MLB 2K11 News Post

The MLB 2K11 patch has been released for the Xbox 360 and PC. 2K Sports has not yet posted the patch notes for this release, but we will be sure to update this news post when we get them.

In the meantime, post impressions about what the patch seems to have changed or not changed.


UPDATE: Patch notes have been added to story


- Batters will no longer hit unrealistic, soft liners
  • More grounders instead of soft liners
  • Improved hit distribution

- How hard CPU AI batters hit the ball is more closely matched to their power ratings than it was before
  • More home runs by power hitting CPU AI players
  • Not as many HRs by weak hitting CPU AI players

- Improved CPU AI batter logic for taking pitches
  • Will not chase as many poorly thrown balls
  • Will take advantage of more poorly thrown strikes

- The 2K10 base running camera has been added as an option

- The pitch type “Splitter” is now considered a breaking ball rather than a “Fastball” when displayed in the pitch tells/batter’s eye while batting

- In-game sub screen off the directional pad will now show the batter’s pitch count when a pitcher is up to bat


- All-star caliber and elite starting pitchers will not get subbed out of the game after giving up some early runs early in the game
  • Sub logic has been re-tuned to allow team’s aces to stay on the mound longer during rough, early innings

- Middle relievers do not stay in the game as long unless their performance warrants more innings
  • Poorly rated relief pitchers also have a much quicker “hook” to be taken out of the game

- In-game sub screen off the directional pad will show all relievers available pitch count range when pitcher is on the mound (including pitcher who is on the mound)

- In-game sub screen off the directional pad will now show the batter’s pitch count when a pitcher is up to bat

- The pitch type “Splitter” is now considered a breaking ball rather than a “Fastball” when displayed in the pitch tells/batter’s eye while batting


- Fixed bug where robbing a HR counted as both an out and a HR

- Fixed bug where fielder clipped/penetrated through wall to catch HR

- Catches and gathers by both AI and User teams will not take as long to break out of
  • Throwing to a base or to the cut-off man is much more responsive now

- Fielders and catchers will not rotate or spin in place when setting up for a pop fly

- Fixed bug where CPU AI outfielders would hold the ball instead of throwing when users tag up
  • CPU AI outfielders attempt to gun out user base runners whenever there is a chance at a close play

- CPU AI fielders now make relay throws whenever possible

- Smoother looking catches
  • Fielders no longer stutter or pop when waiting underneath a fly ball

- Running throws will not trigger from standing catches
  • Smoother looking, more appropriate throw selection when a standing catch triggers

- Fielders will no longer play “give-up” animations in slow motion

- Bugs involving the correct number of errors have been addressed
  • Previously, multiple errors were recorded when runners advanced an extra base on a throwing error
  • Previously, a play would be incorrectly ruled a base hit instead of a throwing error when the 1st baseman was pulled off the bag by a poor throw on a play that should have resulted in an out

- Fixed bug where 3rd baseman would not attempt to tag a baserunner who was sliding in on a steal attempt after a strikeout

- Fixed ball warping on catches by the catcher

- Catcher behaves appropriately when home runs are hit and when line drives are hit
  • No longer stands and sits, nor does he face the wrong way

- CPU AI fielders will no longer chase down foul balls that are going to land several rows into the crowd

- There are no longer issues or bugs preventing you from assigning and playing with a left-handed 2B, SS, or Catcher

Base Running

- CPU AI base runners will behave more realistically
  • They will attempt to score from 2nd more often
  • They will go from first to 3rd more often
  • They will attempt doubles more often with 2 outs
  • CPU AI and user base runners will always run home from 3rd with 2 outs
  • CPU AI will send base runner home from 3rd on grounders with 0-1 outs
  • Base runners no longer leave the base path when returning to a base
  • Base runners can no longer overlap each other if the man on first retreats after the batter has already decided to go to 2nd
  • Baserunners retreat to their base quicker on line drive outs
  • Fast, aggressive base runners will behave accordingly
  • Creates more gun outs and more plays at the plate as well
  • Baserunners decelerate slightly when rounding bases
  • Rather than maintaining sprint speed

- The 2K10 base running camera has been added as an option

- Base runners no longer run in place nor in slow motion when retreating to a base after a pitch lands in the dirt

- Fixed bug where the player replacing an injured base runner would not appear in-game

