Madden NFL 15 News Post

Looking at the list of upcoming demos for the week (via PlayStation.Blog), it doesn't appear as though we will see a Madden NFL 15 demo this week and odds are we won't see one next week either.

Things could change, but it doesn't look like we get a Madden demo this year. It could have something to do with EA Access, but that is an Xbox One exclusive. Who really knows, but it certainly doesn't look promising.

We have sent a note to EA Sports and if we get an official response we will update this post.

UPDATE: Just received an official response from EA Sports. Confirmed: No Madden NFL 15 demo.

UPDATE #2: (Polygon received a more detailed response)

Update: While EA initially declined to comment on the reasons for the lack of a Madden 15 demo, an EA representative reached out to Polygon after the publication of this story with the following statement to provide some additional context: "The difficult decision not to do a demo for Madden was strictly a result of the team's commitment to deliver the highest-quality game possible. We chose to put 100 percent of our development resources toward the full game."

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 Khanchus @ 08/11/14 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by ImmovableObject
I haven't bought a Madden game since 2009, but I have played the demos every year to see if EA MIGHT have finally taken the game in a new direction.

The game has not evolved over the past several years, so I don't really need a demo to confirm that this trend will continue.

But, with a demo, at least there was always some HOPE.

Now, I'll just wait for reviews, which have not been favorable in recent years.

This move seems to be consistent with Madden's downward trend though.
i dont get it....

if you havent played madden in a couple of years how would you know if there is or isnt any progress being made in madden...

to go by videos, streams and word of mouth sometimes doesnt cut it IMO, ok yeah i get you may of hated certain gameplay like bad AI calling or broken systems and thats what you maybe waiting on for change i get that also

... ppl said transformers 3 was amazing and some said it was trash...how do i feel? i fell asleep during the movie and thought it was a 5/10.

i personally seen a major jump in madden over the past 2 yrs and this yr seems to have made the biggest step of them all (just speculation from the info provided)

point is you shouldnt let some ppl judgements influence yours.... you need to go out and make your own... granted that you may have been right a few times out of the past yrs not buying madden because it doesnt meet your standards...i consider my self having moderate standards for madden but cant stay away because i love football, stats, and franchise mode (cfm)...

I understand money maybe tight for some, so thats the only way i think you can justify not purchasing madden this yr IMO but hey some of you are right talking about voting with your wallet and not buying the game.....i buy the game every yr so i do a poor job in trying to get EA to put a better effort into the game
but my efforts and the ones who dont buy the game seem to be in vain because they making strides into the right direction and i dont think its because of slowing game sales....
# 102 charter04 @ 08/11/14 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Mets1986
Yeah EA's dead. I'll probably buy NHL 15 but that's about it (and thats only if the so called "changes" don't make the game worse as EA has a track record of doing). That company can screw up a simple cup a coffee.

It's a shame because back in the hey day when you saw that Logo, you knew you were getting quality. Today i think they're about to the point of laughable. Again it pains me to say it but that games done.

Lol. I'm not sure if this is a joke or not. I hope it is. If not I'm not sure even how to respond.
# 103 kingkilla56 @ 08/11/14 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Mets1986
Yeah EA's dead. I'll probably buy NHL 15 but that's about it (and thats only if the so called "changes" don't make the game worse as EA has a track record of doing). That company can screw up a simple cup a coffee.

It's a shame because back in the hey day when you saw that Logo, you knew you were getting quality. Today i think they're about to the point of laughable. Again it pains me to say it but that games done.
All this because they're not releasing a demo?

Anyway, I think this news is all to do about nothing. Just a bunch of selfish users who want a quick fix before they overdose on release day.
# 104 Mechcaniq @ 08/11/14 02:56 PM
I'm not surprised or disappointed. After that NCAA Football was shelved, I bought it off the Playstation Network for $29.00. an I play it just about everyday. A lot of people to this day are still playing online (also Madden's 13 & 25) so I'll still get my football fix on.

Only question I have...will it (Madden 15) be available for purchase from the Playstation Network for the PS3?
# 105 kjcheezhead @ 08/11/14 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
If it's any help, 15 will be better than 25 it's showing like, and 25 was actually a halfway decent game on PS4. Did it have it's flaws and legacy issues? Unfortunately, yeah, but not near as many as you'd think. And it played well (save for those few issues). It was a solid entry. Buy 15 used, good idea; but it's a decent game.
I've heard this from several people. I didn't like any ps3 version of the game tho save madden 10 somewhat. In videos, the game looks like it plays the same. The demo would've been useful to me to decide for myself, but I'll still get a chance. Just not until after release.
# 106 drog1602 @ 08/11/14 03:07 PM
Terrible decision, EA is walking on thin ice with this. Personally I will not buy this game without a demo. The "EA ACCESS" is nothing more than a cash grab and smells of a greedy company that does not care about the customer. I will not support this movement.

CYA Madden!
# 107 noshun @ 08/11/14 03:08 PM
They had to figure out a way to move units in both xb1s and madden. this is 1 aspect and a cunning way to grab an extra $5 off everyone in the process. Being that I've never bought a Madden game ever, I always did try the demo.
# 108 greenegt @ 08/11/14 03:13 PM
Disappointed that I won't be able to play tomorrow, but I'll live. Two weeks to go.
# 109 labelmeoriginal @ 08/11/14 03:17 PM
So many self-entitled gamers here. Demos don't benefit developers. They never have. Just because we aren't getting a demo this year, a lot of you guys are trying so hard to read in between the lines and cause drama. No demo means no buy for you? Yeah, sure, I believe you...

