Madden NFL 15 News Post

Looking at the list of upcoming demos for the week (via PlayStation.Blog), it doesn't appear as though we will see a Madden NFL 15 demo this week and odds are we won't see one next week either.

Things could change, but it doesn't look like we get a Madden demo this year. It could have something to do with EA Access, but that is an Xbox One exclusive. Who really knows, but it certainly doesn't look promising.

We have sent a note to EA Sports and if we get an official response we will update this post.

UPDATE: Just received an official response from EA Sports. Confirmed: No Madden NFL 15 demo.

UPDATE #2: (Polygon received a more detailed response)

Update: While EA initially declined to comment on the reasons for the lack of a Madden 15 demo, an EA representative reached out to Polygon after the publication of this story with the following statement to provide some additional context: "The difficult decision not to do a demo for Madden was strictly a result of the team's commitment to deliver the highest-quality game possible. We chose to put 100 percent of our development resources toward the full game."

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 aholbert32 @ 08/11/14 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
I think we all need to take off our consumer glasses here and there and see the business side of it from EA's perspective. As much as I don't like the move, it makes perfect sense for them.

I would do the same thing!

I, however, don't understand not opening up Access to all consoles. Maybe MS threw a bunch of money at them to try and sell consoles.
Sony rejected it.
# 142 friscob @ 08/11/14 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Sony rejected it.
Because they fear competition
# 143 aholbert32 @ 08/11/14 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Charlie Hussell
There WILL be a demo of Madden 15 this year... But it's going to cost $5 (EA Access).

Why would EA put out a free demo when people are willing to pay for it?
Wrong. Why are people acting as if Season Ticket didnt exist last year? EA released a demo last year and every year Season Ticket was out. Also there is a big difference between a demo and a trial.
# 144 aholbert32 @ 08/11/14 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Charlie Hussell
Because EA wasn't willing to give them a big enough slice of the pie.
How do you know this? Link. FYI, if you dont have a link I'm gonna ban you for trolling.
# 145 bcruise @ 08/11/14 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Charlie Hussell
There WILL be a demo of Madden 15 this year... But it's going to cost $5 (EA Access).

Why would EA put out a free demo when people are willing to pay for it?
Access (assuming it's going to be like Season Ticket which I feel is a pretty safe assumption) is more than a demo. Demos aren't full versions of the retail game, sans a team-building mode that they don't want anyone getting a head start in.
# 146 charter04 @ 08/11/14 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
Pretty sure everything has shut down here. I could go Redbox or GameFly potentially.

Gamefly has had a 30 day free trial offer going for a little while now. Might want to check into that
# 147 aholbert32 @ 08/11/14 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Charlie Hussell
My personal opinion is trolling now? You can't have opinions on OS?...

That's a just logical conclusion on my part. Why else would Sony try to save face and say $5 a month for a "Vault" of games is bad value for gamers?
You cant state things a fact. You didnt say "I think EA wasn't willing to give them a big enough slice of the pie."

Again be more clear in the future.
# 148 aholbert32 @ 08/11/14 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Charlie Hussell
Yes there was Season Ticket and a Demo last year, but EA wised up this year and decided to just cash in.

And yes, a Full but Limited version of a game is effectively a DEMO.
It took them 3 years to wise up? Also your definition of a demo is wrong.
# 149 inkcil @ 08/11/14 05:41 PM
It's actually FUN to get the demo a few weeks early. It's kinda been an unofficial aspect of the whole Madden release window hype experience: E3 videos, developer blogs, gameplay snippet vids, more developer blogs, then the demo, then full game footage released, then Madden Midnight launch and finally Madden Holiday. To me, the demo has always been right in the middle of all that.

But I can't say no demo means no purchase. I didn't like the Madden 13 demo too much with the "ragdoll" physics, but I still bought the game. Madden 25 demo (PS3) had disappearing players (which made into the retail version) and I still bought the game. And I never bought into this idea that the demo and retail were going to be noticeably different. Always seemed to the same to me.