- Fixed bug where pinch runner for injured player appears at the plate rather than on base

- Fixed pinch runner bug where inserting a pinch runner would put him on 1st instead of 2nd or 3rd

My Player/Franchise

- Fixed My Player crashes

- Fixed crashes involving departed players screen in Franchise

- Fixed franchise mode crashes that occur on the schedule screen when simulating games

- Addressed issue with pitcher fatigue in franchise mode
  • After a user game was played in-game, the pitchers who played would have their stamina reset to 99 the following day

- Both simulated injuries and in-game injuries occur with less frequency in all modes
  • Also, there won’t be as many players on the DL at the same time

- Assigning all free agents in franchise mode will no longer crash the game during the transition to the regular season

- Fixed crash when user trades 6 pitchers for 6 injured pitchers in franchise mode

- Fixed crashes involving edited players in a draft in franchise mode

- Improved logic for Comeback Player of the Year award
  • No longer will rookies who were called up in the middle of the season win comeback player of the year the following season

- Fixed PC bug in which headlines in franchise mode would not display the names of created players
  • Used to say “#######” instead of player name (now fixed)

- All team and individual records have been updated and/or corrected

- Addressed My Player mentor audio and text bugs

- My Player pitchers receive full amount of points awarded even when they do not pitch a complete game

- My Player pitchers no longer receive points twice for getting a win in a game

- ALCS, NLCS, and World series are now in the correct 2-3-2 format rather than 2-2-1-1-1


- In the 2nd patch of MLB2K11, we wanted to do more than just address bugs. We've added new technology to create a batting experience online that is lag free. The responsiveness and twitch feels just like that of an offline game, regardless of varying connection speeds. Waiting patiently on an incoming pitch and determining whether it is a ball or a strike before swinging is now a part of the online battle at the plate. We are excited to roll this out as a part of the patch.

- Fixed online divergences

- Living Roster: The division and league standing show the current 2011 standings now rather than last yr’s 2010 standings

- Living Roster: Stats pages (player stats and league leaders) are now up to date for the 2011 season

- Living Roster: Fixed bug where incorrect players from multiple teams would appear in many different games when viewing the box score menu after the user resets rosters


- Fixed framerate issues during gameplay
  • Foul balls, balls hit into play, fielding fly balls

- Fixed in-game freezes and crashes
  • Presentation related crashes (team logos, graphics, etc)
  • Gameplay crash has been fixed on foul balls
  • Gameplay crash has been fixed when 2 players converge on same foul ball/popfly
  • Fixed injury related crashes in-game
  • Fixed in-game crashes associated with viewing defensive alignment

- Fixed crash involving changing all pitches in edit player to a fastball and then changing pitch 1 again

- Fixed all bugs which caused either 2 pitchers or 2 batters to appear simultaneously in-game
  • Injury-related

- Player of the game logic has been improved
  • Will no longer give the award to a member of the losing team

- Added an option to turn on “auto-fielding” for the user team
  • When this is turned on, all the user will have to do is handle the pitching when their team is in the field.

- Re-tuned sliders on the tougher difficulties so that realistic stats are achieved both in the field and at the plate

- Base runner speed slider now defaults to 40 instead of 50
  • Frequency of extra base hits are now more realistic

- Added an option to turn on “auto baserunning” for the user team
  • When this is turned on, all the user will have to do is perform the at bats when their team is up to the plate.

- In-game pause summary now shows the pitch count (PC) as yellow and then red when the pitcher is suffering from fatigue.

- Fixed bugs that were preventing custom sounds, music, and playlists from working properly

- Addressed PC button functionality bugs

- Fixed audio bug for umpire on walks
  • Sometimes the ump would say, “3-1” after ball 4 was thrown

- Correct hats are now worn by the Red Sox when they are wearing their alternate home and road uniforms

