Madden NFL 15 News Post

Looking at the list of upcoming demos for the week (via PlayStation.Blog), it doesn't appear as though we will see a Madden NFL 15 demo this week and odds are we won't see one next week either.

Things could change, but it doesn't look like we get a Madden demo this year. It could have something to do with EA Access, but that is an Xbox One exclusive. Who really knows, but it certainly doesn't look promising.

We have sent a note to EA Sports and if we get an official response we will update this post.

UPDATE: Just received an official response from EA Sports. Confirmed: No Madden NFL 15 demo.

UPDATE #2: (Polygon received a more detailed response)

Update: While EA initially declined to comment on the reasons for the lack of a Madden 15 demo, an EA representative reached out to Polygon after the publication of this story with the following statement to provide some additional context: "The difficult decision not to do a demo for Madden was strictly a result of the team's commitment to deliver the highest-quality game possible. We chose to put 100 percent of our development resources toward the full game."

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 aTTckr @ 08/13/14 04:57 AM
So since every other EA Sports title will have a demo, no Madden demo means that EA themselves must think that this year's Madden is not very good.
# 222 JMD @ 08/13/14 06:35 AM
This doesn't bother me at all. Every time I've have played a Maden demo it has always been an earlier build of the game, was always stripped down , and never played the way the final release day product played. No demo , no biggie.
# 223 Skyboxer @ 08/13/14 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by aTTckr
So since every other EA Sports title will have a demo, no Madden demo means that EA themselves must think that this year's Madden is not very good.
Yeah that's it...

Jeesh where do these people come from..?
# 224 Rubio809 @ 08/13/14 08:04 AM
It's very simple:

No Demo=No Cabbage/Moola/Scratch

# 225 dayo480 @ 08/13/14 08:41 AM
I am extremly disappointed that there won't be a demo.. But from what I have read about what EA has said why there will be no demo it seems fair. "We put 100% of our resources into the final build." They (EA) have been extremely shady in the past, mostly all last gen, so I most definatly have STRONG doubts about them. But the biggest thing now is how quickly they patch whatever glitches/bugs pop up (and they will). I am also curious when EA will allow the reviews to be released, August 22nd? Or will they have a hold until the game is released like with M25? Well with my PS4 I have no choice but to sit back and wait until release day.
# 226 countryboy @ 08/13/14 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by aTTckr
So since every other EA Sports title will have a demo, no Madden demo means that EA themselves must think that this year's Madden is not very good.
I fail to see how not releasing a demo equates to company not having faith in their own product.

Plenty of games don't have demos but turn out to be pretty darn good. And on the other side of the coin, there are demos for games and the game turns out to be pretty bad.
# 227 rkwittem @ 08/13/14 09:08 AM
"highest quality game" better come with some ridiculously good AI. I don't care about window dressing
# 228 Kashanova @ 08/13/14 09:11 AM
yeah, I think I'm skipping Madden this year. I'm done with EA, perhaps I'll rent it, but no way I'm dropping the cash unless I play the game first.
# 229 charter04 @ 08/13/14 09:11 AM
This is just getting silly with some of you. It's a demo! It's not like we haven't seen much gameplay. EA has shown us more gameplay than ever. It's got nothing to do with how they feel about the game. If they didn't feel good about the game why show so much live gameplay?

Did it ever dawn on anyone that it might just be the short DEV cycle? Why waist time on a crappy demo when you have less time than usual?

I would have liked a demo too but, goodness. It's Madden silly season that's for sure. I think I'm just going to avoid these kind of threads for a while. Lol
# 230 Gorilla Glass @ 08/13/14 09:26 AM
Guys don't give up. There will be plenty of feedback from the community.

If that's not good enough, there is an option to play it next week, via the EA Access service.

It's a pretty sweet deal too.
# 231 TexasFan2005 @ 08/13/14 09:41 AM
I know guys are eager to play the game itself, whether it'd be the demo or retail, but if a person has doubts, there will be plenty of streams and youtube vids showcasing every aspect of the game. For example, there will be people broadcasting only CFM, online head to head, MUT, etc.