Yet I still always buy the game because there is no substitute for playing full quarters and playing around in the menus, etc. So it's disappointing not to have a demo, but hopefully some full game videos are released by EA in the next week.
# 150 MarkcusD @ 08/11/14 05:44 PM
This is incredibly stupid. Don't know if I'm getting it now or ea access for that matter.
# 151 Deezo @ 08/11/14 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by CT Pittbull
It makes perfect business sense with EA JUST having heavily marketed their "EA Access Hub". Really not surprising as the lack of a demo will probably drive up sales a tick for their new season ticket/EA Access deal.

Doesn't matter to me. Im gonna buy the game either way because im a football junkie. Even more so this year because guys like me are really missing an NCAA football game. Usually NCAA would hold me over just fine until the Madden release. Probably gonna grab the early access too as I have a problem with patience. lol.
By far the hardest part about this years wait for Madden is not having NCAA. A title that is IMO much stronger than Madden when it comes to AI, Sliders and overall replayability.
# 152 Aggies7 @ 08/11/14 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Charlie Hussell
Yes there was Season Ticket and a Demo last year, but EA wised up this year and decided to just cash in.

And yes, a Full but Limited version of a game is effectively a DEMO.

In my opinion a demo is not what you described. The typical is typical 2 teams in a shortened game. That in no way represents a full but limited version. When you say full but limited I think more along the lines of a trial version, because in no way has EA every provided is a full but limited demo. Just my opinion.
# 153 Diehardfan @ 08/11/14 07:43 PM
It kinda reminds me of movie companies that refuse to preview their movies with the movie critics.....one thing is a constant, all those movies suck. Question here is, what are they hiding? I think I'll wait for a bit before I lay out my cash.
# 154 Hooe @ 08/11/14 07:51 PM
Maybe it's just me, but to accuse Tiburon of hiding something when they've live-streamed their game being played at least three times now (gameplay, presentation, and CFM broadcasts on Twitch) without any smoke-and-mirrors editing, post-production touch-ups, non-gameplay camera angles, or anything else doesn't make sense to me.

If anything, we've seen more of a Madden NFL game prior to release this year than any year previous in the history of the series. We've seen the game being played live, we know what it's going to entail.

I'm not saying that I wouldn't like to have a demo, I very much would. I want to play the game. It appears it's not in the cards, however.
# 155 Diehardfan @ 08/11/14 08:20 PM
Have you played the game? I have not. They say a picture is like a 1000 words...well, maybe in some cases but not a video game.
# 156 bretk23 @ 08/11/14 08:22 PM
Why would they put a demo out? So a bunch of constant bitchers could rip apart an early build and bash the hell out of EA like happens every year. I have been buying this game every year since Sega Genesis. There have been up years and down years, but not every year is the worst version like I constantly read people posting. There is a difference between constructive criticism and bashing.
# 157 HoundsOfHowl @ 08/11/14 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Maybe it's just me, but to accuse Tiburon of hiding something when they've live-streamed their game being played at least three times now (gameplay, presentation, and CFM broadcasts on Twitch) without any smoke-and-mirrors editing, post-production touch-ups, non-gameplay camera angles, or anything else doesn't make sense to me.

If anything, we've seen more of a Madden NFL game prior to release this year than any year previous in the history of the series. We've seen the game being played live, we know what it's going to entail.

I'm not saying that I wouldn't like to have a demo, I very much would. I want to play the game. It appears it's not in the cards, however.
All I know is after seeing the CFM broadcast I'm ready for the 21st.
# 158 Cowboy008 @ 08/11/14 08:25 PM
I just saw the update that an EA rep gave to polygon lol. They could have given us the demo from E3 or even Comic con.
# 159 mestevo @ 08/11/14 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Cowboy008
I just saw the update that an EA rep gave to polygon lol. They could have given us the demo from E3 or even Comic con.
Not really, those types of builds typically arent ready for mass consumption and people are there ready to resolve any problems should there be crashes, freezing, etc.
# 160 Hooe @ 08/11/14 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Diehardfan
Have you played the game? I have not. They say a picture is like a 1000 words...well, maybe in some cases but not a video game.
No, I have not played the game. However, Tiburon has gone well out of their way to educate gamers about exactly what they are buying this year.

I'm already buying the game, personally, so the lack of demo is a mild disappointment, but it's not something from which I'm going to try and draw any subliminal message.

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