Fight Night Champion News Post

The second Title Update for Fight Night Champion has been released and is currently available for download on both PlayStation 3 and XBOX 360.

In case you missed it earlier, details for Title Update #2 can be found here.

Game: Fight Night ChampionReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
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# 241 Punjabi_Souljah @ 07/16/11 05:46 PM
I wish there was a 90 second setting for round length right now, as the rounds wouldn't feel too short, and whilst the AI would still lose stamina, it would be a lot more realistic than it is now.

I would seriously have considered going through each fighter and lowering their punch frequencies by half in a bid to get a realistic AI output, but when the stamina still drains considerably, it just seems pointless.

Even moving about the ring tryimg to stay on the outisd seems to really take a hit on the stamina, making it hard to use a Wlad or Lewis and box an inside fighter effectively for all 12 rounds.
# 242 Punjabi_Souljah @ 07/16/11 05:57 PM
I think as you've mentioned, the bing problem is the zombie walking. It seems that once they get to 60% and below, they're there for the taking. If the low stamina just meant they would throw less, movement was a bit impaired and it is harder for them to recharge their bar, I don't think It'd be that bad.

When I play offline, I just want a realistic but challenging fight, but the stamina doesn't allow either to happen. If you really wanted to, you could just run up to the AI, and block for 4-5 rounds without throwing a punch, then finish them off in the 6th once they've reached exhaustion.
# 243 evilc08 @ 07/16/11 06:44 PM
I understand the problem with 2 minute rounds and editing each boxer, but it's worth it. Look back for what phillyfan23 suggested. Instead of lowering each punch tendency to 50%, he took the original number and reduced it to 33%. Just have to estimate/eyeball it. After doing a few you get the formula down easy. Only issue is the slow load/save times for each boxer.

Then try messing around with the counter/agressive sliders and a few others. I had 12 round fights(I only use heavyweights atm) and stamina above 65% for the CPU. Of course I still get fights where they get below 60% by the 8th sometimes. The punches per round range from 30-60 at most depending on the fighter.

Also for sliders I have:
Punch output at 0
Power at 7 now(still trying to get a good setting on this)
Accuracy at 0

Can't recall everything else. The main issues I have the game now are CAB cuts/swelling issue. I guess we are stuck with that. Though does anyone recall if they would take damage anyway with the pre-patch/tuner, out of the box version?

Other then that, even when the CPU does keep it's stamina, I can still throw more and not lose as much. Which is weird because the CPU will almost always throw a higher connect rate, yet lose more stamina on less punches thrown.

It's not perfect but I will go with it for now. I think it's better then the game was originally. You lose things either way, but I will settle on this version. Won't run out and buy the next Fight Night though. In fact I am done with EA except for maybe the NHL series(FIFA is good I think, but don't play that). Sooner or later they will fall into the same issues and mess that up too.
# 244 kingsofthevalley @ 07/17/11 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Punjabi_Souljah
I wish there was a 90 second setting for round length right now, as the rounds wouldn't feel too short, and whilst the AI would still lose stamina, it would be a lot more realistic than it is now.

I would seriously have considered going through each fighter and lowering their punch frequencies by half in a bid to get a realistic AI output, but when the stamina still drains considerably, it just seems pointless.

Even moving about the ring tryimg to stay on the outisd seems to really take a hit on the stamina, making it hard to use a Wlad or Lewis and box an inside fighter effectively for all 12 rounds.
Thats the biggest flaw in my opinion. It seems that now you're forced to fight inside even if you're not an inside fighter. I cant STAND that **** man. I'm feeling like I have to stand in the box and suck up/try to block all the spammed body punches. If I try and move back its like more of my stamina is drained than standing there and taking all those body shots lol. **** is horrendous.
# 245 kingsofthevalley @ 07/17/11 10:19 PM
I just tried online again. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment. Guys were using Cotto this go around. Coming forward and pressing me (as they should in my opinion) BUT I couldn't back up and use my jab effectively because I kept getting exhausted.

These guys were just pressing forward throwing all kinds of punches (3 to 5 in a row) but I was the one getting tired for trying to stick and move( 1 to 2 punches at most in a row)? Riiiight. I just might be done with online.

I dont usually get pissed at games but I was getting very steamed. Might be time to get rid of this game. Is EAs MMA any better?

I'm actually a fan of the series and really dont play online too much but the offline is kinda jacked up also with the CPU gassing itself out too much. Damn it would be great if the japanese dev team produced a current Hajime no ipp game.
# 246 brrmikey @ 07/19/11 09:33 AM
By editing cuts/swelling ratings WAY down, and with the right sliders, I'm semi-enjoying this game again. Quick question though...I despise having to spend money for DLC, so I've been downloading other users' created fighters...I edit cuts/swelling on a 1-15 scale (thanks for the idea whoever that was) but still don't see damage to the created boxers...do they not get damaged like the licensed boxers? Thanks.
edit: PS3 version
# 247 DaveDQ @ 07/19/11 11:58 AM
I had the absolute worst experience last night that unfortunately may have sealed it for me in terms of online play with this game. My opponent immediately got in my face and just stood there, blocking. I would step away and be able to land a jab, but doing anything else would result in blocked punches, so I was extremely cautious. I kept my output very low, but it was so ridiculous that the two of us would just stand there. I immediately realized what he was doing. In round two he threw 4 punches and landed two to my 24 punches that landed 18 times. He won that round. This was his scheme and it worked. Later in the fight he started to throw more punches and I won those rounds but it was too late. It was like we were glued together and if I tried to move back too much i'd lose stamina.