There will be plenty to see really soon even if you don't buy the game.

In my situation, I still have Season Ticket on ps3 so I'll play that as much as possible, and if it warrants an upgrade for my ps4, then so be it.
# 232 Pixx4Sixx @ 08/13/14 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by charter04
This is just getting silly with some of you. It's a demo! It's not like we haven't seen much gameplay. EA has shown us more gameplay than ever. It's got nothing to do with how they feel about the game. If they didn't feel good about the game why show so much live gameplay?

Did it ever dawn on anyone that it might just be the short DEV cycle? Why waist time on a crappy demo when you have less time than usual?

I would have liked a demo too but, goodness. It's Madden silly season that's for sure. I think I'm just going to avoid these kind of threads for a while. Lol
This is spot on. With the dev team having a shorter cycle this year and then putting 100% of their efforts into the full game, I call it a win. Why waste valuable development time or resources on a demo that gets played massively for a week and then hears crickets for the next year..?

If ya'll are skipping this years Madden based off of no demo, or not being able to play before you buy... then shout at one of your friends, go play the game and make your judgment then, or hell, just hop on twitch or read some reviews. Not buying a game based off no demo or not being able to play before you buy seems a bit harsh to me.
# 233 Pixx4Sixx @ 08/13/14 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by TexasFan2005
I know guys are eager to play the game itself, whether it'd be the demo or retail, but if a person has doubts, there will be plenty of streams and youtube vids showcasing every aspect of the game. For example, there will be people broadcasting only CFM, online head to head, MUT, etc.

There will be plenty to see really soon even if you don't buy the game.

In my situation, I still have Season Ticket on ps3 so I'll play that as much as possible, and if it warrants an upgrade for my ps4, then so be it.
Be careful. I wouldn't compare last gen to next gen by any means.
# 234 adub88 @ 08/13/14 10:23 AM
I couldn't resist
# 235 Brandwin @ 08/13/14 10:26 AM
I wanted a demo just like everyone else, but I think it's silly if you are skipping Madden 15 because there is no demo. Madden demos were usually not close to being final build, so you never got a great representation of what was fixed by release date. Why don't you just rent the game when it releases, you get to try the full game instead of an alpha build demo and then you can make an educated buying decision.
# 236 charter04 @ 08/13/14 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by adub88
I couldn't resist

They also had a full DEV cycle. This is the first next gen NHL game.

Just saying
# 237 adub88 @ 08/13/14 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by charter04
They also had a full DEV cycle. This is the first next gen NHL game.

Just saying
I know. I'm just trying to get some humor going around here. It's not that serious, at the end of the day, it's just a video game. We all get that itch this time of year and want to play it ASAP. I was VERY disappointed with the game last year but like what I see. I plan to pick it up either way.
# 238 Sheba2011 @ 08/13/14 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Pixx4Sixx
This is spot on. With the dev team having a shorter cycle this year and then putting 100% of their efforts into the full game, I call it a win. Why waste valuable development time or resources on a demo that gets played massively for a week and then hears crickets for the next year..?

If ya'll are skipping this years Madden based off of no demo, or not being able to play before you buy... then shout at one of your friends, go play the game and make your judgment then, or hell, just hop on twitch or read some reviews. Not buying a game based off no demo or not being able to play before you buy seems a bit harsh to me.
Some of these people (not calling out anyone specifically) are the usual "EA is the Devil" crowd you get this time of year on all sites like this. Take some of these comments with a grain of salt.
# 239 roadman @ 08/13/14 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
That sounds a lot like a PR statement. If they aren't going to do a demo, this is exactly what I would expect them to say.
No doubt, we should know it's a PR statement for it takes time, man hours and resources to produce a demo that is a few months old at release time.
# 240 aholbert32 @ 08/13/14 12:17 PM
Alright...lets lock this up as this thread has run its course. The game hits X1 in less than a week so we will have plenty more to talk about.

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