulua @ 10/09/14 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
An easy way to find out is to just play. If you have 15 seconds to call a defensive play (instead of 10) you know you have it.

I'm glad they fixed the sim stats but they didn't fix the Kickoff stat that flashes that every kicker in the league averages a 22.3 yard start. It's a small glitch that I see at the start of every game.

They said they fixed some commentary but Simms was commenting on these long runs my RB had in the last game and one was only 2 yards. Don't remember hearing that before. I do like the season commentary and comparisons they do in the game now.
Thanks, just tested and I do see that I do get 15 seconds to choose my defensive plays

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