It was all I could do to not just quit or send him a hate message. I was furious that something like this could be done and the devs not even be aware of it. while I can still enjoy the game, I have always told myself that when it's not fun anymore it's time to move on. I'm about at that point. What's sad is the legacy mode is freezing and it was hardly touched, making me walk away from the game far earlier than I did with Round 4.
# 248 Vast @ 07/19/11 06:15 PM
How did he win a round by throwing only 4 punches??
# 249 DaveDQ @ 07/20/11 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Vast
How did he win a round by throwing only 4 punches??
I don't know. They were uppercuts. But I landed more punches and some to the body. Not sure if it went to percentages or what. But it's not like my percentages were terrible.
# 250 ajns @ 07/20/11 08:48 PM
There was Brit who made a you tube video of this exact thing except he showed it offline with him fighting the computer. He literally landed 10 punches in 12 rounds and won the fight. Judging glitches. I think it got posted here or at EAs site.
# 251 BQ32 @ 07/21/11 12:56 PM
They have trashed the game once again. It actually might not be that bad If they did not force everyone to fight rockem sockem style. The judging it the most atrocious thing ever seen in a sports game. I lost a round 10-8 in which there were no stuns or kds and I landed 4x as many punches at a connect percentage over 60 while his was under 30 lmao, only 6 of my punches were body shots. They key is if you move backwards for more then a round or 2 the game automatically acts as if your exploiting and will give your opponent a 2 point round no matter what. I mean how ludicrous. So now everyone uses fighters such as Duran and keeps pushing forward. Obviously if your using a boxer as I like to use Gamboa I am not going to sit there and trade with Duran so I have to move backwards. Problem is no matter how badley I beat him on the punch stats it will still give him the roud. Just absurd. The devs are so dumb it is disgusting. As if the changes to stamina from moving and increased speed coming forward were not enough they penalize you for trying to create distance as well. Makes me want to puke.
# 252 jethrotull @ 07/23/11 01:49 PM
Does deleting the patch and DLC (Boxers) make the game playable offline? IF so how do I do it, for the PS3 version?
# 253 threattonature @ 07/23/11 08:29 PM
I'm loving the way this game plays online now. Makes fighters conserve energy and not come out throwing all wreckless. I'm winning different fights with different strategies. Blocking overly active opponents shots and then cornering them and going to work on them. If someone's not throwing many punches I keep them on the end of my jab or 1-1-2 combos with a decent mix of body punches.
# 254 AleBon21 @ 08/03/11 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by atomant94
That's why i still play FNR4 .

This game is broken now from all the patches and tuner sets
In FNR4 is there Damage to Boxers , Swelling blood and etc ,

FNC is very broken , offline and online , online is the worst as All
You get is body spammers , Scoring is Broken Badly , No more Authentic Brutality so no more TKO

Would love to buy FNR4 see how it is , How are the GFX.

# 255 Cycloniac @ 08/04/11 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by AleBon21
In FNR4 is there Damage to Boxers , Swelling blood and etc ,

FNC is very broken , offline and online , online is the worst as All
You get is body spammers , Scoring is Broken Badly , No more Authentic Brutality so no more TKO

Would love to buy FNR4 see how it is , How are the GFX.

Actually, having downloaded this title update (not sure about the tuners) and tweaked some rosters and used my sliders, I just won as Oscar De La Hoya over Manny Pacquiao offline via 5th round TKO. Pac man's eye was swolen shut and he was bruised.
# 256 Aesop5upreme @ 08/06/11 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by jethrotull
Does deleting the patch and DLC (Boxers) make the game playable offline? IF so how do I do it, for the PS3 version?

Yes indeed just delete everything...and go with no online....and always cancel update.Still has one punch ko's,swelling etc...Only game I know that the patches have made the game worse.
# 257 Motown @ 08/06/11 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by Aesop5upreme
Yes indeed just delete everything...and go with no online....and always cancel update.Still has one punch ko's,swelling etc...Only game I know that the patches have made the game worse.
Framerate is horrendous pre-patches. better off editing damage.
# 258 Cycloniac @ 08/06/11 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Motown
Framerate is horrendous pre-patches. better off editing damage.
Editing sweeling and cuts atributes on the boxers worked just fine for me. Only downside is the CABs in legacy mode aren't editable and the CABs still have that 99 cut and swelling glitch.
# 259 Mozark @ 08/07/11 06:19 PM
# 260 Cycloniac @ 08/07/11 06:25 PM
Pettition signed.

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