Game: Major League Baseball 2K11Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K11 Videos
Member Comments
# 201 jeffy777 @ 05/21/11 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by BlackBetty15
Can anyone with the new patch confirm what the 2k10 baserunning cam is? I am hoping it has something to do with when the user puts the ball into play its like it used to be and not the "new" camera 2k did where it kind stays with the batter. (default cam)
Yep, it's in and it's just like it used to be in 2K10
# 202 BlackBetty15 @ 05/21/11 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Yep, it's in and it's just like it used to be in 2K10
Thanks man...that is amazing at least for me as I despise the "new" hitting cam. I like seeing the CPU amke plays in the OF. Now if sony could only get thier ********ness under control and get our patch out this game will be played a ton.
# 203 Yankees3333 @ 05/21/11 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by DontHateOnNumber2
I'm playing a Franchise game and in the Game Stats summary, nothing shows up. I hit a home run, double, and stole a base with various players and instead of the season total in parentheses its just zero.
i am playing franchise mode and when my players come to the plate they have avg and hr from 2010 antone else have this glitch, pisses me off 2k couldnt make a clean game if they had a ten million dollar budget i hope another company makes a great baseball game next year kicks there ***!!
# 204 jeffy777 @ 05/21/11 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by Yankees3333
i am playing franchise mode and when my players come to the plate they have avg and hr from 2010 antone else have this glitch, pisses me off 2k couldnt make a clean game if they had a ten million dollar budget i hope another company makes a great baseball game next year kicks there ***!!
It does that for the first few weeks of the season (just like in real life) because the season has barely started and the batting averages are from such a small sample size. It's not a bug or glitch, lol.
# 205 Maccy46 @ 05/22/11 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by ambizytl
Home runs seem to be easier to hit, contact and power at 50. CPU batters seem pretty much the same to me, maybe a tad smarter.
This is something that is bothering me, Played a game before that got ridiculously out of hand. Playing the Yankees in my Rays franchise and by the fourth dig the score was 11-9 my way, i had 4 HR's to this point and the cpu had 9. The next 5 digs the game was shutdown and i walked away with a 13-9 run win. Finished with 13 runs 5 HR's on 21 hits and the Yankees finished with 9 runs of 9 hits all of them HR's.

I get that teams light it up some days but to get 9 HR's so easily is absurd.

Other than that im fairly happy with the patch.
# 206 DStars15 @ 05/22/11 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Maccy46
This is something that is bothering me, Played a game before that got ridiculously out of hand. Playing the Yankees in my Rays franchise and by the fourth dig the score was 11-9 my way, i had 4 HR's to this point and the cpu had 9. The next 5 digs the game was shutdown and i walked away with a 13-9 run win. Finished with 13 runs 5 HR's on 21 hits and the Yankees finished with 9 runs of 9 hits all of them HR's.

I get that teams light it up some days but to get 9 HR's so easily is absurd.

Other than that im fairly happy with the patch.
9 solo shots? You gotta work on the pitching man...
# 207 Maccy46 @ 05/22/11 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by DStars15
9 solo shots? You gotta work on the pitching man...
I know lol. Half those shots were from pitches off the plate, i'd throw one outside and it still wold get pulled for a bomb.
# 208 rudyjuly2 @ 05/22/11 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by ambizytl
You would think outside and they go opposite field...amazing CPU batters...
I'm of the belief that they made the hitting system too restrictive this year (although not as bad as MVP 05). A pitch over the outer half shouldn't be a problem to pull for a HR but this game makes it very hard to do.

A guy like Jose Bautista hit ONE HR out of 54 to the opposite field in 2010. All 33 HRs at home were to left field (see image below). Under 2K's engine we should just nibble at the outside of the plate and force him to hit all his HRs the opposite way but that's not real baseball. Why don't real pitchers just pitch him outside and force Jose to hit them to the opposite field? Because he can pull outside pitches for HRs. So they still pitch him inside and outside and know he can pull almost any pitch for a HR. I know it's tough to get push and pull power tendencies correct but 2K took a backwards step in this area imo.

# 209 BlackBetty15 @ 05/22/11 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Maccy46
This is something that is bothering me, Played a game before that got ridiculously out of hand. Playing the Yankees in my Rays franchise and by the fourth dig the score was 11-9 my way, i had 4 HR's to this point and the cpu had 9. The next 5 digs the game was shutdown and i walked away with a 13-9 run win. Finished with 13 runs 5 HR's on 21 hits and the Yankees finished with 9 runs of 9 hits all of them HR's.

I get that teams light it up some days but to get 9 HR's so easily is absurd.