Have many of you LOOKED into EA Access? It's merely a subscription offering full versions of older EA games AND access to select games 5 days early (on top of offering 10% off digital copies of new games). You don't HAVE to pay for the subscription, but it's an option to those who are interested. Also, it's $2.50 a month if you sign up for a yearly subscription.
# 110 jyoung @ 08/11/14 03:25 PM
The difference between Madden and those other games is that Madden has released a demo every year since Madden 06. People have become trained to expect one.

Add in factors like the launch of EA Access, plus the fact that next-gen UFC and NBA Live games already got (and are still getting) demos, and it's easy to understand Madden fans' disappointment.
# 111 Pixx4Sixx @ 08/11/14 03:25 PM
Yeah, I'm not sure what all the fuss is about and the dogging on EA Access/EA. EA Access was not solely released for Madden 15. We get older titles for $5.00/mo or the yearly price, on top of that we get early access to new releases.

For the price, I'd say it's a steal and they can certainly take my money.
# 112 monegames @ 08/11/14 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
No, I don't.

Creating a demo is effort separate from and extraneous to the final product. I know this from first-hand experience. Not producing a demo for a game like Madden which promotes itself strikes me as mostly a cost-cutting measure which in no way affects the quality of the final product.

pretty sure they created a demo for both E3 and gamescom right? pretty sure either of those would have passed for a pre release demo. no reason for them to not release a demo, except to put it(early access instead of demo) behind a paywall like EA Access.
# 113 jyoung @ 08/11/14 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by labelmeoriginal
So many self-entitled gamers here. Demos don't benefit developers. They never have.
They might not benefit an annualized game like like Madden, where people already know what they're getting every year, but demos are definitely a huge interest driver for new or unfamiliar franchises, and for games that aren't using a yearly release cycle.

That is why Microsoft required every XBLA and XBLIG title on the Xbox 360 to include a trial version.

For a game like Madden that has been coming out every year for more than 25 years, a demo definitely doesn't make as much sense, and probably isn't worth the extra effort to produce.
# 114 SageInfinite @ 08/11/14 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
TBH, if you ask me, things have been going downhill since M06. 09 was a good effort, and 10 was ok, but it started around M06 if you ask me. (The same time they acquired the license, hey look at that).
Opposite for me. I thought Madden 09 was trash and 10 was the first one I really enjoyed last gen. Hopefully they keep improving this generation at a more rapid pace. Disaapointed with no demo, but there will be more than enough evidence to support a buy or no buy in the next couple of weeks.
# 115 Hooe @ 08/11/14 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by monegames
pretty sure they created a demo for both E3 and gamescom right? pretty sure either of those would have passed for a pre release demo. no reason for them to not release a demo, except to put it(early access instead of demo) behind a paywall like EA Access.
Building a tightly controlled demo for a trade show is fundamentally different from building a demo for public consumption. Again drawing from my own experience: at the most basic level, there's no first-party approval process to get the demo app onto the PS Store / XBOX Live Marketplace / whatever digital distribution platforms EA wants to deploy to. On a more detailed level, temporary code can be authored to put a short-term solution into the game to mask a bigger problem, where that temporary code is enough to make the game work and not crash but not a viable long-term solution to the problem.
# 116 Sheba2011 @ 08/11/14 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by jyoung
They might not benefit an annualized game like like Madden, where people already know what they're getting every year, but demos are definitely a huge interest driver for new or unfamiliar franchises, and for games that aren't using a yearly release cycle.

That is why Microsoft required every XBLA and XBLIG title on the Xbox 360 to include a trial version.

For a game like Madden that has been coming out every year for more than 25 years, a demo definitely doesn't make as much sense, and probably isn't worth the extra effort to produce.
There have been some games I bought specifically cause I enjoyed the demo. It can be a big boost for lesser known games/companies. But for Madden CFM is the most important thing to me and a demo is next to useless for that.
# 117 Sheba2011 @ 08/11/14 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Building a tightly controlled demo for a trade show is fundamentally different from building a demo for public consumption. Again drawing from my own experience: at the most basic level, there's no first-party approval process to get the demo app onto the PS Store / XBOX Live Marketplace / whatever digital distribution platforms EA wants to deploy to. On a more detailed level, temporarily code can be authored to put a short-term solution into the game to mask a bigger problem, where that temporary code is enough to make the game work and not crash but not a viable long-term solution to the problem.
This really has nothing to do with Demo's but out of curiosity did you design games in the past or do some work on that level? Seems like you have a good technical knowledge of how it all works.
# 118 Hooe @ 08/11/14 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Sheba2011
This really has nothing to do with Demo's but out of curiosity did you design games in the past or do some work on that level? Seems like you have a good technical knowledge of how it all works.
I don't want to derail the thread too much, so I'll answer in brief - I'm a professional software developer for an independent video game studio in Richmond VA. If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me.
# 119 leathrneck34 @ 08/11/14 03:59 PM
While I don't need a demo to help me decide if I am going to purchase Madden every year, it is something I look forward too. Especially when they are changing things like the presentation, and the player models. Plus it personally gives me something to play until it releases instead of playing 25.

I want to get a feel for the gameplay and see how I feel about the new additions to the game this year. Plus without a new Ncaa game this year I was kinda looking forward to playing Madden demo a couple weeks early.

And since Sony decided we PS4 owners didn't need to " Bow to the MAN" and pay EA to play games early. We kinda get the crap end of the stick unless we want to go out and fork over 400 or more to Microsoft, just to try out Madden 15 before release like other's have the opportunity to do.
# 120 canes21 @ 08/11/14 04:00 PM
No demo almost means no purchase for me. I'll stick with The Show. I might read impressions a month after release when everyone is more liable to tell the truth unlike the first coupe weeks. I definitely am not planning on buying it now. If a demo had been released and was enjoyable, EA would've gained a sale potentially.

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