Madden NFL 15 News Post

Looking at the list of upcoming demos for the week (via PlayStation.Blog), it doesn't appear as though we will see a Madden NFL 15 demo this week and odds are we won't see one next week either.

Things could change, but it doesn't look like we get a Madden demo this year. It could have something to do with EA Access, but that is an Xbox One exclusive. Who really knows, but it certainly doesn't look promising.

We have sent a note to EA Sports and if we get an official response we will update this post.

UPDATE: Just received an official response from EA Sports. Confirmed: No Madden NFL 15 demo.

UPDATE #2: (Polygon received a more detailed response)

Update: While EA initially declined to comment on the reasons for the lack of a Madden 15 demo, an EA representative reached out to Polygon after the publication of this story with the following statement to provide some additional context: "The difficult decision not to do a demo for Madden was strictly a result of the team's commitment to deliver the highest-quality game possible. We chose to put 100 percent of our development resources toward the full game."

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 Hooe @ 08/11/14 04:03 PM
This from Polygon:

Originally Posted by Polygon
While EA initially declined to comment on the reasons for the lack of a Madden 15 demo, an EA representative reached out to Polygon after the publication of this story with the following statement to provide some additional context: "The difficult decision not to do a demo for Madden was strictly a result of the team's commitment to deliver the highest-quality game possible. We chose to put 100 percent of our development resources toward the full game."
# 122 DirkJesusNowitzki @ 08/11/14 04:04 PM
Have they announced exactly what is in the Madden 15 trial for EA Access?
# 123 kehlis @ 08/11/14 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
No demo almost means no purchase for me. I'll stick with The Show. I might read impressions a month after release when everyone is more liable to tell the truth unlike the first coupe weeks. I definitely am not planning on buying it now. If a demo had been released and was enjoyable, EA would've gained a sale potentially.

Renting not an option?
# 124 spidertour02 @ 08/11/14 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Sheba2011
There have been some games I bought specifically cause I enjoyed the demo. It can be a big boost for lesser known games/companies. But for Madden CFM is the most important thing to me and a demo is next to useless for that.
Me too. In fact, I got into an entire EA franchise because of a demo -- Skate.
# 125 roadman @ 08/11/14 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
This from Polygon:
IE; Possible translation, we've been losing money over the years, let's not count the demo for our upcoming budget with the man hours invested until we start seeing more positive sales numbers.

Possible translation only.
# 126 raiderphantom @ 08/11/14 04:19 PM
Personally I think it's a smart business move. They've already enticed a lot of people with their improvements and its a way to sell the early pass.

I really do like what I've heard so far, especially the overall direction this series appears to be headed now.

However, If I wasn't so positive about the news and there was no demo, It would be another year I'd be skipping Madden. I can go back and play Madden 12. I wasn't a fan of Madden 13's CCM and for the first time in 11 years I skipped a madden game with 25. I don't need a game every year anymore to be honest.

All that being said, most of the time when I think I'm going to end up skipping a game, whether it was NBA 2K14 or 15, or Madden 12 or Madden 15, they reel me back in.
# 127 bcruise @ 08/11/14 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by DirkJesusNowitzki
Have they announced exactly what is in the Madden 15 trial for EA Access?
If it's like Season Ticket of the past generation, it's basically the whole game except Ultimate Team (they don't activate that until release).
# 128 canes21 @ 08/11/14 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
Renting not an option?
Pretty sure everything has shut down here. I could go Redbox or GameFly potentially.
# 129 pjburrage @ 08/11/14 04:31 PM
Not surprising, wouldn't be surprised if EA Access played a part (however small) in the decision. A game of this size and anticipation would be a smart marketing tool for this new service. It will be interesting to see if a similar decision is made over FIFA15, as that would probably have the same pull as Madden in the Rest of the World (particularly here in Europe). That will probably be a better indicator as if this is a company wide vision, or just an isolated decision.
# 130 SageInfinite @ 08/11/14 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
This from Polygon:
The game better be tight then.
# 131 Deezo @ 08/11/14 04:36 PM
CNet just posted an article on EA pulling demos due to Access paywall...if so thats....very EA....
# 132 CT Pitbull @ 08/11/14 04:38 PM
It makes perfect business sense with EA JUST having heavily marketed their "EA Access Hub". Really not surprising as the lack of a demo will probably drive up sales a tick for their new season ticket/EA Access deal.

Doesn't matter to me. Im gonna buy the game either way because im a football junkie. Even more so this year because guys like me are really missing an NCAA football game. Usually NCAA would hold me over just fine until the Madden release. Probably gonna grab the early access too as I have a problem with patience. lol.
# 133 aholbert32 @ 08/11/14 04:42 PM
Like I said before, if you have a problem with this:

1) Spend 5 bucks to get EA access or rent the game if you have an X1. There are thousands of Redboxes all over the country.

2) Rent the game of you have a PS4.
# 134 TreyIM2 @ 08/11/14 04:54 PM
A few thoughts swirled in my head when I first read this this morn during lunch (yes, lunch, in the morn. I work an early shift. Ha) and many have been touched on but I think this is definitely a move bought by MS in their deal with EA, figuring they'll sway not only late, now current gen (get caugt up last genners - heh) adopters, but grab PS4 only-ers like myself to grab an XBOne as an extra system or ditch PS4 altogether. Smart business move to try to take advantage of Sony's passing on the Access deal.

At any rate, to be honest, I completely forgot about a potential demo, to begin with, which is very unusual for me. I just kept thjnking about the Best Buy trade in deal for 25 which is ridiculously sweet, being a reward zoner, on top of things. $35 off Madden 15 plus a subsequent $10 reward zone certificate to boot.

I'm good waiting for 15 launch day.
# 135 friscob @ 08/11/14 04:58 PM
Buying it either way, only disappointed a little because i want to get my hands on it before release date. No worries though
# 136 MajorSupreme @ 08/11/14 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Like I said before, if you have a problem with this:

1) Spend 5 bucks to get EA access or rent the game if you have an X1. There are thousands of Redboxes all over the country.

2) Rent the game of you have a PS4.
But that requires getting out of the house, driving to a Redbox, getting the game, driving all the way back, and then play it. No one wants all of that lol.
# 137 friscob @ 08/11/14 05:02 PM
Don't know if this has been brought up yet, but with EA Access launching today it makes me speculate that maybe they're not launching a demo to try and get more people to subscribe to their new program for some early access gameplay.
# 138 aholbert32 @ 08/11/14 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by friscob
Don't know if this has been brought up yet, but with EA Access launching today it makes me speculate that maybe they're not launching a demo to try and get more people to subscribe to their new program for some early access gameplay.
Its been brought up several times.
# 139 roadman @ 08/11/14 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by friscob
Don't know if this has been brought up yet, but with EA Access launching today it makes me speculate that maybe they're not launching a demo to try and get more people to subscribe to their new program for some early access gameplay.
Possibly, but where does that leave the other three consoles that people own?

If I didn't have an xbox1, and I had one of the other consoles, Access wouldn't push or move me to spend 30.00 for another console.
# 140 NDAlum @ 08/11/14 05:05 PM
I think we all need to take off our consumer glasses here and there and see the business side of it from EA's perspective. As much as I don't like the move, it makes perfect sense for them.

I would do the same thing!

I, however, don't understand not opening up Access to all consoles. Maybe MS threw a bunch of money at them to try and sell consoles.

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