Other than that im fairly happy with the patch.
Last friday night, arrieta and the O's gave up 6 HR's to the nationals whom arent really known for power. So 9 really isnt that far fetched. CPU just had your number that day. Now if this happens every day then something need to be adjusted.
# 210 stcardinal @ 05/22/11 09:47 PM
From the weeks (pre and post patch) that I've been playing this game I've only given up one HR and that was a cutter down-away to A.Gonzo.

With the new patch I've been hitting HRs more frequently though. It happens with the same players too.
# 211 SynShadowzz @ 05/22/11 10:36 PM
I have to say, 80% of my (or the CPU's) HR's are opposite field shots. I don't see many pulled HR's...
# 212 cardswin2006 @ 05/23/11 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by SynShadowzz
I have to say, 80% of my (or the CPU's) HR's are opposite field shots. I don't see many pulled HR's...
Mine are pretty evenly distributed. If you pitch away all the time, the homers are going to opposite field. If you pitch inside they will get pulled.

If all of the homers are going to the opposite field, I think that's more reflective of your pitching approach than anything else.
# 213 jasonw2 @ 05/23/11 09:54 AM
I'm having the opposite problem now. I've played like 5 games in a row where neither team has hit a HR. It's rare to even get a hard hit ball anymore. Just singles mostly.
# 214 cardswin2006 @ 05/23/11 09:57 AM
As for the people saying they have been hitting more HRs, for me it's too early to tell. I've played 4 games since the patch, and in only one of them did I hit a HR. I happened to hit 4 (4 different players), but haven't hit any in my other games.

Still scoring a lot of runs though. I love that in this game you don't have to hit HRs to score like the last 2 or 3 versions of the MLB 2K franchise. It always felt HR heavy in years past, but this year I think they have a great mix.

Last night I scored 12 runs on 19 hits without hitting a single HR. At the same time, the game before that I scored 4 runs on 7 hits, so it's not always an offensive explosion every night.
# 215 jasonw2 @ 05/23/11 10:09 AM
Could they have done something with the last roster update? I was hitting HR's just fine until about 3-4 days ago.
# 216 jasonw2 @ 05/23/11 11:05 AM
They definitely did something with the new roster update. I downloaded and played with the previous one, 5/13 i think was the date, and the difference is huge. The ball was jumping off the bat, and i gave up a HR in the 3rd inning-after going the last 5 or so games with out giving up a single HR.
# 217 cardswin2006 @ 05/23/11 11:59 AM
BTW, I had the game freeze on me last night for the first time in over a month.

It was at the "let's check out the league leaders in _____ graphic" in the 6th inning. I tapped A and boom. Frozen.

I blamed it on my wife who had just walked into the room
# 218 rudyjuly2 @ 05/23/11 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by cardswin2006
Mine are pretty evenly distributed. If you pitch away all the time, the homers are going to opposite field. If you pitch inside they will get pulled.
But that's not real baseball. The vast majority of HRs hit are pulled by players in real life. The only guys that show significant opposite field power are guys that hit 30+ HRs and even guys like Bautista still pull most of their HRs. Go ahead and pull the hit charts up on MLB.com for any player and track how many home runs are hit to the opposite field. It's rare for the average baseball player.
# 219 jeffy777 @ 05/23/11 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
But that's not real baseball. The vast majority of HRs hit are pulled by players in real life. The only guys that show significant opposite field power are guys that hit 30+ HRs and even guys like Bautista still pull most of their HRs. Go ahead and pull the hit charts up on MLB.com for any player and track how many home runs are hit to the opposite field. It's rare for the average baseball player.
True, but the majority of pulled HR's in real life are from pitches that were middle of the plate or on the inner half. It's much harder to pull an outside pitch. 2K did a pretty good job of reflecting that in this game, though it's not perfect because guys that have a ton of power can pull outer-third of the plate stuff, but even so, I'm guessing the majority of Bautista's homers weren't on pitches on the outer-third.

Regardless, this is something that is kind of hard to perfect in a baseball game, and I think the system in 2K11 is pretty good especially since it provides such nice hit variety in general. If this is one of the biggest gripes, then clearly we have a pretty darn good game on our hands.
# 220 cardswin2006 @ 05/23/11 03:59 PM


A couple of years ago everyone complained about how it didn't matter where you threw the ball, players were pulling HRs on the outside of the plate and hitting ones to the opposite field on the inside of the plate.

I think they have it very close to correct, now.

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